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Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria - Business - Nairaland

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Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by micronut(m): 1:56am On Sep 29, 2020
Rental Business as a "Side Hustle"

Around early 2018, there was this sudden urge by kids in my area to enjoy riding bicycle.. And it was evident to all that this is a new virus that most of them were catching.

Everywhere was filled with kids begging one another for a ride. A boy had gotten one from his parent as a gift and he started riding about the street, which caught the attention of many.

And surprisingly, some others started buying and those who couldn't afford one, were paying their friends to enjoy one.

A sister to one of the boys told me one day that she was shocked when she heard that her little brother of barely 9yrs makes N500 daily sometimes for renting out his bicycle to friends at N50 for 30mins..

The sister may be reading this too... Lol

I also had similar childhood experience.

While I was small, there is this one thing that interests me about going home to our family compound to celebrate Sallah with my grandparents, and it is the joy of renting bicycles behind Ooni Palace from Mosalasi Araromi to Igbodo area of Ife.

Once Ileya festival is knocking like this, nothing makes me feel happy unnecessarily than the joy of going to family house to join my cousins to visit the street bicycle renters to enjoy a ride and we will spend our last card (money) until the pocket becomes empty.

Till today, some of the old men renting out those bicycles to us then are still in business. There is a man called Akpana around Oja tuntun market, Ile-Ife. I wonder how he has managed to remain on ground after over 20yrs.

I passed through his shop sometimes ago and I still saw bicycles there, as he now repairs and sell parts along. - This shows one can live on rents and can move to something else.

In fact it is a cool money, and it has become an age long tradition.

Just like bicycles, cars, motorcycles, equipments, gadgets, party items, appliances, houses, lands, clothes, etc - renting out any of these can fetch anyone daily money just like the little boy that started bicycle business renting in my area.

And it costs almost no experience and at minimal risk to go into many of these services.

In this copy book, that I wrote last year, I have taken time to explore and explain 8 types of Rental businesses you can try or combine with what you're doing already, why people will always rent and why renting will always pay.

The little information here might just be all you need to tie your money down in renting.

Get yours now!

Just N1000

Give away as free readers!

Buy by clicking this WhatsApp link

©Omo Elu!

Re: Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by micronut(m): 2:00am On Sep 29, 2020
It's a big value for a penny. The 30pages book is sure an eye opener on different areas you can invest your money into and will be enjoying your rental service that will be giving you cool money for years.

Don't miss this!

Chat me up on WhatsApp +2347063789912 if you need a copy. It will be sent to your WhatsApp line or email under 10mins. Just chat me up and drop your message.

I love forward to hearing from you.

Re: Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by IamCookie(f): 2:02am On Sep 29, 2020
Perceived little things putting food on a smart persons' table since the beginning of creation. Thanks for the info

1 Like

Re: Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by micronut(m): 2:06am On Sep 29, 2020
Perceived little things putting food on a smart persons' table since the beginning of creation. Thanks for the info

That's it ma! There are things we have that we can utilize.

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Re: Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by micronut(m): 2:10am On Sep 29, 2020
Check out some of my articles on Nairaland to see my past insightful articles that have added value to Nairaland business sections and have made it to the front page.



Order for a copy of this Copy book and I can assure you of a good value for you money.

Just N500!

Send a message to me on WhatsApp on the number above. Or Click this WhatsApp link directly


Re: Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by micronut(m): 7:33am On Sep 29, 2020
Thanks for your patronage guys! Sure you will learn one or two things newly.
Re: Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by micronut(m): 10:01am On Oct 09, 2020
Good morning guys.. Thanks for your patronage for those that have bought this.

Information is power and wealth.

So many information we need are lying in books.

#The business of Renting out items and how you can join.

People now rent wedding gown than buying, ask the CEO of ABC Bridal, Akure.

Nollywood movie makers rent most of the clothes they use, ask my brother the CEOmania Alaso Òkè. He has provided Aṣọ Òkè for some of your Netflix movies.

People rent gen for events, rent spaces to use and we all rent house to live.

Have you ever considered a rent business as a side hustle

Well in this short write-up of 30pages in book format, I wrote and archived this as part of innovative businesses you can try, and I xrayed, how we can buy items and rent it out.

In this, I discussed the development of rent business globally and why people now consider renting than buying. I also discussed why you may not go wrong with rentals, and talked about 6 forms of things you can rent out.

And I will explain few briefly.

- Canopy and Chairs for Party Renting - My father has been into this since 2002, it gives us a side money as a family. When Dad is not at home, we rent out chairs and return it to store, and pocket the money. Lol. My brother is a culprit here, but it is small way to make money in your neighborhood. I explained better in the write up.

- Vehicles rental: There are ways you can turn your car to give you side money especially when you're broke or just lost jobs, instead of selling at ridiculous prices because you are desperate to start again. One can even buy a vehicle for rents as there a business areas that make use of renting vehicles for their businesses. You can fill this role.

- Photography Rents: Do you know that many photographers rent good cameras at start? I remember CEO of BTR Osogbo lenses once talked about how he used to rent cameras before he bought his own and become what he is today. Buying cameras for renting is a side business that you can do.

- Book Renting : Like cassettes of those days, books are now everywhere with an increasing numbers of self published authors. There are different tons of books from different fields and diverse backgrounds that people can learn and read from.

Many times even when you want to buy, the books are often far away, so many try to talk to friends that had gotten one to borrow and this is a growing business now.

In your city or on campus, you can set up a book renting business with little cost. Some books in some people shelf have only been read once since they bought them and they may not likely read again as there are new more books begging for attention. So, most likely you buy and read once or twice and that's all.

I have put in here every key thing you need to start a small profitable book renting business in Nigeria, especially as a youth in your area or on campus.

These are Idea I give out freely before but no more. Lol. It's a PDF file.

I will sell this cheaply to anyone interested at N1000. I can't collect less than N5,000 for personal consultation on this, but this is token from me on businesses people do that you can also try.

Just send me a message on whatapp on 07063789912 or click this� https:///swxwue if you need one.

Chat me up now... I can guide you more.

I'm on business section to help a lot of people with opportunities and insights.
Re: Learn How You Can Turn "Rental Business" To A "Side Hustle "In Nigeria by micronut(m): 10:14am On Oct 09, 2020
Thanks guys for the link up.

Information is power.

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