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4 Levels Of Premature Ejaculation - How To Determine Yours - Health - Nairaland

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4 Levels Of Premature Ejaculation - How To Determine Yours by markbor: 9:29am On Nov 20, 2020
Level 1.
Very common among teenagers, this level is characterized by poor masturbation habits during adolescence and preadolescence. Masturbating quickly, out of fear of being caught by someone, defeats the purpose of the ejaculatory reflex, replacing it with the need or the habit of quickly reaching orgasm. This Level is the one that is most easily and quickly solved. By following the appropriate treatment the patient can fully recover within a few days

Level 2.
In general, it affects young adults and, in some cases, teenagers. This Level of PE is caused by stress, anxiety, or emotional tension. Work-related or personal problems, including a demanding routine at school, may trigger Level 2 PE without any warning. Similarly to Level 1 PE this can also be easily treated when diagnosed in time.

Level 3.
This Level of PE is mainly caused due to development from an untreated or poorly treated Level 2 PE. Rarely, it also spontaneously affects young adults under stress. The cause of this problem is a permanent unbalance between the serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, which excessively increases the impulse that triggers the ejaculatory reflex. This degree of PE must be immediately treated since there is a risk it may progress into a sexual disorder*, which is immensely more complex

Level 4.
This is the most severe PE Level, because it turns into a disorder and there are only a few online treatment alternatives that will help solve the problem. This case usually requires the direct help of a professional.
It is time that sex became satisfying for you. It is time that you could actually stay longer in your bedroom to get exactly what you desire and need from getting close with the woman that you love the most without having to depend on drugs or pills.

When men get older the muscles surrounding the prostate (pc muscles) became less ecstatic and more difficult to control. Since these muscles are responsible for controlling ejaculation and erection, they must be strengthened to restore them to perfection.

To do this you must learn to strengthened the PC muscle for sexual endurance that will help you stop your PE and get hard erections, , You Only need to spend just 15 minutes a day on 3 simple activities. You'll regain full control over your erection, the level of arousal and the timing of your ejaculation. To learn how to do this, simply visit == > www.mypecure..com

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