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Making Money Can Be Made Easier by OgunniyiFolusho(m): 11:15am On Nov 26, 2020 |
*The Billion Dollar Industry You Should Be Paying Attention To Right Now If You Want To Blow Up, Make More Money And Have Freedom.* No matter the kind of activity you carry out over the internet, be it you speak to encourage people to get result or share a valuable knowledge around what you love doing, ensure you have something to always sell to people. When you make people move from point A to B, they are also willing to move from B to C. This means that when someone meets you today and you make their life better, they'd be willing to have you help them live their best life. When you care for people, they'd be willing to invest something in you whether its their attention, love, time or money. It's a law of the universe, you can't break one actually can! Now, one of the easiest thing to package and sell to people who are willing to invest their money in you is called "information product". I wish I knew and understood the methodology of information products while I was still in university. Despite my field of study being information science, I never realise fully how information was a valuable product that can be sold to people in exchange for money. Though, my lecturers made us see it as a valuable asset since it has attributes like helping people save time, survive danger and boost productivity. But what they didn't know was that it was a billion dollar industry. That is, its not just as cheap as what people think but very lucrative when you know the in and out—It's a highly profitable business that can give one fortune, fame and freedom. Someone might be reading this post just now like their life depends on it, and that's simply because we solely appreciate information as valuable asset. But can this thing called information make us harness the power of wealth? Honestly, on a daily basis people do a Google search to find help on certain issues concerning their lives and businesses. You can just be the next 'Google' someone out there needs. Do you know that daily, small business owners spent millions of dollars on digital (or information) products? What if you were part of the people who help small business owners grow their business? That's it! But first thing first, what do you have to sell? Of course, for you to unlock this money-code, you've got to sit down and articulate all that is you have which can be exchange for money. You have these things already. And that is your knowledge, skill, experience and expertise. It can also be someone else's too. So what do you have that can be monetized? Now begin to articulate them on paper. Write out all the things you can do in this life. If you can cook well, write it down. If you can speak well, write it down. Just write anything that comes to your head. Whether it sound naughty or not. Write as many as you can. Make sure that after you've complete the listing of what you can do in this life, draw a line that separates "luxury ability" from "necessary ability". Luxuries are the things people can do without while necessities are the things people can't do without. This will help you filter the abilities that aren't relevant to you when it comes to monetizing what you have. Now that you are done, its time you to start paying attention to necessary abilities. This is where your money is. As much as developing these abilities are germane, sometimes you don't necessarily need to be too perfect in it. Never say I don't know enough, never say I don't have enough experience, never say I'm not an expert. These are the hindrances. If you can tackle it, you'd find confidence to sell yourself no matter what. Never under grade your abilities. "Use what you have for what you have is plenty." – John Obidi That same quote made me tackle those hindrances. I just hope they'll help you too. In my upcoming mastery program "The Commerce Of Knowledge", I will expose you more to the information marketing business; you will learn a lot about why people buy stuff online, how to structure what you know so you make money consistently and why you should pay close attention to important factors before you launch a product around what you know or have expertise on. The 2k Registration is ongoing... You won't get it again for this price. Hurry now... Send me a DM https:///2348142740029 Deadline is December, 1st. 2020. See you at the top. |
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