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Daily Contributions App - Programming - Nairaland

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Daily Contributions App / Daily Contributions App / Daily Contributions Card Design (2) (3) (4)

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Daily Contributions App by 1saed: 12:21pm On Jan 01, 2021
As this year, 2021 begins on a slow pace, lots of businesses are looking to technology for magical solutions to the myriad challenges facing their daily operations. Albeit difficult, some are much more easier killing to take the risk of paying huge sums in securing this solution to enhance their business.

Daily contribution companies are not left out. And as their daily transactions grow in volume, so is their desire for a quick fix, with respect to record keeping , SMS alerts and periodic reports.

As at today, 1/1/21, I can recommend one of such solutions. Asides easy to use and a smooth interface, the app truly provides a very basic solution to the problems faced by thrift collection businesses in Africa.

This app produces

1. Daily reports for each merchants and cashiers
2. Weekly reports
3. Monthly reports

4. Sms alerts to customers who make a contribution

5. OTP for additional security

And it can give direct access to customers who want to

Here is a link


If you have anything to discuss about this solution, reach us



Re: Daily Contributions App by 1saed: 7:49am On Mar 29, 2021
As this year, 2021 begins on a slow pace, lots of businesses are looking to technology for magical solutions to the myriad challenges facing their daily operations. Albeit difficult, some are much more easier killing to take the risk of paying huge sums in securing this solution to enhance their business.

Daily contribution companies are not left out. And as their daily transactions grow in volume, so is their desire for a quick fix, with respect to record keeping , SMS alerts and periodic reports.

As at today, 1/1/21, I can recommend one of such solutions. Asides easy to use and a smooth interface, the app truly provides a very basic solution to the problems faced by thrift collection businesses in Africa.

This app produces

1. Daily reports for each merchants and cashiers
2. Weekly reports
3. Monthly reports

4. Sms alerts to customers who make a contribution

5. OTP for additional security

And it can give direct access to customers who want to

Here is a link


If you have anything to discuss about this solution, reach us




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