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How To Increase Your Ability To Influence People by VirtueDigest: 9:36am On Mar 29, 2021 |
For you to influence people, you have to frame your words in terms that will motivate them. Influence is the ability to affect the character, development or behaviour of someone, and it requires you to develop a strong emotional connection with yourself and others. George Hallenback says, “Without the capacity to influence others, your ability to make what you envision a reality remains elusive because after all, no one can do it alone.” Therefore, to master the art of influencing others, you need to tap into the emotions that drive people’s actions. Instead of commanding people, you need to inspire, persuade, and encourage them. Influence can be related to leadership because behind every great leader is an army of followers acting in support of their mission and cause. So, here are the five basic ways to increase your ability to influence people. Respect other people’s opinion Respecting people’s opinion signifies that their voice has been heard, and for you to achieve this, you really do not have to argue with them. According to Dale Carnegie, “It is impossible to win an argument. If we lose the argument, we lose; if we win the argument, we have made the other person feel inferior, hurt his pride, and made him resent us. In other words, we still lose.” Admit that you are wrong You need to learn and understand the art of admitting your mistake. This enables the other person to trust you. With this, it grows the relationship in which you have created. Read more: 1 Like |
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