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⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity - Religion - Nairaland

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⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 7:18am On Jun 23, 2021
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is like that for us. When a person receives his gift of forgiveness, condemnation for all sin just rolls right off — past, present, and future! It has nothing to do with the material of the person who is coated by Jesus’ forgiveness, but has everything to do with the perfection of what they are coated with — the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Let handle this first before I look at the other once

I want to breakdown Ezekiel 18:24. This is a verse that few people have used to belittle God's ultimate power

, saying it proves that God does not forgive future sins and there is no forever saved principle even if when we place our faith in Christ,
that God only forgives past sins. They contended that this verse clearly shows how a believer in Christ could lose their salvation if they turn away from righteousness toward wickedness. Let’s look into it.

Here’s the verse in question.

“But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked [man] does, shall he live? All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die.” (Ezekiel 18:24 NKJV)

The assertion is that this verse proves that if a saved believer in Christ turns to a lifestyle of sin and wickedness, acting no differently than the unsaved, then that person’s prior righteousness will not be remembered. He will die in his sins and suffer eternal punishment in hell. This then proves that when we place our faith in Christ, only the sins that we’ve committed up to that point are forgiven. Future sins could still send us to hell if we turn from following Christ and live a lifestyle of wickedness.

Well, this assertion is actually fairly easy to disprove.

First, Ezekiel 18:24 says absolutely nothing about eternal judgment. It is talking about physical death, that if those who were once righteous turn to wickedness, then they will not live out their full lives but will die before their time. There is no language whatsoever in this verse to indicate that such a person is being eternally judged. The verse just says they will die.

This becomes abundantly clear when we look at the Hebrew text. The Hebrew word for “die” in this verse is the word “muwth.” It means, “to die (as penalty), be put to death,” “to die prematurely (by neglect of wise moral conduct).” This verse is speaking about physical death, not about the eternal judgment of that person.

Second, if you think this verse also means that the person will be eternally condemned, then you have a problem, because you would have to apply that same standard to verse 21, which would contradict clear teaching on salvation. Verse 21 is very similar and says this:

“But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die.” (Ezekiel 18:21 NKJV)

So if you say that the righteous person who turned to wickedness was eternally judged and sent to hell, then you also have to say this wicked person who turned to righteousness will be eternally saved. But is that the case

How is a person saved, by faith or by obeying the Law? We are saved by faith in Christ alone, not by obeying the Law or our own works of righteousness.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV)

Yet Ezekiel 18:21 says all who obey the Law will live. If this verse is talking about eternal salvation, then it teaches that the way to be saved is to obey the law. That directly contradicts what Paul said to the Ephesians, what Jesus said in John 3, and a whole host of other verses about faith in Christ being the means of salvation.

Therefore, Ezekiel 18:21 cannot be referring to eternal salvation, just as verse 24 is not talking about eternal condemnation. The message of both verses in Ezekiel 18 is the same and it is the plain reading of the text:

If you want to live out your full life as a blessing from God and not be put to physical death early, then pursue righteousness and not wickedness.

So neither of these verses in Ezekiel 18 are talking about eternal judgment. They’re talking about physical death.

Does this then mean that a saved believer who turns to unrepentant wickedness will still be saved?

YES, 100%! But note knowing this principles won't lead the saved man to live in sin because Jesus actually has taken care of sin for sin shall not have dominion over you

Back to this principle
Does this then mean that a saved believer who turns to unrepentant wickedness will still be saved?

YES, 100%!

And we have proof of that in Scripture.
In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul speaks of a saved believer who was engaging in wickedness, having an ongoing sexual relationship with his mother-in-law, and was totally unrepentant. What was Paul’s response? He judged the person and decided:

“To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, THAT THE SPIRIT MAY BE SAVED in the day of the Lord Jesus.” (1 Corinthians 5:5 KJV)

This unrepentant believer would die early, before his time, just as Ezekiel 18 says will happen to those who turn to wickedness, but he would still be saved. How could that be when he was unrepentant? Because salvation is based on our faith in Christ alone and the moment we place our faith in Christ, all sins (past, present and future) are forgiven. We are eternally saved.

Our salvation is a free gift from God. It does not depend on our own works of repentance from sin. Repenting from sin could not save you to begin with and it cannot keep you saved. The only thing that saves is faith in Christ. That is why Christ is referred to as a stumbling block. People stumble over Him because they think that they have to do something to earn their salvation. “I promise, God, I will repent of all sins and never sin again.” Good luck with that. No!

Since Christ is the Perfect Sacrifice, when we place our faith in Him, ALL SINS (past, present and future) are immediately wiped from our record. I can’t say it enough: Salvation is not based on our behavior but on faith in Christ.

Salvation is not earned. It is a free gift. Therefore, even the most unrighteous, unrepentant person, the thief on the cross for example, will still be saved solely because he has faith in Christ. That is why the message of the cross is called, “The Gospel.” The word “gospel” means “good news.” The good news is that no matter what you’ve done or how badly you’ve messed up your life, God is willing to forgive you and grant you eternal life. All you have to do is believe that God sent His Son, Jesus, to die in your place, to pay your debt of sin for you.

In Colossians 2, Paul said that when we place our faith in Christ, all sins are forgiven, not just the past sins up to that point. Our record before God is wiped clean.

“And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:13-14 ESV)

The moment you place your faith in Christ, believing that His death on the cross was for you, that He took the punishment you deserve because of your debt of sin to God and that His blood paid for your sins, that very moment, all sins are forgiven, forever. That is why the writer of Hebrews says that Christ sat down at the right hand of the Father, because He offered the perfect sacrifice and no more sacrifice was needed.

To further prove that all sins are forgiven when we place our faith in Christ (past, present and future sins), Paul goes on to say that when we believe in Jesus, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, GUARANTEEING our salvation. Paul says it three times:

“In Him (Jesus) you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, Who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory.” (Ephesians 1:13-14 ESV)

“And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30 KJV)

How can we grieve the Holy Spirit? By sinning. But notice here that even when we sin, we remain sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption.

“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, GUARANTEEING what is to come.” (2 Corinthians 1:21-22 NIV)

Notice here that it is God Who keeps us in this faith and secures us, not our own repentance or obedience. This same thought is echoed in the book of Jude.

“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present [you] faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, [be] glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” (Jude 1:24-25 KJV)

If it is God Who makes us stand firm in Christ and it is God Who keeps us from falling, then you cannot lose your salvation. It’s not up to you to repent of sins day after day to keep yourself saved. All your sins were nailed to the cross. After we’re saved, repenting of sins daily is definitely something we should do, but that has nothing to do with salvation, only maintaining our fellowship with God.

For all those who think that you still need to repent of sins daily to keep your salvation, let me ask you: Have you repented of ALL sins? No, you haven’t. None of us have. There are sins we are not even aware of or have forgotten about, that only a Perfect God can see. But thanks be to God, because Christ offered the Perfect Sacrifice, sealed us with His Perfect Holy Spirit, and keeps us secure by His power until the day of salvation.

So, bottom line, Ezekiel 18 has nothing to do with someone losing salvation. As believers, we still face the consequence of sin in this life, including possibly losing our lives early due to sin. But for those who trust in Christ, eternal judgment of sin was dealt with completely at the cross. Jesus put it this way:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” (John 5:24 KJV)

God is not waiting until the end of our lives to determine if we’re saved. Eternal salvation, everlasting life, starts the moment you believe in Jesus.

If you are still unsure of this, I’ve done two other videos that might help: One on the sureness of our salvation

God would welcome you into heaven, I urge you to make your commitment to Jesus secure right now. This world is crumbling apart, which is a sign that Jesus is coming very, very soon. Don’t put this off any longer.

Here’s a prayer for salvation that you can pray. But keep in mind that a prayer does not save you. You are saved only when you place your trust in Jesus alone, believing in your heart that He died to pay your debt of sin to God and that He rose from the dead to show you the eternal life that He offers. This prayer, then, is just a way of formalizing that decision, putting a stake in the ground, saying that you are trusting in Him and never going back. If that’s what you would like to do, please pray with me:

“Lord, I have sinned and I need you to save me. I believe that Your Son Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sins and that He rose from the dead to show us the new eternal life You have for us. I believe solely in Jesus to save me, that He paid my debt of sin 100%. Please forgive my sins and save me now, Lord, according to your promises. In Jesus Name.”

After this it now up to God to decide to save you because it not of works least any man should boast

God decides according to his own purpose and plans

You can not be saved unless God Himself draws you towards himself

Glory amen

God knows the end from the beginning. He knows before the foundation of the world the choices that every man and woman will make with regard to their salvation. God knew Your choice and He knew mine before we were even born.. and we, who at some point in our life have chosen to accept His gift of salvation, were elected as God's children - before the foundation of the world.

God has given every man and woman volition to choose their eternal destiny - either faith in Christ as Saviour OR rejection of the One Who died for their sins and rose to give life to all who would believe in His name.

God knows those who through their free-will choice will trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for salvation, during their life-time on earth.. and it is because God is omniscient that He knows ahead of time the choices each one of us will make.

God elects everyone who by faith.. choose to trust in Christ for salvation. And the astonishing thing is that this election was made before the foundation of the world. Our election was established on what each one of us would choose to do with God's free gift of salvation.. which is by grace through faith in Christ.

And those that God in His foresight knew would one day choose to trust in Christ as Saviour are also the “called' by God. We, whom God knew would accept His free gift of salvation became 'called' .. the very moment we first believe on the only begotten Son of God. And yet we were elected before the foundation of the world because God is omniscient, and knows the free-will choice we will one day make.

Our election and calling are fused together as one unit. Our election and calling cannot take pace without the other. Our election and calling are inseparably woven together and founded on the truth of God's word.. that whosoever believes on the only begotten Son of God will be saved - and salvation includes our election before the foundation of the world and our calling - at the moment of our personal salvation.

John 5:24
24 “I tell you the truth. Whoever hears what I say and believes in the One who sent me has eternal life. He will not be judged guilty. He has already left death and has entered into life.

John 6:37-39
37 The Father gives me the people who are mine. Every one of them will come to me, and I will always accept them. 38 I came down from heaven to do what God wants me to do. I did not come to do what I want to do. 39 I must not lose even one of those that God has given me, but I must raise them up on the last day. This is what the One who sent me wants me to do.

John 10:27-29
27 My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never die. And no person can steal them out of my hand. 29 My Father gave my sheep to me. He is greater than all, and no person can steal my sheep out of my Father’s hand.

Romans 8:1
Life in the Spirit
8 So now, those who are in Christ Jesus are not judged[a] guilty.

judged Some Greek copies continue, “guilty, those who do not live in the power of their sinful selves, but in the power of the Spirit.”

ninth chapter of Romans also shows the elective purposes of God.

There, God’s electing powers is clearly displayed in reference to His saving love for Jacob

God chose Jacob over Esau, not on the basis of anything Jacob or Esau had done, but according to His own free and uninfluenced sovereign purpose. To those who might protest, “That is unfair!” Paul simply asks, “Who are you, O man, to answer back to God?” (Roman's 9:20).

Many more Scripture passages could be added to this survey. Yet as straightforward as the Word of God is, people continually have difficulty accepting the doctrine of election.

The reason, again, is that they allow their preconceived notions of how God should act

(based on a human definition of fairness) to override the truth of His sovereignty as laid out in the Scriptures.

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Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Kingsnairaland(m): 7:24am On Jun 23, 2021
ninth chapter of Romans also shows the elective purposes of God.

There, God’s electing powers is clearly displayed in reference to His saving love for Jacob

God chose Jacob over Esau, not on the basis of anything Jacob or Esau had done, but according to His own free and uninfluenced sovereign purpose. To those who might protest, “That is unfair!” Paul simply asks, “Who are you, O man, to answer back to God?” (Roman's 9:20).

Many more Scripture passages could be added to this survey. Yet as straightforward as the Word of God is, people continually have difficulty accepting the doctrine of election.

The reason, again, is that they allow their preconceived notions of how God should act

(based on a human definition of fairness) to override the truth of His sovereignty as laid out in the Scriptures.

I have encountered many who think good works will lead them to heaven

Or their Righteousness' is what God needs to elect them or to save them

It quite hard to believe simple things God states

God is God because he already knows those that are his

It hard to believe that

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Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 7:27am On Jun 23, 2021

I have encountered many who think good works will lead them to heaven

Or their Righteousness' is what God needs to elect them or to save them

It quite hard to believe simple things God states

God is God because he already knows those that are his

It hard to believe that

Yes some think God does not know where we will end up

They think making heaven is by doing good and obeying the laws of God only
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Nancy2020(f): 10:20am On Aug 07, 2021

Yes some think God does not know where we will end up

They think making heaven is by doing good and obeying the laws of God only
so how do we become a part of the elect
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Nancy2020(f): 2:28pm On Aug 19, 2021
Can prayers Make me a part of the elect
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Betscoreodds: 8:32am On Aug 26, 2021
Can prayers Make me a part of the elect
seek and you will find so yes it can.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Nancy2020(f): 8:43am On Aug 29, 2021
seek and you will find so yes it can.
is God going to find you or are you the one to find him.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Betscoreodds: 2:07pm On Aug 29, 2021
is God going to find you or are you the one to find him.
both can happen at the same time.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 7:18am On Sep 29, 2021
both can happen at the same time.

Read all romans nine to see how God used that as an example to show predestination

Romans 9

9 God’s promise to Abraham was this: “At the right time I will return, and Sarah will have a son.”[e] 10 And that is not all. Rebekah also had sons. And those sons had the same father, our father Isaac. 11-12 But before the two boys were born, God told Rebekah, “The older will serve the younger.”[f] This was before the boys had done anything good or bad. God said this before they were born so that the one chosen would be chosen because of God’s own plan. He was chosen because he was the one God wanted to call, not because of anything he did. 13 As the Scripture says, “I loved Jacob, but I hated Esau.”[g]

14 So what should we say about this? Is God unfair? In no way. 15 God said to Moses, “I will show kindness to anyone I want to show kindness. I will show mercy to anyone I want to show mercy.”[h] 16 So God will choose the one he decides to show mercy to. And his choice does not depend on what people want or try to do. 17 The Scripture says to the king of Egypt: “I made you king so I might show my power in you. In this way my name will be talked about in all the earth.”[i] 18 So God shows mercy where he wants to show mercy. And he makes stubborn the people he wants to make stubborn.

19 So one of you will ask me: “If God controls the things we do, then why does he blame us for our sins? Who can fight his will?” 20 Do not ask that. You are only human. And human beings have no right to question God. An object cannot tell the person who made it, “Why did you make me like this?” 21 The man who makes a jar can make anything he wants to make. He can use the same clay to make different things. He can make one thing for special use and another thing for daily use.

22 It is the same way with what God has done. God wanted to show his anger and to let people see his power. But God patiently stayed with those people he was angry with—people who were ready to be destroyed. 23 God waited with patience so that he could make known his rich glory. He wanted to give that glory to the people who receive his mercy. He has prepared these people to have his glory, and 24 we are those people whom God called. He called us from the Jews and from the non-Jews.

Next God equally said

Isaiah 46

Remember this, and do not forget it!
Think about these things, you who turn against God.
9 Remember what happened long ago.
Remember that I am God. There is no other God.
I am God. There is no one like me.
10 From the beginning I told you what would happen in the end.
A long time ago I told you things that have not yet happened.
When I plan something, it happens.
I do the things I want to do.

I know people who have pride won't want to accept this truth many scriptures show predestination principles I will show them to you one by one if need be

You said bible said work out your own salvation yes

But you need to locate the scripture that trumps that part and explains that part which is

John 15:5

New King James Version
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

New American Standard Bible
I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

What is God saying here that without me that your YOU YOU YOU
That you think can work out your salvation will not work abide in me means trust me look at me stay in me not in your head or in your self

This place now speaks about

Romans 8:29 ►
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

New Living Translation
For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

Those who hate predestination principles
Are those who hate God choice
They hate the fact that it is only God who makes the choice of those who will live and those who will die

They actually don't think that God can chose the right thing because they think it should be an election thing where everyone decides who makes it

Am sorry God choice is the perfect choice and what ever God does is right what ever way God does it is perfect and we are humble enough to acknowledge he is indeed God
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 7:18am On Sep 29, 2021
Now you talked about sin

The sin part Jesus has taken care of it
Once the holy spirit comes into your heart Bible said that is when sin shall no longer have dominion over you

God's holy spirit kills the desire for sin so those who are born again that you see doing sin are actually a work in progress for God God is still doing something inside them that why Bible calls them baby Christian

As God works in them they will grow and stop acting like babies who shit any where they are so there are levels of faith and we that have come to maturity we don't hit them to hard rather we bring them to the knowledge of Christ

Reading the Bible or listening to the word of God helps babies to grow and renews their mindset which takes time it is a process which God does miraculously so that also is the work of God

Everything in life is actually God work for we did not create ourselves even your own life does not belong to you it actually given to you
Note we did not even do anything wrong yet Adam sin was given to us all
We all are born into sin nothing you have that you did not receive
That why Jesus died to set us free from this things we received that did not favor us
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 7:18am On Sep 29, 2021

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Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 7:25am On Sep 29, 2021

To call God a “dictator” requires us to dictate God's behavior (to require God to behave just as we prefer).

When any of us complains that God expects certain behaviors from us, aren’t we simultaneously expecting Him to behave in a certain way?
The truth is that you want to be the one who will decide your own fate and you don't want God to be the one to decide it for you you actually want to be your own God

This is exactly what eve actually thought and look at where we all are you don't want to acknowledge that your own decision leads to death even when you chose the right things is still for a selfish reason

There seems to be something in the human heart that resists the notion of rules and limitations, however. We are rebellious creatures who treasure our freedom to act as we desire. The existence of a God who sets laws and boundaries can be “off-putting.”

You must come to the level of thinking that Jesus himself came to which is

God do with me whatever you will
God if you decide to burn me then burn me
God if you decide to save me then save me
God if you decide to nail me to the cross then nail me
God I actually yield myself to you I give you my all my life my will take it and do as you will

When you get to this level then you have total put everything in God hands

Then watch what he will do for you

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Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 11:22am On Sep 29, 2021
You must acknowledge God is God
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 2:56pm On Sep 29, 2021
We must acknowledge that God does not make mistakes
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 5:09pm On Sep 29, 2021
Can prayers Make me a part of the elect


Only by By Obeying The Law.

It is after all The Same Law that will Judge you.

And what is The Law going to Judge Upon?

Answer! The Law!

But Liars who are no where near The Court and Judge are telling you that you would be "saved".

They do not even have a Court nor have they ever been appointed Judge, yet they tell you that "you would be saved".

Whereas The Law has clearly said it shall Condemn All who Disobey and Break it.

Well we were warned that Liars and blasphemers would come.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 5:13pm On Sep 29, 2021

Yes some think God does not know where we will end up

They think making heaven is by doing good and obeying the laws of God only

It is The Law Who Shall Judge us, thus, wherewith shall the Law Judge?

Shall The Law not Judge by its Law?
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Nancy2020(f): 5:15pm On Sep 29, 2021
. .
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Nancy2020(f): 5:16pm On Sep 29, 2021


Only by By Obeying The Law.

It is after all The Same Law that will Judge you.

And what is The Law going to Judge Upon?

Answer! The Law!

But Liars who are no where near The Court and Judge are telling you that you would be "saved".

They do not even have a Court nor have they ever been appointed Judge, yet they tell you that "you would be saved".

Whereas The Law has clearly said it shall Condemn All who Disobey and Break it.

Well we were warned that Liars and blasphemers would come.
So I can obey God laws with only my power and I don't need God power to obey God laws.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 5:19pm On Sep 29, 2021

It is The Law Who Shall Judge us, thus, wherewith shall the Law Judge?

Shall The Law not Judge by its Law?

I have put many scriptures to show God determines who is saved so you are stating what have no qualities you can't obey God laws with your strength it not possible if it was possible then there was no reason for Jesus to actually come and die

Am not saying you should not obey God laws but that is not what takes you to heaven the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus is what takes you to heaven and it is a free gift from God
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 5:32pm On Sep 29, 2021
So I can obey God laws with only my power and I don't need God power to obey God laws.

Now you are the one who introduced "Power"and not i.

And what did The Law Say about Power?

Law 1= You shall Love and Serve the LORD thy God with ALL thine heart, and with ALL thy soul, and WITH ALL THY MIGHT"

After "ALL OUR ALLS" God promised to help us. BUT THIS HELP ONLY COMES AFTER OUR "ALL".

The Law never said "I will help you then you will keep The Law".

It said Exodus 19:5
"If ye will obey my Voice Indeed and Keep my Covenant, "THEN", ye shall...

The word is "Then"!

And then always means something happened earlier.

And what happened earlier?

We were commanded to Obey First!
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 5:45pm On Sep 29, 2021
I have put many scriptures to show God determines who is saved so you are stating what have no qualities you can't obey God laws with your strength it not possible if it was possible then there was no reason for Jesus to actually come and die

The Law already commands us to Obey it WITH ALL OUR MIGHT AND STRENGTH!

It did not say it would be easy but it clearly said "Obey me with ALL YOUR HEART, NIGHT AND STRENGTH!"

I Am not saying you should not obey God laws

By implication and effect you say so.

...but that is not what takes you to heaven the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus is what takes you to heaven and it is a free gift from God



None Of Gods Judgement, Whether Conviction Or Acquittal (JUSTIFICATION/EXCUSE) IS EVER OUTSIDE THE LAW!


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Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 6:58pm On Sep 29, 2021

The Law already commands us to Obey it WITH ALL OUR MIGHT AND STRENGTH!

It did not say it would be easy but it clearly said "Obey me with ALL YOUR HEART, NIGHT AND STRENGTH!"

By implication and effect you say so.



None Of Gods Judgement, Whether Conviction Or Acquittal (JUSTIFICATION/EXCUSE) IS EVER OUTSIDE THE LAW!


Believe in Jesus is what takes you to heaven and that is what saves you

Now you are only saying one part of the principle of God without knowing the other part

Is the ten commandment only God laws or is it anything that comes out from the mouth of God is God laws

Question 2
Do God know the people who will end up becoming his people or we are the one to become his people from our own works which is by obeying ten commandment
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 8:05pm On Sep 29, 2021

Believe in Jesus is what takes you to heaven and that is what saves you

See how you have begun running up and down CHANGING POST exactly as Jw and some atheist do.

You spoke that "you can't obey God laws with your strength" I have answered.

Rather affirm or oppose my answer you have moved AND CHANGED POST to present your version of what "believe" is when no asked you.

Anyway, your business.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 10:08pm On Sep 29, 2021

See how you have begun running up and down CHANGING POST exactly as Jw and some atheist do.

You spoke that "you can't obey God laws with your strength" I have answered.

Rather affirm or oppose my answer you have moved AND CHANGED POST to present your version of what "believe" is when no asked you.

Anyway, your business.

My brother am still on the same point
I said you can't do anything spiritual with your strength

Then I expanded it to only believe in Jesus can save you

But it seems you only believe in obeying the law of God that is where am not opposed to but that is not what can save you

I have not said anything outside scriptures why do you want to act like am saying abomination when all I said is in the Bible

If you think obeying God laws can save you then that is not what the bible says

Then I asked you what is God laws is it ten commandment or every thing that comes out from the mouth of God or the whole Bible

Maybe you don't know the answer
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Nancy2020(f): 10:13pm On Sep 29, 2021

Now you are the one who introduced "Power"and not i.

And what did The Law Say about Power?

Law 1= You shall Love and Serve the LORD thy God with ALL thine heart, and with ALL thy soul, and WITH ALL THY MIGHT"

After "ALL OUR ALLS" God promised to help us. BUT THIS HELP ONLY COMES AFTER OUR "ALL".

The Law never said "I will help you then you will keep The Law".

It said Exodus 19:5
"If ye will obey my Voice Indeed and Keep my Covenant, "THEN", ye shall...

The word is "Then"!

And then always means something happened earlier.

And what happened earlier?

We were commanded to Obey First!
so the place in New testaments that says he saved us not because of us keeping the laws but because of love.
What do you think about this.

1 Like

Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 10:20pm On Sep 29, 2021
so the place in New testaments that says he saved us not because of us keeping the laws but because of love.
What do you think about this.

Please referral let me directly look at it once more to remember what it said.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Nancy2020(f): 10:43pm On Sep 29, 2021

Please referral let me directly look at it once more to remember what it said.
Titus 3:5
New International Version
he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,

New Living Translation
he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.

English Standard Version
he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,

Berean Study Bible
He saved us, not by the righteous deeds we had done, but according to His mercy, through the washing of new birth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

Berean Literal Bible
He saved us, not by works in righteousness that we did, but according to His mercy, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,

King James Bible
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;


Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 11:16pm On Sep 29, 2021

My brother am still on the same point
I said you can't do anything spiritual with your strength

Brother, you did not speak The Truth

"you can't obey God laws with your strength it not possible"

"you can't do anything spiritual with your strength".


..Then I asked you what is God laws is it ten commandment or every thing that comes out from the mouth of God or the whole Bible.

Long before today I raised a thread which I clearly said "every Word which comes out of The Mouth of God IS LAW AND ALWAYS LAW AND SHALL FOREVER BE LAW.

And I showed the examples of When God Spoke, Law Came Out!


.. but that is not what can save you ..

Let me narrow the issue and speak with you for you have spoken well and I will present my unflinching position.

"Will obedience to The Law Save You?"

I can not say yes because before Obedience first came disobedience and you are already guilty in Law for Disobedience.

So based on past guilty conducts, your present Law Fullness will ONLY PROVE YOUR PRESENT INNOCENCE.




And as Mathew 24:48 hath said
"Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, SHALL FIND SO DOING".

Exactly as a person who hath not stolen, or dealt deceitfully can not be punished for those offences, so also Can No One be Punished for an offence he did not commit.

And if sinfull wicked men have found it very very difficult to convict their fellow man who hath not committed an offence is it now The Great and Mighty Good Lord Who Shall?



Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Bishopkingsley(m): 11:32pm On Sep 29, 2021

Brother, you did not speak The Truth

"you can't obey God laws with your strength it not possible"

"you can't do anything spiritual with your strength".


Long before today I raised a thread which I clearly said "every Word which comes out of The Mouth of God IS LAW AND ALWAYS LAW AND SHALL FOREVER BE LAW.

And I showed the examples of When God Spoke, Law Came Out!

Let me narrow the issue and speak with you for you have spoken well and I will present my unflinching position.

"Will obedience to The Law Save You?"

I can not say yes because before Obedience first came disobedience and you are already guilty in Law for Disobedience.

So based on past guilty conducts, your present Law Fullness will ONLY PROVE YOUR PRESENT INNOCENCE.




And as Mathew 24:48 hath said
"Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, SHALL FIND SO DOING".

Exactly as a person who hath not stolen, or dealt deceitfully can not be punished for those offences, so also Can No One be Punished for an offence he did not commit.

And if sinfull wicked men have found it very very difficult to convict their fellow man who hath not committed an offence is it now The Great and Mighty Good Lord Who Shall?




So wrong the law is like a lab test to show us what is actually wrong with us so we can actually cry out to God for help now God now provides a solution which is Jesus

If obeying the law of God can save you I repeat tell me why Jesus had to die

Since we all can keep the law of God with our strength

Will obedience to The Law Save You?"

I can not say yes because before Obedience first came disobedience and you are already guilty in Law for Disobedience.

Wrong no where in the new testaments that says such

Believe in Jesus is what can save you and the mercy of God

If you doubt it bring your Bible location where it says your own I will bring mine from the Bible

God will is defined in the Bible too hope you know that God will is for you to believe in Jesus and to look up to Jesus

I really don't think you have read this part in the Bible

Romans 9
18 So God shows mercy where he wants to show mercy. And he makes stubborn the people he wants to make stubborn.

Romans 8:29 ►
New Living Translation
For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 6:12am On Sep 30, 2021

So wrong the law is like a lab test to show us what is actually wrong with us so we can actually cry out to God for help now God now provides a solution which is Jesus

You obviously do not know what "lab test" means.


If obeying the law of God can save you I repeat tell me why Jesus had to die

Since we all can keep the law of God with our strength

The Answer was up there but as in the past, you would give yourself, self afflicted blindness!


Wrong no where in the new testaments that says such.

"New testament'". Now you commit The Crime of Removing God's Word and yet you do not expect to be called False Prophet!

I have said my piece I would not be responding to you no more for you already know you are speaking Lies because you want to hold on to your Wishes rather than THE TRUTH!

Which is why I hate speaking to you for you are a plain faced Liar, openly Lying and still trying to lift up your Lie.

Then you would say "I Am not saying you should not obey God laws" yet you say "you can't obey God laws..."
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by Dtruthspeaker: 6:48am On Sep 30, 2021
Titus 3:5
King James Bible
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Then you did not appreciate Verse 3 which told of whom you are and what you have done.

For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, DISOBEDIENT, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another

Are this not offences which contravene The Law?

So by verse 5 the word "washing", what does washing do?

Answer= To make clean.

When you are washed do you not know?

Answer= Exactly like taking a good bath, you surely know if you are Clean, but when you did not get a good bath you, did you not know that you still required a bath? Yes you did.

Now after having a good bath and you are clean, do you still return to the filth you came from? You judge yourself here.

Any who returns to those filth, shall such not be Disobeying The Law?

And on the other hand, any who is clean and returneth not to his filth, shall such not be obeying The Law?


Not by works of righteousness...

Consider this, an adulteress and LovePeddler who gives alms, tithes and preaches which you would call righteous, shall such a one be acceptable unto God?

Adam who Loved (righteous work) his wife and disobeyed God did was still found guilty of breaking The Law. Same as King Saul, Ananias and Saphira, they even clearly did righteousness in front of the disciples, yet they broke The Law and we're FOUND GUILTY!

Righteousness Always ends when you break The Law!.

And thank God the case of Ananias and Sapphira took place even in the very presence of the disciples of Christ wherein you people have fabricated the Lie "Christ has died for me, so I am saved from breaking The Law not be punished"

As Surely as Ananias and Sapphira, you shall Surely be punished for your disobedience.
Re: ⚫⚫ Once you are Saved then you are saved forever for all Eternity by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:51am On Sep 30, 2021
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Arguments in the name of da Lord! 1Timothy 6:4; Titus 3:9 cheesy

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