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Not In The Mood To Study For ATS Exams? by starryadmin: 1:30pm On Jul 29, 2021 |
I get lots of mails from ATS students who complained that they are finding it hard to study for their exams. If you find yourself in this situation, you are not alone, But You don’t want to remain in the situation if you must pass this NEXT Diet Exams. The first thing you need to understand about studying is that, waiting for the right mood might result in procrastination and procrastination could lead to FAILURE. Just start, even when you don’t feel like. Like medicine, you just have to use it for you to get well, not because you feel like. Here are some tips that will help you study more effectively: START WITH THE EASY TOPICS FIRST: If you start with the difficult topics, your mood will get worse after realizing that you wasted a lot of time without finishing anything to the end. The trick is to start with the easy topic in order to convince yourself that you have progressed in a short period of time. ISOLATE YOURSELF: Isolate yourself to a calm place, leave your mobile phone, tablet, PC and everything else that could distract you out of the room. When you do so, you won't find anything to waste time on and you will progress much faster GLANCE THROUGH THE PAPERS OR TOPICS FIRST: It is better to glance through the papers quickly before you begin. When you do so, you will get a sense of achievement that will put you in a better mood to start studying. Just read the topic quickly and try to get as much as you can from them, if you find anything difficult to understand, just skip it. This first attempt has the goal of improving your mood. TAKE 5 MINUTES BREAK AFTER EVERY 33 MINUTES OF STUDY: Take a short break of 5 minutes from studying after studying for 33 minutes and 33 seconds. According to research, this will keep you refreshed and prevent you from becoming mentally exhausted. This will help you to replenish your energy and prevent you from sleeping. DO AWAY WITH STUDY PACKS AND USE VIDEO LECTURES: You don’t need 100% to pass ATS exams, Starry Gold Comprehensive Video Lectures cover the core areas that will guarantee your success. This is not to say that the study pack is not good, what I am saying is that the fact that the study pack is voluminous, it could discourage you from reading. Just like a student mentioned in her email “Any time I see the study pack, my mood just will just go from good to bad” So, concentrate on the video lectures. After you finish the video lectures at least twice, if you still have time, then add ATS packs and other materials you have. P.S: Don’t let your mood dictate when you should study, remember that ATS exam does not understand your mood because ATS exam date won’t change as a result of your mood. So, take charge of your mood and start studying. Kindly click here join our FREE ATS Telegram Classes NOW Get our Offline ATS video lecture and start preparation right now. You can also request for our FREE ATS Exam Blueprint that will guide you to finish ATS Syllabus within 30 days Click here to chat with admin on Telegram https:///starrygoldacademy Or Call Starry Gold Academy on 07086810335, 08023428420, 08085378906 OR 08123189141 Our Offline Video Tutorials: ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others. Starry Gold Academy Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING. |
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