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Windows 11 Is NOT AS GOOD As You Think, Read this Before Upgrading - Computers - Nairaland

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Windows 11 Is NOT AS GOOD As You Think, Read this Before Upgrading by DroidNine: 11:03am On Sep 26, 2021

Windows 11 was officially announced on June the 24th and will probably be released on October 5, and it will be a free update to all users who currently own compatible Windows 10 PC. Microsoft has also made it clear that Windows 11 will have some restrictive hardware requirements which will prevent it from being installed on many current PC's. In this article, I'm going to discuss this issue and also tell you what I think is good and what is bad about Windows 11, but before that lets's talk about the hardware requirements.

Window 11 requires at least 1Ghz dual-core 64-bit CPU 4GB of RAM 64 GB of storage a 720p display, a motherboard with a UEFI BIOS and a secure boot. This means Windows 11 cannot be installed on a PC with a legacy BIOS, you can view full requirements here. However, if these were the only hardware requirements most current PCs could quite happily run Windows 11 but sadly this is not the case, the reason is that Microsoft had thrown two additional hardware hurdles into the mix.

Firstly Windows 11 will not run on just any 1GHz dual-core 64-bit CPU but only on those Microsoft deems compatible. A full list of compatible Intel and AMD processors have been published on the official Microsoft website. However, the headline is the windows 11 will only support 8th generation Intel processors or newer and 2nd generation Ryzen + AMD chips or later. This basically means that any PC with a CPU release before about 2017 for Intel or 2018 AMD will likely not support Windows 11 and in turn, this means that a lot of PC's sold in 2018 and 2019 will contain a processor that may not be able to run the latest Windows 11 operating system.


There are some interesting things to discuss, the first noticeable feature is the centred taskbar this is probably the most visually recognisable element of Windows 11 so far and it's definitely a nice look. It's something most people have always tried to achieve in the previous versions of Windows and it's just right out of the box it's in the centre.


The start button is also there so if you're used to just moving a mouse to the bottom left because it's been like that forever, you now have to get used to clicking it in the middle. if you still prefer the taskbar on the left then no worries, you can obviously still move the taskbar to the left If you want but it definitely looks better in the centre. They've gotten rid of the live tiles in the start menu and it's now a more modern kind of refreshed look, the apps are now available in a grid and it's just a nicer looking start menu to me.

The third feature is on the Windows interface itself, these now have rounded corners and a translucent minimal design. This is a more modern look compared to previous versions of windows, we've seen similar designs on a lot of other operating systems like macOS and now it's on windows 11. This new design direction will obviously not please everyone but personally, I think it looks stunning.


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Re: Windows 11 Is NOT AS GOOD As You Think, Read this Before Upgrading by Ugelvis: 6:36am On Sep 27, 2021
Chrome OS is becoming the next generation of operating system judging from their security protocols to software affordablility. You can check the top 5 best chrome OS systems base on their performance, price and ergonomics here https://www.ellocity.com/the-top-5-best-chromebooks-in-2021/

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Re: Windows 11 Is NOT AS GOOD As You Think, Read this Before Upgrading by DroidNine: 3:37pm On Sep 27, 2021

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