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If Am Wrong Correct Me by baloest: 6:04pm On Dec 19, 2021
Am a married woman with four kids, my marriage was 11yrs on the 17th of December not long ago, pardon the way am presenting this cos of how I feel now
My kids school party was on the 11 Dec, so I went to wash my hair outside my street & do a little make over that didn't take much time ,as I was walking in my street , I saw my husband driving out with my kids he stopped I asked him why he is leaving me behind , he told me they are late , I said late by 10:22, that they can't be late he should wait 4 me to dress up & join them , he refused Even my kids where not properly dressed I begged him even my kids begged for him to wait for me , he bluntly refused , I called him like 4times to pls change his mind & let's all leave at the same time , he refused & went to the party without me , Meanwhile we have discussed that we will snap pictures at the studio that will be uploaded on our wedding Anniversary but everything changed , I cried & cried & dusted myself up .
So today they have a meeting with include bring ur wife & kids, he asked me to get prepared I told him I wouldn't come .... I dressed my kids for him to take them along , he took them dropped them came back home again to come pick me I still refused to join him , he went back to meet with my kids , he now knows the importance of a wife , but couldn't even wish or celebrate our 11th Anniversary, Am still so hurt, This is the first time he ever behaved that way
Re: If Am Wrong Correct Me by Hashabiah: 6:07pm On Dec 19, 2021
Aunty , you shouldn't come here and flaunt your personal problems. Let your marriage and it's challenges be with you and your husband. Involving people for counsel will only make you prone to bad advice from the the twisted people of this forum

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Re: If Am Wrong Correct Me by ojun50(m): 6:19pm On Dec 19, 2021
You better seat him down and settle all that is going on before it turn to more bigger issues.


Re: If Am Wrong Correct Me by MufasaLion: 6:29pm On Dec 19, 2021
Go and meet your spouse and discuss this. You don't need anyone's advise here.

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Re: If Am Wrong Correct Me by Mrsoft3(m): 7:34pm On Dec 19, 2021
Am a married woman with four kids, my marriage was 11yrs on the 17th of December not long ago, pardon the way am presenting this cos of how I feel now
My kids school party was on the 11 Dec, so I went to wash my hair outside my street & do a little make over that didn't take much time ,as I was walking in my street , I saw my husband driving out with my kids he stopped I asked him why he is leaving me behind , he told me they are late , I said late by 10:22, that they can't be late he should wait 4 me to dress up & join them , he refused Even my kids where not properly dressed I begged him even my kids begged for him to wait for me , he bluntly refused , I called him like 4times to pls change his mind & let's all leave at the same time , he refused & went to the party without me , Meanwhile we have discussed that we will snap pictures at the studio that will be uploaded on our wedding Anniversary but everything changed , I cried & cried & dusted myself up .
So today they have a meeting with include bring ur wife & kids, he asked me to get prepared I told him I wouldn't come .... I dressed my kids for him to take them along , he took them dropped them came back home again to come pick me I still refused to join him , he went back to meet with my kids , he now knows the importance of a wife , but couldn't even wish or celebrate our 11th Anniversary, Am still so hurt, This is the first time he ever behaved that way

Ladies always acting and thinking like ladies. Why start something you will regret
Re: If Am Wrong Correct Me by Mrsoft3(m): 7:35pm On Dec 19, 2021
Go and meet your spouse and discuss this. You don't need anyone's advise here.

I am with you on this one.......

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Re: If Am Wrong Correct Me by lifenajeje(m): 6:20am On Dec 20, 2021
2 wrongs don't make a right ..

You were hurt by his actions and decided to allow your emotions get the better of you..
I don't blame you cos u are human ..

We all make mistakes but don't let things escalate ..

Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean ..

For the sake of love ..make peace with your husband and enjoy Xmas and new year season ..

Thanks for sharing ...

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