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Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing by Alexjossy009(m): 3:42pm On Feb 11, 2022

You might have seen or heard so many people or your friends talking about affiliate marketing, cash out from it but you can't because you're worried you might not be able to foot the cost, worry no more.
This article will work you through how to start a successful affiliate marketing with no money.


Affiliate marketing simply means, selling products or services of another person, to get a commission.
There is no specific thing to sell, anything is an affiliate.


There are so many ways to start affiliate marketing without money.
However, this doesn't mean you won't spend a dime, as a starter, there are basic things you need to at least have before starting, which involves a little amount.

As a beginner, you need to have or do these basic things;

1. Choosing a niche.
2. Setting up a blog.
3. Build your audience.
4. Social media presence.
5. Read free courses.
6. Promote affiliate offers.

1. Choosing a niche.

Like I said earlier, there are basic things you need before starting, one of which is, choosing a niche.

This is always a tough decision to make, especially for beginners because there are so many niches, with so many products and services, that offer a great commission.

Few niches are trending and paying good commissions, like;
a) Health niches.
b) Real estate.
c) blogging niches.
d) Hosting niches, at lots more.

The above-listed niches are most trended in 2021.

However, in my best opinion, I feel you should do something that works for you since it's a personal adventure.

More so, another thing you should have in mind while choosing a niche is the type of product your niche offers.

You have to check if;
1. Your niche is competitive.
2. Your niche has good affiliate products with good commissions percentage.
3. You can create content about your niche.
There are lots of things to consider but the 3 points listed above should be considered when choosing a niche.

Reasons Why you should consider niche when starting is in order not to settle a niche that would be difficult for you to promote products.

2. Setting up a blog.

This is the key point or key thing a potential affiliate marketer should do after picking their favorable niche.
It's also the key thing a lot of people don't know about In affiliate marketing.

Blogging is one of the easiest ways to promote products easily and organically, this method you won't have to spend much on advertisements (ads).

You might have heard about niche blogging, it's the method of picking out a particular niche, and the reason why most people do this, is so they could promote affiliate products.

When starting a niche blog, you shouldn't expect results immediately because it takes a lot before your blog starts appearing on search engines.
You need to put in a lot of hard work, ranging from, optimizing your blog on search, to better organic noticing, creating powerful powerful SEO articles, and being consistent.

Many people expect quick results immediately after they start affiliate marketing or any business but the sad truth is, it doesn't work the way you think, the same way will be easy when you put in a lot of effort.

3. Building an active audience.

Marketing has been been made easier because of the presence of social media, people barely use the old fashion way of marketing, rather many focuses on social media for business growth.

Social media has over 5 billion users, Facebook alone has about 2 billion users, which is why it has because become the broadest used social media.

There are many social media out there you can use in audience building but not all can give you exactly what you're looking for.

The most recommended social media platforms for quality audience creation include

1. Twitter.

2. Facebook.

3. Instagram.

4. LinkedIn.

5. WhatsApp.

All the social media listed, are by how powerful they are.

3. Social media presence.

This involves consistency of how active you are on social media.
Engage and follow in your niche.

In affiliate marketing, being active on social media helps to boost your sales, it is a better way of building your KLT formula to your audience of followers.


The best recommended is Twitter because it has millions of organic traffic and reaches.

You could use Twitter when you don't want to use a blog, this is very effective but it would take time to build such an audience.

You can promote any affiliate product on Twitter, without hassle.

On Twitter, even people that you don't follow get to see your content, this is because of Twitter's powerful algorithm.

So, it's recommended you consider Twitter as your first social media marketing option.

Another powerful social media which is recommended is Facebook.

Although many people use Facebook, only a few are yet to discover powerful it is in terms of marketing.

Considering Whatsapp, Whatsapp is good for small-medium promotion.
This is one of the latest and fastest ways to reach your audience directly and it's very effective.

5. Read free courses.

One of the ways to improve your affiliate marketing strategy and campaign.

There are lots of free courses online, Udemy has free courses, watching free videos on YouTube.

6. Promote affiliate offers.

This is quite the easier part. After you must build a very powerful audience, whether through, blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc, you can start earning with affiliate marketing.

Conclusion: Affiliate Marketing is not a scam, it's a ponzi scheme.

If you want to get started with Affiliate Marketing, send a whatsapp message. 08104787680

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