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Ruby On Rails Or React - Programming - Nairaland

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Ruby On Rails Or React by Techstar: 4:00pm On Apr 22, 2022
Hi, please i need advise on the next thing to learn. I'm new to tech and i have fallen in love with frontend development. I have been doing very fine with css, html and javascript, and designing cool webpages. I tried learning react but, it doesn't seem to be sticking fine with me. Ruby on rails on the other hand seems to be flowing well. Should i face ruby on rails and forget about react? My goal is to be a Frontend dev. not full stack. Ruby on rails touches a bit of backend which is cool to me. Is it easy to get ruby on rails remote jobs while based in Nigeria? Or should i put in more effort in learning react?
Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by Karleb(m): 7:08pm On Apr 22, 2022
Ruby doesn't have enough job. Stick with react.


Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by jbreezy: 9:41pm On Apr 22, 2022
Hi, please i need advise on the next thing to learn. I'm new to tech and i have fallen in love with frontend development. I have been doing very fine with css, html and javascript, and designing cool webpages. I tried learning react but, it doesn't seem to be sticking fine with me. Ruby on rails on the other hand seems to be flowing well. Should i face ruby on rails and forget about react? My goal is to be a Frontend dev. not full stack. Ruby on rails touches a bit of backend which is cool to me. Is it easy to get ruby on rails remote jobs while based in Nigeria? Or should i put in more effort in learning react?
Learn react...that library is magical!!! Not finding it simple?? That means you jumped many javascript basics...I will advise you to be very vast with javascript before you move to react.
Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by BlaqFaze: 7:46am On Apr 23, 2022
Ruby on rails is a backend framework... since you don't want to be fullstack, you have no business with Ruby on rails.
Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by BlaqFaze: 7:50am On Apr 23, 2022
Ruby doesn't have enough job. Stick with react.
Rails has more job posting than Laravel on indeed...

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Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by tensazangetsu20(m): 8:40am On Apr 23, 2022
Rails has more job posting than Laravel on indeed...

I think he's talking with regards to Nigeria. Rails is very popular in the USA. It's what most of their bootcamps use to even teach fullstack development.

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Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by JoyousFurnitire(m): 8:59am On Apr 23, 2022
Enough Ruby jobs in remote US but do JavaScript.

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Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by fnep2smooth(m): 9:23am On Apr 23, 2022
both are in demand.... So learn both cool

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Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by Techstar: 8:16pm On Apr 23, 2022
Thanks..seems i was stuck in tutorial hell. I have picked up a new course and it seems far easier to understand than the previous one i was using. I may also look forward to learning both.
Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by Playermayweda(m): 2:19pm On Apr 24, 2022
Thanks..seems i was stuck in tutorial hell. I have picked up a new course and it seems far easier to understand than the previous one i was using. I may also look forward to learning both.

React isn't that hard, I too am a junior dev and if you know JS you can be able to understand react. Although attimes apart from faster load times why don't i use just plain old JS instead of react
Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by TheTraveler: 5:37pm On Apr 24, 2022

React isn't that hard, I too am a junior dev and if you know JS you can be able to understand react. Although attimes apart from faster load times why don't i use just plain old JS instead of react

When you land a job ask your boss or project manager grin

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Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by Techstar: 7:45pm On Apr 24, 2022

React isn't that hard, I too am a junior dev and if you know JS you can be able to understand react. Although attimes apart from faster load times why don't i use just plain old JS instead of react
grin I know right. I'm yet to understand while i should be disturbing myself with hooks, when i can use plain old css and js. All the same, i am gradually beginning to fall in love react. Besides, everyone can't be wrong. Most people keep saying react is a great platform, it certainly must be cool.
Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by Jahzrockballer(m): 7:38am On Oct 16, 2022
Hi, please i need advise on the next thing to learn. I'm new to tech and i have fallen in love with frontend development. I have been doing very fine with css, html and javascript, and designing cool webpages. I tried learning react but, it doesn't seem to be sticking fine with me. Ruby on rails on the other hand seems to be flowing well. Should i face ruby on rails and forget about react? My goal is to be a Frontend dev. not full stack. Ruby on rails touches a bit of backend which is cool to me. Is it easy to get ruby on rails remote jobs while based in Nigeria? Or should i put in more effort in learning react?
Ruby on Rails is a Fullstack Web framework, React is for just frontend alone...They're more React jobs for juniors out there than Ruby on rails for juniors but I think they're equally the same jobs for senior roles, I guess. But if you want to get paid more, you should consider Ruby on rails.


Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by Devdevdev(f): 10:19am On Oct 25, 2022
grin I know right. I'm yet to understand while i should be disturbing myself with hooks, when i can use plain old css and js. All the same, i am gradually beginning to fall in love react. Besides, everyone can't be wrong. Most people keep saying react is a great platform, it certainly must be cool.

You are a clown. So you want to be doing all the rubbish document.querySelector and all the rubbish appendChild nonsense when you could easily just do {} ?

Saying vanillaJavaScript is better than React is like saying using Mortar and Pestle is better than using a blender.
Re: Ruby On Rails Or React by LikeAking: 8:52pm On Oct 25, 2022
Op na so react b.. just try build something with it.

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