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Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! - Health - Nairaland

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Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Lizzbett: 2:32pm On May 11, 2022
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Righteousness2(m): 2:36pm On May 11, 2022
Don't try to clear it off!
That baby is a Gift From GOD.
If you do so , you will be soiling your hands in blood which is evil. Your life will also be at risk.
Don't try it!
That Child is the child that will wipe out your tears
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Guest911: 2:37pm On May 11, 2022
This is why we need to legalize abortions. So people can just walk into a regular hospital and perform safe abortions. With the consent of both parties of course or a police report if any complications.

Anyway Just take 1000mg of vitamin C three times daily for a week thank me later.
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by ExAngel007(f): 2:37pm On May 11, 2022
please sis,
keep the baby
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by falcon01: 2:40pm On May 11, 2022
Don't listen to anybody telling you to keep it. And don't advice her to keep it. If you know of a drug tell her instead!.

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Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by endsarrrs(f): 2:41pm On May 11, 2022
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Righteousness2(m): 2:42pm On May 11, 2022
This is why we need to legalize abortions. So people can just walk into a regular hospital and perform safe abortions. With the consent of both parties of course or a police report if any complications.

Robbery, rituals, and all sorts of blood shed should also be legalized. So people can come into your house with a consent from the likes of police. Nscdc , Navy and be-head you.
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by ExAngel007(f): 2:45pm On May 11, 2022
Don't listen to anybody telling you to keep it. And don't advice her to keep it. If you know of a drug tell her instead!.

If you know any drugs, tell her yourself.

Why advising her to terminate the pregnancy?

People don't get pregnant by mistake.
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Lizzbett: 2:53pm On May 11, 2022
Don't listen to anybody telling you to keep it. And don't advice her to keep it. If you know of a drug tell her instead!.

Thank you. I can't afford to undergo CS four times. That's dangerous
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Islandlady(f): 2:55pm On May 11, 2022
Just go ahead and abort the baby, giving birth through CS is not an easy thing... you know what you passed through and what is best for you, that's why you wanna remove it!

Go to a big pharmacy or hospital they will prescribe an injection or drugs for you, since the pregnancy is just a month old! It's easy
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Lizzbett: 2:59pm On May 11, 2022
This is why we need to legalize abortions. So people can just walk into a regular hospital and perform safe abortions. With the consent of both parties of course or a police report if any complications.

Anyway Just take 1000mg of vitamin C three times daily for a week thank me later.

I sent you a message. Pls check!!!
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by OlawaleBammie: 3:00pm On May 11, 2022
Hello Nairaland, please I need advice from medical professionals in the house.

I just discover that am pregnant this morning, my last messes was seen first week of last month, April 5th to be precise.

The discovery came after I carry out personal PREGNANCY TEST STRIPS which actually shows positive.

I don't really need this pregnancy, due to the fact that I have three kids already, and the three kids came through Cecerian operation (C.S)

My husband has been asking me to go for Family planning, but I turn it down due to the side effects I've been hearing from people, rather I told him to go for a withdrawal method or using condoms.

But sometimes, it's always difficult for him to withdraw, which I believe it leads to this.

Please, is there any drugs I can take to clear this pregnancy off, since it's not up to a month?

I need mature minded advice from the medical professionals.

Thank you
una husband go advice una, but na una go dey do ITK

Now kasala don burst, abeg na ur cross jare, i just pity the poor man cry

Just pray it doesn't have a collateral effect on u wen the tym of delivery is abound.
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Lizzbett: 3:00pm On May 11, 2022
Just go ahead and abort the baby, giving birth through CS is not an easy thing... you know what you passed through and what is best for you, that's why you wanna remove it!

Go to a big pharmacy or hospital they will prescribe an injection or drugs for you, since the pregnancy is just a month old! It's easy

Thank you sis for the advice. That have relief me a little bit

1 Like

Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Lizzbett: 3:02pm On May 11, 2022
una husband go advice una, but na una go dey do ITK

Now kasala don burst, abeg na ur cross jare, i just pity the poor man cry

Just pray it doesn't have a collateral effect on u wen the tym of delivery is abound.

I don't even intend to keep it not to talk of delivery, hence the reason for this post
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by MrBrownJay1(m): 3:07pm On May 11, 2022

then when you do, get some type of better contraception than pulling technique etc
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Lizzbett: 3:20pm On May 11, 2022

then when you do, get some type of better contraception than pulling technique etc


I will go for the Family planning
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by sirqeeboi(m): 3:25pm On May 11, 2022
una husband go advice una, but na una go dey do ITK

Now kasala don burst, abeg na ur cross jare, i just pity the poor man cry

Just pray it doesn't have a collateral effect on u wen the tym of delivery is abound.

that same husband can go get family planning too. no be only woman.
educate urself.
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by bmdmix14: 3:28pm On May 11, 2022

then when you do, get some type of better contraception than pulling technique etc
what ur mum should have done to u, i wont have met u online, disease creature of the night
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by MrBrownJay1(m): 3:30pm On May 11, 2022
what ur mum should have done to u, i wont have met u online, disease creature of the night

lol, so you got upset because i called you out on your yeye click and bait BS?!?!? we all know you and all your yeye begging profiles all over NL... Spolo, Spman, Skyhighweb, Adams19...before you specialized in online begging, now you've upgraded to some more yeye nonsense on NL.... cunt-e-new YOU CRIMINAL!!
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Lizzbett: 3:37pm On May 11, 2022

lol, so you got upset because i called you out on your yeye click and bait BS?!?!? we all know you and all your yeye begging profiles all over NL... Spolo, Spman, Skyhighweb, Adams19...before you specialized in online begging, now you've upgraded to some more yeye nonsense on NL.... cunt-e-new YOU CRIMINAL!!

Please you guys should take it easy..

I've only gotten one good and positive response, I need to hear from professionals in the house
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by MrBrownJay1(m): 3:45pm On May 11, 2022
Please you guys should take it easy..
I've only gotten one good and positive response, I need to hear from professionals in the house

dont mind the yeye criminals of NL getting pissed off because we out them as criminals!!!
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Nobody: 3:48pm On May 11, 2022
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by bmdmix14: 3:53pm On May 11, 2022

dont mind the yeye criminals of NL getting pissed off because we out them as criminals!!!
yahoo boy claiming Saint
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Tallesty1(m): 4:41pm On May 11, 2022

If you know any drugs, tell her yourself.

Why advising her to terminate the pregnancy?

People don't get pregnant by mistake.
She's been through scissors[CS] three times already.

Keeping the child seems risky to me.
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by OlawaleBammie: 5:05pm On May 11, 2022

that same husband can go get family planning too. no be only woman.
educate urself.
eeyaahh, educated fellow, wether na the husband go feel the pain, wether na she time will tell.

Shey e ni ee fe ni opolo ni
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by OlawaleBammie: 5:07pm On May 11, 2022

I don't even intend to keep it not to talk of delivery, hence the reason for this post
Seriously i feel pity. I dont even know what to do or say to u, i cant advice u to abort cus its against my views, and also, its hard considering the fact that u had ur earlier two deliveries via CS.

Hmmm, wahala
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by falcon01: 6:11am On May 12, 2022

If you know any drugs, tell her yourself.

Why advising her to terminate the pregnancy?

People don't get pregnant by mistake.
at this stage it's dangerous for her to undergo CS
Re: Help, Am Four Weeks Pregnant!!! by Wizywiz(m): 10:18am On May 12, 2022
Go to a good pharmacy or hospital they will give u all those injection they normally give to all these girls that abort like they are drinking water... meanwhile after aborting Biko go for the family planning, they will tell u the one suitable for you.. no put urself and hubby for high jump again

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