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How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! - Phones - Nairaland

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How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by ncchris569(m): 5:49pm On May 14, 2022
Nairalanders a good friend of mine Chibuike (real name withheld) told me how he had gone to Alaba Market on Thursday 12th of May, 2022, to get an android phone, he had been using a Symbian phone (Nokia e5). He was so attached to this Nokia phone that he didn’t see any reason to get an android phone even when Whatsapp stopped offering service to Nokia’s low end devices. I made fun of him most of the times about his phone and we laughed over it. But when his Nokia phone started to develop fault, he informed me of his desire to get an android phone I was glad that he was going to get an android phone. I even promised him that I will take him to where he would get a good android phone. On Thursday very early in the morning, he called me to inform me that his Nokia phone had finally broken down. I knew that he had been using that phone for about 8 years now, he told me that he intended on going to the market to get an android phone that morning. I also informed him that I was going to write my professional exams that same day and that I would be back before 3:00pm. He agreed to wait for me, but I was unable to meet up with to our agreed time. He called me but I didn’t pick up his calls so he decided to go and get the phone on his own.

He narrated to me how he had met some phone dealers at the market whom he claimed had displayed their mobile phone on a table, unknown to him they showed him their personal android phone that worked, he selected the one that he liked among them. They prepared the receipt for him and asked him to write his name and sign on the receipt. He had given them the money for the phone. Then the phone dealer told him that they needed to remove tracking from the phone. He then gave them the phone so that they could remove the tracking, the phone dealer took the phone and handed it over to one of his colleague in his shop who informed my friend, that he had to pay some money to remove the tracking. He informed the phone dealer about this and the phone dealer talked to his colleague to assist in removing it at the price He agreed to pay him. As soon as he had paid his colleague in the shop. The phone dealer told his colleague to confirm that the phone was charging, after he had confirmed he told my friend that the phone was not charging. He decided to confront the phone dealer for his money. The phone dealer promised to give him another phone that was working. He told the phone the phone dealer and his colleague in the shop that he was not going to accept any phone that wasn’t working. The phone dealer went to the display table picked a phone and gave it to his colleague in his shop to confirm if it would charge. My friend was satisfied that the phone was charging. So he thanked the phone dealer and left the market as it was already getting late and the market was about to close.

When he got to his apartment, he took his keg to go and get some fuel for the night because there was no light and he had to charge his new phone. My rented apartment was in the same building with him, I saw him coming back with the fuel that he had bought for the night. We greeted, and he told me that he was able to get an android phone from Alaba market on that day. I asked for the receipt of the phone which he handed over to me, while I was reading the information on the receipt it indicated that the phone was non-tested, there was neither a phone number, nor specific address of the phone dealer. Even the name of the phone on the receipt was uncommon among popular android phones. He didn’t finish primary schooling, so he was ignorant of the details of the contract he had entered into in the receipt. I got angry because I knew that he had been defrauded of his money. I asked him if the phone was tested he told me that they had tested the phone in the market that it was charging and the phone dealer told him that the battery of the phone was down and he needed to charge it. I then went ahead to informed him that what was written on the phone’s receipt was non-tested, but he insisted that the phone was tested.

After several hours of charging the phone, he came knocking at the door of my apartment, I then opened the door for him and welcomed him, he informed me that the phone had refused to come on and that I should help him to put on the phone. I collected the phone from him and tried to put it on but it would not come on. That was when it occurred to him that he had been defrauded by his own people in the market. He begged me to go to the market with him the next day, I was angry with him but at the same time I knew that he was just ignorant. I was giving a two weeks leave to prepare for my exams, my leave was to end on Friday 13th of May. I left for the market with him very early that Friday morning since I had finished writing my exams. When we got there the phone dealer wasn’t yet around and his shop was closed. I decided to explain his situation to other traders in the market to get more information about what was really going on. They informed me that he would never get his money back, and that at best he would be giving another phone, I didn’t really know why they said this yet, so I decided to speak with about ten other phone dealer in that area and they all said same and that if we insisted we would be disgraced and driven out of the market by the phone dealers and his colleagues who sold the phone to him. These dealers even had the guts to offer their phone to us for sale trying to use the same trick that had worked on my friend but we declined all of their offers.

While we were waiting for them, my friend told me that he wanted us to get the police involved in this matter. I told him that I really didn’t trust the police, because I have had a bad experience with the them. I also brought to his attention that the receipt says non-tested. I told him that at worst if they refused to give him back his #22,000. We would have to leave, and that I would get him a new phone with my own money. Once the phone dealer opened his shop for that day, we approached him and told him that the phone he had sold to my friend was bad. For the first time the phone dealer told my friend that the phone he had sold to him was non-tested and that they don’t refund back money. He offered us another phone but we rejected and insisted that we wanted to get his money back. The phone dealer flared up immediately and he called his colleagues, whose numbers were growing arithmetically. As soon I noticed that they were about to do to us what other phone dealer had told us would happen. I informed my friend in anger that he had just lost his #22,000 and that we should leave that place immediately. I then took him to a Nokia store at Alaba International market where I got him a new phone costing #45,000 out of pity.

On our way back I informed him that those dealers had built large network of fraud stars in that area, I then explain to him what had actually happened to him on the day he had gone to buy that phone. I told him that the phones been displayed on the tables of these dealers where all damaged phones, and that they knew that they were damaged. I informed his that they deceived their prospective customers with the pretense that they had working phones by showing them their personal expensive android phones in pretense that they were going to sell it to them. But as soon as they got hold of their money, they played another scheme of deception by offering customers their damage phone displayed at their tables. In deceit that they were all working phones. I felt sorry for my friend that’s why I decided to write this here so that we would be aware of what’s happening at Alaba International Market.

Nairalanders, these guys defraud hundreds of people on a daily basis, and they then share peoples hard earned money among themselves, claiming to be legitimate traders. They are really giving the phone business at Alaba international market a really bad name. Personally I have decided that I would not buy any used phone at that market anymore because of the ordeal I and my friend had passed through. Those guys are wicked.……..

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Benjaniblinks(m): 5:57pm On May 14, 2022

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Nobody: 5:58pm On May 14, 2022
We are the one sir
come to adepite street at computer village ikeja to change the phone sir
Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Nobody: 6:30pm On May 14, 2022
Old format, Happened to me personally at CV when I was still Naive. This Is one of many SCAM experience one will have In Shiiithole.....grin

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by donbenie(m): 6:51pm On May 14, 2022
[s]We are the one sir

come to adepite street at computer village ikeja to change the phone sir[/s]


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by donbenie(m): 6:56pm On May 14, 2022
There's a difference between naivety and stupidity..
That he doesn't know anything about phones is excusable..
That he still went ahead to buy a new device, without proper assistance is pure stupidity..


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Alapojames: 8:28pm On May 14, 2022
Alaba na offline yahoo Boyz full there..
If you're not smart, you'll buy fufu, soap as phone.. Very wicked set of people


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by innobarca(m): 9:38pm On May 14, 2022
Which side of Alaba market is that?

which side of Alaba market are they displaying no-tested phone on the table?and they are many sellers in that area as you said?

No-tested android phone without name at 22k? And the person made payment without testing with SIM and making calls.

Get the correct info and answer my questions.

Is it Phone village/Phone city.
or is it St Peter?
or is it Gbo Field?

I am trying to figure out the side of the market that has many people selling no-tested phone that displays them on the table.

Let me have this Info and I will follow it up for you.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by TwoFourSeven(m): 9:47pm On May 14, 2022
Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Nobody: 10:40pm On May 14, 2022
I was so luck that I got my money back when I went to Alaba intl to buy a LCD tv.The dealer tried to defraud me but I caused a scene at the market before I got my money back.Alaba is not a market but a fraudulent place.Dont buy any device from shops own by igbos.They are the kingpins.

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Nobody: 10:42pm On May 14, 2022
Which side of Alaba market is that?

which side of Alaba market are they displaying no-tested phone on the table?and they are many sellers in that area as you said?

No-tested android phone without name at 22k? And the person made payment without testing with SIM and making calls.

Get the correct info and answer my questions.

Is it Phone village/Phone city.
or is it St Peter?
or is it Gbo Field?

I am trying to figure out the side of the market that has many people selling no-tested phone that displays them on the table.

Let me have this Info and I will follow it up for you.

These places you listed are dens of criminals.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by innobarca(m): 10:53pm On May 14, 2022
These places you listed are dens of criminals.

Did you read my comment.

All markets has fraudulent people,and it's good to educate others with detailed information.

Which side of the market is that?To help other people that might fall victim.

Note..... All market has Union where you can report a seller.

It is always good to give detailed information on anything you want to say to the public.

To my knowledge,,The 3 places I mentioned inside the market you will see phones.

Phone village/phone city...... mostly in a show glass not table.

St Peter.... mostly in a show glass not table.

The last place has about 3 people that put phones on the table and they display both tested and no-tested phones.

Note....I almost know all people selling phones there.

I am not trying to cover for a fraudulent seller..But to come to a public forum to post something like this then you should have more information to guide other people not to fall victim.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Nobody: 11:00pm On May 14, 2022

Did you read my comment.

All markets has fraudulent people,and it's good to educate others with detailed information.

Which side of the market is that?To help other people that might fall victim.

Note..... All market has Union where you can report a seller.

It is always good to give detailed information on anything you want to say to the public.

To my knowledge,,The 3 places I mentioned inside the market you will see phones.

Phone village/phone city...... mostly in a show glass not table.

St Peter.... mostly in a show glass not table.

The last place has about 3 people that put phones on the table and they display both tested and no-tested phones.

Note....I almost know all people selling phones there.

I am not trying to cover for a fraudulent seller..But to come to a public forum to post something like this then you should have more information to guide other people not to fall victim.

Alaba intl union are as criminal as the traders.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by 9japride(m): 3:03am On May 15, 2022
Why should we believe this story that was cooked in the kitchen? This account was created yesterday. In my opinion, the sole aim of this post is to deviate people's attention from the barbaric act that happened in Sokoto state. The end product of this post is to target Igbo traders at the market. Most humans are worst than nuclear bombs. Let's discuss on how to solve issues of religious fanatism and leave the peace loving traders alone. Smh.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by DesChyko: 6:05am On May 15, 2022
It was long before that these things happen in Alaba and the seller gets away with it.

Alaba market has a very functional union whose sworn duty is to protect the integrity of the market and sellers. It's funny that because their number was growing, you decided to let things go. I assume it's due to naivety but that number is what would have helped you get your money. Those people would have been witnesses to any agreement you reached with him on when to come back for your money. This tale is something I last heard in maybe 2003 or so.

What you guys should have done is go to the Union and lodge a complaint. Nobody buys an untested device for #22,000? And anyone who sell an untested phone that isn't working and without the owner's knowledge or without informing the owner is an outright thief.

I once had an issue with someone. Ask for a Thermocool digital stabilizer I
planned to buy with #16000 for my freezer (which the trader said he will give me for #12,000 if he had it in stock) but he said one Duravolt he gave me for #14000 would power it. When it failed to do so, I went back for the #12,000 Thermocool digital or my #14,000 and he said he doesn't have the stabilizer or the money yet. I said no problems and asked when I should come back for it. He mentioned Wednesday and I told him to sign it on the back of the receipt. I went back on Wednesday and he told me the Thermocool stabilizer was #22,000 and as for the cash, he had only 12,000 and wanted to give me a stupid extension to complete the money. I refused it and asked to collect a TV guard instead to complete the money (which I know was more than #2,000) but he began to shout that what do I want him to do and so on. The crowd started gathering, convincing me to come back another day, market is bad, manage the #12,000 but this is exactly what I'm looking for. I immediately grabbed his shirt and asked for my money. He kept threatening shit and the colleagues kept threatening that Union will come pick us up and fine us (the same Union I know? grin)
That's how they contributed my #2,000 balance and gave it to me. I gave him back his receipt and went elsewhere to buy the stabilizer as calmly as you can imagine.

It was before that people easily get away with these things. Inviting the police wouldn't make things easier at first. It was better you approach the Union first.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by DesChyko: 6:24am On May 15, 2022
Alaba intl union are as criminal as the traders.

Please, stop misinforming people. Alaba Market Union maintain decency in the market. Just have a clear line of action and if possible, record your conversations with them. It isn't admissible but it would make nobody take back their words.

How can you tell someone to go to Alaba and not buy anything from shops owned by Igbos? undecided
Is that not an exercise in futility? What percentage of shop owners there are non-Igbos? grin


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Nobody: 6:36am On May 15, 2022

Please, stop misinforming people. Alaba Market Union maintain decency in the market. Just have a clear line of action and if possible, record your conversations with them. It isn't admissible but it would make nobody take back their words.

How can you tell someone to go to Alaba and not buy anything from shops owned by Igbos? undecided
Is that not an exercise in futility? What percentage of shop owners there are non-Igbos? grin
Most of the businesses are owned by igbos.They setup a business to defraud people.

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Darkseid(m): 7:39am On May 15, 2022
I go to Alaba frequently but mehn I still dey fear that place.
Go back to that place in ten years time and you'll still meet those same guys there; them no dey ever progress angry


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by zeuss: 8:01am On May 15, 2022
Which side of Alaba market is that?

which side of Alaba market are they displaying no-tested phone on the table?and they are many sellers in that area as you said?

No-tested android phone without name at 22k? And the person made payment without testing with SIM and making calls.

Get the correct info and answer my questions.

Is it Phone village/Phone city.
or is it St Peter?
or is it Gbo Field?

I am trying to figure out the side of the market that has many people selling no-tested phone that displays them on the table.

Let me have this Info and I will follow it up for you.

what can you do? are you in Alaba?
Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by gulfer: 8:28am On May 15, 2022
These guys and fraud, I shudder to think of what'll become of them if Nigeria eventually split angry angry angry


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by TheWolfen(m): 8:48am On May 15, 2022
Pathetic fraudsters
Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by MrBONE2(m): 9:09am On May 15, 2022
These guys and fraud, I shudder to think of what'll become of them if Nigeria eventually split angry angry angry

Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by huptin(m): 9:17am On May 15, 2022
Anybody buying anything from Alaba without due diligence is throwing away money. Shikena

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Light78: 10:21am On May 15, 2022
It is better to save money and buy brand new phones.

Stop patronizing table people. Go to the plaza and buy your phone. Avoid small shops and roadside people.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by overdrive(m): 10:25am On May 15, 2022
@nnchris569 innobarca has agreed to intercede on your behalf so that you retrieve your #22k or don't you need the money?
Every market has a union where you go to report any errant trader that wants to hoodwink you.
I wonder why you chickened out and ran away with your tail between your legs cheesy
Is there something that you are not telling us?
The story doesn't add up.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by innobarca(m): 11:05am On May 15, 2022
@nnchris569 innobarca has agreed to intercede on your behalf so that you retrieve your #22k or don't you need the money?
Every market has a union where you go to report any errant trader that wants to hoodwink you.
I wonder why you chickened out and ran away with your tail between your legs cheesy
Is there something that you are not telling us?
The story doesn't add up.

The person that wrote the story is there replying with another monicker.

There is no place at Alaba international where they sell no-tested unbranded phone at 22k.
Infact that 22k will buy many phones of 16gb/2gb at phone city,or St Peter,or Gbo .

They are many tested and working phones displayed on the show glass there ranging from Tecno,old Samsung galaxy, Huawei,redmi note 3,xiomai mi note,and many others.

You do not need any assistance to walk to a show glass and test the phone you want,make calls and pay.

When you go to a market and start listening to hustlers along the road that will tell you to follow them to warehouse where you will buy a working phone for 5k and you agreed,that is when you will hear this type of stories.

When someone goes to Alaba to buy a phone,the person should avoid no-tested phones BC you do not know the importers of used phones in the market.

No-tested phones are not 22k.

Known names and higher model phones in no-tested are sold out immediately the importer arrives.

You can not get any good no-tested phone along the road or displayed on the table (reason BC if they are good, people selling phones in the market will buy them off).

Go to phone city/phone village or St Peter Road/bus stop or Another area of the market where they displayed tested phones and pick your choice,sit down and test it very well.

Do not listen to anyone telling you to go and charge it at home ,or you only need to change the battery or bla bla bla.

There is a functional Union where you can report a seller,they are always ready to help you.

But listen very carefully...... Nobody will return your money when you buy a No-tested phone and return it back,even people inside the market can't win the case BC everyone in the market knows the terms of buying a No-tested item.

Both laptops,both phones, fridges, generator set,fans,ac, televisions and many items that are imported into the market are been sold as no-tested to retailers in the market.

Buying no-tested item is not for the fainthearted,you can buy goods worth 500k and lose 200k and another time you can buy goods worth 500k and make make profit of 200k after 2 to 6 days.

People that buy no-tested items knows how they do it and they buy directly from importers.

They buy and go , whatever they see is not the business of the importer.

So it is advisable to buy a tested item so that you can get a replacement or your money back if faulty.

Phones are too many at Alaba for anyone to buy.

22k can get a good working phone of 2gb/16gb...... A lot of known names.

I even have a working redmi note 4, Snapdragon variant (3gb/32gb) that I can give out for 25k .

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by DesChyko: 12:45pm On May 15, 2022
Most of the businesses are owned by igbos.They setup a business to defraud people.

Talk about being so sure of yourself. grin

I can see you're out on an agenda. Enjoy your foolery.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by DesChyko: 12:47pm On May 15, 2022

There is no place at Alaba international where they sell no-tested unbranded phone at 22k.
Infact that 22k will buy many phones of 16gb/2gb at phone city,or St Peter,or Gbo

Nna, I come dey reason say nah this same Alaba wey I know.

Who buys a non-tested for 22k when no be ment. Dem just charge phone give you, you no even operate am, dash them 22k ball out.
You still come collect money with frustration, nah so everybody leave their business come pursue you, you run.
We still dey tell you say make you go reason Union, you dey loose guard.

The guy is confused.


Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Oblivionz5(m): 12:56pm On May 15, 2022
Nairalanders a good friend of mine Chibuike (real name withheld) told me how he had gone to Alaba Market on Thursday 12th of May, 2022, to get an android phone, he had been using a Symbian phone (Nokia e5). He was so attached to this Nokia phone that he didn’t see any reason to get an android phone even when Whatsapp stopped offering service to Nokia’s low end devices. I made fun of him most of the times about his phone and we laughed over it. But when his Nokia phone started to develop fault, he informed me of his desire to get an android phone I was glad that he was going to get an android phone. I even promised him that I will take him to where he would get a good android phone. On Thursday very early in the morning, he called me to inform me that his Nokia phone had finally broken down. I knew that he had been using that phone for about 8 years now, he told me that he intended on going to the market to get an android phone that morning. I also informed him that I was going to write my professional exams that same day and that I would be back before 3:00pm. He agreed to wait for me, but I was unable to meet up with to our agreed time. He called me but I didn’t pick up his calls so he decided to go and get the phone on his own.

He narrated to me how he had met some phone dealers at the market whom he claimed had displayed their mobile phone on a table, unknown to him they showed him their personal android phone that worked, he selected the one that he liked among them. They prepared the receipt for him and asked him to write his name and sign on the receipt. He had given them the money for the phone. Then the phone dealer told him that they needed to remove tracking from the phone. He then gave them the phone so that they could remove the tracking, the phone dealer took the phone and handed it over to one of his colleague in his shop who informed my friend, that he had to pay some money to remove the tracking. He informed the phone dealer about this and the phone dealer talked to his colleague to assist in removing it at the price He agreed to pay him. As soon as he had paid his colleague in the shop. The phone dealer told his colleague to confirm that the phone was charging, after he had confirmed he told my friend that the phone was not charging. He decided to confront the phone dealer for his money. The phone dealer promised to give him another phone that was working. He told the phone the phone dealer and his colleague in the shop that he was not going to accept any phone that wasn’t working. The phone dealer went to the display table picked a phone and gave it to his colleague in his shop to confirm if it would charge. My friend was satisfied that the phone was charging. So he thanked the phone dealer and left the market as it was already getting late and the market was about to close.

When he got to his apartment, he took his keg to go and get some fuel for the night because there was no light and he had to charge his new phone. My rented apartment was in the same building with him, I saw him coming back with the fuel that he had bought for the night. We greeted, and he told me that he was able to get an android phone from Alaba market on that day. I asked for the receipt of the phone which he handed over to me, while I was reading the information on the receipt it indicated that the phone was non-tested, there was neither a phone number, nor specific address of the phone dealer. Even the name of the phone on the receipt was uncommon among popular android phones. He didn’t finish primary schooling, so he was ignorant of the details of the contract he had entered into in the receipt. I got angry because I knew that he had been defrauded of his money. I asked him if the phone was tested he told me that they had tested the phone in the market that it was charging and the phone dealer told him that the battery of the phone was down and he needed to charge it. I then went ahead to informed him that what was written on the phone’s receipt was non-tested, but he insisted that the phone was tested.

After several hours of charging the phone, he came knocking at the door of my apartment, I then opened the door for him and welcomed him, he informed me that the phone had refused to come on and that I should help him to put on the phone. I collected the phone from him and tried to put it on but it would not come on. That was when it occurred to him that he had been defrauded by his own people in the market. He begged me to go to the market with him the next day, I was angry with him but at the same time I knew that he was just ignorant. I was giving a two weeks leave to prepare for my exams, my leave was to end on Friday 13th of May. I left for the market with him very early that Friday morning since I had finished writing my exams. When we got there the phone dealer wasn’t yet around and his shop was closed. I decided to explain his situation to other traders in the market to get more information about what was really going on. They informed me that he would never get his money back, and that at best he would be giving another phone, I didn’t really know why they said this yet, so I decided to speak with about ten other phone dealer in that area and they all said same and that if we insisted we would be disgraced and driven out of the market by the phone dealers and his colleagues who sold the phone to him. These dealers even had the guts to offer their phone to us for sale trying to use the same trick that had worked on my friend but we declined all of their offers.

While we were waiting for them, my friend told me that he wanted us to get the police involved in this matter. I told him that I really didn’t trust the police, because I have had a bad experience with the them. I also brought to his attention that the receipt says non-tested. I told him that at worst if they refused to give him back his #22,000. We would have to leave, and that I would get him a new phone with my own money. Once the phone dealer opened his shop for that day, we approached him and told him that the phone he had sold to my friend was bad. For the first time the phone dealer told my friend that the phone he had sold to him was non-tested and that they don’t refund back money. He offered us another phone but we rejected and insisted that we wanted to get his money back. The phone dealer flared up immediately and he called his colleagues, whose numbers were growing arithmetically. As soon I noticed that they were about to do to us what other phone dealer had told us would happen. I informed my friend in anger that he had just lost his #22,000 and that we should leave that place immediately. I then took him to a Nokia store at Alaba International market where I got him a new phone costing #45,000 out of pity.

On our way back I informed him that those dealers had built large network of fraud stars in that area, I then explain to him what had actually happened to him on the day he had gone to buy that phone. I told him that the phones been displayed on the tables of these dealers where all damaged phones, and that they knew that they were damaged. I informed his that they deceived their prospective customers with the pretense that they had working phones by showing them their personal expensive android phones in pretense that they were going to sell it to them. But as soon as they got hold of their money, they played another scheme of deception by offering customers their damage phone displayed at their tables. In deceit that they were all working phones. I felt sorry for my friend that’s why I decided to write this here so that we would be aware of what’s happening at Alaba International Market.

Nairalanders, these guys defraud hundreds of people on a daily basis, and they then share peoples hard earned money among themselves, claiming to be legitimate traders. They are really giving the phone business at Alaba international market a really bad name. Personally I have decided that I would not buy any used phone at that market anymore because of the ordeal I and my friend had passed through. Those guys are wicked.……..

You see what “school na scam “has caused
Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Blastedholligan: 3:41pm On May 15, 2022
This is very bad. So sorry for your friend
Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by Samade7: 4:20pm On May 15, 2022
We are the one sir

come to adepite street at computer village ikeja to change the phone sir

U want to collect the remaining money from dem abi? cheesy

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Re: How A Phone Dealers At Alaba International Market Defrauded His Customer!!!! by ncchris569(m): 1:17am On May 16, 2022
I would begin by acknowledging all those who have commented on this Issue, a big thank you to you all for your nice comments, it was truly appreciated. I have decided that I would meet with the trade union this coming Monday to report the issue in order to avoid any further delay. I would like to state clearly that most of the phone dealers that we meet at the market never told us that there was a trade union at Alaba International market where we could report these grievances. If they did I would never have brought up this issue here. Cause I am well aware of the reputational damage this would bring on dealers at the market especially the honest businessmen. I don’t know why they didn’t. I am going to give us a report on how the trade union handled the issue soonest.

I am calling on all reputable dealers at Alaba International market in Nairaland who stand for what is right, to do right and protect the reputation of their businesses from phone dealers who defraud their customers by deception. I would be at the market this Monday by 13:00 (1:00 pm), that would be after I get permission from work. Please If you do know where the trade union office at Alaba International Market is located at kindly highlight its location thanks.

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