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Top Security Agencies In Nigeria And Their Roles by jirehstore(m): 12:37pm On Jul 15, 2022
List of security agencies in Nigeria
Here are some lists of government-owned security organizations in Nigeria and their roles:

1. The State Security Service (SSS)
The Department of State Services (DSS), as they are popularly called, has a domestically focused duty that encompasses counterintelligence, internal security, counterterrorism, and surveillance, besides looking into several other significant offenses against the state.

One of the core duties of this agency is to gather information and intelligence within the country, as regards the safety of senior government officials, such as the President and Governors of the states

Roles of the State Security Service
To safeguard and defend the nation against threats within Nigeria
To lead and deliver services that touch on criminal justice at the federal and state levels of law enforcement.
To uphold and enforce Nigeria’s criminal laws.
To safeguard government representatives like the President, Vice President, Senate President, House Speaker, State Governors, and their close relatives.
To safeguard other high-ranking government figures, including former presidents and their wives, certain presidential and vice-presidential contenders, and foreign leaders of state and government that are visiting the United States.

2. The National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
The National Intelligence Agency (NIA), a branch of the Nigerian government, is to manage counterintelligence and foreign intelligence operations.

Roles of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
To collect and analyze information
To covert action and counterintelligence.
To support and Monitor treaties and Other Agreements.
To support Military Operations.
To support Defense Planning.

3. The Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA)
The DIA supports Nigeria’s defense strategy, improves military collaboration with foreign nations, safeguards Nigerian citizens’ lives, and upholds Nigeria’s territorial integrity. The Chief of Defense Intelligence (CDI), who is chosen by the President of Nigeria, is in charge of the DIA.

Roles of the Defense intelligence agency
To advance Nigeria’s defense strategy
To increase international military cooperation
To safeguard Nigerian citizens’ life
To protect Nigeria’s national territory.

4. The Nigerian Armed Forces
The Nigerian Armed Forces (NAF) are the combined military forces of Nigeria. The Nigerian Army, Nigerian Navy, and Nigerian Air Force are its three uniformed service branches. The Ministry of Defense, which is to oversee the military and its personnel, acts on behalf of the President of Nigeria in his capacity as commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Roles of the Nigerian armed forces
To protect Nigeria against external invasion;
To preserve its territorial integrity and prevent border violations on land, sea, or air; and
To suppress insurrection and assist civil authorities in restoring order when requested to do so by the President, subject to any restrictions that an Act of the National Assembly may impose.
To carry out any additional duties that may be outlined in a National Assembly act.

Other security agencies in Nigeria include:
- Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC)
- Nigeria Prisons Service (NPS)
- Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC)
- Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
- Nigeria Immigrations
- Nigeria Customs

List of private security companies in Nigeria
If you are the type that can afford to hire private security agents to protect your property, you may have to consider the ones listed below:

- Ashaka Security Company (ASCO)
- Halogen Security Company Limited
- Latins Security Nigeria Limited
- McDon Security Ltd
- Arksego Nigeria Limited
- Damog Nigeria Limited
- Sheriff Deputies Limited
- Halogen Security Company Limited
- Dynamic Cherish Security Company Ltd.

Top 10 technology-based security companies in Nigeria

As the rate and effects of insecurity in Nigeria increase daily, it is the responsibility of the Nigerian populace to pay attention to the safety of their own lives and properties. The government-owned security agencies in Nigeria can only play a certain role in the security of the lives and properties of its citizens, but the bulk of responsibility lies in the hands of the individuals. And therefore it is important to mount a security surveillance system in your home and business premises, as this can play a major role in securing your property.

Click here to see effects of insecurity in Nigeria https://jirehstore.com/effects-of-insecurity-in-nigeria-today/

The following are the top technology-based security companies in Nigeria:

1. Jireh technologies limited
A top ISO-certified ICT and security surveillance company that specializes in sales and installation of surveillance equipment like CCTV cameras, access control systems like biometric and real-time attendance systems, fire/burglary alarm systems, and many other security gadgets. For more inquiries, contact Jireh Tech store at https://jirestore.com/about-us/

2. Dentik Network Solutions & Integrated Services
Dentik Network Solutions & Integrated Services supplies first-class security & surveillance systems in Nigeria, installation of CCTV cameras and others

3. Keyesther Security Company Ltd
Keyesther Security Company is a private security company offering services on guard, home security, and private investigation solutions with well-trained, healthy, and educated personnel.

4. Newvital Network Solution Ltd
Newvital Network Solution Limited is into the sales, installation, and training of integrated ICT & Security solutions ranging from CCTV and IP surveillance, biometric and smart card technologies, access control, and time attendance.

5. RootSearch Security Nigeria Ltd
RootSearch Security Nigeria offers investigation and security solutions such as event security, residential security, spy, surveillance, and other security watch services.

6. Clemnology Ventures
Clemnology Ventures is an indigenous integrated service provider in E-surveillance (CCTV cameras), inverter systems, computer networking, telecoms, access controls, and fire/burglar alarm system.

7. CN Tech Nigeria
CN Tech Nigeria specializes in intercom installation, surveillance camera installations, system network installation, and smoke, fire, and heat detectors.

8. Extreme Surveillance System
Extreme Surveillance System offers outstanding protection and reliable surveillance services on metallic scanners, electric fences, fingerprint security, wireless bridging systems, etc.

9. GALinverter
GALinverter offers professional services in the design & installation of solar systems, surveillance cameras, access control, Intercom & general electrical services across Nigeria.

10. Global Protection Experts
Global Protection Experts is a highly rated security guard, surveillance, and private investigator with lots of experience.

Frequently asked questions.
How do I know the best security company in Nigeria?
Before researching for the best security company in Nigeria, you need to first ask yourself these questions:

What do I want to protect? This question will help you know if to go to technology-based security companies in Nigeria? Or any of the private security companies in Nigeria?
If you want to protect mobile property or individuals, you may have to employ the services of security agencies. However, there are some security surveillance mobile gadgets also that can help.

But if it is a stationary property or individuals like a home facility, business, factory, car lot, etc. then you will need the services of the technology-based security companies in Nigeria.

2. After choosing the type of security suitable for your property, of course, you must make your research into the best security companies that provide such services. Find out;

How long the company has existed,
Who its customers are,
What brand of products do they sell?
And where they are located (physical office)
See the best CCTV camera store in Nigeria https://jirehstore.com/cctv-camera-store-in-nigeria/

Where can I buy Quality CCTV cameras for my home?
Jirehstore is your one-stop shop where you can order any type of surveillance equipment and have it delivered to your doorstep. Click here to visit our store. https://jirehstore.com/product-category/cctv-security-cameras/

How expensive is getting a CCTV surveillance system?
Out of all the many security options available, surveillance with CCTV security cameras remains the cheapest because it saves you the cost of having to pay security personnel every month.

And their price range depends on the number of cameras one wishes to install in his facility. Therefore, if you want Jireh Technologies to install CCTV in your facility, we will need to conduct a survey on your facility to know the exact number of cameras required and know the cost.

Also, see the latest CCTV camera prices in Nigeria https://jirehstore.com/cctv-camera-prices-in-nigeria/. Or call 09087443938 to speak with our customer care agent.

We have looked at different security agencies in Nigeria and their roles. This article has enlightened you on your right to security as a Nigerian citizen and what these security agencies owe you as a citizen of the federal republic of Nigeria. But beyond that note that no one will provide you the best protection you need more than you can do for yourself.

Therefore, we have also provided you with a list of top technology-based security companies in Nigeria that offer ICT-based surveillance system for you to leverage on in this period where insecurity has ravaged the country.

Re: Top Security Agencies In Nigeria And Their Roles by gboyetade: 6:02am On Jul 18, 2022
You didn't put contact address
Re: Top Security Agencies In Nigeria And Their Roles by jirehstore(m): 5:10pm On Jul 19, 2022
You didn't put contact address

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please kindly call us on the number displayed on the post, we would love to discuss more with you about our products and services. Thank you sir.

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