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Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? - Education - Nairaland

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Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 2:14pm On Jul 31, 2022
Hey guys!

I have a quick question for you all.

Is it "grinded pepper" or "ground pepper"?

What is/are your reasons for choosing either of this these?

There is a grammatical explanation for the correct answer. I made a video explaining this. Feel free to drop a comment. I'd love to hear from you. Cheers!


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Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Jman06(m): 2:40pm On Jul 31, 2022
It is ground pepper, not grinded.


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 3:13pm On Jul 31, 2022
It is ground pepper, not grinded.

Why is it ground pepper?

You didn't give a grammatical explanation.


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by akoraye(m): 3:26pm On Jul 31, 2022
Granulated pepper


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Highorbit7O16: 3:28pm On Jul 31, 2022
Grounded pepper


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 3:32pm On Jul 31, 2022
Granulated pepper

Haaaaaaaa! Granulated pepper?

Bros grin

Can we say granulated pepper? I thought it's granulated sugar

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Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 3:32pm On Jul 31, 2022
Grounded pepper

Nope, sir. You are wrong.

Watch the video
Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Jman06(m): 3:34pm On Jul 31, 2022

Why is it ground pepper?

You didn't give a grammatical explanation.
Grinded is the past tense of the verb grind. But the appropriate name for the powdery mass formed after grinding is ground pepper.


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Highorbit7O16: 3:36pm On Jul 31, 2022

Nope, sir. You are wrong.

Watch the video
R u OK? Who asked u question


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 3:41pm On Jul 31, 2022
Grinded is the past tense of the verb grind. But the appropriate name for the powdery mass formed after grinding is ground pepper.

"Grinded" is NOT the past tense of the verb "grind".

Watch the video for a detailed explanation. There is a grammatical explanation that makes perfect sense. Watch the video.
Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 3:43pm On Jul 31, 2022
R u OK? Who asked u question

Oh, you believe it is"ground pepper"? grin

Do you have any reason to back up your answer?
Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Conner44: 4:22pm On Jul 31, 2022
grind is a verb


ground is an adjective



Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 4:34pm On Jul 31, 2022
grind is a verb


ground is an adjective


ground[/] is also the simple past and past participle of [b]grind, and the past participle of verbs of cooking can be used as adjectives.


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Conner44: 4:41pm On Jul 31, 2022

ground[/] is also the simple past and past participle of [b]grind, and the past participle of verbs of cooking can be used as adjectives.

So in essence what are you trying to teach us today?

If you carry a plate of pepper that’s dried and put through a machine/mortar/stone and show me I will call it ground pepper


When you give me the plate of fresh pepper and tell me to go and grind it I will know you need me to take it to the machine/mortar/stone.



Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by freddie009(m): 5:02pm On Jul 31, 2022

So in essence what are you trying to teach us today?

If you carry a plate of pepper that’s dried and put through a machine/mortar/stone and show me I will call it ground pepper


When you give me the plate of fresh pepper and tell me to go and grind it I will know you need me to take it to the machine/mortar/stone.


baba just speak pidgin abeg grin grin grin


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 5:17pm On Jul 31, 2022

So in essence what are you trying to teach us today?

If you carry a plate of pepper that’s dried and put through a machine/mortar/stone and show me I will call it ground pepper


When you give me the plate of fresh pepper and tell me to go and grind it I will know you need me to take it to the machine/mortar/stone.


You are correct. I am just saying that the past participle of cooking verbs can be used to modify or describe nouns. Usually, only adjectives describe or modify nouns, verbs don't. But you can use the past participle of cooking verbs as "adjectives" to describe nouns.


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Flamez01: 5:31pm On Jul 31, 2022
;DWhat about powdered pepper? :DWhat about powdered pepper?


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Vyzz: 6:05pm On Jul 31, 2022

We yorubas call it graduated pepper

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Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 7:12pm On Jul 31, 2022
;DWhat about powdered pepper? :DWhat about powdered pepper?

This is a very interesting question. I honestly don't know if "powdered pepper" is correct.

Does "powdered" collocate with "pepper"? We can say " powdered milk", or "powdered chalk", but I don't think " powdered pepper" is correct. And I say this because I don't think they collocate.

I think "ground pepper" is the acceptable phrase.

I'd love to read a contrary opinion.
Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 7:13pm On Jul 31, 2022

We yorubas call it graduated pepper

grin grin grin
Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BanevsJoker(m): 7:14pm On Jul 31, 2022
Ground is the past tense of grind.

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Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Jackossky(m): 7:16pm On Jul 31, 2022


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Tokskob2008: 7:19pm On Jul 31, 2022

We yorubas call it graduated pepper
Nah... We call it Ata gungun.


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 7:28pm On Jul 31, 2022
Ground is the past tense of grind.

"ground" is also the past participle.

Simple present= grind
Simple past= ground
Past participle= ground

Even though the simple past and the past participle have the same form, it is the past participle form you are using when you say "ground pepper". The reason is that the simple past cannot be used as an adjective, only the past participle.

Here is a better example

Simple present: break
Simple past: broke
Past participle: broken

You can't say " broke glasses", but you can say "broken glasses". You can't use the past tense as an adjective to describe a noun, but you can use the past participle as an adjective.


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 7:28pm On Jul 31, 2022

Nah... We call it Ata gungun.

Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by Tecnophone: 7:36pm On Jul 31, 2022

Nope, sir. You are wrong.

Watch the video


Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 7:57pm On Jul 31, 2022
There is something called "collocation" in English. That is why you can't say "granulated pepper". " granulated" and "pepper" do not collocate.

That's also why you can say "powdered milk" but you can't say "powdered pepper or powdered sugar".
Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by daxon001(m): 8:01pm On Jul 31, 2022
Ok here is the gist.
A man that is made (is a statement that has the predicate IS MADE) nb: MADE is past participle.
but you can describe him as a MADE MAN turning the MADE to adjective....

Same with what you have.
Pepper that is grinded/ground (past participle)
But can then be GROUND PEPPER. It's more appropriate. wink GRINDED is obsolete past participle.

U getit? wink
Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by daxon001(m): 8:11pm On Jul 31, 2022
Hey guys!

I have a quick question for you all.

Is it "grinded pepper" or "ground pepper"?

What is/are your reasons for choosing either of this these?

There is a grammatical explanation for the correct answer. I made a video explaining this. Feel free to drop a comment. I'd love to hear from you. Cheers!


Check my alaye up there

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Re: Is It "Grinded Pepper" Or "Ground Pepper"? by BinamRex: 8:35pm On Jul 31, 2022
Ok here is the gist.
A man that is made (is a statement that has the predicate IS MADE) nb: MADE is past participle.
but you can describe him as a MADE MAN turning the MADE to adjective....

Same with what you have.
Pepper that is grinded/ground (past participle)
But can then be GROUND PEPPER. It's more appropriate. wink GRINDED is obsolete past participle.

U getit? wink

Hmmmm...are you insinuating that the simple past and past participle of "grind" used to be "grinded" but it is now obsolete?

I don't know about this. I have to do some research.

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