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27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? - Health - Nairaland

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27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by omojesu202(m): 11:30pm On Jan 27, 2023
The urge has finally died but I'm still scared.
Smoked my last stick on 31st December 2022.
This is the highest I've gone in over 10 years.
Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by chatinent: 11:33pm On Jan 27, 2023
Well done, bro. I'm happy for you.
Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by Papichulostunne(m): 11:45pm On Jan 27, 2023
Fight the good fight with all thy might.!!! Christ is the strength.

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Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by Sheistoopretty(f): 11:46pm On Jan 27, 2023
Lol grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by drake2(m): 12:07am On Jan 28, 2023
Na lie!. U will resume with buying in packs to pay up d smoking arears for 27 days. U need an unpalatable and embarrasing encounter to find smoking irritating not grace.
Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by MITCHELL96: 12:21am On Jan 28, 2023
You might go back to smoking again if you don't caution yourself and stay focus on your goal of quitting smoking for life.

It's not easy to quit any addiction, I don't smoke nor drink but I know how this feels.

The moment you get addicted to somethin, it becomes part of your life, your brain now sees that thing as part of you and sends a signal that you can't do without it, it's just like trying to deny yourself food which is not possible, we all need food, so your brain now sees your addiction as food.

So stop focusing on how many days you've stopped smoking as it's not what matters.

Your focus should be on never touching, lighting, buying and smoking a cigar/Igbo for the rest of your life.

Your brain can't really delete the memory that you once smoked, that's why it's better we never indulge in any of these killer addictions because your brain stores it forever the first moment you do it/them.

It's just like a virgin and a non virgin. A non virgin knows the feeling of sex and knows how and what the end product feels like and will want to achieve it by any possible means, maybe use last card to hook up a call girl or something.

But a virgin doesn't know how and what the end product of sex feels like meaning he/she could just imagine it and at the end nothing happens unless that person decides to break his/her virginity that day.

And that's the beginning of sexual related addictions for that person.

I believe I've explained and expanded this to your understanding?

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Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by Stawner16(m): 12:32am On Jan 28, 2023
9 months off cigs here. Keep going, dawg👏🏾
Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by MITCHELL96: 12:44am On Jan 28, 2023
Lol grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Your own is just to laugh and joke on serious matters 😒
Never seen you drop a meaningful comment when people need help or on a serious topic just like this my whole life on NL.

Why not pass rather than drop irrelevant comments to showcase your stu........... 😑😒

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Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by OmarEl(m): 8:53am On Jan 28, 2023
May the Lord Be Your Strength.... Keep The Good Work Going. Always Meditate on the Positive side of quitting this ill Habit. If I may ask you, How do you feel Whenever you look yourself on the mirror lately? I know you feel at peace with Yourself.
So don't give up on this great journey.....God Bless You
Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by Autobot05: 3:03am On Jan 29, 2023
The urge has finally died but I'm still scared.
Smoked my last stick on 31st December 2022.
This is the highest I've gone in over 10 years.

No .. still be careful and watchful
I once quit smoking for 2 months only to resume heavily .
Took my last stick on the 1st of this year . I plan to make it forever by God's grace smiley

Tip: avoid your friends that smoke
Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by omojesu202(m): 4:12pm On Jan 29, 2023
May the Lord Be Your Strength.... Keep The Good Work Going. Always Meditate on the Positive side of quitting this ill Habit. If I may ask you, How do you feel Whenever you look yourself on the mirror lately? I know you feel at peace with Yourself.
So don't give up on this great journey.....God Bless You

I feel good.

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Re: 27days Without Smoking; Have I Really Won Cigarettes? by dopedan(m): 7:53am On Nov 17, 2023
Hows it going? Not smoked since jan?

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