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Please, Kindly Save A Soul From Depression by AlphaGrace: 4:43pm On May 16, 2023 |
Good afternoon Sir/Ma, trust you had an unstressed day? I'm a beloved follower of this great platform, and have been following many words of encouragement, advice and lesson learnt on this forum. To cut the story short, please whoever that's going through my post and have the capacity to assist me should do so for God sake as am really depressed, though not thinking of committing suicide because I believe the God Almighty will pave way for me. I'm seeking for help, I'm a graduate and ever since I graduated since 2020, not gainfully employed and things are falling apart. I am at inttermidiate level with the use of Corel-draw, with little idea of Photoshop as well, though I do borrowed a buddy laptop, but he's back to school for his study. I already met with someone who is ready to guide me through the learning of extensive graphics design class, but presently not having a laptop for the journey. I'm pleading to my God sent helper on this blessed forum, whoever that has an unused laptop, be it abandoned or any one he/she could spare to assist me to facilitate my graphics design learning class, I shall be forever grateful. Please, I want to use the remaining months left for this year to complete the training for the betterment of myself and soul. Thanks as I await your favorable responses. I can be reach through this email address; ( GOD BLESS YOU ALL, please Mod kindly assist me to push it to front Page for my God sent helper to locate me. |
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