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China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by tamdun: 9:49am On Nov 30, 2023
It took China 21 years of manufacturing goods for the world to save USD 3 trillion in foreign reserve.

It took the U.S. only two years to print USD 17 trillion to buy real goods & resources from other nations.

This is a great injustice of the “rules-based international order”.

Can someone pls explain what happened here?


Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by Alex9999: 9:51am On Nov 30, 2023
China na mugu be that.
Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by tamdun: 10:01am On Nov 30, 2023
China na mugu be that.
No,that's cheating,China worked for those 3 trillion but us did not


Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by SoNature(m): 10:05am On Nov 30, 2023
China na mugu be that.

China no be mugu. They have faith in the US economy because America is a country whose economy is run by experts. Despite being the world's most diverse country, America doesn't joke with their economy. This is a lesson to every country.

While all countries backed their currencies up with the US dollars, the US hedged theirs on the gold. It's not US fault that the EU countries decided to finish off their economies during the Second World War.
Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by tamdun: 10:09am On Nov 30, 2023

China no be mugu. They have faith in the US economy because America is a country whose economy is run by experts. Despite being the world's most diverse country, America doesn't joke with their economy. This is a lesson to every country.

While all countries backed their currencies up with the US dollars, the US hedged theirs on the gold. It's not US fault that the EU countries decided to finish off their economies during the Second World War.

They are around the world forcing people to do their bidding,there's no way they'll make 17 trillion in just 2yrs,they are just printing papers to decieve the world,that's why some world power are pushing for reserve backed by natural resources like gold etc

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Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by 49cents(m): 10:37am On Nov 30, 2023
Africa should shun that stupid dollar that is backed on nothing.
We must have our own currency backed by our mineral resources and use it to trade both internally and externally

If Trump doesn't drop that agenda he too is thrash


Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by shomutuski(m): 12:53pm On Nov 30, 2023
It took China 21 years of manufacturing goods for the world to save USD 3 trillion in foreign reserve.

It took the U.S. only two years to print USD 17 trillion to buy real goods & resources from other nations.

This is a great injustice of the “rules-based international order”.

Can someone pls explain what happened here?


We must leave the US dollar Hegemony and move back to Gold and Silver standard, That way any country that prints so much money has no where to hide especially USA since their currency is the official reserve currency for most countries around the world. Imaging saving money in one currency, while its been printed on the othe side. It diminishes the purchasing power of the money saved.\

Usa suppose done enter recession since, they hold a 31trillion dollar debt internally
Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by RepoMan007: 1:13pm On Dec 01, 2023
The solution is adoption of a neutral currency for international transactions & tradings.
If Chinese yen is adopted to same extent, they will print more than the USA is currently printing.

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Re: China Save 3 Trillion Dollars In 21yrs While U.S Printed 17 Trillion In Just 2yr by RepoMan007: 1:22pm On Dec 01, 2023
Before raging at USA for printing money, as a Nigerian, ask yourself, which will favour us more? The USA printing more or not printing more?
I thinking printing dollars favours us because it allows more dollar reach the downtrodden in nations like Nigeria, India and Pakistan thus strengthening naira to dollar rate.

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