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Religion / Open Heavens Devotional For Today by chizby(m): 9:43am




“For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:” – 1 Peter 3:5 (KJV)

*BIBLE READING: Ephesians 5:22-33 (KJV)*

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.


Marriage is a beautiful gift from God; it is designed to bring joy and fulfilment to both partners. Like every other gift from God, it comes with a manual – the word of God. In today’s Bible reading, there is a detailed description of how a husband and wife should relate with each other. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church, while wives are to submit to their husbands.

Many women don’t understand what submission really means. They say they are submissive, whereas they are only cooperative. Cooperation is agreeing with your husband because you want the same things. Submission, however, is complying with his wish even when you don’t agree. Many women find it difficult to submit to their husbands because the society talks about gender equality. However, this is not what the Bible says about marriage.

Submission does not mean slavery or servitude, rather, it is a voluntary act of respect and obedience from a wife to her husband as the head of the home. When you obey your boss in the office, it is not because you are a slave, it is because there is a hierarchy that must be followed for things to go smoothly in the office. An English proverb says that two captains cannot sail a ship. As a wife, your husband is the captain of your marriage-ship; submitting to him is a key ingredient in ensuring that you have a blissful marriage.

Years ago, I used to preach regularly at a university, and a woman would usually come to me complaining about her husband’s stubbornness and asking me to pray the stubbornness away. After a while, I decided I wasn’t going to pray anymore. I told her, “When you get home, place his food on the dining table, call him your head, and ask him to come and eat. When he sits at the table, give him a bowl of water, kneel and let him wash his hands in it.” She said, “No way! He is a professor just like I am. We are the same.” I replied that if she wanted my help, she should take my advice. She decided to do it, and at first, her husband wondered if she had poisoned the food. She told him that her pastor taught her what she was doing, and suddenly, the stubborn husband became very soft. He followed her to the next service and became born again. Their marriage blossomed thereafter.


Submission is not slavery; it is a sign of wisdom for a successful marriage.



1 When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

2 But we never can prove
the delights of his love
until all on the altar we lay;
for the favor he shows,
for the joy he bestows,
are for them who will trust and obey. [Refrain]

3 Then in fellowship sweet
we will sit at his feet,
or we’ll walk by his side in the way;
what he says we will do,
where he sends we will go;
never fear, only trust and obey. [Refrain]
Religion / Open Heavens Devotional For Today by chizby(m): 11:43am On Sep 19



But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Everyone at one time or the other will be in a waiting season. Your waiting season is a period when you are waiting for something that you desire to come to you. A secondary school student is usually waiting earnestly for when he or she will get into the university, the university student is waiting to graduate, the graduate is waiting to get a job, the single person is waiting to get married, the married person is waiting to have children, and parents are waiting for the different stages of their children's life. The waiting goes on for different things at different times.

Waiting is inevitable for everyone, however, what you do while waiting is more important than what you are waiting for itself. When people lose their patience with God and decide to do things outside His will to stop their waiting season, they often regret it.

In 1 Samuel 13:8-14, Saul got tired of waiting for Samuel's arrival to perform a sacrifice, so he decided to perform the sacrifice himself, which was against the will of God. That action resulted in him losing his throne. In Genesis 16:1-3, Sarah got tired of waiting on God for a child, so she gave Hagar to Abraham as a wife. She regretted it after Hagar conceived (Genesis 16:4), and today, that action has resulted in great persecution for her descendants. Finding alternatives to God in order to shorten a waiting season always ends in regrets. My wife and I were praying for a woman to conceive. At some point, she got tired of waiting on God and went to see a herbalist. She got pregnant quite alright, but the pregnancy that should last for only nine months remained for years. The last time I heard about her, she still hadn't given birth to the baby. Every alternative to God gives permission to the devil to oppress you.

The reason we have many internet fraudsters today is that many young people don't want to go through the correct process of making money. What they don't know is that although they could get a lot of money quickly, what they will have to give in exchange for that money is their very soul. Matthew 16:26 says that this is foolish because there is only loss in a fellow gaining the whole world and losing his or her soul in the process.

Don't be foolish, wait on God, and He will surely come through for you.

Every alternative to God gives permission to the devil to oppress a believer.



1 Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.

Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises of God my Saviour;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.

2 Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.


3 Standing on the promises I now can see
Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;
Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,
Standing on the promises of God.


4 Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
Standing on the promises of God.


5 Standing on the promises I shall not fall,
List’ning every moment to the Spirit’s call.
Resting in my Saviour as my All in all,
Standing on the promises of God.
Religion / Open Heavens Devotional For To Day by chizby(m): 9:36am On Sep 18



“Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!”
Ezekiel 13:3

1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD;

3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!

4 O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts.

5 Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD.

6 They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.

True prophecies come from the mind of God. A prophet hears from God and relays the message to the people. Whenever a prophecy is given based on feelings, that prophecy is false, and the Bible describes people who do this as fools (Ezekiel 13:3). A true prophecy is an echo of what God has said.

When I was younger in ministry, I recall prophesying that a particular airline will never suffer loss because I was excited over their services to the church. I prophesied based on my feelings without hearing what God had to say. Not long after, the airline suffered a plane crash. I should have just prayed for them and blessed them for their benevolence, rather than giving a prophecy in my excitement. I learnt my lesson from that - if God has not spoken, I do not prophesy.

Beloved, don’t be too much in a hurry to say ‘God said’ when God didn’t say anything. Don’t allow pride to push you to prophesy; prophesy only according to the will of God. Push pride aside so that you can hear God clearly. Long before the Nigerian elections in 2023, people were agitated as to who will become the next president. They put pressure on me to tell them what the outcome of the elections will be. Even with all that pressure, I made sure not to say anything I had not heard God say because I knew that it would be a lie. I told them a few weeks before the election, “God has still not spoken. Until God speaks, I won’t say anything.” You must become comfortable with keeping quiet when God is quiet. If you are truly His mouthpiece, when His mouth is shut, yours will be also.

Prophecy must also be in line with the word of God. If a prophecy does not echo the word of God in the Scriptures, it is false. A man came to me and said, “I heard that you are a prophet, and anything you say comes to pass. Can you tell me my future?” I responded, “That is easy. Are you born again?” He said, “No”. “Then, your future will be terrible,” I responded. He asked, “How do you know? You’ve not even asked for my name.” I told him, “Isaiah 3:11 says, ‘Woe unto the wicked. ’” Anyone who has not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour is condemned already (John 3:17-18).

A true prophecy comes from God and always aligns with His word in the Scriptures.

Any prophecy that does not echo God's word is fake. Let it not come out of your mouth.

AMOS 5-9


1 Guide me, O my great Redeemer,
pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but you are mighty;
hold me with your powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me now and evermore,
feed me now and evermore.

2 Open now the crystal fountain,
where the healing waters flow.
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
ever be my strength and shield,
ever be my strength and shield.

3 When I tread the verge of Jordan,
bid my anxious fears subside.
Death of death, and hell's Destruction,
land me safe on Canaan's side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever sing to you,
I will ever sing to you.
Religion / Open Heavens Devotional For To Day by chizby(m): 8:23am On Sep 16



“A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.”
Proverbs 28:20

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

God makes everything beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The pursuit of the vanities of this world has robbed many people of far greater and better blessings from God. It is not bad to want to achieve something great or pursue a good cause, but if you try to outrun God, you may never achieve that goal, and worse still, you may pay for it with something very precious to you. God knows your desires; in fact, it is likely that He is the one who put them there. He knows the best times and the best ways for those desires to be accomplished, so, don’t try to act smarter than the One who made your brain.

Years ago, I was duped by a man who promised to make me a commandant of a paramilitary group. This man had been sending messages to me through my secretary for a while, and so, one day, I gave him audience. He explained to me how a Boy-Scouts-like group had evolved into this new agency, and that he was sourcing for who would lead the group spiritually. Normally, I ask God before getting involved in anything at all, but this time, my love for the military in my younger days beclouded my best instincts, and I agreed to be their head. He told me that they needed some funding, which I gave as the prospective head. However, I later found out that the man was a fake. My desire to be part of a paramilitary group made me run ahead of God, but God had already purposed for Redemption City to have its own corps of chaplains as well as a local Police post. He knew the desire of my heart, and He had planned for it to be fulfilled in His own time. I thought that I could bring my desire to fulfilment at my own time, but I was wrong. What I lost in that experience was money, but for someone else, it might have been their life or a loved one.

The Bible makes it clear that God delights in our well-being and prosperity (Psalm 35:27), (3 John 1:2). Therefore, it is not wrong to desire wealth. He will definitely make you prosper, but in His own time. Beloved, follow God’s timing; don’t try to outrun Him.

Don't try to outrun God so that you will not lose far more than what you set out to gain.

JOEL 1-3


1 Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.

Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.
Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.

2 Standing on the promises I now can see
Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;
Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,
Standing on the promises of God.

3 Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
Standing on the promises of God.

4 Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
List’ning every moment to the Spirit’s call,
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God
Romance / Open Haven Daily Devotion For Today by chizby(m): 10:00am On Sep 15



“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.”
Proverbs 16:3

5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is committed to God that does not turn out well. This is why you must commit things into God’s hands and let Him take the lead in everything that you do. Ask Him for counsel before you make any move, and everything will go well.

My Father in the Lord, Pa Josiah Akindayomi, exemplified committing things into God’s hands. He placed the church in God’s hands right from its outset. He did not just commit the church into God’s hands in prayers, he also did so in actions. He did exactly everything that God asked Him to do as regards the church, and in turn, God fulfilled His promises concerning the church. Many people think that The Redeemed Christian Church of God is what it is today because of me; that is not true. God already decided the destiny of the church long before I became born again. If I had refused to obey Him, He would have gotten someone else to become the General Overseer. Whatever is committed into God’s hands can never go wrong.

If you really want to be successful, place all your plans in the hands of God. Proverbs 3:5 says:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Don’t depend on your degrees, skills, connections, or money; depend on God alone. Trust Him with all your heart, do everything according to His word, obey all His instructions, and you will see Him do great things for you. Make it clear to God that He is the owner of your career, business, ministry, and every other aspect of your life, and He will make sure that you have all-round success.

You must note, however, that when you commit something to God, you are agreeing to Him becoming your senior partner. This means that when He gives you instructions, you must obey. Some of these instructions may not make sense to you, and some may be very difficult for you to do, but if you don’t take the control back from Him, and if you submit to His leadership, you will enjoy greater success than you could ever have had all by yourself.

Father, please take complete charge of all that concerns me from today, in Jesus' name.

HOSEA 10-14


1 When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

2 Not a burden we bear,
not a sorrow we share,
but our toil he doth richly repay;
not a grief or a loss,
not a frown or a cross,
but is blest if we trust and obey.


3 But we never can prove
the delights of his love
until all on the altar we lay;
for the favor he shows,
for the joy he bestows,
are for them who will trust and obey.


4 Then in fellowship sweet
we will sit at his feet,
or we'll walk by his side in the way;
what he says we will do,
where he sends we will go;
never fear, only trust and obey.


1 Like

Jobs/Vacancies / Driver Needed At Lekki by chizby(m): 12:12pm On Aug 26
A professor working at Lagos University needs a drive at agungi lekki. Salary 80k per month. Driver to take him to university 3 times a week.

Send me your CV if you interested 08132682481
Properties / Contact Us For Roofing Tiles Installation by chizby(m): 10:22am On Nov 30, 2022
Very experienced roofing tiles construction workers on ground to give you a perfect finished for your house.
Contact 08132682481 for more information

Jobs/Vacancies / Drivers Needed In Lekki Lagos by chizby(m): 4:56pm On Nov 28, 2022
1) Driver's Job with where to stay (not a standard room)
The Guarantor must be a Soldier, Police or a Civil Servant
Salary: N60,000

2) Driver's Job with where to stay (not a standard room)
The Guarantor can be anybody.
Salary: N50,000

3) Two Driver's Jobs without accommodation
The Guarantor must be anybody.
Salary: N70,000

Other requirements for all jobs:
1) Registration: N5,000
2) Valid Driver's License

Send your CV to 08132682481.

1 Like

Properties / Estate For Sale Orchid Lekki Lagos. by chizby(m): 12:42pm On Nov 23, 2022
*Estate for Sale*
Brand Newly built Estate for sale by Orchid Road Eleganza lekki. 50 units of 4 bedroom luxury Semi detache duplexes with Bq New house.

Title: Governor's Consent. oha
Picture and video available on demand.
4 Billion naira. 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Drivers Needed In Sangodedo And Ikeja Lagos by chizby(m): 11:29am On Sep 21, 2022
Driver needed in sangodedo 65k no accommodation.
Driver needed in ikeja 50k accommodation available

If interested send cv. Na agent get the job oo.

08132682481. No calls WhatsApp only.
Jobs/Vacancies / Driver Needed In Agungi And Gbagada Lagos by chizby(m): 8:27pm On Sep 02, 2022
Agungi lekki personal driver 70k no accommodation.
Gbagada personal driver 55k no accommodation.
Drivers must stay close to the area.

Send cv to 08132682481

Na agent get the job ooo.

1 Like

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Need A Driver In Agungi Lekki by chizby(m): 12:57pm On Aug 12, 2022
Lazy bastard like you talking trash. Them force your papa to take the job? Am sure you have never help anybody in your family talkless of the public.
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver In Agungi Lekki by chizby(m): 12:02pm On Aug 09, 2022
Need a driver that stays around agungi lekki for a driver job. Salary 70k no accommodation. Wahtapp me ur CV 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Driver Need In Lekki Phase1 by chizby(m): 3:03pm On Jul 29, 2022
Company driver needed. Salary 70 to 80k.
No accommodation.
Driver must reside in lekki.
What me your cv 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / I Need 2 Drivers For Lekki Phase1 Job by chizby(m): 3:46pm On Jul 27, 2022
Job.: Driving job.
Salary 60k no accommodation
Driver must stay around lekki.
WhatsApp me ur CV 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Drivers Needed In Agungi Lekki And V.i by chizby(m): 10:55pm On Jun 26, 2022
Read am well oo.. Driving job in v.i 70k with accommodation but the woman head dey hot oo. If you are not calm and cool don't apply. Must have license and lasdri. Na agent get the job oo. 08132682481 WhatsApp only ur CV. Interview 2moro morning

Driver needed in agungi lekki 70k no accommodation. Must be living around.

Whatapp ur CV 08132682481
Properties / Re: Updated List Of Filling Station For Sale by chizby(m): 7:03pm On Jun 09, 2022
Updated list of filling stations for sales. June 2022.

** Mega filling station on an acre with 16 pumps,super mall with fitted air conditioned, modernized toilet fittings,office spaces along Lagos Ibadan express way,#1.4b asking.

** Mega filling station on close to 2 acres of land,10 pumps,lube bay,office space along Lagos Ibadan express way,#700m.

** Prime and functional filling station on 2 plots with 5 pumps,mart,gas skid along Ilepo, Lagos Abeokuta express way,#200m.

** Prime and functional filling station with 5 pumps office space,mart,lube bay,on over 2 plots along Ajegunle road,#180m asking.

** Prime and functional filling station with 5 pumps office space lube bay,gas skid space along Itire road surulere,#300m.

* Prime and functional filling station with 5 pumps,gas skid,lube bay,modernized mart,carport(can be used as car wash,on 2 plots of land along Isheri Igando major road,#300m.

* Mega filling station on close to 3 plots of land,7 pumps,office spaces,lube bay,car wash,at Egbeda, #450m.

* Prime filling station with 6 pumps,lube bay,mart,on one acre along igando road,#350m asking.

** Prime Filling station with 6 pumps,lube bay,office complex, on a corner piece 2 plot at Agege,#350m

* Filling station on 4 plots with 6 pumps,office space and a functional lubricant plant with massive storage tanks at Iyaba,#1.7b.

* Prime and functional filling station on 2 plots,6 pumps,office complex,lube bay,space for gas skid along Igando major road,#350m

** Prime and functional filling station with 6 pumps,mart,lube bay along Ibeju Lekki express way,#280m

** Prime and functional filling station with 5 pumps,gas plant,office space along Amikanle Kola road,#350m

* Filling station at Alakuko 5 pump's on 2 plots of lands,#170m.

* Filling station at iyana iyesi Along idiroko Road 5 pump's, #120m,

* Prime filling station along Agege Pen cinema,4 plots,6 pumps,eatery,#500m.

** Functional Petrol Filling Station for sale on 3plots with 6pumps, office, mart, gas skid, 4nos 45000 litres underground tanks etc with enough space for other commercial activities in good area.
Along Ige Road, Iyana Ipaja, Lagos.
Title: COFO, DRR license and Approval, N170m asking.

** A filling station at ajangbadi bus stop on 2 plots of land with 6 pumps and 4 under ground tanks of 45000 litters
PMS .90 000 litters. AGO .45 000 litters. DPK. 45000 litters.....LPG.gas 2.5 tons.. ₦ 250 million.

** Non Functioning Petrol Station on 4 plots of land directly on Lagos to Ibadan Expressway, Saapade Bus-stop, Ode-Remo, Ogun State with DPR Approval, Federal Govt.Approval, State Approval, Registered Survey, C of O under processing, #40m asking.

** Brand new filling station with 5 pumps 2plots of land ,mart,lube bay at Orile iganmu axis
All documents are intact.,#170M

** filling station at Ajegunle Idiroko 2plots, 6pumps, #75m asking

** Filling station at Idiroko, 6pumps 2plots, #80m asking

** filling station at Ajegunle Idiroko 6 pumps, 2plots #90m asking

** Mega Filling Station,
On Isolo Road,Land Size: 3 plots plus
Title: C of O
Pms: 4 Pumps ( 8 nozzles )
AGO: 1 Pump ( 1 nozzle )
DPK: 1 Pump ( 1 nozzle)
PMS 2 Underground Tanks 45,000each
AGO 1 Underground Tank 45,000
DPK 1 Understand Tank 45,000
Price 420 Million.


* Filling station on 2plot with 6 pumps,office complex,lube bay along Ajuwon Akute,#180m asking.

* Functional filling Station with 5 pumps,lube bay,office complex,gas plant along Abulegba ekoro/Command road,#250m.

" Mega filling station with 10 pumps,supermarket, office complex,lube bay along Airport road Abuja,#650m

* Mega filling station with 8 pumps, office complex, lube bay,on over 3 plots along Isheri idimu road #550m.

* Mega filling station with 7 pumps, office complex, lube bay,diagnosis Car center, on over 3 plots at Egbeda, #650m.

* Prime filling station of 4 pumps,,lube bay,office along Idi araba road,Surulere, #350m net.

* Mega filling station with 10pumps,office complex,lube bay on 4 plots of land at Osodi,#800m.

* Mega filling Station with 10 pumps,office complex,lube bay along Osodi Agege motor road,mushin,#800m.

* Filling station on 2 plot,5 pumps, mini mart,lube bay at Ijanikin, #120m.

* Functional filling station on 6 plots with 10 pumps,office,lube bay at Dopemu,#450m

* Mega filling station on 4 plots will 15 pumps, plaza, office, lube bay, and space for further development at Lekki phase 1, #2b

* MEGA FILLING STATION with 10 pumps, mart, office on over 3 plots at Alasia, Oshodi Lagos abeokuta expressway, #1b.

* NEWLY MEGA FILLING STATION with 12PUMPS,big Supermarket and complex on 1acre For Along Mile2 Apapa Express Way With Necessary Documents. TITLE: C OF O/DPR. PRICE: N1.7b.

* Filling station on 2 plots with 8 pumps, office, lube Bay along Eleko ibeju lekki, #550m

* Filling station on 4 plots with 6pumps, mart at second rainbow Mile2 Oshodi-Apapa ExpressWay, 1.6b.

* Filling station on 2 plot,5 pumps,office,lube bay along Ikotun Ijegun Road,,#250m

* Mega filling station on 1 acre and half plot of land, with 6 pumps, lube Bay, office at toll gate, Lagos abeokuta expressway, #400m.

* Filling station on 4 plot with 5 pumps,office,lube bay,at sango ota,#120m.

* Filling station on 2 plot with 5 pumps, lube Bay and office along Shasha Akowonjo Road, #250m

* Filling station on 2 plot with 5 pumps, lube Bay and office along Idimu Ejigbo road, #250m

** Filling station. On four plots at isheri 9 pumps, lube bay, eatery, mini Mart,gas skid, #500m net... station has all approvals

** Filling station on four plots at igando 8 pumps 5 tanks @ 45000 litres each..lube bay ,gas skid, eatery, car wash #400m

** Filling station on two plots 5 pumps one storey , mini Mart..4 tanks #280m..

** Filling station at Igbo elerin on two plots 6 pumps 5 tanks mini Mart, lube bay #150m

** Filling station at ipaja
6 pumps 4 tanks , lube bay, mini Mart, car wash #200m

* Filling station on 2 plot with 6 pumps, office, lube Bay, and gas plant at Aboru road, Iyana paja, #250m.

*Prime filling station at Ikola command,road,ipaja with 5 pumps,office,lube bay,

* Mega flling station 3plots of land,with 6pumps ,office complex,lube bay on the axis of Isolo Abimmbola and Ilasa,#700m

on 2 and half plot
Location: Bayeku Road, Igbogbo, Ikorodu.
Pumps: 4 PMS, 1 AGO 1 DPK.
Title: All documents are intact and current.
PRICE #250m.

On 1400sqm with 5pumps (3PUMPS FOR PMS, 1PUMP AGO & 1DPK), consisting of 4underground TANKS OF 45,000litres each
with other facilities like lube,shops for eatery e.t.c

Chizby consult 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver At Magodo Phase 1 Lagos by chizby(m): 4:38pm On May 04, 2022
Need a professional driver at magodo phase1 isheri Lagos . Mon to sat. No accommodation.
Must around the area
Salary 65k for start. Na agent get the job oo..

Send CV to my WhatsApp 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Drivers Needed At Mowe,ibafo,ojodu Berger by chizby(m): 12:30pm On Apr 10, 2022
Needed driver on Monday that reside around mowe ibafo or ojodu berger axis for a driving job. Salary 55k to 60k no accommodation.

WhatsApp me 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver In Agungi And Ikate And A Cook In Lekki by chizby(m): 10:28am On Apr 04, 2022
Need a driver for agungi and ikate. No accommodation 65k. You must stay around Na agent get the job oo.

A cook in lekki .

WhatsApp me 08132682481

1 Like

Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver In Magodo Phase 2 by chizby(m): 9:06pm On Mar 05, 2022
Need an experience driver in magodo phase 2. Salary 60k.
Working days Tuesday to sunday. Monday off. No permanent accommodation.
WhatsApp your CV and license 08132682481

Na agent get the job oo..
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Personal Driver In V.i Hospital And Lekki by chizby(m): 10:40am On Feb 24, 2022
Driver for a Hospital on the Island.
Salary: N70, 000 per month

Valid Driver's License;
LASDRI; a must have.
N5, 000 registration fee;
Two Guarantors
There is accommodation
If you don't have lasdri don't apply..

Personal driver needed in lekki 60k no accommodation

Send CV to my WhatsApp 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Cooperate Personal Drive In Lekki Lagos by chizby(m): 8:34am On Feb 11, 2022
Need a cooperate drive with minimum qualification of OND. Salary 65 to70k with accommodation send your CV to my WhatsApp 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Private Driver In Ikate And Obalande by chizby(m): 1:02pm On Feb 05, 2022
Need a driver that stays around ikate and obalande 60k salary for both areas. No accommodation. Send CV 08132682481

Pls apply if only you have were to stay in ikate and obalande
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver At Ojudu Berger 50k Salary by chizby(m): 4:53pm On Jan 29, 2022
Need a driver that stays around ojudu berger. Mon to Fri. Private 50k salary no accommodation. 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver At Obalande And Ikate Lagos by chizby(m): 11:39am On Jan 28, 2022
In need of a driver at obalande Lagos to drive an auto bus. Salary 60k no accommodation. Contact if you stay around.

Need a driver living around ikate lekki Lagos for a private driving job. Salary 60k no accommodation

WhatsApp me your CV 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver At Ikate Lekki Lagos Salary 60k by chizby(m): 3:24pm On Jan 24, 2022
WhatsApp me your CV if you stay around ikate lekki Lagos for a private driving job. Salary 60k
Jobs/Vacancies / I Need A Driver That Stays Around Lekki Phase1 Lagos by chizby(m): 10:11am On Jan 18, 2022
Need a driver that stays around lekki phase 1 for immediate employment. Salary 50 to 60k monthly. Call 08132682481.
Jobs/Vacancies / Need A Driver That Stay Around Lekki Phase1 by chizby(m): 10:13am On Jan 03, 2022
Need a driver that stays around lekki phase 1.
Salary 50 to 60k.
Call 08132682481
Business To Business / Do You Need A Driver? Contact Us. by chizby(m): 11:31am On Dec 29, 2021
Drivers consult..
We have able drivers at your request in Lagos to drive you with your own car.
Call 08132682481.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Drivers Needed Lagos by chizby(m): 7:27am On Dec 10, 2021
Still needed. Apply if you qualify. 08132682481
Jobs/Vacancies / Drivers Needed Lagos by chizby(m): 10:12pm On Dec 04, 2021
Lekki 50 + accommodation

Gbagada 50k no accommodation

Magodo phase2 60k no accommodation

Ikeja 65k

V.i 50k

At 5yrs experience and valid license

WhatsApp me only 08132682481 no calls

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