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Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by comfort207: 7:14am On Nov 02, 2024
Hello, please how did you get appointment? I keep getting no appointment date available for weeks now
Filled Cerfa form and passport photograph
Letter of introduction and 3 months Payslips.
3 months bank statement
Work ID
Hotel and Flight reservation
Tours confirmation/ receipt
Personal Letter
University certificate
Birth certificate
Travel Insurance
Letter to proof ties from Parent and family photo
Past Visas and Travel stamps
Utility bills
Photographs from past vacations
Tax certificate

I wish you the best.

Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by comfort207: 3:49pm On Nov 01, 2024
How did you book, is there a special way to get date cos its still saying no date available even today

If you are a frequent traveler, you should be able to book, I booked yesterday for some people
Travel / Re: Securing Visa To France, Applying From Nigeria... by comfort207: 10:48am On Oct 31, 2024
Good morning All, I have been trying to book appointment for TLS Abuja for my France visiting visa for my trip in December but it keeps saying no date available for over a week now. Are my doing something wrong? there' s no date even if its far date at least let me book and wait. meanwhile this is my 3rd france visa and I always used previous ones I got. Did previous ones with VFS this is my first time booking France through TLS. somebody help please
Travel / Re: Canada Visit/tourist Visa Discussion. by comfort207: 3:05pm On Mar 13, 2024
having US visa is really the hack cos I applied december ending and got ten years visa in January, everything took 2 weeks cos I had a valid Us visa. just be patient and lets hope it comes out positive. Goodluck
6 whole months, omo!!! It is well. I applied in October as well, still awaiting PPR.
Travel / Re: General UK Visa Enquiries - Part 5 by comfort207: 11:25am On Jan 30, 2024
Hello people, I had a 6 months uk visa in 2023, used it and visited for a couple of weeks, 2022 the same thing, got 6 months visa, also used it to visit for a couple of weeks. based on visa cost and all, I think I want to apply for ten years visa. do you guys think I am qualified for it?
can one go from 6 months visa to 10 years visa? I read somewhere a while back that after 6 months, the next one you're eligible for is 2 years, but i saw a post here where one guy said he did 6 months and then did 5 years, so I'm wondering if i can do 10 years.
I do have a valid ten year canada visa(unused) in my new passport and an about to expire 2 year US visa(which i never used) in my old passport,
I have also had previous expired used Us visa's.

Also can i use pay stub in place of account statement?

Thanks in advance for your advice.
Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 12 by comfort207: 4:44pm On Nov 27, 2017
Hi House, I had my interview last week and my visa was granted.
I had chosen Abuja when i was filling my form i chose but when i tried booking for appointment earliest Abuja date was 13th december so i went back and put Lagos and got Nov 22nd, i actually got earlier date in lagos but i chose 22nd to enable my sevis payment to be confirmed. At this point i already submited my form and printed my confirmation and even in the appointment i chose Abuja Dhl office as my pick up point.

So I went to Lagos on 21st and on the 22nd morning i headed to the embassy for my 7.30 appointment.

When it got to my turn to scan my passport, they couldnt read my info, eventually she saw where the posted Abuja on my passport and asked why i had Abuja and im interviewing in Lagos i explained that i couldnt get an earlier date in Abuja. she said that my form was sent to Abuja and that i should go and wait at the back till its sorted, i waited for long then i heard them call my name over the mic and i went back to her.

Eventually it got to my turn, The young looking guy in window 6 was my VO
VO: Good morning
ME: Hello, Good morning
VO: may i have your passport
(i passed him my passport)
VO: have you been to the U.S before?
Me: Yes sir
VO: Okay, let me have your I-20 and sevis fee
(i passed him the two)
VO: what are you going to the US for
me: I'm going for my masters in law
VO: Tell me about your school
ME: I'm going to the University of Arizona, its in Tucson..(i really wasnt sure how to answer this cos i was prepared to talk about my course not my school so i was glad he stopped me)
VO (interrupts me) what is your highest qualification
ME: I have an LLB in law
VO: which school and is that your highest qualification?
ME: from********I also have a BL from Lagos law school
VO: how many schools did you apply to
VO: how many admitted you
VO: Did you write any standard test
ME: No
VO: (frowns, typing on his system)
ME: No test was required, the main requirement for an LLM is an LLB
VO: oh..okay, why do you want this course
ME: I want to build up my profile as an authority in the field of international investment law and cross border representation for Businesses across border.
VO: (Nods....checks his system again) who is paying for your school
ME: My elder brother
VO: What does he do
ME: He is an oil marketer and also deals in real estate
VO: Why would your brother pay for you?
ME: The company he is running is family business so i'm part owner
VO: (nods) I will be approving your visa, you can pick up your passport at...(looks at my passport and saw that the small paper on it says abuja) (holds back the white paper that he was already sliding to me)
VO: How come you're interviewing in Lagos when your based in Abuja?
Me: I actually wanted Abuja but the earliest date i could get was december and i wanted to interview earlier so that i can get on with my plans.
VO: okay(slides me the white paper)

I might have missed a thing or two but this is basically it, and i read every single page of this thread even though i didnt ask questions i benefitted a lot and i hope someone will benefit from my experience too, buzz me if you are headed to Tucson, Arizona. I dont think the University of Arizona is that popular here but i Nigerians are everywhere so....Good luck to those that are still preparing for their interview

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Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 12 by comfort207: 5:05pm On Oct 24, 2017
Please which school did you get MBA without writing any exam?
Thanks guys, I got my i:20 already, from Marshall university, it's a graduate pathway in business administration, I will be heading to the embassy soon, but still confused about the total course loads for the entire program, also wish someone could put me through with the interview preparation. Thanks
Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 12 by comfort207: 8:10am On Oct 22, 2017
the first thing i did when i came here is read previous pages, i read over 100 pages to catch up, it might sound like too much but information is key, please read previous pages, you will learn a lot. part of why i sugested this is because it has been repeated here over and over to stay away from agents.
you are computer literate, you dont need and agent, follow the steps, get your 1-20 and pay for servis then go to a cyber cafe if you dont have strong internet connection at home and fill your ds 160 and book interview. you can also be asking google as you go and you can be done easy peasy. please stay away from agents, all they are good at is collecting money and forging documents and messing your records up
Please I got an admission for an associate degree (industrial and mechanical engineering) in a community college at Texas, I already have a B.eng in mechanical engineering.
I have paid the i-901 fee.
What should I do next while applying for visa, an agent said I should bring 75,000 naira, so he can process it for me. I already paid the visa fee at gtbank.
And I also want to know my chances of been granted a visa to study at the community college.

Please I need help. ASAP.


Business / d How Much by comfort207: 2:58pm On Aug 22, 2012
Food / Re: Maggie E-book by comfort207: 1:42pm On Aug 22, 2012
plss i need a copy of maggie e book, kindly send me a copy on unbeat2010@yahoo.com tanx

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