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Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 12 by Verovera(f): 10:13am On Oct 14, 2017
Good morning everyone.

Please I need a career advice.

I have my bachelors in Biology education (BSc ed) with a 3.0/4.0 GPA when evaluated with WES.

After contacting few schools in USA and sending an unofficial copy of my transcript to them for questioning, I was made to realize that I can do a masters in biology or related course as well as masters in biology education.

I graduated from university since 2013 and all my post university life has been centered on teaching

I am really passionate about my teaching career and would like to further to masters level. But on doing further enquires from schools. I was replied that there are no funding /grants /GA for education students because they are mostly attachments to science faculty and science faculty can't provide GA of MSc education.

Those are the replies from Illinois state University, North Carolina state University, North Missouri state University respectively.

I can still find my way to cough out the tuition with the support of my family as well as my personal savings. I want to ask that how lucrative is education career in USA and the chances of getting a teaching job after graduation, just incase I decide to stay back a little as plan B. Plan A is to return to nigeria and start my own school.

Or would you rather advise me to opt for masters in biology because of the GA and funding?.


LagosismyHome, Walspring, imperious, twoods


Advise needed
Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 12 by Verovera(f): 8:04am On Oct 14, 2017
Good morning everyone.

Please I need a career advice.

I have my bachelors in Biology education (BSc ed) with a 3.0/4.0 GPA when evaluated with WES.

After contacting few schools in USA and sending an unofficial copy of my transcript to them for questioning, I was made to realize that I can do a masters in biology or related course as well as masters in biology education.

I graduated from university since 2013 and all my post university life has been centered on teaching

I am really passionate about my teaching career and would like to further to masters level. But on doing further enquires from schools. I was replied that there are no funding /grants /GA for education students because they are mostly attachments to science faculty and science faculty can't provide GA of MSc education.

Those are the replies from Illinois state University, North Carolina state University, North Missouri state University respectively.

I can still find my way to cough out the tuition with the support of my family as well as my personal savings. I want to ask that how lucrative is education career in USA and the chances of getting a teaching job after graduation, just incase I decide to stay back a little as plan B. Plan A is to return to nigeria and start my own school.

Or would you rather advise me to opt for masters in biology because of the GA and funding?.


LagosismyHome, Walspring, imperious, twoods

Romance / Re: Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 6 by Verovera(f): 6:35pm On Sep 19, 2015
Onihaxy, what happened?,
Why double threads?
Family / Re: Marriage Without Bride Price by Verovera(f): 10:45pm On May 17, 2015

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