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Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by fash6(m): 4:02pm On Oct 10, 2012
Still can't believe the massive turn out of crowd,pushing graduates from side to side like goats,may God help us
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Nobody: 4:17pm On Oct 10, 2012
fash6: Still can't believe the massive turn out of crowd,pushing graduates from side to side like goats,may God help us
Sit down there, by the time they start collect their pay, you will still find something to say again...maybe you think Dangote is like your federal or state government's mass recruitment which at the end of the day, its senators and commisioner's family memebers will actually be given employment letters..

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Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Nobody: 7:11pm On Oct 10, 2012
fash6: Still can't believe the massive turn out of crowd,pushing graduates from side to side like goats,may God help us
How was it poorly coordinated ? You did not give details. Were you not successfully hired as a Truck Driver ? Sorry if you lose out.
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Afam4eva(m): 7:13pm On Oct 10, 2012
ROTFLMAO grin grin grin
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by franksunny(m): 7:16pm On Oct 10, 2012
@ all @ all na winch. that thing call entrepreneur is not working for for many fipu, so leave them to survive
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by mrkels(m): 7:19pm On Oct 10, 2012
I trust gatecrashers , na lagos them full pass grin grin
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by obyikye(f): 7:19pm On Oct 10, 2012
what really happened at the interview? you refused to give us details....
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by kasheemawo(m): 7:29pm On Oct 10, 2012
@OP i was no 21 on the list yesterday and went fine as expected.if u are gatecrasher just that no way for u.
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by fash6(m): 7:32pm On Oct 10, 2012
Those of u opening ur wide mouth and sayin rubish,i have bin interviewed and ready to drive my truck.am just feelin 4 my fellow graduates,dat cam from afar,like ondo,ekiti,ogun.i pray dey do dias and go bak on time
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Ahmedie25(m): 7:33pm On Oct 10, 2012
May God bless Dangote,atleast this wil reduce unemployment


Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by bamasite(m): 7:41pm On Oct 10, 2012
fash6: Still can't believe the massive turn out of crowd,pushing graduates from side to side like goats,may God help us
hahahahahahahaha!!! I really can not stop laughing. So were you expecting to be the only one there or how exactly was it poorly coordinated? hahahahahahaha. Am not surprised though i was not there but i can imagine what it will look like.
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by omotola1(m): 7:46pm On Oct 10, 2012
Any small thing una go don open thread! What nonsense!
As far as i‘m concerned, it went well.

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Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by fash6(m): 7:49pm On Oct 10, 2012
Guy uno get sens o,hw wil i b d only 1?,am just concerned for dos dat dnt sty in lag,som are yet to b atend to,som v nt even writen dia names,so u beta wash ur dirty mouth,akuya lik u
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Godmann(m): 7:51pm On Oct 10, 2012
Rubbish. I would rather be a farmer than to drive truck. farming takes more brain work amd is better on the long run.


Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by kundul: 7:52pm On Oct 10, 2012
One thing dt I kn will hapun @ d end of d day will b dt, d successfull candidates will b given a graduate trainee positions and dey'll all b glad dey humbled demselves enuf 2 finally b exaulted. 4 dos of u waitn 4 white collar positions pls ehm keep waitn.

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Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by mrperfect(m): 7:57pm On Oct 10, 2012
Could it be that you didn't qualify?
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by 76virgins(m): 8:00pm On Oct 10, 2012
I thought Dangote na only his Brothers with 76virgins him de employ... >: wink(
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Etumgbe(m): 8:07pm On Oct 10, 2012
Pls who can give me direction from lagos to kano cos am already a dangote truck driver. I no send anybody message. Na u go feed me?


Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by jude33084(m): 8:08pm On Oct 10, 2012
Billyonaire: How was it poorly coordinated ? You did not give details. Were you not successfully hired as a Truck Driver ? Sorry if you lose out.

Don't mind τhe guy maybe he was among τhe gatecrashers cheesy or confused undecided Τhe interview was conducted in ∂ proper manner despite τhe crowd cheesy
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by jstringz(m): 8:20pm On Oct 10, 2012
I don't think it is fair 2 make fun of these set of people dat took a 'bold step' 2 apply 4 da job. The unemployment rate is sickening and they evidently need 2 survive at all cost.

By the way, Haven't u heard of graduates driving okadas and keke napep or are we too busy watching Africa magic and nyte of a thousand laugh?

In as much as I consider it a slander on the Nigeria graduate, it would put food in the mouths and would reduce d risk of relegation to theft, scam and money rituals.


Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by 1Dray(m): 8:26pm On Oct 10, 2012
Hmmm... Rush hour!
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Nobody: 8:28pm On Oct 10, 2012
Hmmmmm! Taking a nap, BRB
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by sunny4life(m): 8:31pm On Oct 10, 2012
Aluta continua
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by doofanc: 8:38pm On Oct 10, 2012
fash6: Still can't believe the massive turn out of crowd,pushing graduates from side to side like goats,may God help us

what exactly went wrong?

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Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by estateng(m): 8:38pm On Oct 10, 2012
Have u guys heard of the "OWN YOUR TRUCK POLICY" of Dangote? These guys are gonna be BIG BOIZ. Just watch and see.
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by StanleyDivine(m): 8:41pm On Oct 10, 2012
I don't no how d interview waz coordinated in Lagos but I was PRIVILEDGED to be invited 4 d interview here in Abj. Considering d massive turn-out d coordination wasn't in anyway POOR. To doz who ignorantly or arrogantly condemn dis noble idea,survival instinct dictates dat one appreciate Dangote n encourage doz who swallowed dia pride,humbled themselves in d face of economic stark realities n took d bold step to hopefulness. Dear destructive critics,wat if 2morrow d lucky shortlisted ones come out to give testimonies of a sucessful life uplift by virtue of dis TRUCK DRIVING?


Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by azpekuliar: 8:45pm On Oct 10, 2012
afam4eva: ROTFLMAO grin grin grin

Do you find graduate unemployment amusing?

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Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by Nobody: 8:48pm On Oct 10, 2012
Money is not everytin abeg! i need my happiness, dignity & self worth. Cnt drive ₪O truck after uni. Wtf!


Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by DANILSA(m): 9:07pm On Oct 10, 2012
Jenams: Money is not everytin abeg! i need my happiness, dignity & self worth. Cnt drive ₪O truck after uni. Wtf!
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by chukwuinya: 9:15pm On Oct 10, 2012
if it was just about money i would have been a banker,but is about job satisfaction,wish u guys all d best
Re: Dangote Interview In Lagos, poorly Coordinated by shagaman: 9:25pm On Oct 10, 2012
Some people come to nairaland and spit jargons,never discourage a man who is willing to take a step,

You cant be a Truck driver here but you are ready to jump on a plane to go to U.K to go dey do peke for oyinbo toilet,

or sweeping the street at night and calling yourself street boy.....

To those who went for the interview,it is not what you desire but there is always a starting point in life.

when survival gets to a point,man must forge ahead,its very bad when neighbors start asking you why you dint stop nepa officials
from disconnecting the light because you are always home.

There is always a humble start in life.......


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