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What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? - Music/Radio - Nairaland

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What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Afam4eva(m): 10:20am On Dec 23, 2012
We've had like a lot of dance steps that have come and gone and all were in vogue at one time or the other. Most of these dance moves were invented in Nigeria while some were imported from other countries.

Which one would you say is/was your favourite?

1) Galala: I don't know who invented this dance move but i know it was made popular by Daddy showkey in the 90s. It's a dance move whereby the dancer kinda slides backwards while a little bit bent.

2) Makkosa: This dance has it's roots in Congo and some other Francophone African countries and it was the most popular dance move in the early 2000. There's no party then that Makkossa won't be played and that you wouldn't see someone dancing the Makkossa dance.

3) Suo: This dance has it's roots in Ajegunle and was popularized by a certain Marvelous benji who alluded in his music about SUO being the in thing after Galala, Konto and makkossa. The dance was also popular.

4) Yahoozee: This dance marked the beginning of the swagalicios group of dance moves. This dance was popularized by Olu maintain using his song of the same title.

5) Alanta: When i first saw this dance move, i was like WTF. How could someone be dancing like a crippled. Alanta is danced in such a way that it seems as if the dancer is being burnt badly by fire. It was popularized by Artquake.

6) Azonto: Azonto is a ghanian invention but as soon as it took Nigeria by storm, it became even more popular in Nigeria than in Ghana. The dance is soo swagalisious...I think one can use this dance step to woo a girl grin

7) Etighi(Kukere): This dance came almost the same time as Azonto and both are dragging for the number one spot. To be able to dance Etighi very well you'll need to have a flexible waist. If you're tick down there, then you'll find it a little difficult to dance.

cool Alingo: This dance move invented by the duo of peter and Paul Okoye of the Psquare fame is a new dance that they posited in their latest video of the same title. The dance looks pretty cool but i want to say that among all the previous dance moves, this one has got to be the most difficult. I think only professionals will be able to dance it. Anyways, let's wait and see as the dance has not taken off totally.


Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Nobody: 10:52am On Dec 23, 2012
moi j'aime Azonto.
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Francheezy(m): 12:07pm On Dec 23, 2012
alanta- i cld really dance it d0z dayz,
U 4g0t break!ng

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Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Oluwadare: 5:20pm On Dec 23, 2012
Fuji Garbage dance. Invented and popularized by Barry-wonder.


Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by OkikiOluwa1(m): 5:21pm On Dec 23, 2012
Me take Yahooze as the best of them all. But Alanta drives me crazy till now.

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Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by chemashie(m): 5:22pm On Dec 23, 2012
La Professeur: moi j'aime Azonto.
La y‘a frencz l‘a no k‘arect!

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Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by shekone(m): 5:24pm On Dec 23, 2012
My best dance is azonto......buh I love galala nd makosa too, dey take to memory lane....yrs bak.
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by philipstanley(m): 5:24pm On Dec 23, 2012
Etigi, i call it a smart dance
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by ebucha: 5:26pm On Dec 23, 2012
Alingo should not be on the list please. Money is not every,P-square has paid their agent here to glorify this alingo of a dance. Yahozee was attached to Olumaintain's song because it worked, Etigi was attached to Inyanya's Kukere because it worked, and here is our Usher and Chris Brown wanabe try to use money to introduce ALINGO!!! A word of advice....promo is good, but in entertainment a good job does it. Come up with something simple and Nigerian.


Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Afam4eva(m): 5:29pm On Dec 23, 2012
ebucha: Alingo should not be on the list please. Money is not every,P-square has paid their agent here to glorify this alingo of a dance. Yahozee was attached to Olumaintain's song because it worked, Etigi was attached to Inyanya's Kukere because it worked, and here is our Usher and Chris Brown wanabe try to use money to introduce ALINGO!!! A word of advice....promo is good, but in entertainment a good job does it. Come up with something simple and Nigerian.
I think Alingo is really gradually garnering steam. I saw a dance group dance it in a show. It's just a matter of time before it goes viral.
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Caseless: 5:30pm On Dec 23, 2012
Op, dadday showkey invented galala. I once saw him demonstrating how he started that dance step. Galala originated from a boxing training session....where he was just punching the bag and stepping back...like continously doing it and galala was there from the body/foot moves.

The thing is, i like all of them....i don crase for all of them.

Na alingo i never understand sha....


Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Afam4eva(m): 5:31pm On Dec 23, 2012
caseless: Op, dadday showkey invented galala. I once saw him demonstrating how he started that dance step. Galala originated from a boxing training session....where just punching the bag and stepping back...like continously doing it and galala was there.

The thing is, i like all of them....i don crase for all of them.

Na alingo i never understand sha....
I thought so too but i didn't wanna write something i wasn't sure of. Though we all know Galala was usually associated with Daddy Showkey.
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Sugardiva(f): 5:31pm On Dec 23, 2012
I love etighi n azonto
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by RAHE3M(m): 5:33pm On Dec 23, 2012
To me alingo is not a dance, my best is galala....ajegunle's style
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Enenu1(f): 5:34pm On Dec 23, 2012
God!! I luved galala and makosa then bt now etighi all d way oooo
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Caseless: 5:38pm On Dec 23, 2012
I thought so too but i didn't wanna write something i wasn't sure of. Though we all know Galala was usually associated with Daddy Showkey.
u are right!
U knw how they do that ghetto boxing thing....punching and playin to the coach's instructions like; 'move back'.....'left..right....left....right'....u knw how de thing de nau.
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Caseless: 5:39pm On Dec 23, 2012
Sugardiva: I love etighi n azonto
*drags her to the dance floor*

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Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by rhymz(m): 5:42pm On Dec 23, 2012
who says Alingo is crap. . . The dance moves are very catchy just like the song. . A little bit like Azonto though but more complex, both as a song and dance routine Alingo is hot and at the moment is kicking azonto and etighi to the curbs. . If you say na nonsense try dance am na...lol

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Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by safarigirl(f): 5:52pm On Dec 23, 2012
Right now everyone wants to learn Alingo, they find it challenging, the others are too easy...me's already learnt it tongue

Loving it...only those who can't learn the steps think it doesn't count, buh it's going viral tongue
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Caseless: 5:54pm On Dec 23, 2012
safarigirl: Right now everyone wants to learn Alingo, they find it challenging, the others are too easy...me's already learnt it tongue

Loving it...only those who can't learn the steps think it doesn't count, buh it's going viral tongue

teach me.......
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by safarigirl(f): 5:56pm On Dec 23, 2012
caseless: teach me.......
go to youtube and type alingo, you shall learn young one
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Caseless: 5:57pm On Dec 23, 2012
safarigirl: go to youtube and type alingo, you shall learn young one
thank u, aunty!

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Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by viciati(m): 6:00pm On Dec 23, 2012
etigi of course
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Timah247(f): 6:09pm On Dec 23, 2012
Love etighi,kinda lyk azonto too bt no sabi dance am wella...azonto actually became more interestin wen its started to trend in naija
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by JambUpdates(m): 6:18pm On Dec 23, 2012
alingo dance is just too much, a newly inventional dancing step which will soon take all over nigeria
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by homesteady(m): 6:34pm On Dec 23, 2012
OH my JEEZ!!...who is calling Alingo trash!!??...dat is d best dance in dat list....whoever dat does not like Alingo is...*mehn i'm speechless*....U just need JESUS


Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by creativemusic: 7:09pm On Dec 23, 2012
angry angry angry
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Shaw007(m): 7:09pm On Dec 23, 2012
Not 2 be biase here(4 d very few dat know my meaning) I Love azOntO!!!
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by nairalady(f): 7:10pm On Dec 23, 2012
yahoozeee!!! grin grin
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Goldenheart(m): 7:27pm On Dec 23, 2012
Nigerian gangnam style
Re: What's Your Best Nigerian Dance Ever? by Ivalyn(f): 7:45pm On Dec 23, 2012
I'll go 4 ETIGHI nd AZONTO.....I luved YAHOOZE den sha,cus twas pretty easy nd Kul...Galala,Suo nd d rest are all 'somhw'....Alinqo is damn 2 diff nd ah would rather say itz a dance 4 professionals,iv tried it a couple of tymes,nd iv always ended up sweatinq nd fuminq,buh all d xame,its interestinq....Nd mah dance of d year didnt myk d list.....GANGNAM STYLE!!

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