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Look What A Chief Judge Did To Him. - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

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Look What A Chief Judge Did To Him. by Nobody: 10:47pm On Jul 03, 2013
Look what a chief Judge did to Him.

It was on sunday 30th of June 2013 after officiating in FCS rally in GSS WOWYEN, Nasarawa State, that he went to Akwanga with a friend on a motor bike.
On their way back, they were affected by the trafic as the police stoped vehicles at the check point.
While still waiting for the trafic, a car carrying a chief judge on a high speed lose control as it approached the trafic and the safest rout of safty is through them.
They were crushed that they lose conciousness. They regained conciousness only to see themselves in a hospital.
The chhief judge, who was in Nasarawa on anofficial duty blamed the state Government.
The state Government accepted to take responsibility but only end up taking care of the motor bike.
they left them alone bearing all the pain and the expense.
They do not know the name of the chief Judge and cannot reach Him. They were ment to speak through the driver of the chief judge but nothing meaningfull is comming out.
He is only a teacher who recieve a little amount as salary.
What do you advice Him to do. The expensis is becoming too much for Him to bear.

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