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Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 10:22am On Dec 18, 2013
In d military, we v other rank n officers cadre. Some ppl believe dat wen dey join d military as a private soldier, chances r dat dey will get to d rank of Major General. Others believs dat wit der degree from the university, wen they join officer's cadre as a short service commissioned officer, dey will get to d rank of Major General. Most ppl dnt know d difference between a regular officer dat spent 4yrs in NDA n a short service commisioned officer dat spend just 6months in d NDA. Feel free to ask me any question bothering u about carrear in the military. I waz der for 12yrs. I voluntarily discharged, I am a military pensioner n a businessman nw.


Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by sirantonio(m): 10:32am On Dec 18, 2013
Thanks for this chance, would like to know what benefits are there in the millitary as a brother of mine is thinking about recruiting.
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 12:07pm On Dec 18, 2013
Everytin depends on wot motivated d individual to join d military. Some ppl join d military n c it as a career, dey aspire to give der best, attain d highest ranks, retire n joy der retirement benefits including pension for life is such an individual is qualified for pension. Others c it as a way to excercise der power n intimidate others. I often hear ppl say dey wnt to join d military cos one certain policeman dealt with dem. Dey c joining d military as a tool to get bk to dose who crossed der paths while dey were civilian. Such ppl cnt make any progress in d military n dey do end up badly. We r in democracy nw, its no longer milk n honey as it were during d military regime. Some officers n soldiers r depending on der monthly salaries for survival except those who squeezed out money to go into one business or d other. We also v officers coming from rich families, they live affluently. Some of dem had expensive cars even as a cadet. Its said dat appointment is better dan rank n dats hw it goes in d military. Bt some appointments comes with extra hardwork witout any extra money. If ur brother like to join d military, he shuld nt think of d money he gona make der. If he is gud n qualify for sometin lyk over courses, he cn make money or even peace keeping. As u think of money, u equally think of death cos some went n did nt come bk alife while some some came bk wit one deformity or d other. He shuld try to save to make life comfortable for himself.


Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by nyabingi(m): 4:33pm On Dec 18, 2013
is it also true that one must know some top shots in the millitary before they can be enlisted also does candidates who attend part time studies in the university get a chance to be enlisted for short service

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Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by jjstanley(m): 8:02am On Dec 19, 2013
Pls sir wats d salary structure of recruits in d army,navy and airforce
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Horlardorjah(m): 8:32am On Dec 19, 2013
Good morning, its been long I av being waiting for a thread as this. I have ond certificate with lower credit in architecture and really have passion for it since I was born. Please how can I go about it cos I don't have anyone in the force that can be of help. Thanks
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 9:56am On Dec 19, 2013
Yes u cn join d military as a short service commissioned officer even if u attended part time studies. Degree is degree. Some soldiers were opportuned to be serving n at same tym taking part tym studies. Wot dey do after getting der degree is to apply for short service commision. If u r selected, u will be discharged to commission. On completion of 6 months course at d NDA, u will be giving a peep wic is Leiutenant while regular officers will be giving 2nd Leiutenant. After 6 months, dey will be promoted to Leiutenant corresponding wit ur rank. In Nigeria we believe in who u know. Nt just d military, it cuts across other ministries n agencies bt one cnt rule out God's favour n dats y u must be prayerful. As d Oga's v der candidates, so do God v its own candidates. I may nt be able to give u d salary structure in d armed forces. Lyk I said, I am retired nw. I left d service in 2006 but, lyk its said dat once a soldier is always a soldier, I cn tell u others tins u needs to. Salary changes from tym to tym. If I get info from my serving comrades, I will let u know.

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Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Nobody: 10:51am On Dec 19, 2013
Thank you for this opportunity. I will like to ask a few questions. Please take time and answer:

1) Can a military officer who came in through short service attain the rank of Major General, or even Lieutenant General?

2) Which pays highest - army, airforce or navy? Which also has the best career path / opportunity?

3) How many years do you have to spend in the military to be entitled to monthly pension on retirement?

4) What's a combatant short service program?

5) Do you know anything about Nigerian Legion? What is it about?

6) Is it possible for a recruit to be promoted (after several years of hardwork and promotions) to 2nd Lieutenant on merit?

7) With an OND (from polytechnic), what rank will be given to you on recruitment into the military?

8 ) Is promotion in the miltary statutory i.e. do military personnel earn promotion automatically after a number of years (as done in civil service)? Or is it by merit considerations only?

9) What factors are considered in posting officers / recruits from one location to another?

10) As a military officer, are you assigned a number of soilders under you? I mean, does a newly ranked 2nd Lieutenant automatically get a battalion (or whatever it is called) under him upon graduation.

I stop here for now.

Thanks so much for your anticipated answers


Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 11:05am On Dec 19, 2013
Thank you for this opportunity. I will like to ask a few questions. Please take time and answer:

1) Can a military officer who came in through short service attain the rank of Major General, or even Lieutenant General?

2) Which pays highest - army, airforce or navy? Which also has the best career path / opportunity?

3) How many years do you have to spend in the military to be entitled to monthly pension on retirement?

4) What's a combatant short service program?

5) Do you know anything about Nigerian Legion? What is it about?

6) Is it possible for a recruit to be promoted (after several years of hardwork and promotions) to 2nd Lieutenant on merit?

7) With an OND (from polytechnic), what rank will be given to you on recruitment into the military?

8 ) Is promotion in the miltary statutory i.e. do military personnel earn promotion automatically after a number of years (as done in civil service)? Or is it by merit considerations only?

9) What factors are considered in posting officers / recruits from one location to another?

10) As a military officer, are you assigned a number of soilders under you? I mean, does a newly ranked 2nd Lieutenant automatically get a battalion (or whatever it is called) under him upon graduation.

I stop here for now.

Thanks so much for your anticipated answers

Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 12:23pm On Dec 19, 2013
1) In my yrs in d military, I v seen a short service commissioned officers rose to d rank of Bgd General especially Doctors. Der service is very unique n highly appreciated n der r very few of dem. We v wot we call conversion. Short service commisioned officers cn convert to regular officers n attain d highest ranks bt its very very rare. Age is another factor. 80% of short service comissioned officers v advanced in age. Majority of dem spent 5yrs in d university, wen dey graduated, dey searched for a job for several yrs before applying for short service commission. Nw, wen u added d person's age as at d tym he entered primary sch, yrs in d secondary sch, university n yrs spent searching for a or working somewer else, u will discover d person is already ageing. U cnt compare dem wit young boys dat graduated may be at d age of 23yrs old n join d NDA. Most short service commission officers do retired at d rank of Capt, Maj Leiutenant Col n dats y its called short service commission. I v never seen any of dem dat rose to Maj gen or Lt Gen. Few of dem r promoted to Brg Gen n retired immediately. 2) Before der we're salary disparity bt nw, der salaries v been harmonised. Dey v desame salary structure. U cn v a gud carrer path in any of d armed forces. Its also gud to choose a carrer dat is marketable outside military. Reason is, u cn decide to leave to pursue a carrer on same course u read in d military. 3) Wen u retire after spending 10yrs, u r pensionable. U will be ur gratuity n monthly pension authomatically granted to u. If u retire before attaining 10yrs, u will only get a graduity wic is pay off n u wnt be entitle to pension. I am hearing dat dey r considering raising pension age to 15yrs. I dnt know hw true is dat. 4) Combatant commissioned officers r dose dat became officers wit school cert. U must v 5 credits to qualify. Its only in d army dat such exist. Airforce n Navy dnt v it. Its same as short service commission bt wit a lower grade dats, school cert. D commissioning is regular, its done once in a while. 5) Nigerian Legion is an umbrella dat made up military pensioners. Its created to cater for needs n welfare of military pensioners. Dey also try to assist d familes of falling heros wit skill acquisitions etc. Dey fight for welfare of d military pensioners. Every military pensioner is either a passive or active member. 6) A recruit is someone who is still undergoing military training. A soldier without a rope(rank) is a Private. Private is a rank on its own n we v d equivalent in both air force n navy. U cnt from a Private soldier n become an officer cos u join d military as an other rank cadre. We v officer cadre n other rank cadre. D highest other rank u cn attain in other rank cadre is Sergeant Major. Der r few ppl dat get to d rank otherwise, d last bar is Master Warrant Officer(MWO). 7) U will be given Corporal. cool. Many factors r considered before u cn be promoted to d next rank. U must v clean record, avoid entries into ur file dat might stall ur promotion. U must be attending courses n equally pass ur promotion exams. If u dnt v a dented record, y nt? U will be promoted. 9) Posting is done wen u must v served in a particular unit for a period of tym. Wen der is a decline in d strenght of staffs in a particular office, posting cn be effected. As a soldier, u sworn to go anywer sent u either by d air, sea or land. No soldier a choice in choosing we're he or she wnt to serve. 10). After ur commissioning, u will be posted to a unit to wrk as either admin officer, MTO or other appointments dat could be assigned to a junior officer. U dnt lead any battalion bt u cn lead soldiers to an operation as a commissioned officer.

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Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 12:25pm On Dec 19, 2013
1) In my yrs in d military, I v seen a short service commissioned officers rose to d rank of Bgd General especially Doctors. Der service is very unique n highly appreciated n der r very few of dem. We v wot we call conversion. Short service commisioned officers cn convert to regular officers n attain d highest ranks bt its very very rare. Age is another factor. 80% of short service comissioned officers v advanced in age. Majority of dem spent 5yrs in d university, wen dey graduated, dey searched for a job for several yrs before applying for short service commission. Nw, wen u added d person's age as at d tym he entered primary sch, yrs in d secondary sch, university n yrs spent searching for a or working somewer else, u will discover d person is already ageing. U cnt compare dem wit young boys dat graduated may be at d age of 23yrs old n join d NDA. Most short service commission officers do retired at d rank of Capt, Maj Leiutenant Col n dats y its called short service commission. I v never seen any of dem dat rose to Maj gen or Lt Gen. Few of dem r promoted to Brg Gen n retired immediately. 2) Before der we're salary disparity bt nw, der salaries v been harmonised. Dey v desame salary structure. U cn v a gud carrer path in any of d armed forces. Its also gud to choose a carrer dat is marketable outside military. Reason is, u cn decide to leave to pursue a carrer on same course u read in d military. 3) Wen u retire after spending 10yrs, u r pensionable. U will be ur gratuity n monthly pension authomatically granted to u. If u retire before attaining 10yrs, u will only get a graduity wic is pay off n u wnt be entitle to pension. I am hearing dat dey r considering raising pension age to 15yrs. I dnt know hw true is dat. 4) Combatant commissioned officers r dose dat became officers wit school cert. U must v 5 credits to qualify. Its only in d army dat such exist. Airforce n Navy dnt v it. Its same as short service commission bt wit a lower grade dats, school cert. D commissioning is regular, its done once in a while. 5) Nigerian Legion is an umbrella dat made up military pensioners. Its created to cater for needs n welfare of military pensioners. Dey also try to assist d familes of falling heros wit skill acquisitions etc. Dey fight for welfare of d military pensioners. Every military pensioner is either a passive or active member. 6) A recruit is someone who is still undergoing military training. A soldier without a rope(rank) is a Private. Private is a rank on its own n we v d equivalent in both air force n navy. U cnt from a Private soldier n become an officer cos u join d military as an other rank cadre. We v officer cadre n other rank cadre. D highest other rank u cn attain in other rank cadre is Sergeant Major. Der r few ppl dat get to d rank otherwise, d last bar is Master Warrant Officer(MWO). 7) U will be given Corporal. cool. Many factors r considered before u cn be promoted to d next rank. U must v clean record, avoid entries into ur file dat might stall ur promotion. U must be attending courses n equally pass ur promotion exams. If u dnt v a dented record, y nt? U will be promoted. 9) Posting is done wen u must v served in a particular unit for a period of tym. Wen der is a decline in d strenght of staffs in a particular office, posting cn be effected. As a soldier, u sworn to go anywer sent u either by d air, sea or land. No soldier a choice in choosing we're he or she wnt to serve. 10). After ur commissioning, u will be posted to a unit to wrk as either admin officer, MTO or other appointments dat could be assigned to a junior officer. U dnt lead any battalion bt u cn lead soldiers to an operation as a commissioned officer.

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Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 12:28pm On Dec 19, 2013
1) In my yrs in d military, I v seen a short service commissioned officers rose to d rank of Bgd General especially Doctors. Der service is very unique n highly appreciated n der r very few of dem. We v wot we call conversion. Short service commisioned officers cn convert to regular officers n attain d highest ranks bt its very very rare. Age is another factor. 80% of short service comissioned officers v advanced in age. Majority of dem spent 5yrs in d university, wen dey graduated, dey searched for a job for several yrs before applying for short service commission. Nw, wen u added d person's age as at d tym he entered primary sch, yrs in d secondary sch, university n yrs spent searching for a or working somewer else, u will discover d person is already ageing. U cnt compare dem wit young boys dat graduated may be at d age of 23yrs old n join d NDA. Most short service commission officers do retired at d rank of Capt, Maj Leiutenant Col n dats y its called short service commission. I v never seen any of dem dat rose to Maj gen or Lt Gen. Few of dem r promoted to Brg Gen n retired immediately. 2) Before der we're salary disparity bt nw, der salaries v been harmonised. Dey v desame salary structure. U cn v a gud carrer path in any of d armed forces. Its also gud to choose a carrer dat is marketable outside military. Reason is, u cn decide to leave to pursue a carrer on same course u read in d military. 3) Wen u retire after spending 10yrs, u r pensionable. U will be ur gratuity n monthly pension authomatically granted to u. If u retire before attaining 10yrs, u will only get a graduity wic is pay off n u wnt be entitle to pension. I am hearing dat dey r considering raising pension age to 15yrs. I dnt know hw true is dat. 4) Combatant commissioned officers r dose dat became officers wit school cert. U must v 5 credits to qualify. Its only in d army dat such exist. Airforce n Navy dnt v it. Its same as short service commission bt wit a lower grade dats, school cert. D commissioning is regular, its done once in a while. 5) Nigerian Legion is an umbrella dat made up military pensioners. Its created to cater for needs n welfare of military pensioners. Dey also try to assist d familes of falling heros wit skill acquisitions etc. Dey fight for welfare of d military pensioners. Every military pensioner is either a passive or active member. 6) A recruit is someone who is still undergoing military training. A soldier without a rope(rank) is a Private. Private is a rank on its own n we v d equivalent in both air force n navy. U cnt from a Private soldier n become an officer cos u join d military as an other rank cadre. We v officer cadre n other rank cadre. D highest other rank u cn attain in other rank cadre is Sergeant Major. Der r few ppl dat get to d rank otherwise, d last bar is Master Warrant Officer(MWO). 7) U will be given Corporal. cool. Many factors r considered before u cn be promoted to d next rank. U must v clean record, avoid entries into ur file dat might stall ur promotion. U must be attending courses n equally pass ur promotion exams. If u dnt v a dented record, y nt? U will be promoted. 9) Posting is done wen u must v served in a particular unit for a period of tym. Wen der is a decline in d strenght of staffs in a particular office, posting cn be effected. As a soldier, u sworn to go anywer sent u either by d air, sea or land. No soldier a choice in choosing we're he or she wnt to serve. 10). After ur commissioning, u will be posted to a unit to wrk as either admin officer, MTO or other appointments dat could be assigned to a junior officer. U dnt lead any battalion bt u cn lead soldiers to an operation as a commissioned officer.
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Okpuzu01(m): 12:28pm On Dec 19, 2013
1) In my yrs in d military, I v seen a short service commissioned officers rose to d rank of Bgd General especially Doctors. Der service is very unique n highly appreciated n der r very few of dem. We v wot we call conversion. Short service commisioned officers cn convert to regular officers n attain d highest ranks bt its very very rare. Age is another factor. 80% of short service comissioned officers v advanced in age. Majority of dem spent 5yrs in d university, wen dey graduated, dey searched for a job for several yrs before applying for short service commission. Nw, wen u added d person's age as at d tym he entered primary sch, yrs in d secondary sch, university n yrs spent searching for a or working somewer else, u will discover d person is already ageing. U cnt compare dem wit young boys dat graduated may be at d age of 23yrs old n join d NDA. Most short service commission officers do retired at d rank of Capt, Maj Leiutenant Col n dats y its called short service commission. I v never seen any of dem dat rose to Maj gen or Lt Gen. Few of dem r promoted to Brg Gen n retired immediately. 2) Before der we're salary disparity bt nw, der salaries v been harmonised. Dey v desame salary structure. U cn v a gud carrer path in any of d armed forces. Its also gud to choose a carrer dat is marketable outside military. Reason is, u cn decide to leave to pursue a carrer on same course u read in d military. 3) Wen u retire after spending 10yrs, u r pensionable. U will be ur gratuity n monthly pension authomatically granted to u. If u retire before attaining 10yrs, u will only get a graduity wic is pay off n u wnt be entitle to pension. I am hearing dat dey r considering raising pension age to 15yrs. I dnt know hw true is dat. 4) Combatant commissioned officers r dose dat became officers wit school cert. U must v 5 credits to qualify. Its only in d army dat such exist. Airforce n Navy dnt v it. Its same as short service commission bt wit a lower grade dats, school cert. D commissioning is regular, its done once in a while. 5) Nigerian Legion is an umbrella dat made up military pensioners. Its created to cater for needs n welfare of military pensioners. Dey also try to assist d familes of falling heros wit skill acquisitions etc. Dey fight for welfare of d military pensioners. Every military pensioner is either a passive or active member. 6) A recruit is someone who is still undergoing military training. A soldier without a rope(rank) is a Private. Private is a rank on its own n we v d equivalent in both air force n navy. U cnt from a Private soldier n become an officer cos u join d military as an other rank cadre. We v officer cadre n other rank cadre. D highest other rank u cn attain in other rank cadre is Sergeant Major. Der r few ppl dat get to d rank otherwise, d last bar is Master Warrant Officer(MWO). 7) U will be given Corporal. cool. Many factors r considered before u cn be promoted to d next rank. U must v clean record, avoid entries into ur file dat might stall ur promotion. U must be attending courses n equally pass ur promotion exams. If u dnt v a dented record, y nt? U will be promoted. 9) Posting is done wen u must v served in a particular unit for a period of tym. Wen der is a decline in d strenght of staffs in a particular office, posting cn be effected. As a soldier, u sworn to go anywer sent u either by d air, sea or land. No soldier a choice in choosing we're he or she wnt to serve. 10). After ur commissioning, u will be posted to a unit to wrk as either admin officer, MTO or other appointments dat could be assigned to a junior officer. U dnt lead any battalion bt u cn lead soldiers to an operation as a commissioned officer.
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by taiwoliu(m): 8:57am On Dec 20, 2013
well done sir for this enlightenment thread... My question is as a graduate just out of service year, wht is d best mode of application? When is d short service recruitment done?
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by adems4u: 1:28pm On Dec 20, 2013
pls wen is d list of ds year ssc b releasd
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by baba11(m): 10:12pm On Dec 20, 2013
1)Is it true that they used to inject soldiers with drugs and that makes them to behave erratically atimes.2)Do they ask also that if you are brought before your parents,can you shoot and kill them?3)Y do they discipline anyone that put on soldiers' uniform in whatever forms.Is it because of impersonation which has cause many death of military personnel expecially in war-zone areas.4)Y is it that Nigeria military would want to exercise his military powers on common citizens even without any offence being committed?.5)Y is it that they are not ready to pay their transport fares expecially here in Lagos??

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Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by ninja4life(m): 11:23am On Dec 21, 2013
baba11: 1)Is it true that they used to inject soldiers with drugs and that makes them to behave erratically atimes.2)Do they ask also that if you are brought before your parents,can you shoot and kill them?3)Y do they discipline anyone that put on soldiers' uniform in whatever forms.Is it because of impersonation which has cause many death of military personnel expecially in war-zone areas.4)Y is it that Nigeria military would want to exercise his military powers on common citizens even without any offence being committed?.5)Y is it that they are not ready to pay their transport fares expecially here in Lagos??
lmao @ur questions u get beef with those in d military ni?
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by baba11(m): 10:56pm On Dec 21, 2013
nope,just curious type...
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by naijabadoo(m): 3:15pm On Dec 23, 2013
pls wen is d list of ds year ssc b releasd
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Jensenelizz(m): 3:16pm On Dec 23, 2013
....Just passing....
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Vicjay1(m): 3:19pm On Dec 23, 2013
I intend to join the Navy when I am through with my medical school. Advice on the things I need to have and do will be appreciated.
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by kossyablaze(m): 3:19pm On Dec 23, 2013
I'm in NDA....u can ask me anything!!!

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Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Tsmooth1(m): 3:27pm On Dec 23, 2013
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by dlion: 3:29pm On Dec 23, 2013
Can a person with physical disability be employed into the Nigerian army if he is a graduate of say computer science? Thanks as you respond.
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by ONWARDBABA: 3:29pm On Dec 23, 2013
mmm nice post GOD BLESS YOU SIR
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Gorrbachev: 3:38pm On Dec 23, 2013
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by INDESTRUCTABLEX(m): 3:42pm On Dec 23, 2013
Thank you sir for this thread. I always loved the military but I am the only son. I never knew there was anything like short-term service. Anyways, here is my question I am already in my fourth year studying mech engr. What do you think is the best path I can pursue either as a navy or army personnel. Also, what happens if you quick after the six months. How does the whole program work? Thanks
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by Nobody: 3:45pm On Dec 23, 2013
pls do not swallow this man's words hook line and sinker cos most are not true.. I doubt if he has ever been in the military
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by baminasri(m): 3:46pm On Dec 23, 2013
Am short sighted and I use spectacles, can I join?


Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by bufness(m): 4:07pm On Dec 23, 2013
can a lawyer be involved in any part of d military
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by bisi16(m): 4:10pm On Dec 23, 2013
I have a desert typed camouflage shorts given 2me by my british soldier cousin. Will I be harassed if I wear it? Its not green lyk ours down here.
Re: Ask Me Questions About Careers In The Military by hollypagan: 4:13pm On Dec 23, 2013
my question is why some soldiers no get sence

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