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Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. - Phones - Nairaland

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Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by kosovo(m): 9:28pm On Feb 16, 2009
Sony Ericsson jumped the gun on its competition at Mobile World Congress this year by announcing the world's first 12MP cameraphone, as well as a new Entertainment Unlimited service.

The Idou, which is currently only a concept but will launch in the second half of 2009 features a 12.1MP sensor, a large 3.5-inch touchscreen with 'intuitive touch features' according to Sony Ericsson and a 16:9 widescreen screen ratio.

The Idou will also launch a new interface for Sony Ericsson, based on the work from the Symbian Foundation, so all those who have loved SE's interface for all these years will possibly weep (though the rest of us will cheer).

United we stand

Sony Ericsson also unveiled Entertainment Unlimited, which it said will be "Uniting best in class entertainment experiences into one offering such as the Walkman music experience, the Cyber-shot imaging experience, Java gaming and messaging integrated with services and applications."

The new service will work by allowing easier integration between devices on a home network, and embracing sharing whilst unifying the features of the Walkman and Cyber-Shot brands,  no mention of the PSP phone though.

The Entertainment Unlimited 'umbrella' will be used throughout 2009, according top Sony Ericsson, so we'll wait and see what other handsets it inspires.

Re: Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by hayprof(m): 6:16am On Feb 18, 2009
Wat is d world of mobile phn becoming? Mobile Photography? ?
Re: Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by sniperwolf(m): 9:30am On Feb 18, 2009
I call it 'walkman touch'
Re: Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by naijafan(m): 12:06pm On Feb 18, 2009
And it runs S60 5th Edition.
Re: Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by otikpoko(m): 4:20pm On Feb 18, 2009
I don't like sony ericsson product but this phone is going to be awesome!!!
Re: Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by hayprof(m): 4:51pm On Feb 18, 2009

And it runs S60 5th Edition.

I see u gat something for this nu' symbian OS upgrade!
Re: Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by naijafan(m): 7:51pm On Feb 18, 2009

I see u gat something for this nu' symbian OS upgrade!

i predicted it. it happend. hehe. just happy.
Re: Sony Ericsson Unveils World's First 12mp Phone. by pawn89(m): 8:08pm On Feb 18, 2009
from the nokia 5800 Xpress music to the nokia E71 and look at what SE has come up with, oh God what next?

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