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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? (4242 Views)
Smelly Dry Vagina? Drowning Your Man In Bed - Jaaruma The Goron Tula Queen / Sexuality- How To Last Longer In Bed / How To Last Longer In Bed - For Men (2) (3) (4)
How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 9:38pm On Aug 16, 2015 |
if you are still being worried with the PE thing, never worry. the truth is, i have been there too. so you are not alone. i absolutely know how it feels. and i got over mine without using any drugs, creams or any spray at all. and seriously, i would never advise you to use any of them at all to cure PE. NEVER. the reason is: They DON'T Work. yes they make bold claims but the reality and truth is, they are never certain it will work. since the beginning of the world, PE has been best cured using the 100% natural methods. this consists of mental exercises, physical exercise, good diet, and a good understanding of your partner concerning your condition. a pure natural blend of exercises, good techniques, power foods and fruits will do the job of eliminating PE from your life... Once and For All. if you learn and master how you can control your s.exual excitement, then trust me, you will be able to last 20-30 minutes or even more in bed! and that is in the first round! PE should not give you any headaches at all. and that's why i have made available a Proven, Honest and Medically tested and Approved information on how to get rid of PE from your life forever. yes.... F.O.R.E.V.E.R i will send this information to you in a report format soonest so you can study it. All You Need to do is to send a blank email to Please make Sure you go through the report and then, apply the information contained in the report so you can enjoy your new sex life. take care. Enjoy. P.S. No matter how bad PE is to you right now, you can totally get rid of it. yeah...You Can. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 4:07pm On Aug 18, 2015 |
PE shouldn't kill your love life. you can really get rid of it if you are really serious about it. try my remedy and regain control of your love life once again |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 4:10pm On Aug 20, 2015 |
The Very best way i have used to cure PE is by using the natural methods this included series of mental control methods that helps me last as long as 40minutes in just one round! and seriously, you can too. Send a Blank Email to and i'll send you a report that will help you get rid of PE from your life forever |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 4:52pm On Aug 20, 2015 |
Making Mind Blowing Love to Your wife/partner for longer periods is something that She will really cherish and respect you for. Frankly Speaking. If you are NOT Lasting Longer in Bed, Then you need Remedy and you need it FAST. and in case you think i want to recommend one crazy pill for you... I WON'T. the reason is, i don't want to recommend what doesn't work to you the only recommendation i can give you right now with full confidence is the one you can get when you read my Report. To get the report right now, simply send a blank email to I will send you the report. and please take time to read it. and then practice what is contained in the report. this way, you will begin to get rid of PE and regain control over your S.ex life thanks. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 8:35pm On Aug 20, 2015 |
DeGenius3: |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by Angeleo: 11:55pm On Aug 20, 2015 |
if your so called natural therapy is handy why not share it here, what do you need people's email address for? |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 1:58pm On Aug 21, 2015 |
Angeleo: the remedy is recommend is contained in a 15 paged report. and the remedy i am talking about is NOT about taking drugs and all that i am talking about controlling PE using certain exercises and certain foods thanks |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 5:14pm On Sep 08, 2015 |
You Can Really and Actually Get Rid of P.E. without drugs it is tested and prove... and the remedies i recommend will surely work for you if you stick to it. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 9:55am On Nov 11, 2015 |
the P.E. problem is a very big problem with a lot of guys... yea, we all want to last longer in bed, but shouldn't we do it the EXACT RIGHT way? doing it the wrong way will never help. it will only help in making it worse. and seriously, you don't want that. you need something that works... and will help you get rid of this P.E. thing that ruining your se.x life quick and ensure that it never repeats anymore well, you got it! I will send you a simple 15 page report that will show you how to control your so that it doesn't come out too quickly... and you can stay mush longer and enjoy her... give the REAL and TRUE pleasure... the way she's never seen! 100% Natural and absolutely guaranteed to work. want the report? Simply send a blank email to: ==> I will send you the report as soon as possible so that you can read it and start practicing the techniques real quick. Thanks. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 3:13pm On Nov 11, 2015 |
There Are Five Ways Which You Can use to Put P.E. under control... so that you can last longer in bed. I will reveal this five methods to you which are contained in the "Total P.E. Cure" Report to gain access to the report, simply send a blank email to: ==> you will get the report in your email inbox ASAP. Have Fun! |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 5:52pm On Nov 11, 2015 |
I just believe in my heart that the methods i recommend in the report can work for any body with the P.E. problem... if you are willing to use the natural method and forget the creams and pills that can make love making mechanical and frustrating (not all about the bangs) sometimes... then this report will serve you well. read the post and follow the instructions to get the report. thanks. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 7:10am On Nov 12, 2015 |
kingsman66: I Agree with you. but the only problem with people is that, they want the quick fix which can make the s.ex thing really frustrating and mechanical... Taking lots of good fruits will also help. exercises helps too... and other things. Any one interested to get rid of P.E. should get my report. this report contains sure steps from exercises, to dieting etc that will help you be in total control. get the report by simply sending a blank email to: the report will be in your email ASAP. P.E. has no right to ruin your s.ex life. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 11:53am On Nov 14, 2015 |
Watching lots of Pornography gives your brain a heightened sense of sexual arousal. So it VERY IMPORTANT that you STOP watching pornography movies if you must get rid of P.E and totally control it. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 3:15pm On Nov 14, 2015 |
Here's What You'll Discover in This 15-Page Premature Ejaculation Report: * what really causes P.E * 5 ways to STOP P.E. * simple but powerful methods you can use to slow down P.E * 4 powerful foods that helps combat P.E to get this powerful short 15 page report, simply send a blank email to: i will send the report to your email ASAP. Thanks. - P.S. if you get his report and get improvements in your sexual performance, please share it here. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 12:24am On Nov 15, 2015 |
The most frustrating thing for a woman during sex is a man that cannot last in bed. I am very sure some or most women who have been and is sexually active have at least encountered such a man. As a Man, you should be in total control and give your wife or partner a very good s.ex experience... rather than spilling the stuff very early, you can still last longer... and even go for one more round (if you are a super power) Professionals have come to agree that knowing about timing and understanding the body’s motions are the best method to attain longer lasting s.ex. It’s a bad habit when men act like zombies in bed. A lot of men get so carried away that they move from 0 to 120 without much thought. We have been told that to last longer, we have to think about stuff that can tune off our minds from reaching orgasm but that is not true. To last longer, a dude’s gotta focus on when that orgasm is about to occur and do something about it. Now, this is where I come in with my own proven methods that are helping a lot of men out there. Some are unconventional. But they Work. my methods are contained in a simple 15-paged report. and the title of the report is: The Total P.E. Cure. You can have this report in your email ASAP All you need to do is to send a blank mail to: and the report will be delivered to your email. Thanks For Reading. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 1:04pm On Nov 16, 2015 |
negative thoughts also contributes to the fact that you are not lasting longer than you should you can really learn to control your mind before and during s.ex... it very important that you know this, because a lot of men suffer from self-defeat... as in, they always feel that they won't last much longer in bed so they conclude that they are not good enough. no. you can last much longer in bed than you are currently... it first starts from your mind. let me help you combat P.E. I have a simple 15-paged report i have written and I want to send it to you so that you can read it and use the methods i recommend in that report for your good all you need to do is send a blank email to: I will send the report to your email inbox ASAP. Wish you well. Thanks For Reading. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 2:49pm On Nov 16, 2015 |
DeGenius3: |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 12:30pm On Nov 17, 2015 |
Many Men in their quest for a "quick fix" to their PE problem choose to seek out products that claim to help them last longer. You are probably well aware of stuff such as desensitizing sprays, gels or in general, anesthetics that you can apply on your p*n*s head/glans to help you last longer. These products work by reducing your level of sensitivity to stimulation. The downside is that these solutions are NOT permanent cures. Without relying on these products, you will be back to your usual short-lived stamina. This means you have to whip out that bottle of spray or that tube of gel every time you plan to have sex (pretty embarrassing, isn’t it?) Although most guys are not naturally endowed with sensational stamina, there are specific approaches you can use to overcome P.E. successfully If you want to surprise your wife or partner with s*x that lasts much longer, I think you’ll find these powerful strategies and techniques I recommend in my 15 pages report VERY useful All you need to do in order to get this report is, simply send a blank email to The report will be in your email inbox ASAP. you owe it to yourself and your wife or partner to go through the report and implement the recommendation if you must last longer in bed Thanks For Reading. |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 3:44pm On Nov 24, 2015 |
There are so many things and factors that can cause P.E. Things and Factors Like: Aging Anxiety or Fear Nervousness Nutritional Deficiencies Hormonal Imbalance Imbalance in the Levels of Neurotransmitters or Brain Chemicals Excessive Smoking Excessive Alcohol Drug Abuse Lack of Physical Activities or Exercise Health Related Isuues Like Diabetes, Thyroid etc However, you don't need to be embarrassed any more because now you can cure this problem and can regain your self-confidence and regain Stamina in Bed simply by following some natural tips which I recommend in my 15-pages short report Here's What You'll Discover in This 15-Page Report: * what really causes P.E * 5 ways to STOP P.E. * simple but powerful methods you can use to slow down P.E * 4 powerful foods that helps combat P.E Want to get the report? It's Simple. Simply send a blank email to I will send you the report as soon as possible so that you can read it and start practicing the techniques real quick. Thanks For Reading. Enjoy. - DeGenius |
Re: How Do I Really Last Longer In Bed With My Wife? by DeGenius3(m): 10:16pm On Feb 22, 2017 |
a pure natural blend of proven exercises, techniques, foods and fruits will really help you to totally get rid of PE. all you need to do is know what these things are and use them to your advantage and that's what the report you'll get when you send a blank email to will do for you |
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