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Urgent Help,my Landlord Want To Turn Me To A Mad Man And Money Making Machine by Geesanni: 2:46pm On Sep 21, 2015 |
goodafter nairaland,i jst finised my nysc some few years ago,coudnt get a high paying job as an oil well engineer,i became fustrated but settle for an average pay job in an i.t company as a software engineer.i then needed an accomodation,so me and my new divorce aunty decided to stay together so as to save cost.Meanwhile she had travelled to bury her 11yrs daughter that jst died of accident,so i was the one that search for agent and secure a room and parlour self contain in agent introduce me to the landlord(60yrs plus of age),i told him t point blank that it is me and my aunty that is staying together,showed him my i.d card and agree on the amount as(180k for house rent,agreement and agent fee 60k plus 10k refundable damages).Notwithstanding,i have missed 2 good houses i wanted initially even for 150k so i had no choice than to accept the 180k house because the house doesnt worth it.i was also travelling to kano for a field job of which am suppose to stay two weeks,so i called the agent dat am coming,with my money and but am coming with some of my loads because i wud be travelling for field work the nextday,and i dont want to miss the house again and need to sec ure the house with some of my load but am not sleeping or staying there till i come back from 2 wks travelling.the agent said no wahala since my coming with my money. when i got to the agent with some of my loads,he said why should i come with load,i was so angry dat i said but the agent himself said i can come wth some of my load,(thank god i had a witness when i called the agent if i can come with load and dat same witness too was very angry because he came also with me.)so we headed to meet the landlord,i brought out the money(220k out of 250k i was suppose to pay in total sum and said after when i come back from travelling in 2wks i will balance up and also emphasized i and my aunty is staying together,he agreed ,i paid with an eyewitness and two agent present.i then made a wriiten statement of which we all signed (but the landlord refused to sign)and the landlord kept it,but on the landlord getting to know i came with my load,he changed his mouth dat rent is still 180k,agreement is 70k instead of 60k we agreed earlier,10k for damages and 12k for water yearly which i must pay with my rent,i was so angry,12k for water then why was it flat.i HAD NO CHOICE BUT I agreed(now total sum of 272k).i put in some of my load and left immediately back to my former house.i travelled 3days later and came back after two weeks and balance up,then i ask for receipt but he said he wud give me later(i taught d 12k water fee was for fuel incase there is no light because he sells water,but NO, and HE DOES not even pump water to the flat if there is no light) .After 1wks,my aunty came back to lagos and i brought her in.To my greatest surprise the landlord rebuke me,spark,rage and said i have no right to bring my aunty to stay with me with her(3kids).i go to work and come back late everyday so he want me to always leave empty house and stay only on wknd. i got angry called the agent and told him if i never said i was staying with my aunty,the agent confirmed i said dat but the landlord then changed his mouth dat he thought she was single and i should come and collect my money,i begged him(for 5days) like a cool dude of which am not suppose to do. He disagree, because i dont want to go to the stress of looking for a house again.i ,my aGENT and aunty WENT TO search for a new house in dat area(because of job location)and got a good one better and cheap (150k).we approached my landlord he should give us our 272k which he said he wud give us,he said he must follow us to the new house and pay by himself.he refused to give us the money and later plead with us to stay.i was so pissed off dat my mind was totally not interested to stay again,but my aunty plead wth me dat we shud stay and 4get wat happen.we stayed, everyday was more fustrating in the house by the man.he wud never let my 3 nieces (little kid )be and get angry unneccesarilly. Meanwhile i ask for receipt always and he refuses to give us dat he wud give us later. after 4 months(refusing to give us receipt),he called me oneday, when my aunty has travelled leaving his 3 kid with me and said i should fill a form,i read the form and saw dat it was agreement form. To my greatest surprise,i saw dat he gave a condition in the form that anytime the he needs his house dat am entithle to one mouth quick notice only( instead of 6 months because we pay 1 year rent).i became mad again,but dis time i demanded we needed our receipt first,he said no until i fill dat his form b4 we will collect our receipt.DIS MAN PLEAD with US TO STAY,HE REFUSE TO REFUND OUR MONEY AFTER 2WKS WE PACKED IN,AND UP TILL NOW (4 MONTHS)HE REFUSES TO GIVE ME MY RECEIPT THREATENING ME WITH PARTIAL QUICK NOTICE DAT AM ENTITHLE TO 1 MONTH.PLS FELLOW NAIRALANDER AND NIGERIANS,AS A FELLOW FUSTRATED YOUNG GUY MANAGING HIMSELF,AN OLD MAN WANT TO TAKE AWAY D LABOUR I SWEAT FOR OUT OF FUSTRATION(272K, HE USE MY MONEY FOR BUSSINESS FOR 4 MONTHS AND WANT TO DUMP ME) NOW DAT HE FELT HE HAS USE ME FOR MAKING MONEY.I NEED A HELP URGENTLY,ADVICE ,AN NGO ,LAGOS STATE HOUSING MANAGEMENT,AND A CIVIL DEFENCE LAWYER TO COME TO MY HELP BECAUSE AM LIKE A WOUNDED LION PUSHED TO THE WALL DAT CAN DO ANYTHING TO REVENGE THE LANDLORD,I MAY MAKE HEADLINE(4 BAD NEWS DAT HAPPEN TO A WHOLE COMPOUND) SOONEST IF AM NOT BEEN HELP BY NECESSARY AUTHORITY because I CRY WHILE WALKING AND THE LANDLORD IS MAKING HELL OUT OF ME AND MY PPLE.PLS NAIRALAND AND NIGERIANS PLS HELP ME.u can email me on for help ,i stay in lagos,THANKS |
Re: Urgent Help,my Landlord Want To Turn Me To A Mad Man And Money Making Machine by Oooops: 4:59pm On Sep 21, 2015 |
It is well.... Simply threaten to get a lawyer and threaten to take the matter to court. When he sees you ain't kidding, he'll reconsider his stance! Some landlord sef are nefarious |
Re: Urgent Help,my Landlord Want To Turn Me To A Mad Man And Money Making Machine by cmoney22222: 5:21pm On Sep 21, 2015 |
Na wa oooo> Bro. i have nothing to say or help you either. May God help u in this case with this man. Abeg tak am easy with am |
Re: Urgent Help,my Landlord Want To Turn Me To A Mad Man And Money Making Machine by Nobody: 8:53pm On Sep 21, 2015 |
Geesanni:i swear if na me i go shoot the guy,but for your aunt and your cute niece,you gatz leave that place after your 1 year rent expire...where for lag be this place sef and wetin be the landlord name? JUST REMIND ME OF MY 100K WHEN THIS HOUSE DEVELOPERS DUPE...I SWEAR WITH MY LIFE SAY ANYWHERE WHEN I MEET THOSE GUYS,EH NA TO FIRST STAB THEM COME WAIT FOR THE CONSEQUENCE. |
Re: Urgent Help,my Landlord Want To Turn Me To A Mad Man And Money Making Machine by Geesanni: 9:10am On Sep 22, 2015 |
Re: Urgent Help,my Landlord Want To Turn Me To A Mad Man And Money Making Machine by Geesanni: 9:10am On Sep 22, 2015 |
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