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Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) - Religion - Nairaland

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Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 11:43am On Dec 25, 2015
Jesus CHRIST:The Whiteman's 419

By Naiwu Osahon

The Greek letters of the word Lateines (Latin), the historical language of Rome in all its official acts, amount to 666, magic, hocus-pocus, deceit, the equivalent of Nigeria's modern code for crookedness, falsehood, deceit, financial fraud, which is '419.' The Bible is the Church father's 419.

The Edicts of Theodosius and Toleration (4th and 6th Centuries) Towards the end of the fourth century CE, the African religion, the Mystery System, still dominated the world of religion so Rome passed the Edict of Theodosius, ordering the closure of all Egyptian temples. This was to allow the still struggling Christian religion to gain popular support. In the Island of Philae, in the first cataract of the Nile, the African religion refused to accept Christianity and the Roman government fearing a rebellion, paid tribute to them as an appeasement. During the sixth century CE, Justinian issued the Edit of Toleration, suppressing the remnant of the African religion in Egypt and propagating Christianity among the Nubians.

According to George G.M.James, “The abolition of the Egyptian Mysteries was to create an opportunity for the adoption of Christianity. This was the problem. The Roman government felt that Egypt was now conquered in arms and reduced to her knees, but in order to make the conquest complete, it would be necessary to abolish the Mysteries, which still controlled the religious mind of the ancient world. There must be a New World Religion to take the place of the Egyptian Religion. This New Religion, which should take the place of the Mysteries, must be equally powerful and universal, and consequently everything possible must be done in order to promote its interests.”

G.G.M James quoting from Sedgwick and Tyler (History of Science), and Zeller's (Hist. of Phil. Introduction) says; “With the abolition of the Egyptian Mystery System, intellectual darkness spread over Christian Europe and the Graeco-Roman world for ten centuries; during which time, knowledge had disappeared. The Greeks showed no creative powers, and were unable to improve upon knowledge which they had received from the Egyptians.”

[b]Ausar (Osiris) the Egyptian Redeemer-God atoned for human sins by sacrificing himself. Church fathers claimed that Jesus (Christo) too had washed away the sins of his followers through his crucifixion. Ausar died nailed in a chest and resurrected to save humankind, four thousand, four hundred and twenty-five years before the story of Jesus was concocted. Jesus rose from the Sepulcher in c33 CE? Christian fathers had to claim the resurrection of Jesus because that was the only way Christianity could compete on equal, if not superior terms, with the Mystery System it was trying to suppress. Ausar rose to heaven to sit in judgment over the dead in the African myth. Ausar's resurrection led to the 'Judgment Day' saga, and is the source of the 'Second Coming' of Jesus' story. Jesus, like Ausar, could forgive sins, bring the dead back to life, live a sinless life, heal the sick, and that he was the anointed Son of God.

By juggling for Jesus, the characteristics of Horus and Virgin Birth, with those of his father, God Ausar, (the Holy Ghost), Jesus naturally emerged for the Church fathers as the special and only Son of God. These were not strange claims at the time, however. African imitation saviour-gods of the Mexicans, Mayas, Aztecs made similar claims and died to save mankind by being nailed to crosses or tied to trees, with arms outstretched as if on a cross, or slain violently in other manner, 625 years before the story of Jesus Christ was fabricated. Even to the Edo, Nigeria, their Oba was the only son of God 365 years before Christianity.[/b]

Suffering was the principal tenet of all religions. The implication was that the foundation of the world was impossible until God performed some sacrifice. Since all religions claim that there was no life, culture or anything worth preserving until they came along, tribal traditions and religious fathers were not advocating anything more outrageous than the dawn of manifestation, which is by sacrifice in Hinduism (Bhagavad Gita, iii 10). In Islam, the creator fashioned himself in due proportion and breathed into him something of his spirit (Holy Koran XXXII, 9). The Bible claims in the Book of Revelation: “the lamb was slain for the foundation of the world,” (Rev. XIII, cool.

Council of Nicaea (325 CE). Dr. Martyn Percy, the famous canon expert once wrote and I quote: “The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven.” The Bible is a creation of man. Man, not God, writes history, and history is always from the perspective of the conqueror, not the conquered. It is the elite, the most powerful in society, that defines the society's reality, and that is exactly what Constantine did after subduing African influence in the world.

In Emperor Constantine's days, the official Roman religion was Sun worship (i.e. the African Egyptian cult of Sol Invictus or the Invincible Sun). They called it the Jovian Mystery System and Constantine was the Chief priest. In fact, Constantine, a Pagan throughout his lifetime, was hurriedly baptized on his death bed, too weak to protest. During the reign of Constantine, and over three hundred years after the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, the Christian population had grown to the extent of posing serious threat to the unity of Rome. The Christians were constantly warring with the Pagans and threatening to tear Rome apart. Constantine, a smart opportunist, decided to side with the larger group.

History books on the issue marvel at the way Constantine converted his Sun God worshippers to Christianity. He did it by creating an amalgam, a hybrid, a fusion of Pagan symbols, dates, rituals, and ideas, into the growing Pagan-Christian traditions of the time, to produce something that compromised and overwhelmed both parties. Constantine produced a sacred entity outside the scope of the human world whose power was, therefore, unchallengeable by mare mortals, and called it the Roman Catholic Church. To do this, he conveyed his 325 CE Council of Nicaea that produced the Nicaea creed. The Nicaea Council is claimed by the Church fathers to have been called principally to thwart the Arian heresy and assert the headship of Jesus over Christendom.

The problem really was whether Auset (who was the Virgin Birth Mother in the ancient African Mystery System, imbibed by the Jovian Mystery, which was being adapted by the Church fathers, should continue to take precedence over her son Horus, as in the ancient African myth). In the end, Ausar (re-named Yahweh) retained his double roles as the Holy Ghost or God, (misunderstood by Christians as the universal 'Spirit'), and as (human 'Father' in the African Mysteries 4,425 years earlier), (who became the Christian Ghost Impregnator) of Mother Auset, re-named Mary, with the Virgin Son, Horus, (renamed Jesus).

In other words, “Holy” and “Virgin Birth” were transferred to Jesus and Mary, from Horus and Auset. Jesus became born in Bethlehem and acquired higher rank than his contrived mother. He was supposed to be her first child and to have been miraculously conceived. His foster-father was given the name Joseph, and the carpentry profession, to appeal to humility. The name 'Christ' came from the Greek translation of Christos (meaning anointed), taken from the Hebrew title of Messiah. Church fathers at the Nicaea Council in 325 CE, decided that Jesus, who was supposed to have been baptized as and called Emmanuel before the Conference, was born in Bethlehem in Judea. All these were happening some 325 years after the purported death of Jesus.

[b]Constantine called and chaired the 325 CE Nicaea Council, which had 219 Bishops in attendance. Constantine's principal objective, (as admitted by him and emphasized in conference documents), was to settle the much-debated issue of God's relationship to his Son. Many Bishops turned down Constantine's invitation to the conference. Eusebius of Caesarea was one of the people who attended the Conference although he was not a Bishop. Eusebius was a well-known chronicler and defender of Christian monotheism at the time, and he wrote about what happened. All the issues raised at the Nicaea Council were debated and voted for, including the role of Bishops, the administration of sacraments, and the divinity of Jesus.

The Bishops had several sittings at the Council to perfect their strategy in the guise of separating truth from heresy. The story of how Bishop Arius was commanded by the Bishop of Alexandria to quit his beliefs or be declared a heretic, and how his writing were ordered destroyed, is eloquent of many things that happened when the Christian religion was being formulated. Bishop Arius was beheaded for saying Christ is not God. Read the lost books of the Bible. There is nothing divine about the Bible. Humans put it together under vicious acrimonious human circumstances.

The Christo in you, as preached by Paul, was the Christian emphasis until the Nicaea Council in 325 CE. Christo was not supposed to be a historical person. The vote to make Jesus (Christo), Christ, divine, human/spirit and the 'only Son of God,' was very close. The following statement is taken verbatim from 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica.'

“Constantine himself presided and actively guided the discussions. He personally proposed the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council as of one substance with the Father … .Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination…….”[/b]

This is the most important creed in Christendom. It was proposed by the emperor to the consternation of many of the bishops in attendance. But out of fear not to offend the emperor, all but two of the bishops signed the creed. Today, the Church claims that Jesus is some special breed of God, and that the Bible is some divinely inspired document. Jesus' divinity was critical because if the Pagan God Horus, was divine and the only 'Son of God,' the new amalgam could not afford to be less so as a means of unifying the two warring Roman groups and the Roman Empire. By officially endorsing Jesus as the only 'Son of God,' Constantine turned Jesus into a deity. Historians agree that Constantine not only stole the mortal leadership and possible human message from the Church, he covered his invention, (Jesus Christ), with an iron cloak of divinity, to expand and enhance his personal political power base.

Nothing in Christianity was original. The Pagan's Sun disks became the haloes of the Catholic saints, and Auset's pictogram nursing her Virgin birth son Horus, became the model for the image of Virgin Mary nursing the baby Jesus. All the elements of the Catholic rituals, the mitre, the doxology, the altar, and the communion (act of God-eating), were all taken from African Pagans' rites. The Christians, whose original holy day was the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, adopted the Pagan's holy day, Sunday. Constantine shifted the Christians' holy day to the Pagans' veneration day, Sunday. So, when Christians go to Church on Sundays, they are actually there paying tribute to the African Sun God.

The Church fathers claim that Jesus was born in Nazareth, a place that did not exist anywhere in the world until 300 years after the alleged birth of Jesus. There is no official or church record of his place and date of birth, date and place of death, or even what he looked like physically for over three hundred years. There is no evidence or record of anything directly written down by him until the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE.

On Resurrection
Paul says the very foundation of Christianity rests upon its occurrence. 1 Cor. 15: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain (also 1 Cor, 15:17) But it is not true that only Jesus will rise and nobody else. Others have risen before and after Jesus. Yet, Jesus falsely stated: John 3:13 And no man had ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven even the Son of man which is in heaven. If the son of man, Jesus is in heaven, how come he is down here on earth speaking at the same time? In any case, Jesus lied because according to 2 Kings 2; 11 …. Behold there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Elijah (2 Kgs. 2:11) and Enoch (Gen. 5:22 – 24) never died.

Enoch went straight to heaven too. Hebr. 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him, for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. (Gen.5: 24). Other people went to God without dying. 1Ths. 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: And so shall we ever be with the Lord. And yet again, Hebr. 9:27 …it is appointed unto men to die. For the fate of the sons of men and fate of the beasts is the same: as one dies, so dies the other …..man has no advantage (pre-eminence) over beasts …..All go to one place; all are from the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down to the earth. (Also Job 7: 9-10; 1Tim. 6:15 –16; Isaiah 26:14). So, the Bible does not even know where the spirits of Jesus, Enoch, Elijah and the rest went. To compound its confusion, the bible makes another of its strange claims: Gen. 1:27, Adam was never born to begin with. He came into the world as a full-grown adult. The Bible must think all humans have monkey's brain.

Jesus was not the only one to rise from the dead. A dead man being lowered into a grave revived when he touched the bones of Elisha (2 Kgs. 13: 21). Elijah raised a child from the dead (1 Kings 17: 17, 21-22); Samuel said to Saul, why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me (1Sam.28: 7, 11, 15); Elisha raised the dead son of a Shunammite (2 Kings 4: 32, 34-35); Moses and Elijah revived at the time of the Transfiguration (Luke 9: 28,3). The saints arose at the time of Jesus' death (Matt. 27: 52-53). The widow of Nain's son rose from the dead (Luke 7: 11-15). Lazarus rose from the dead (John 11: 43-44). All these people rose from the dead before Jesus. Peter raised Tabitha and Paul raised Eutychus after Jesus. (Eccle. 3: 19-21) So what is so special about Jesus rising from the dead?

Other contradictions on Resurrection.

At what time in the morning did the women visit the tomb?

At the rising of the sun (Mark 16: 2). When it was yet dark (John 20:1)

Who came?
Mary Magdalene alone (John 20: 1). Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matt.28: 1). Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome (Mark 16:1). Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women (Luke 24: 10)

Was the tomb opened or closed when they arrived?
Open (Luke 24: 2). Closed (Matt. 8:1-2)

Who did they see at the tomb?
The angel (Matt. 28:2). A young man (Mark 16: 5). Two men (Luke 24: 4). Two angels (John 20: 11-12).

Were there men or angels inside or outside the tomb?

Outside (Matt. 28: 2). Inside (Mark 16: 5, Luke 24: 3- 4, John 20: 11-12).

Were they standing or sitting?
Standing (Luke 24: 4). Sitting (Matt. 28: 2, Mark 16: 5, John 20: 12).

Did Mary Magdalene know Jesus when he first appeared to her?

Yes she did (Matt. 28: 9). No she did not (John 20: 14).

Is Jesus a perfect beacon for mankind?

Jesus of Nazareth is supposed to be God incarnate, the sinless being, the embodiment of perfection. 1 Pet. 2:22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. Isa. 53: 9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

[b]But that is a lie; Jesus is not a perfect beacon. Jesus like Paul regularly made false statements and wrong prophesies. John 7: 8-10 Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto the feast: for my time is not yet full come. When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee. But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. In John 13: 38 Jesus said: Verily verily, I say unto thee. The rooster shall not crow, till thou (Peter) hast denied me thrice. What was supposed to have happened was: Mark 14: 66-68 And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the high priest; And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him, and said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth. But he denied, saying I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch; and the rooster crew. According to Jesus' prophecy the rooster was not to speak until after the third denial, not after the first.[/b]
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by roqrules04(m): 11:45am On Dec 25, 2015
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 11:45am On Dec 25, 2015
Jesus told the thief on the cross: Luke 23: 43 Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. This prophecy could not have been kept unless Jesus went to heaven that day, in which case he would not have been buried for three days and three nights. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Mark 15: 37 and 15:42 show Jesus died on the day before the Sabbath, which would be Friday. Mark 16: 9 and Matthew 28: 1 show he allegedly rose sometime during Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Friday afternoon to Sunday morning does not add up to three days and three nights even at the nursery school level arithmetic anywhere in the world. Jesus told a man: Mark 8: 34 Whatsoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. This statement was made early in his ministry. Yet the cross could not have become a Christian symbol until after the Crucifixion. There would be nothing to pick up. This utterance would have made no sense whatever to the man being addressed.

Prophesies fulfilled in manners different from that promised:
(Those, which have never occurred): New Testament references to Old Testament prophesies that don't exist. Also apart from inaccurate predictions with respect to the cock crowing, the attainment of paradise by the thief on the cross and the similarity in time between his internment and Jonah's period in the whale, read Genesis 2: 17, God told Adam: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest these of thou shalt surely die. Yet, Adam ate the fruit and did not die that day. In fact, he lived to be 930 years old Gen. 5: 5. 2 Samuel 12: 14.

David had sinned against God and Nathan said: Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. Verse 18 clearly shows that the child died physically, not spiritually, shortly thereafter (which also goes against Deut. 24: 16). Genesis 28: 13 …..I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.

Jesus lied several times: John 23: 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. Jesus allegedly lifted up, but failed to lift all mankind up with him. Seven out of ten people in the world are not Christians nor have all Christians been lifted. Matt. 8: 20: And Jesus saith unto him, Thy foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests: but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. Mark 2: 15 …Jesus sat at meat in his house. Jesus had no place to lay his head, yet he owned a house. Psalm 24: 1 he (Jesus) owned everything. Matt 19: 19 Jesus said: Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. While he said to his own mother, John 2: 4, Woman, what have I to do with thee? That is some honour for a mother. Jesus not only believed the devil existed but had conversations with him, Matt. 4: 3-10, Luke 4: 3-8. Could this devil be God Yahweh?

Did Jesus curse?
Matt. 5: 22 But whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Jesus repeatedly called people fools: Matt. 23: 17, 19 Ye fools and blind….. Luke 11: 4 Ye fools…..Matt. 5: 44 Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you. Yet repeatedly, Jesus called his opponents names and hurled epithets in Matt.23: 15, 23: 17, 19, 27, 33, John 10: 8, Luke 11: 40, Matt 12: 34.

Is Jesus saviour of mankind?
Matt. 27: 46 Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli. Eli lama sabachthani. Meaning, My God my God, why hast thou forsaken me? That cannot be the language of a saviour? The man did not want to die, let alone for our sins. They certainly were not the words of someone in control of the situation.

Who was Joseph's father?
Jacob, Matt. 1: 16, Heli, Luke 3:23.

How many men etc., did David slew?
…..the men of 700 chariots of the Syrians and 40,000 horsemen, 2 Sam.10: 18. It was the men of 7000 chariots and 40,000 footmen, 1 Chron. 19: 18. Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his Chariots in 1 Kings 4: 26, no it was 4,000 stalls, 2 Chron. 9: 25.

And now to believers
Bible says: Prove all things….1 Thess.5: 12. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then….open to reason….James 3: 17. Always be prepared to make a defence to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you 1 Peter 3: 15. The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. This is probably the most important verse in the Bible.

Salvation is one of the most important planks of Christendom and yet no one is sure if it is by faith, destiny or God's whim, to be saved?

Matt 19: 16 – 21 Where a man asked Jesus what he must do to have eternal life. Matt. 19: 16 – 18, And behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, why callest thou me good? There is none good but one that is God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Honour thy father and thy mother: and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The young man saith unto him. All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, if thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. Good works, good deeds, following the commandments, are all that is necessary. Jesus said nothing about believing in anything. Faith or belief isn't even mentioned.

Jesus did not say you must believe in me – that I am the only begotten son of God. He did not say: You must be born again. He did not say: You must believe in the Bible. He did not say: You must remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy. But these conditions are being preached today. Only five of the Ten Commandments were listed as required for salvation and love thy neighbour is one of them. That one is to be found too in Leviticus 19: 18. Mark 10: 17 – 19 repeats the essential message of Matt. 19: 16 – 18 and also lists a commandment – defraud not – that doesn't exist. Again, five of the Ten Commandments were omitted in Luke 18: 18 – 22, 10: 25 –28, Romans 2: 13, 1 Cor. 7: 19, Luke 19: 8 – 9, John 5: 28 – 29, Deut. 10: 12, Ecclesiastes 12: 13. All the above verses resemble Micah 6: 8 which says what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.

None mentions belief or faith, good deeds alone are sufficient. Today, Christians quote: saved by faith: Acts 16: 30. And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou halt be saved, and thy house. Also: John 14:6, 3: 15 – 16, 18, 36, 6: 28 – 29, 47, 11: 25 – 26, Acts 4: 12, 13: 39, Romans 1: 16 – 17, Hebrews 11: 6, Ephesians 2: 8 – 9. Although Paul often says saved by faith, Jesus clearly states you are saved by works and Jesus assertions take precedence. Saved by faith means you can keep on sinning. Repent and sin again Christ pays all and on goes the sinner.

The Church fathers, by paraphrasing the Greek 'monogenes,' as only begotten instead of born of one parent only, and conferring the begotten with the uniqueness of being the only Son of God, removed the need for individual spiritual growth from the potential deity within everyman. The doctored interpretation implied, as was intended by the Church fathers, that the source of redemption is from the outside. By so doing, they shifted the responsibility for the payment of debts for our sins to someone else. The interpretation is the greatest undoing of the Christian religion because apart from stopping individual spiritual development, it installs the lie that one can go on sinning forever because someone else has cleansed our sins with his blood. The truth is that each man accounts for his deeds. There is no question of the shedding of blood by anyone for someone else's sins.

His three years religious mission, we are told, began at about the age of 30, taking him away from home in Nazareth in Galilee, and ending in his crucifixion at which he died and rose to heaven the third day. His principal religious teaching, as claimed by the Bible, is contained in the Sermon on the Mount of the New Testament. It emphasizes love for the poor and the downtrodden. It also emphasizes the oneness of light, and insists on people loving their enemies and doing good if they want to see God. “Only the pure could see purity.” “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”

The statement about the “Grace of God,” confirms that there is no automatic forgiveness of sins or personal favours from God because favours must be earned. An immutable law of justice governs the universe. “Go and sell that thou hast,” is the law of karma, recognized by the early church emphasis that man reaps as he sows. Church fathers later de-emphasized this to the detriment of their followers' spiritual growth. Jesus we are told asked followers “to repent,” and “to come unto me.” The Los Angeles Times of December 12, 1984, quoted Pope John Paul II as saying: “Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins, come to me.” Even Olumba Olumba and Jesus of Oyingbo, both in Nigeria, have been known to make similar claims, does that make them Gods or special sons of God? Jesus, according to the Church Fathers, healed the sick. Many Nigerian pastors, prophets, priests, also claim similar feats daily on the Nigerian television. Jesus performed magic by multiplying loaves of bread and turning water into wine. The Nigerian non-priest Professor Peller, was adept too at performing similar magic because it could be learnt. In fact, that was a significant plank of the mystery school education.

“Jesus walked on water” like the African God Bacchus did thousands of years earlier. Levitation is not strange to magic, “the more you look the less you see.” Jesus we are told cast out demons with the words of mouth just as modern day exorcists claim to do, to banish ghosts. The early Christian movement accepted reincarnation as revealed in Matthew 17: 10-12; 16:13; 11:14; John 9:2-3; Revelation 13:10 and so on. Church fathers condemned reincarnation as heresy, several centuries into the Christian movement and planted vicarious atonement in its place. The truth is that Christians have not stopped waiting for the return (or reincarnation) of their Jesus since the advent of Christianity.

It is not easy to die on the cross. Many religious faithful have subjected themselves to the agony of crucifixion, over the years, to atone for their sins. In the Nigerian Guardian newspaper of Sunday April 11, 1998, it was reported that a dozen men in the Philippines were nailed to crosses for almost 30 minutes on the Good Friday. They moaned and groaned in pain from their crosses but did not die. The tradition had been on around the world well before the Biblical story of Jesus. It was not peculiar to the Philippines.

[b]Since Jesus' story was developed from the life image of Ausar who was brought back to life after death and crowned king to sit in judgment over the dead, Church fathers imagined that they could not find the body of Jesus in the sepulchre. Jesus too had risen to heaven like his mentor, Ausar, did in myth, 4,425 years earlier. The reports of people like Paul, which Church fathers deliberately distorted, were not about material but spiritual resurrection. “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” achievable through loving service to others. “I am the resurrection and the life,” were supposed to represent spiritual challenge because the spirit transcends life on earth. The over six thousand years old African mystery drama of crucifixion and resurrection, taught that man transcends the physical struggles through crucifixion to achieve a higher consciousness, which is resurrection.

In other words, you cannot develop the heart at the expense of the head; both the physical and spiritual must go hand in hand to find the kingdom of heaven. Church fathers interpreted this as personal historical life of Jesus and emphasized the material or physical issues of death, resurrection, and struggles, as against spiritual redemption, recognized by Paul, for instance. Jesus is the only Son of God, claims the Church fathers. Any such claim disregards the nature of man or that the claim is the right of every man. It was not supposed to be interpreted as a peculiarity applicable only to one man or a Jesus. The Jewish sources they wrongly interpreted, confirm that man has a vast range of capabilities, and that men and angels are all “Sons of God.” [/b]

Christ in truth is the divinity within everyman, the fullness of which “lightieth everyman that cometh into the world.” This has nothing to do with an intermediary, because every individual has 'Christ' within, yearning for personal growth. Man's growth is calibrated from the lower forms up according to capacities. There are no spiritual gifts or privileges not earned, and liberation into cosmic consciousness is gradual and spans many lives. The germ is the 'Christo' planted in man according to his individual capacity to receive higher wisdom. Paul said as much too: “Know ye not your own selves, now that Jesus Christ is within you.” This makes everyman the “Son of God” from birth.

African ancestors recognized the difference between the One Essence 'Tu-SoS,' and the minor sources of power, which are the Gods or attributes of Tu-SoS. The Church fathers' translation dropped the One Source or Tu-SoS for the attributes, ignoring the vital functional energy source for man's hierarchical spiritual growth, hidden in, for instance, the process of alchemy. The mysteries taught that life was spiritually conceived, materially born. The duality is portrayed by the two mothers of the Sun God or Horus, in “Isis conceived him; Nephthys gave him birth.”

Nicodemus was told: “Ye must be born again,” man “must be born of water and the spirit.” To the ancients, water and earth represented the physical world, while air and fire stood for the spiritual realm. The significance of this is that the cosmic fire (spirit) is buried in our material (body) water, waiting for activation because man is a microcosm of the four elements of the cosmic macrocosm. The Church fathers belittled this concept as being born again through acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and through individual baptism.

The ancient African myths about the essence of deities being multiplied and distributed to a multitude of creatures was exemplified by 'three days of fasting and deprivation of spiritual nutrient. After evolving through the three periods, fragments of bread representing material well-being and fishes symbolizing spiritual energy were distributed. The Church fathers interpreted this only in terms of material advancement, ignoring the spiritual dimension of growth. The banning of the mysteries by the Romans reinforced the Church fathers' strategy to promote the adoption of materialism and personal Messiah at the expense of the faithful gaining universal wisdom. A multitude of backward people joined because they saw their quick break for personal fortune without tasking their brains or energies. God they believed would provide.

NAIWU OSAHON Hon. Khu Mkuu (Leader) World Pan-African Movement); Ameer Spiritual (Spiritual Prince) of the African race; MSc. (Salford); Dip.M.S; G.I.P.M; Dip.I.A (Liv.); D. Inst. M; G. Inst. M; G.I.W.M; A.M.N.I.M. Poet, Author of the magnum opus: 'The end of knowledge'. One of the world's leading authors of children's books; Awarded; key to the city of Memphis, Tennessee, USA; Honourary Councilmanship, Memphis City Council; Honourary Citizenship, County of Shelby; Honourary Commissionership, County of Shelby, Tennessee; and a silver shield trophy by Morehouse College, USA, for activities to unite and uplift the African race.

Naiwu Osahon renowned author, philosopher of science, mystique, leader of the world Pan-African Movement.


Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 11:47am On Dec 25, 2015
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 11:50am On Dec 25, 2015

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by CoolUsername: 11:55am On Dec 25, 2015
Not to mention that Matthew and Luke give two different genealogies.
Anyway, I just want Christmas rice.

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 12:10pm On Dec 25, 2015
Not to mention that Matthew and Luke give two different genealogies.

Anyway, I just want Christmas rice.

a lot of contradictions in the so called holy book..... grin grin grin grin eat your rice joor...
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Nobody: 12:13pm On Dec 25, 2015
please what is ur aim for posting this. So you believe that this $tupid post would change the belief in Jesus, which started way before your family
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by yanabasee(m): 12:16pm On Dec 25, 2015
OP, I am a christian and I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.... The Bible was written by different people with different point of view but quite very relative... I've checked most of your quoted portions and am sure u didn't read the story very well... Read inbetween the lines and you'll understand the Bible.

Christ came as a saviour and he died to set us free... I gave him all of me.. I consecrate my self unto him...

May he Forgive you! Amen!

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 12:18pm On Dec 25, 2015
please what is ur aim for posting this. So you believe that this $tupid post would change the belief in Jesus, which started way before your family

I posted this for pathetic ignoramus like you to read and liberate your deluded mind from the shackles of falsehood and mental slavery. the post isn't stupid, you are. undecided


Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 12:21pm On Dec 25, 2015
OP, I am a christian and I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.... The Bible was written by different people with different point of view but quite very relative... I've checked most of your quoted portions and am sure u didn't read the story very well... Read inbetween the lines and you'll understand the Bible.

Christ came as a saviour and he died to set us free... I gave him all of me.. I consecrate my self unto him...

May he Forgive you! Amen!

SHUT UP! YOU WERE ONLY PROGRAMMED TO BELIEVE JESUS EXISTED. there is a huge difference between knowing and believing. please strive to know. if you think you know, please prove the post wrong.


Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by yanabasee(m): 12:29pm On Dec 25, 2015

SHUT UP! YOU WERE ONLY PROGRAMMED TO BELIEVE JESUS EXISTED. there is a huge difference between knowing and believing. please strive to know. if you think you know, please prove the post wrong.

Then you're so f00lish to believe in science and to believe everything about your existence when you don't have any other factual prove other than scientific proves....

Infact, I'll tell you that the demon inside you has succesfully made you to become more gullible...

If you know what faith means... Then you'll understand that "knowing" isn't acceptable when you place your faith on something or somebody...

Just rule along, young bastard!
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 12:33pm On Dec 25, 2015

Then you're so f00lish to believe in science and to believe everything about your existence when you don't have any other factual prove other than scientific proves....

Infact, I'll tell you that the demon inside you has succesfully made you to become more gullible...

If you know what faith means... Then you'll understand that "knowing" isn't acceptable when you place your faith on something or somebody...

Just rule along, young bastard!

CHAI! SEE A DUMB ASS!!! kai deaD BrAIn

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by thorpido(m): 12:38pm On Dec 25, 2015
Perhaps Adolf Hitler was also a story and did not exist.
Merry Christmas to those who can discern.
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by yanabasee(m): 12:39pm On Dec 25, 2015

CHAI! SEE A DUMB ASS!!! kai deaD BrAIn

God will forgive your ignorance!!!!....

I could argue with everything in this world, but I don't argue the bible or quran... I just place my faith on what I belief is right... Just don't push it... You don't know the mystery behind it... This things you claim to know have existed thousands of years ago and you're barely 18years old and you want to know... And you think, this will make you brilliant?

Mtchwww...... Live christianity alone... Same way you can't justify urself to be a saint... You shldnt judge others for being wrong...
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 12:42pm On Dec 25, 2015

God will forgive your ignorance!!!!....

I could argue with everything in this world, but I don't argue the bible or quran... I just place my faith on what I belief is right... Just don't push it... You don't know the mystery behind it... This things you claim to know have existed thousands of years ago and you're barely 18years old and you want to know... And you think, this will make you brilliant?

Mtchwww...... Live christianity alone... Same way you can't justify urself to be a saint... You shldnt judge others for being wrong...

Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Nobody: 1:06pm On Dec 25, 2015
Make I no talk
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by HCpaul(m): 1:24pm On Dec 25, 2015
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 1:25pm On Dec 25, 2015
Make I no talk

TALK SMALL.... grin
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Nobody: 1:28pm On Dec 25, 2015

TALK SMALL.... grin
Today is Christmas, No make Rice turn sour for people's mouth
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by plaetton: 1:57pm On Dec 25, 2015

CHAI! SEE A DUMB ASS!!! kai deaD BrAIn

Welcome to Nairaland religilous section.

You just won't believe how bad it is.

Our African brethren have been completely lobotomized by slave religions.


Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Fabrepass(m): 2:05pm On Dec 25, 2015

Welcome to Nairaland religilous section.

You just won't believe how bad it is.

Out African brethren have been completely lobotomized by slave religions.

my brother, the situation here is so pathetic. many Africans are expressly $TUPID. RELIGION HAS DESTROYED THE BLACK MAN.


Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by plaetton: 2:27pm On Dec 25, 2015

my brother, the situation here is so pathetic. many Africans are expressly $TUPID. RELIGION HAS DESTROYED THE BLACK MAN.
Very pathetic that we had to be mentally colonized by the worst religion fabricated by man.


Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by herald9: 3:19pm On Dec 25, 2015
This is gonna make a nice read.

But if I don't finish this chicken, who will?
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Nobody: 3:28pm On Dec 25, 2015

I posted this for pathetic ignoramus like you to read and liberate your deluded mind from the shackles of falsehood and mental slavery. the post isn't stupid, you are. undecided
Its quite clear DAT u know nothing about God but I assure u that this message u are sending will backfire on you soon but till den Merry Christ-mas

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Nobody: 3:30pm On Dec 25, 2015

my brother, the situation here is so pathetic. many Africans are expressly $TUPID. RELIGION HAS DESTROYED THE BLACK MAN.
Please give us your reasons. or tell us how this religion has destroyed men
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by efficiencie(m): 3:30pm On Dec 25, 2015
Chai na wa o! See Omniscient atheists doing all they can to mentally procreate and reproduce atheists like themselves...Does it hurt you to see people believe in what you call Hocus-Pocus? Well it shouldn't because your elaborate show of intellectuality borders on an extravagant display of perfunctory balderdash as far as those you seek to reborn are concerned...With words that reeks intolerance and hate you advance the gospel of reason very much like the 'knights templars' fighting, pillaging and plundering for their so called 'Christian God' and the 'Jihadist' fighting and raping for their 'Most Benevolent God'...Soon some maniac will declare a religious stance, indoctrinate some others, get guns and munitions, prepare an army and go on a killing spree...and I see you doing the same in the name of your God of reason...

Let those who believe, believe. Let those who know, know. The finality of all life answers all questions bordering on life...I hope you are ready for that finality...
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by wayaa007(m): 3:49pm On Dec 25, 2015
fabrepass, nice deductions, I must say I'm impressed, buh my basis on believing in Jesus and in God is "faith", faith cannot be quantified, it cannot be discerned by science, I choose to believe in God, just as you choose not to, my belief might seem stupid or irrational, but, I'm not going to say that your believe is thrash, all i'll say is, everyone has his beliefs based on his/her journey thru life, I believe in God, and that's my choice, he has acted on my behalf several times and I can't just dismiss them as mere coincidence, they are d works of someone higher than me, they are the works of God...
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Nobody: 6:18pm On Dec 25, 2015
theists will soon storm here with the "whatever works for you bs"
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Rossikk(m): 9:20pm On Dec 25, 2015
fabrepass, nice deductions, I must say I'm impressed, buh my basis on believing in Jesus and in God is "faith", faith cannot be quantified, it cannot be discerned by science, I choose to believe in God, just as you choose not to, my belief might seem stupid or irrational, but, I'm not going to say that your believe is thrash, all i'll say is, everyone has his beliefs based on his/her journey thru life, I believe in God, and that's my choice, he has acted on my behalf several times and I can't just dismiss them as mere coincidence, they are d works of someone higher than me, they are the works of God...

Belief in God is not synonymous with belief in 'Jesus'.
Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by Rossikk(m): 9:22pm On Dec 25, 2015

God will forgive your ignorance!!!!....

I could argue with everything in this world, but I don't argue the bible or quran... I just place my faith on what I belief is right....

In other words, where it concerns those two books, your brain goes to sleep and you turn a zombie?



Re: Jesus Christ The White Man's 419 (there Was No Jesus) by ifenes(m): 10:28pm On Dec 25, 2015
OP, I am a christian and I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.... The Bible was written by different people with different point of view but quite very relative... I've checked most of your quoted portions and am sure u didn't read the story very well... Read inbetween the lines and you'll understand the Bible.

Christ came as a saviour and he died to set us free... I gave him all of me.. I consecrate my self unto him...

May he Forgive you! Amen!

Programmed Robot


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