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Html5, Why Bother? - Education - Nairaland

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Html5, Why Bother? by Mich43l(m): 1:12pm On Jan 15, 2016
When Steve Jobs refused to allow Flash on iOS devices, his argument was that HTML5 could do everything Flash could.

This wasn’t entirely true, however the reality distortion field was massive and ultimately Apple won and Adobe didn’t; HTML5, not Flash, is the technology that’s revolutionizing the web. So what exactly is HTML5 and why bother?

In current times when the border between desktop and mobile is rapidly fading away, users expect to get to the information anywhere, anytime and expect it to be fast. Meeting all those expectations and providing users with what they want is the single best way to keep clients focused on your product, service or website.

HTML5 is the latest iteration of HTML addressing modern needs and expectations of websites. It deals with things like semantic markup, providing information about content it describes, it is becoming new standard for all good web developers and browser vendors love it.

Here are 5 reasons why HTML5 matters:

HTML5 is faster and cheaper
HTML5 is modern
HTML5 lets you do things previously impossible
HTML5 supports mobile devices
Improved Audio and Video Support
Better Usability
Gaming Support
HTML5 Saves Development Time

Take HTML5 courses online http://eti.ng right here in nigeria.

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