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Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by samirah: 10:16am On Jun 23, 2009

Can anyone tell me what the exxon mobil aptitude test consist of? I have been called for a test this weekend. Thanks a lot
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by okwuoc: 11:34am On Jun 23, 2009
Hi Samirah,

You didn't specify which position for which you were invited. Anyway, the usual Mobil test format is that you would take aptitude test as well as skills test that day.

The aptitude test consists of SHL type questions on verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning. All are speed tests so accuracy and speed are of the essence.

The verbal reasoning questions test your ability to make conclusions SOLELY BASED ON information provided. So you would have to choose "True", "Not True", or "Cannot Say" for each question. DO NOT PRESUME or MAKE USE OF PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF ANY SUBJECT MATTER PRESENTED.

The numerical reasoning questions test you ability to understand word problems based on graphs and charts as well as you ability to manipulate numbers so as to obtain desired results. You would be allowed to use a calculator but PLEASE, don't spend much time thinking of how to solve a particular question. Note that some questions might involve computing some fractions or percentages for a whole column or row before being able to answer a single questions - It's normal and encouraged to go through that stress as you would make use of what you computed in subsequent questions.

The abstract reasoning is the true test of IQ. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of speed in this section. Pay very little attention to the order in which you answer this section as some easy ones are most times put at the end. You are required to deduce the relationship amongst a group of figures and then subsequently predict the next figure in the series. Time allocated is usually 30 seconds per question.

The final paper of the day is the skills test which is a test on the subject area you have applied for. For instance, if it is for the position of Trainee Accountant, you must brush up yourself with the fundamental principles of accounting. Mobil skill tests are the most challenging in the country at the moment so don't leave any stone unturned and NOTE that the competition for any Mobil vacancy is very fierce just to say the least. Revise any set of standards you know you use in accounting (if it's what you applied for) and how to solve practical questions with mathematical models you were taught in school. Endeavour to touch as many branches of your field as possible as my experience while taking that of chemical engrs proved same.

That's about the much I have to say. Stay focused, and do the much revision you can do before the D-day. In as much as you have to be optimistic, still have an open mind as regards the outcome of the tests as it can go either way so that you don't feel too disappointed if you don't make it. This is stage 1 out of 3 and the fraction that makes it to stage 2 is less than 5%. I don't mean to discourage you. Far from being the case, I just want you to put everything in proper perspective so that you would put in commensurate effort.

I have attached some materials to help you have a picture of what to expect in the aptitude part of the test. All the best and remain undaunted.


Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by samirah: 12:26pm On Jun 23, 2009
Thank you sooo much. I really appreciate the time u took to answer my question. I will keep u updated. Thanks
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by ROBEN(m): 1:24pm On Jun 23, 2009

I really appreciate ur indept responce to Samara's question. Is it the same aptitude that would be written by all irrespective of the position you applied for? They called for the position of accountant.

Is there any other thing I should expect?

All nairalanders that have any idea, please throw more light. Thanks to u all
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by similu: 2:38pm On Jun 23, 2009
Please i got 3 invitations, one yesterday for 26th (Friday) and 2 today (26th and 29th) so which
is the real date for the test. Anybody with similar problem?
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by similu: 3:17pm On Jun 23, 2009
From the mail, it is requested that we come along with professional qualifiacations, wot if u don't have any yet
will u be disqualified?
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by okwuoc: 3:34pm On Jun 23, 2009
@Samirah: You are very welcome and I wish you the grace of understanding and retentive memory.

@Roben: YES. Everyone takes the same aptitude test. The difference is in the skills test which of course will be the same for all accountants. I wish you the best as well.

@Similu: Don't bother yourself. It must have been an HR error. Just choose any date convenient for your but ensure that you print out the appropriate invitation letter for the day you choose to write. Also ensure that on which ever date you decide to go, you intimate the person in charge of the irregularity in your invitation so that it'll be on record.

As regards professional qualifications, it's not compulsory for any post in Exxon Mobil. The key thing is to pass stage 1 (aptitude & skills test) and if you do, then you stand a significant chance of being employed even if you are still serving.

I wish you all the best.



Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by similu: 5:00pm On Jun 23, 2009
Thanks Okwuoc
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by POSIBILITY(m): 5:55pm On Jun 23, 2009
i really appreciate ur time and efforts in answering the questions.God will reward you.
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by ObamaUS: 7:29am On Jun 24, 2009
The Onome guy is asking for N1000 to release the past questions, How is one sure if the questions are Mobil original questions, NAIJA PPLE LIKE MONEY OOOO
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by ROBEN(m): 7:38am On Jun 24, 2009
Pls dont come here to scam people ok.We ought to be our brother's keeper,if actually you have any past questions/answers,nothing stops you from releasing them; u never can tell what you will get in return both from the person you helped and Almighty God.

Guys, lets be careful with people like this,anybody can go online ,download or cook up questions and come here to sell as Mobil past questions.this guy I can tell you might have question/answer papers but definitely not from Mobil.Beware

Pls do something about this guy and his posts, i smell scam
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by ObamaUS: 7:57am On Jun 24, 2009
@ROBEN, exactly, this informer and the so called ONOME[that's if they are not same person] shouldn't be getting involved in this trash, haba,imagining somebody asking me to go and pay 1K into his bank a/c and send the teller no to him b4 he sends the questions and answers to me, THIEF,
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by ogunniyi2: 10:29am On Jun 24, 2009
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by ROBEN(m): 11:02am On Jun 24, 2009
@ogunniyi2 ,
I was invited as experienced accountant;mine is for 29th June.Were you invited and when is urs?
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by ogunniyi2: 11:32am On Jun 24, 2009
still waiting !!! or when did u receive ur invitation? just 2 know whether there is still hope, cheers!! all the best
Re: Exxonmobil Aptitude Test by cutesy(f): 1:38pm On Jun 24, 2009

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