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Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? - Business - Nairaland

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Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by powerfulsettingz: 1:35pm On Aug 30, 2016
As a young nigerian striving to be educated, i've finished my N.D as far as 2yrs ago with good grade, but due to financial in capability couldn't further. But I've been working since that 2yrs and was about to race some amount of money close to 90k but the total amount I estimated I will be needing for my HND program for the 1st year amount to 130k, so a friend introduce me to MMM, and I've invested 45k last month which the interest is now amounting to 55k, so am. Thinking of adding more from my proceeds, but recently i was going through a thread on nairaland saying MMM could be a Scam that the owner was formerly jailed some years ago based on this type of platform. Now am confused, pls nairalander what's ur opinion should I just forget about going for HND this yr or continue with my investment with MMM to raise the remaining fee?
See my latest transaction screenshot below

Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by nifemi25(m): 1:45pm On Aug 30, 2016
Can't wait to read where this story ends

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by dominique(f): 1:51pm On Aug 30, 2016
You have already invested in it so why are you asking us?


Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by powerfulsettingz: 2:00pm On Aug 30, 2016
You have already invested in it so why are you asking us?
not really the figures in green can be collected anytime and one in red is the one i just added this morning, so i can still cancel it before making the payment
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by shupy: 2:01pm On Aug 30, 2016
It's a scam and it's going to crash sooner or later
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by powerfulsettingz: 2:03pm On Aug 30, 2016
It's a scam and it's going to crash sooner or later
what makes u think so? pls enlighten with proof or sight cases
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by Pavore9: 2:08pm On Aug 30, 2016
Please withdraw the N55K you already have there, many of such schemes have come and gone leaving regrets at its wake.....a word is enough for the wise!


Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by permanentgrace(m): 2:25pm On Aug 30, 2016
I was about opening a thread like this until i saw yours. Someone had told me how he invested it and at due time, the expected returns were rightly funded into his account. On the other hand, i've someone on ground who is about investing into it but i cautioned her to hold on. I've gone online to read about the scheme (thanks to google) and what i read emanating from Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is a huge discouragement to this practice. Though they didnt mention of it failing in recent times, reference was made to how it failed before and people lost millions of dollars in the hasty race to riches and the founder being an ex-convict. To be frank with you, i wouldnt advise my enemy to go into this. It looks unreliable 100%. That is my submission.
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by shupy: 2:25pm On Aug 30, 2016
@ owerfulsettingz my sister once invested 500K into a similar scheme and nothing came in return. Not even the 500K. My brother was talking about this particular mm scheme on sunday and he said even if he knows some1 getting returns on the investment, he still won't put his money on it. I personally don't know much about it but there's thread on this platform that explained why the scheme is scam.
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by eay(m): 4:11pm On Aug 30, 2016
That's what pains me most...the role of a guider in MMM cannot be overemphasized ...
Firstly @op...u Dnt show ppl ur mavro. angry
Secondly...if you money is ready for GH and u fail to GH...u may get penalised
Thirdly...you have PH d frst tym a you got your money back...how come you still have all this drama going on within you.
The problem is not mmm or nairaland users, the problem is YOU! DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT...If u wanna continue go ahead, if you wanna stop,go ahead.
Lastly...MMM advises you to only contribute your SPARE money!!! So...if your school fees is your spare money...u decide that!

Please, If you are new and you have questions about MMM OR you want to register, you can quote me nd drop ur wassap number , I will guide u tru ur registration process for FREE nd will add u to our MMM whatsapp community

Please If you are not in the MMM community, never you say it's a scam except you can show me smone that was scammed

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by dominique(f): 5:56pm On Aug 30, 2016

not really the figures in green can be collected anytime and one in red is the one i just added this morning, so i can still cancel it before making the payment

MMM like o the Ponzi schemes will still eventually crash and a chunk of people will lose their investment. Those raving about it are aware of this but they don't care as they're making their money. I don't know if you're aware of the wonder banks that sprang out in the early/mid 2000s. People lost millions, some never recovered. I had a roomie whose parents invested close to 2million Naira into various schemes and they all came crashing down before they could realise up to a tenth of their investment. MMM as well as the numerous other schemes will still go that way. People may be making money out of it for now, but a lot more people will lose when the scheme crashes. You could be among the unlucky ones. Be guided, May we not end up saying 'had I known...'
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by uckennety(m): 6:00pm On Aug 30, 2016
That's what pains me most...the role of a guider in MMM cannot be overemphasized ...
Firstly @op...u Dnt show ppl ur mavro. angry
Secondly...if you money is ready for GH and u fail to GH...u may get penalised
Thirdly...you have PH d frst tym a you got your money back...how come you still have all this drama going on within you.
The problem is not mmm or nairaland users, the problem is YOU! DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT...If u wanna continue go ahead, if you wanna stop,go ahead.
Lastly...MMM advises you to only contribute your SPARE money!!! So...if your school fees is your spare money...u decide that!

Please, If you are new and you have questions about MMM OR you want to register, you can quote me nd drop ur wassap number , I will guide u tru ur registration process for FREE nd will add u to our MMM whatsapp community

Please If you are not in the MMM community, never you say it's a scam except you can show me smone that was scammed

Is it possible for MMM to pay mr A and won't pay mr B

I want to know
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by Meklex(m): 6:44pm On Aug 30, 2016

Is it possible for MMM to pay mr A and won't pay mr B

I want to know
who is mr A?... Does he sell a bag of rice at 9000 naira?

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by Akins02324(m): 7:06pm On Aug 30, 2016
It's very expedient that you deffered your admission so that you can invest heavily in MMM.I don't think you are ok

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by BinaryRocks: 7:40pm On Aug 30, 2016
You must be clown!
From your account dashboard's screenshot, you have got help GHed more than three times and you're still doubtful undecided
Whether na ur guguru money or skul fees,wetin be difference?

Everything in this life is risky in one way or another.
If u wan stay,stay,if not,who hold you?

The skul weh u deh go no dey risky

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by natakin(f): 8:16pm On Aug 30, 2016
It is boldly written on the MMM website...USE ONLY YOUR SPARE MONEY!....What is the guarantee that you will step out of bed tomorrow...there is no guarantee in anything in life..be wise...
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by eay(m): 8:48pm On Aug 30, 2016

Is it possible for MMM to pay mr A and won't pay mr B

I want to know

Of course not possible...nfo , can GH it shows u v PH...and ryt frm d tym u PH, ur money starts growing

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by CuteTj(m): 9:47pm On Aug 30, 2016
I pray you don't cry at the end of the day.

This business you want to put your money is not meant for people using their last savings nor school fees nor borrowed money. Its meant for people that have money to waste and won't feel a thing if/when they lose their money.

I repeat, I hope you don't end up crying and coming back here to ask us to donate school fees for you.

A word is enough for the wise!

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by Originality007: 10:38pm On Aug 30, 2016
In as much I belive in MMM, I will not advice you to your sch fees for it.....MMM is real, my prayer is Nigerians will not bastardized it.

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Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by Miradamian: 11:56pm On Aug 30, 2016
Social financial network MMM Global Zimbabwe is a fraudulent investment scheme and people have no legal recourse if they lose their money, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has warned.

The online investment pyramid scheme, effectively a Ponzi scheme relying on an accelerating number of new members to pay off the old, is simply referred to as Triple M and has in the past months seen thousands of Zimbabweans joining in a bid “to get rich quickly”.

There are now reports that thousands of Zimbabweans who joined the scheme have been put on hold until September 15 and cannot do any transactions. In any case, the affected members have nowhere to claim back their investments.

Ponzi schemes benefit their creators, as there is a seemingly endless pipeline of potential new members, but very soon the number of new members at each step has to exceed the population of the Earth, so most who join never see any money.

The scheme advertises itself as a mutual aid fund under which recruited members contribute money to assist others and are promised investment returns of 30 percent per month.

MMM stands for Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox and takes its name from its founder, Sergei Panteleevich Mavrodi of Russia.

He founded MMM in 1989 and the scheme was declared bankrupt three years later leading to the disappearance of Mavrodi until his arrest in 2003.
The RBZ on Thursday urged the public against investing in Ponzi and pyramid schemes.
“It has come to the attention of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe that MMM Global, whose founder was once convicted and jailed in Russia for defrauding thousands of investors in a Ponzi scheme, has established a local chapter calling itself MMM Global Zimbabwe,” the central bank said.

“MMM Global Zimbabwe is not a registered or regulated entity in the country. It advertises its operations through a website and through recruiting agents operating in various centres of the country. It has no official offices or office bearers.”

The RBZ added: “Testimonies by the privileged early members who would have benefited from the scheme, are often used to lure new recruits. Ponzi and pyramid schemes are not sustainable because, eventually and inevitably, they run out of new recruits leading to their collapse, with most contributors losing their funds. This has already happened in a number of countries where MMM Global has chapters.

“Since it is not registered under any law and its activities are not regulated or supervised by any authority in Zimbabwe, members of the public are advised against putting their hard-earned money in this or similarly structured schemes. Those who invest in such schemes do so at their own risk and may find themselves without legal recourse when they lose their funds.”

The RBZ said such schemes were fraudulent in every aspect.
“They are fraudulent investment schemes under which existing investors are paid returns, not from genuine market investment of their funds, but from contributions made by new investors, until a point when the scheme can no longer attract new investors,” RBZ said.

“The participants are made aware that they make their money by recruiting new members who in turn must recruit more members.”

In 2013, business people and civil servants were left stranded when their payments worth millions of dollars disappeared after the collapse of Geozing Pawnbrokers, Perfect Shot Investments and McDowells. herald
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by dav8id(m): 12:07am On Aug 31, 2016
according to Galaxy TV 10:pm news.. today 30-08-2016

warned that MMM Nigeria is a scam and called on all nigerian to stay clear from mmm Nigeria as its a big scam
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by Originality007: 10:22am On Aug 31, 2016
according to Galaxy TV 10:pm news.. today 30-08-2016

warned that MMM Nigeria is a scam and called on all nigerian to stay clear from mmm Nigeria as its a big scam

If MMM is a scam, then why is helping hands not a scam?
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by BinaryRocks: 12:37pm On Aug 31, 2016

If MMM is a scam, then why is helping hands not a scam?

U deh mind the clown?
cheesy grin cheesy cheesy grin grin
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by kinswhite(m): 1:41pm On Aug 31, 2016
Scam or no scam.... MMM have payed me twice and the 3rd is loading.
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by murphyrichy(m): 1:48pm On Aug 31, 2016
Scam or no scam.... MMM have payed me twice and the 3rd is loading.
hello, Did it take time b/4 you were matched? I want to see if I can provide help.
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by BinaryRocks: 3:29pm On Aug 31, 2016
Bad belle people undecided
MMM all the way grin grin grin
In fact.......
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by tiwosho(m): 4:37pm On Aug 31, 2016
How is Mmm a scam when u are not giving the company money?
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by ideaz: 6:51pm On Aug 31, 2016
Whenever businesses are presented to you and you are given a fixed ROI be patient enough to ask how that profit is made by the company or organization.

MMM in my own opinion is a 'rob Peter and Pay Paul' scheme which will manage to exist until there are no more enough Peters to rob and that will be the end!

You are Peter when your money is put into the system and Paul when you get your (money + the interest) back. Be warned that there must be more Peters for few Pauls all the time for the system to continue. The moment the recruitment exercise is saturated, meaning less Peters to match the Pauls, comes the end. The recruitment exercise must continue and expand aggressively into more and more territories to keep the scheme up and running.

An organization that offers no services but will pay you 50% or 100% ROI? It is a total gamble after all they already made it clear its not an investment and you are not guaranteed to make money but HELP.
Re: Pls Help Is it Safe To Invest My School Fees On MMM? by zobel(m): 8:14pm On Aug 31, 2016
I think its too risky to put your school fees in MMM. It should be done with money you can afford to lose (I believe you can't afford to lose your school fees) as this is not a business but a mere ponzi scheme that can scam anytime.

My 2cents though

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