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The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by frubben(m): 3:12pm On Sep 13, 2016

Thanks sir. The crux of this message is RESPONSIBLE LIVING. People have to pick up their lives and start living responsibly. Not thinking religion will save them. I get irritated when I see people shouting baba pickup my call everywhere. People have to wake up and take responsibilities.
You see people with hiv believing they are healed by faith and continue spreading the virus. You see people with cancer refusing to admit they have cancer, they keep confessing they are healed until it becomes too late. We have to be RESPONSIBLE.
Same with gambling. Gamblers have to pickup their lives and work towards responsible riches

As much as I would like to agree with you that most christian are lazy just like u stated above, u would agree with me that miracle are real too.
In the course of the write up u made mention of luck, some gamblers that has made it through gambling ( u even mentioned name), same thing happen in christianity too, a lot of christian have being healed through applying the WORD into their life. U call it LUCK while the christian call it WORD.
My point is as u stated that for a true people are making it through gambling same way people are getting the miracle.
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by oaroloye(m): 3:28pm On Sep 13, 2016

KNOWLEDGE OF YAHSHUA is more important than anything else.

. JOHN 14:1-12.

"LET not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2. "In my Father's House are many Mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3. "And if I go and prepare a Place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4. "And whither I go ye know, and The Way ye know."
5. Thomas saith unto him,
"Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know The Way?"
6. Jesus saith unto him,
"I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man cometh unto The Father, but by me.
7. "If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know Him, and have seen Him."
8. Philip saith unto him,
"Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us."
9. Jesus saith unto him,
"Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then,
'Shew us The Father?'
10. "Believest thou not that I am in The Father, and The Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the Works.
11. "Believe me that I am in The Father, and The Father in me: or else believe me for the very Works' sake.
12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you,
'He that believeth on me,
the Works that I do shall he do also;'
and greater Works than these shall he do;
because I go unto my Father."



3. FIRE; 4. WATER;


. MATTHEW 6:19-34.

19. "Lay not up for yourselves
Treasures upon Earth,
where moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where Thieves
break through and Steal:
20. "But lay up for yourselves
Treasures in Heaven,
where neither moth nor rust
doth corrupt,
and where Thieves
do not break through
nor Steal:
21. "For where your Treasure is,
there will your heart be also.
22. "The Light of the Body is the Eye:
if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole Body shall be full of Light.
23. "But if thine Eye be Evil,
thy whole Body shall be full of Darkness.
If therefore the Light that is in thee
be Darkness,
how great is that Darkness!
24. "No man can serve two masters:
for either
he will hate the one,
and love the other;
or else he will hold to the one,
and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
25. "Therefore I say unto you,


Is not the life more than meat,
and the body than raiment?
26. "Behold the Fowls of the Air:
for they sow not,
neither do they reap,
nor gather into barns;
yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them.
Are ye not much better than they?
27. "Which of you by taking thought
can add one cubit unto his stature?
28. "And why take ye thought for raiment?
Consider the lilies of the field,
how they grow; they toil not,
neither do they spin:
29. "And yet I say unto you,


30. "Wherefore, if God so clothe
the Grass of the Field,
which to day is,
and to morrow is cast into the oven,
shall he not much more clothe you,
O ye of little Faith?
31. "Therefore take no thought, saying,


32. "[For after all these things
do the Gentiles seek:]
for your Heavenly Father
knoweth that ye have need
of all these things.
33. "But seek ye first
The Kingdom of God,
and His Righteousness;
and all these things
shall be added unto you.
34. "Take therefore no thought
for the morrow:
for the morrow
shall take thought
for the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day
is the Evil thereof."

. THE TEN TALENTS. (Matt. 25:1-46)


. JOHN 14:21-27.

21. "He that hath my Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."
22. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot,
"Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the World?"
23. Jesus answered and said unto him,
"If a man love me, He will keep my Words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
24. "He that loveth me not keepeth not my Sayings: and the Word which ye hear is not mine, but The Father's which sent me.
25. “These things have I spoken unto you, being (yet) present with you.
26. "But the Comforter, (Which is) The Holy Ghost, Whom The Father will send in My Name, He shall Teach you all things and bring all things to your Remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
27 “Peace I leave with you; My Peace I give unto you, not as the World giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."


Surely this should show that THE GOSPEL is NOT a "GAMBLE," as the Oyinbo Christian Hypocrites' "PASCAL'S WAGER" proposal suggests.
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by CAPSLOCKED: 5:33pm On Sep 13, 2016

[size=28pt] MY STORY: Continuation. Most important part of this thread [/size]

This is the most important part of this whole thread. My inspiration.

June- July 2016 we had the UEFA EURO tournament. A tournament I had prepared well for.
I don't just play bets, I plan ahead. This was the time I was 100% sure I would hit it big.

Well it did not happen. What happened? A week after the tournament, there were lots of friendly games, but something interesting happened during the EURO2016 matches and I will get back to that later.

The day was just one of those ordinary days, nothing special. Friendly matches abounded. I chose 6 games out of the 28 matches I analyzed that day.

I played them. Was expecting 900k+ from one ticket and about 350,000 from another ticket.
I played it and waited as usual.

Well some time around 9pm that day I was with friends having drinks and eating fish barbecue courtesy of a friend that just returned from the UK after his masters program, so we were spending the few Pounds Sterling he brought thanks to high exchange rate.

I opened scorecover.com to check the scores of the matches I played. All games I played that day were over 2.5goals. So I was waiting for Olympiakos friendly match. To my surprise. They had scored about 5 goals.

I jumped up, not believing my luck. When I told my friends what happened they could not believe it just like that?

I was trilled. At last I hit a million naira. 1.3million to be precise.


1. Success makes people see you as superhuman.

You need to see how people started collecting my phone number. I mean people I don't know. Men were leaving their drinks and coming to our table to ask for my phone number.

"sir please help me, nairabet has eaten all my money. Please help me give me games let me also win. " Someone I have never met just came to ask me to help him when he heard us celebrating the money I won

That night people were just calling me, Bros/ oga/ sir, don't forget us, give us games.

It was weird.

let one big "Miracle" happen in a church, all of a sudden that church becomes the Church were God is. People start rushing there and begging to be helped, begging to get a miracle also.

[size=32pt] The big problem is people don't ask questions! They don't know the details of the "miracle" [/size]

People did not even know the details of the bet I played!

I played those 2 tickets with 50,000 naira each!
They must have thought I played with N100 or N1,000

That is just one secret.

The second secret?
(Now I don't care if you believe me or not) I had spent 700,000 betting on the EURO 2016 and I lost all the money!

I did not tell a single soul, I have NEVER told anyone. It was my worst secret.
All thanks to the secrecy of online betting and ease of crediting your betting account with atm.

It was terrible 700,000 gone within the month of EURO2016 just like that.

I kept thinking of the things I could have done with the money instead of betting

These people did not know I was rejoicing because I had recovered my terrible lose.

Yes you read that right.

"Praise God I got admission I did not deserve" he won't tell you he was the VC's candidate and they helped him. He won't tell you how he and his mum were kneeling down to beg the VC to help them.

"Praise God I got a job I did not qualify for!" She won't tell you how she slept with the CEO to get the job.

"Praise God I got healed of HIV" he won't tell you he was misdiagnosed and was given a wrong result.

"Praise God I got a child after 20 years of barrenness" they won't tell you how they traveled out to meet a specialist for artificial insemination or other medical solutions the specialist applied.
Even an athlete that uses performance enhancing drugs would dedicate the Gold medal to GOD.

More on what happened next...
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by JhyMedex: 10:17am On Sep 14, 2016

Bet on safe matches. Keep your tickets short but purchase many tickets. Just slot in one long ticket. The key isn't to try to win millions but to turn in a profit everytime.
I'm wit Ranchoddas bruv..
Cld u drop a few highlights abt Hw betting works.. Basic stuffs.. Tanx
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by udatso: 11:36am On Sep 14, 2016
Even though I am a Muslim, with the display of some Christians in this forum as well as those I interact with on a personal level, I can relate to most of your points to some extent. When you talked about the testimony part, I remembered a thread I once came across about a man and his brother who had an accident and his Bible unburnt even though his car went into flames. It's funny to say that this man in his testimony 'accurately' Pointed out the number of times his car tumbled. grin . Hahaha. You are in an accident and counting number of times your car tumbled?
What's worse, there was a need to mention the church he attends as well as the bishop. I guess more sheep to the flock

Jeremiah noted that the Bible was later recovered from the ashes of the burnt car while it was not scathed by the inferno, disclosing that many people had been coming to Christ Victory Life Church in the city to see the Bible and use it to pray over their problems.

Bishop Napoleon Obayojie is the Presiding Bishop of the Church.
It will be difficult to relate this to Islam because Muslims are more hereafter driven, how We can make Paradise. And not how you can go to a particular mosque to get miracles.

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Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by HardMirror(m): 11:42am On Sep 14, 2016
Even though I am a Muslim, with the display of some Christians in this forum as well as those I interact with on a personal level, I can relate to most of your points to some extent. When you talked about the testimony part, I remembered a thread I once came across about a man and his brother who had an accident and his Bible unburnt even though his car went into flames. It's funny to say that this man in his testimony 'accurately' Pointed out the number of times his car tumbled. grin . Hahaha. You are in an accident and counting number of times your car tumbled?
What's worse, there was a need to mention the church he attends as well as the bishop. I guess more sheep to the flock

It will be difficult to relate this to Islam because Muslims are more hereafter driven, how We can make Paradise. And not how you can go to a particular mosque to get miracles.
Exactly. Churches make more claims than they can back up not so in islam.

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Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by udatso: 7:23pm On Sep 14, 2016
Please mention me when part two is out
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by otemanuduno: 8:16pm On Sep 15, 2016

attention seeker .

The only way to be feel relevant is to come to Nairaland to tell us stories no one gives a hoot about .



You lie cos I GIVE A HOOT ABOUT THEM. wink


Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by honourhim: 9:55pm On Sep 15, 2016
To cut the long story short. His vip group was a total disaster!
For the one month I registered. This guy had only abou 4 wins and over 40 loses!
Why did people remain in the group?
They kept reminding themselves that the guy once dropped a game of 240odds and they all won. This means if you played the game with 1000naira you win at least 240,000 naira with bonus, the winning would be about 300,000 naira.
So people kept encouraging themselves. If he has done it before, he can do it again. They believed in his leadership.

There were funny things on the group, people got angry if you keep updating on a tickets progress, they believed if you keep checking your betting ticket, the ticket will lose.

So many superstitions abound with gamblers and these becomes excuses for when loses come.

Churches and christians have lots of excuses for unanswered prayers, could be hidden sin, lack of faith, or not god's will

This is what obtains in gambling too. The forecaster asks you to pay for his services, then you lose and he starts tellling you reasons why you lost. No guarantees!

When advertising they don't tell you there are no guarantees

I left the group when I realized my own forecasts had a higher success rate than this guy's own. So I left the group. And stuck to my own plan.

Then it happened!

Everything that happens in life have reasons that explains them so its not only christans that things happens to for a reason.

1 Like

Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by mctowel01: 7:12pm On Sep 17, 2016
[size=28pt] NOTE: NOT all testimonies are lies! THERE are lots of genuine testimonies BUT MOST are exaggerations, most are well packaged to hide the truth, most are just show-offs [/size]

So what about the real testimonies? How about those who only spent 100naira and won 5 million what excuse do you have for them Mr. Hardmirror?

I will tell you in a minute.
You were just so real man.. Heck, I think i ve found my 2nd big brother on nairaland. The first is one guy in romance section. I m someone who loves the truth.. A realist.. Its why i hardly fall for testimonies cos i ve always believed that no matter how sweet a good news sounds, there are always untold details and circumstances behind it. Always!
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by mctowel01: 7:21pm On Sep 17, 2016
In life you can get lucky. It happens. It does not prove that it's the prayers that worked.

In life good and bad happens to us all. We get fortunate, sometimes we are unfortunate.

It does not matter the religion you practice, it does not matter if you don't even have a religion. Good can happen to anybody.

I have seen where an eight year old boy won 1million naira plus on bet9ja and he did not even research the games he just picked them at random.

You see people who are super rich and successful who don't even believe in God.

So you want to be a millionaire, Must you gamble to become a millionaire?

I will be back in a minute, let's talk reality perhaps someone will sit up and face life squarely after reading my next post.
So true, i ve had a very strong experience of luck just playing without me understanding how. I ll compile my story come next year, when I m through with a project.
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by HardMirror(m): 9:32pm On Sep 17, 2016

You were just so real man.. Heck, I think i ve found my 2nd big brother on nairaland. The first is one guy in romance section. I m someone who loves the truth.. A realist.. Its why i hardly fall for testimonies cos i ve always believed that no matter how sweet a good news sounds, there are always untold details and circumstances behind it. Always!
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by mctowel01: 10:28pm On Oct 08, 2016
I ve read and reread this thread,.. Guy, your head is on point. No wonder you had issues with Christianity. I use to think about this in my quiet moment and was looking for similar minds who spot these subtleties. Guy.. You deserve a chilled bottle of beer.

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Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by hopefulLandlord: 7:56pm On Oct 28, 2016
I ve read and reread this thread,.. Guy, your head is on point. No wonder you had issues with Christianity. I use to think about this in my quiet moment and was looking for similar minds who spot these subtleties. Guy.. You deserve a chilled bottle of beer.

Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by Auki: 12:33pm On Oct 29, 2016
"They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth God Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider- (The Noble Quran, 2:219)"

"O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain? (The Noble Quran, 5:90-91)"

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Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by CHARLOE(m): 4:11pm On Oct 29, 2016

[size=28pt] MY STORY: Continuation. Most important part of this thread [/size]

This is the most important part of this whole thread. My inspiration.

June- July 2016 we had the UEFA EURO tournament. A tournament I had prepared well for.
I don't just play bets, I plan ahead. This was the time I was 100% sure I would hit it big.

Well it did not happen. What happened? A week after the tournament, there were lots of friendly games, but something interesting happened during the EURO2016 matches and I will get back to that later.

The day was just one of those ordinary days, nothing special. Friendly matches abounded. I chose 6 games out of the 28 matches I analyzed that day.

I played them. Was expecting 900k+ from one ticket and about 350,000 from another ticket.
I played it and waited as usual.

Well some time around 9pm that day I was with friends having drinks and eating fish barbecue courtesy of a friend that just returned from the UK after his masters program, so we were spending the few Pounds Sterling he brought thanks to high exchange rate.

I opened scorecover.com to check the scores of the matches I played. All games I played that day were over 2.5goals. So I was waiting for Olympiakos friendly match. To my surprise. They had scored about 5 goals.

I jumped up, not believing my luck. When I told my friends what happened they could not believe it just like that?

I was trilled. At last I hit a million naira. 1.3million to be precise.


1. Success makes people see you as superhuman.

You need to see how people started collecting my phone number. I mean people I don't know. Men were leaving their drinks and coming to our table to ask for my phone number.

"sir please help me, nairabet has eaten all my money. Please help me give me games let me also win. " Someone I have never met just came to ask me to help him when he heard us celebrating the money I won

That night people were just calling me, Bros/ oga/ sir, don't forget us, give us games.

It was weird.

let one big "Miracle" happen in a church, all of a sudden that church becomes the Church were God is. People start rushing there and begging to be helped, begging to get a miracle also.

[size=32pt] The big problem is people don't ask questions! They don't know the details of the "miracle" [/size]

People did not even know the details of the bet I played!

I played those 2 tickets with 50,000 naira each!
They must have thought I played with N100 or N1,000

That is just one secret.

The second secret?
(Now I don't care if you believe me or not) I had spent 700,000 betting on the EURO 2016 and I lost all the money!

I did not tell a single soul, I have NEVER told anyone. It was my worst secret.
All thanks to the secrecy of online betting and ease of crediting your betting account with atm.

It was terrible 700,000 gone within the month of EURO2016 just like that.

I kept thinking of the things I could have done with the money instead of betting

These people did not know I was rejoicing because I had recovered my terrible lose.

Yes you read that right.

"Praise God I got admission I did not deserve" he won't tell you he was the VC's candidate and they helped him. He won't tell you how he and his mum were kneeling down to beg the VC to help them.

"Praise God I got a job I did not qualify for!" She won't tell you how she slept with the CEO to get the job.

"Praise God I got healed of HIV" he won't tell you he was misdiagnosed and was given a wrong result.

"Praise God I got a child after 20 years of barrenness" they won't tell you how they traveled out to meet a specialist for artificial insemination or other medical solutions the specialist applied.
Even an athlete that uses performance enhancing drugs would dedicate the Gold medal to GOD.

More on what happened next...
I owe u 3 chilled orijin whenever we meet., you're wreaking havoc on d business of religion n breaking d yoke of bondage tieing down religous folks. May ur ancestors n d universe guide n protect u
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by HardMirror(m): 7:34am On Dec 18, 2016
Indeed christianity is just kalokalo. Another thread they could not counter.
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by hopefulLandlord: 8:28am On Dec 18, 2016
Indeed christianity is just kalokalo. Another thread they could not counter.

so true
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by damogul: 8:29am On Dec 18, 2016
The OP has been exposed as a liar and a fraud. very clearly. Click below

Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by Luckymay(f): 1:22pm On Mar 24, 2017

This Hardmirror guy has never died, so he is still being deluded by foolish philosophies of man that rebels against his creator.

Follow the youtube link below and listen to 2 different people who had been clinically dead before and were given a second chance by God to come back and tell what they saw. When you face the horror and hopelessness of hell for rejecting Christ on earth, nothing else can save you, and you will weep for wasting every single second of your life on earth that God had given you as a chance to be saved.

They were hallucinating
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by Edelweiss44: 4:13pm On Mar 24, 2017

They were hallucinating

Issokay Dr LuckyMay..........As our elders usually said in those days, "he whom the gods want to destroy, they first make deaf".
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by hahn(m): 7:54pm On Mar 24, 2017

Issokay Dr LuckyMay..........As our elders usually said in those days, "he whom the gods want to destroy, they first make deaf".

Our elders were not really wise. If they were Nigeria will not be where it is today


Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by Thebrightest(m): 8:41pm On Mar 24, 2017

Our elders were not really wise. If they were Nigeria will not be where it is today
Don't mind those dumb elders.

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Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by HardMirror(m): 7:53am On Mar 25, 2017

Our elders were not really wise. If they were Nigeria will not be where it is today
Sad but true. They had some level of wisdom tho, but the load of superstitious bullshiiit made the wisdom a total waste

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Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by Nobody: 1:07pm On Mar 25, 2017
Educative i must say. Now, lemme move on!
Re: The Secret Of Christianity--- Part One- Just Like Sports Betting. by Martinez19(m): 4:25pm On Oct 13, 2017

I did not start gambling because I wanted to make money. But after I had lost about 500,000 I became more determined to make money out of gambling.

I believed I was a smart guy, I am very good at forecasting games. So I never believed in joining any punting group. I could do it myself!

Many christians feel pastors and churches are frauds so they decide to stay at home and pray by themselves. They believe God has promised to answer them whenever they call on his name. DON'T WORRY, such christians will still run to church. WHY? Because when really desperate situation hits you it is human nature to cryout for help and associate with those he thinks have answers to problems he has and this is exactly what happened to me.

I got fed up and thought perhaps it's time to seek help, it's time to associate with gambling groups on whatsapp, Bbm, facebook, and Nairaland.

So I started from nairaland, there are many such threads here claiming they can help you. Go to those threads on business and sports section and see how people are losing and coming up with new strategies everyday and people keep believing there will be a glorious day.

Then I found a BBM channel, this guy was dropping risky games amd was winning. He was dropping correct scores and was winning. This guy has over 200 followers paying N5,000 per month to him to give them games!

I was excited I called him and quickly joined his VIP GROUP on whatsapp.
hahahahahahah, some christians will tell you that don't depend on any pastor since christianity is between you and your God. When wahala hit them hard and they can't contain it, they zoom to some prayer centre.

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