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Prophet Tb Joshua’s Comment On Kenya Vs Nigeria And Mozambique Vs Tunisia (world by TheLight2: 6:39pm On Nov 25, 2009
There have been false news reports in circulation about the comments of Prophet TB Joshua on the final round of world cup qualifying matches between Kenya vs Nigeria on the one hand and Mozambique vs Tunisia on the other.

In the report, carried on 14th November 2009 release of The Nigerian Tribune, and entitled: T.B Joshua Predicts Victory For Eagles, by Tosin Omojola, the writer wrote that Prophet TB Joshua had prophesied that Nigeria will defeat Kenya by 3-2 goal margin while Mozambique would beat Tunisia by 2-1 goal margin. Also, according to the report, the Prophet prophesied that the Nigeria U17 team, the Golden Eaglets would emerge victorious in their final match against Switzerland.
On the heels of the victory of the Super Eagles against the Mozambique team, Ambassador John Fashanu attended the Sunday service after to confirm the fact that the prophet had told him that the team would win the match by a lone goal. He ended the prophecy with a question as to what would be the fate of the team in the last qualifying round of matches.

Hear him: “So we are through and the question we will ask the man of God is how we are going to do against Kenya on the 14th, thank you.”

Prophet TB Joshua answered saying: “Wow, can you see the question my brother is asking me now, in the eyes of the world?

“The question my brother was asking concerning our game between Kenya, we don’t have problem with that, our problem is Tunisia vs Mozambique. We don’t have problem with Kenya – no matter what happens that day there is no problem. Your problem is Tunisia; Mozambique is not your problem again. Tunisia is your problem.”

Continuing, he said: “With God all things are possible. If you want me to just tell you the mind of God which I will not talk about, I can only tell you about you and Kenya – Don’t bother to think about that, but its Tunisia and Mozambique. The will of God for this nation is to go to the world cup. It is the hope that we are looking for. It is still possible, we can still do it – that we can do it will continue. That is the hope; with God all things are possible”.

Finally he said: “The will of God for this nation is to go to world cup”

In the same vein, whilst reacting to the teammates of Sani Emmanuel and Onazi Ogenyi, both members of the U17 team, who were to play the final match in some hour’s time from then, who had stormed the Sunday service with a large placard soliciting prayers in proxy for their colleagues, Prophet TB Joshua said:

“Why can’t you wait for them to finish the match before you start your testimony?

“Can you see the way they entered the service? Because they cannot hold it again.”

“They should go and sit down and fast and pray for their brothers, their brothers still have almost five to seven hours now, under trial. They should go and watch and pray. I think the whole members hear this. Join them in watching and praying”

It is obvious from these statements that Prophet TB Joshua did not specifically prophecy about the scoreline of the matches in question, but rather chose to interpret his prophecy in parables. A close observation of the parables will reveal the accuracy of the prophecy. In particular, the occasion of the Eaglets would have afforded the prophet the opportunity to be swayed by the pressure of the teammates and declare that the team would emerge victorious. He instead stood firmly and urged the teammates to “, fast and pray for their brothers, their brothers still have almost five to seven hours now, under trial.”

For the avoidance of doubt, the statements by the Man of God, Prophet TB Joshua are presently on the popular video uploading website; YouTube for the consumption of the public and the correction of the wrong impression created by the false news reports circulating round the internet.

The links for the videos are as follows:



Re: Prophet Tb Joshua’s Comment On Kenya Vs Nigeria And Mozambique Vs Tunisia (world by Nobody: 6:58pm On Nov 25, 2009
Pls save us from dis tb joshuas issue&let us rest
Re: Prophet Tb Joshua’s Comment On Kenya Vs Nigeria And Mozambique Vs Tunisia (world by sunjongs(m): 7:01pm On Nov 25, 2009
I watched that telecast, He did not predict scoreline he only asked us Nigerians to unanimously agree in prayers to God concerning Mozambique/tunisia match, which He said would determine our fate. But that its Gods will for us to go to world cup.
Re: Prophet Tb Joshua’s Comment On Kenya Vs Nigeria And Mozambique Vs Tunisia (world by sunjongs(m): 7:03pm On Nov 25, 2009

Pls save us from dis tb joshuas issue&let us rest
How does this issue make you restless? can you explain

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