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Almost by Favouritetega(f): 6:34pm On Nov 02, 2017
I am new here, not actually, but first time of writing.
Have read lots of great stories here, it really wow, some very romantic, inspirational, action, etc.
Original copy o, don't photoshoot, photocopy and so on.
Your advice, criticisms are welcome, just the ones that won't make me cry�........
Anything that may relate to anyone, any place any where or any experience are not real but are part of the writer's imagination [Me]
Too much reading of stories, make me want to write.
So please, your comments are really needed, don't mind my English o..
Still a LEARNER.
Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 6:56pm On Nov 02, 2017
Love is blind to the physical eyes that's why we use shades.
A young girl who just finished school and was waiting for her results, was advised to learn a skill.
While she was going to work one morning, one boy, let's say John, saw her and walked up to her, he said please excuse me.
I always see you around, do u live close?
Yes, she replied
I look at you, through my window, every day you pass, the boy I see you walking with most times, is he your boyfriend...
No, she replied, he's my brother....
OK. ( he continued )
You know you are a beautiful girl, and have the right things in the right places, anyone will easily fall for you.
She told him, she's not interested in all these talks.
He said he's not joking, he tried to hold her, but she moved back.
You need a man in your life, to hold, love and treasure you, treat you like the queen you are, and that he's wasn't like other guys, that he's genuine.
She still said no. They got to the junction, she tried to stop a taxi, he shouted that he was still talking to her, and that it's rude. He asked for her number and the time she normally comes back, she said her work has no specific time. She ended up giving him her number, when the next driver got impatient.
Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 7:04pm On Nov 02, 2017
Auntie rachealfst, Brother souloho19, seunnla, wizsolzy.... come and help a sister
Please when coming, bring some of your guys o...
Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 10:02pm On Nov 02, 2017
After some days, she didn't see him, but get calls and messages, telling her of his love for her.
Meanwhile she is a naive girl who never had a boyfriend or experience of any relationship of that sort, but she wanted to know how it felt. She gets jealous when she see other teenage girls of her age, having fun with their boyfriends, the way they talk and react with them, she wanted that.
But is she willing to pay the price?

Sometimes desperation hurts.....
One night while she was coming back from work, he called her and asked if she had close, she said yes. He told her he wanted to walk her home, she said ok.
When he came, he asked how her day went, she replied all good. As they were going he attempted to hold her waist, she moved backwards, he said she should stop acting like a kid and that these things normally occur between a boy and a girl, that it's a way of showing they really care.
She didn't reply, when she got close to her house, she said goodnight and went inside. Before she slept she got a call from him telling her to remember he loves her and that he wished her a good night rest and told her that he would also like to walk her to the junction in the morning. It excited her, that someone wanted her, she blushed so much her cheeks were more red than pepper...
Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 10:05pm On Nov 02, 2017
Ur comments helps a lot, please do..
Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 10:06pm On Nov 02, 2017
Your comments helps a lot, please do..
Re: Almost by wizsolzy(m): 9:19am On Nov 03, 2017
Auntie rachealfst, Brother souloho19, seunnla, wizsolzy.... come and help a sister
Please when coming, bring some of your guys o...
ikombe come see one film

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Re: Almost by seunnla(f): 6:03pm On Nov 03, 2017
You're doing well for a new writer.
If I may suggest one thing, it would be to use the "double quotation" marks when your character is actively talking. I believe it makes your work easier to read.
Keep writing.

1 Like

Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 6:24pm On Nov 03, 2017
While going to work, she met him standing not too far from her gate, he said he had been waiting for her and that she was late. She smiled and said she was attending to somethings.
He said he knew a shorter cut to the junction, and asked if she remembered that he was going to tell her something, she said yes.
The street he said was a short cut, was isolated, he kept making attempts to touch her, she moved back, and was now backing a gate, knowing she couldn't move back again, he stood at her front. They faced each other, he began to touch her face, tracing the lines from her eyes to her lips, she shivered, and tried to hold back her emotions, he tried to kiss her, but she turned her face.
A lady from inside the compound that they were standing in the front of the gate came out, so he had to free her from his captive.
As she tried to go leave the road, he held her back and kissed her [practically sucking her mouth], she moved back and began running, trying not to cry as she never pictured him like that, she had expected something more romantic. He called her, but she didn't respond, she continued walking, when he got to where she was, he asked if he was the first, she still didn't reply. He said wow, I knew it, you are really the one for me so loyal, and adorable, she said nothing. "What what do you want, what don't I have, am I not handsome enough, tell me what you want", he shouted!
He carried her up, turned her around twice, dropped her and tried to have his way with her there and then, he told her his parts were raising for her, he said as he used his hands to massage her body, she couldn't take it anymore, she ran as far as her legs could carry her. When she got to work, she couldn't concentrate, she couldn't wait to bath his hands off her.
Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 6:25pm On Nov 03, 2017
You're doing well for a new writer.
If I may suggest one thing, it would be to use the "double quotation" marks when your character is actively talking. I believe it makes your work easier to read.
Keep writing.
Noted, thanks
Re: Almost by souloho19(m): 12:28pm On Nov 05, 2017
hor=Favouritetega post=62044862]
Noted, thanks [/quote]

I'm here ma'am..oya come and continue.

at first I wasn't really digging your method of he said..he told her..etc
but as I read on I realized its quite unique.
just keep on writing wink

Meneski cyber5 nastynic(long tym bruh) come check this out

1 Like

Re: Almost by cyber5(m): 1:59pm On Nov 05, 2017
hor=Favouritetega post=62044862] Noted, thanks
I'm here ma'am..oya come and continue.
at first I wasn't really digging your method of he said..he told her..etc but as I read on I realized its quite unique.
just keep on writing wink
Meneski cyber5 nastynic(long tym bruh) come check this out
Thanks boss
lemme spread my mat

1 Like

Re: Almost by meneski(m): 2:06pm On Nov 05, 2017
hor=Favouritetega post=62044862]
Noted, thanks

I'm here ma'am..oya come and continue.

at first I wasn't really digging your method of he said..he told her..etc
but as I read on I realized its quite unique.
just keep on writing wink

Meneski cyber5 nastynic(long tym bruh) come check this out
... My slumber was disturbed my soul man. Wetin de shele here?

1 Like

Re: Almost by Favouritetega(f): 3:30pm On Nov 05, 2017
As much as she hated it, it get happening every night, looking for a place where he would touch her.
He asked her why haven't she responded, she told him she wasn't ready. He took her to his house the next morning, on her way to work. Said it will be much easier, if she knew things about him. When they got inside, he asked her to sit, while he went inside the room to bring some pictures.
He showed her his siblings, they got talking around the line, he asked what course, she was going for, she told him. He said he was going to ask her some questions, if she fails, she was going to do something for him, and if she don't, she can go, as she had earlier complained that she was getting late.
She got the first question wrong, he explained to her, asked two more, she got it, he smiled and said " wow, my baby is so intelligent ", she smiled and told him to continue. At the end it was a tie, he said he was hungry, so he went to bring food from the kitchen.
She stood up and went close to the window, she could see her house from there, she admired his intelligence, she thought maybe she should give him a chance....
He touched her from behind, she was frightened, he said he was sorry that he didn't mean it, she said it was OK.
He said he knew she must have eaten, but he just wants to feed her, she blushed as he brought the spoon to her mouth, after two rounds, she told him she was okay.
She got a call from her mate at the store asking her if she wasn't coming today. She told him she had to leave, he told her to wait a little, he took her phone, and was looking at her pictures, when he suddenly changed and went to her messages.
Re: Almost by gidjah(m): 4:28pm On May 29, 2019
As much as she hated it, it get happening every night, looking for a place where he would touch her.
He asked her why haven't she responded, she told him she wasn't ready. He took her to his house the next morning, on her way to work. Said it will be much easier, if she knew things about him. When they got inside, he asked her to sit, while he went inside the room to bring some pictures.
He showed her his siblings, they got talking around the line, he asked what course, she was going for, she told him. He said he was going to ask her some questions, if she fails, she was going to do something for him, and if she don't, she can go, as she had earlier complained that she was getting late.
She got the first question wrong, he explained to her, asked two more, she got it, he smiled and said " wow, my baby is so intelligent ", she smiled and told him to continue. At the end it was a tie, he said he was hungry, so he went to bring food from the kitchen.HBD sis
She stood up and went close to the window, she could see her house from there, she admired his intelligence, she thought maybe she should give him a chance....
He touched her from behind, she was frightened, he said he was sorry that he didn't mean it, she said it was OK.
He said he knew she must have eaten, but he just wants to feed her, she blushed as he brought the spoon to her mouth, after two rounds, she told him she was okay.
She got a call from her mate at the store asking her if she wasn't coming today. She told him she had to leave, he told her to wait a little, he took her phone, and was looking at her pictures, when he suddenly changed and went to her messages.
Re: Almost by gidjah(m): 4:29pm On May 29, 2019
As much as she hated it, it get happening every night, looking for a place where he would touch her.
He asked her why haven't she responded, she told him she wasn't ready. He took her to his house the next morning, on her way to work. Said it will be much easier, if she knew things about him. When they got inside, he asked her to sit, while he went inside the room to bring some pictures.
He showed her his siblings, they got talking around the line, he asked what course, she was going for, she told him. He said he was going to ask her some questions, if she fails, she was going to do something for him, and if she don't, she can go, as she had earlier complained that she was getting late.
She got the first question wrong, he explained to her, asked two more, she got it, he smiled and said " wow, my baby is so intelligent ", she smiled and told him to continue. At the end it was a tie, he said he was hungry, so he went to bring food from the kitchen.HBD sis.
She stood up and went close to the window, she could see her house from there, she admired his intelligence, she thought maybe she should give him a chance....
He touched her from behind, she was frightened, he said he was sorry that he didn't mean it, she said it was OK.
He said he knew she must have eaten, but he just wants to feed her, she blushed as he brought the spoon to her mouth, after two rounds, she told him she was okay.
She got a call from her mate at the store asking her if she wasn't coming today. She told him she had to leave, he told her to wait a little, he took her phone, and was looking at her pictures, when he suddenly changed and went to her messages.

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