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The Menace That Needs To Stop In OAU - Education - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / The Menace That Needs To Stop In OAU (743 Views)

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The Menace That Needs To Stop In OAU by micwills007(m): 10:54pm On Dec 02, 2017
It saddens my heart to see the rate at which our so called school management(universities)now EXPLOIT students is increasingly alarming .Hence,they mandate levies for this and that... which doesn't correlate with the laydown principles of the western educational system that we are imitating.A casestudy of OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY formerly university of ife inwhich students now pay for every damn thing to the extent of paying for your DEGREE CERTIFICATE (certificate collection charges #15000) Is this fee not astronimically absurd? Which ought to be free, this is becoming one of many factors which the government needs to look into on the campus before it gradually metamorphosize, to students paying their way to receive lectures on campus .To get admission na problem , To scale through from school with better grade na GOBE, To find work nko.. ...NYSC wey our future leaders dey die like chicken on their way. ....WHICH WAY NIGERIA? #whenwillthismenacestop#education shenanigans#degradedpractise#
Re: The Menace That Needs To Stop In OAU by oldfoolnigger(m): 11:36pm On Dec 02, 2017
Re: The Menace That Needs To Stop In OAU by duduade(m): 12:04am On Dec 03, 2017
It applies to almost all schools so nothing new
Re: The Menace That Needs To Stop In OAU by dejt4u(m): 1:00am On Dec 03, 2017
It saddens my heart to see the rate at which our so called school management(universities)now EXPLOIT students is increasingly alarming .Hence,they mandate levies for this and that... which doesn't correlate with the laydown principles of the western educational system that we are imitating.A casestudy of OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY formerly university of ife inwhich students now pay for every damn thing to the extent of paying for your DEGREE CERTIFICATE (certificate collection charges #15000) Is this fee not astronimically absurd? Which ought to be free, this is becoming one of many factors which the government needs to look into on the campus before it gradually metamorphosize, to students paying their way to receive lectures on campus .To get admission na problem , To scale through from school with better grade na GOBE, To find work nko.. ...NYSC wey our future leaders dey die like chicken on their way. ....WHICH WAY NIGERIA? #whenwillthismenacestop#
you are being economical with the truth op. you failed to tell us that the 15k is actually for the following:
1. convocation fee (gown and the rest)
2. Alumni fee
3. degree certificate

To me, the money isn't too much when compared to what graduating students of other Nigerian universities are paying.

NB: for clearance, it will not cost you anything as it is absolutely free (except some cases where the hostel portals will want to exploit you to pay for damages in the hall of residence)

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