[Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 10:03pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
Integrating Paystack to your website is very easy, you can do it in just 2 steps. Step 1: Initialize the payment Step 2: Verify the payment was successful Step 1: Initialize the paymentFirst you’d have to decide if you want to use the inline method or standard method. With Inline integration, you keep the payment experience on your website. While with the Standard integration, your users will be redirected to Paystack’s website to pay and redirected back to your website after payment. NB: The amount passed is in Kobo (A positive integer in the smallest currency unit), so you’d have to multiply the Naira amount by 100 to get the Kobo value. Eg NGN 100 should be passed as 10000 In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Standard method NB: Before you can receive payment with paystack, you need to have an account with paystack account. For this tutorial, i have created three files index.php, pay.php and verify.php index.php: contains lists of our product index.php: contains lists of our product <!doctype html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/3.2.1/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail" > <h4 class="text-center"><span class="label label-info">Samsung</span></h4> <img src="http://placehold.it/650x450&text=Galaxy S5" class="img-responsive"> <div class="caption"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6"> <h3>Galaxy S5</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6 price"> <h3> <label>₦649.99</label></h3> </div> </div> <p>32GB, 2GB Ram, 1080HD, 5.1 inches, Android</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-product"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Like</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <form action="pay.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="64999"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="BUY NOW" > </form> </div>
<p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail" > <h4 class="text-center"><span class="label label-info">Apple</span></h4> <img src="http://placehold.it/650x450&text=iPhone 6" class="img-responsive"> <div class="caption"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6"> <h3>iPhone 6</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6 price"> <h3> <label>₦749.99</label></h3> </div> </div> <p>32GB, 64Bit, 1080HD, 4.7 inches, iOS 8</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-product"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Like</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <form action="pay.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="74999"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="BUY NOW" > </form> </div> </div>
<p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail" > <h4 class="text-center"><span class="label label-info">Nokia</span></h4> <img src="http://placehold.it/650x450&text=Lumia 1520" class="img-responsive"> <div class="caption"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6"> <h3>Lumia 1520</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6 price"> <h3> <label>₦749.00</label></h3> </div> </div> <p>32GB, 4GB Ram, 1080HD, 6.3 inches, WP 8</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-product"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Like</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <form action="pay.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="74900"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="BUY NOW" > </form> </div> </div>
<p> </p> </div> </div> </div>
</div> </div> </body>
pay.php: when the BUY NOW button is submitted from the index.php, you are redirected to the authorization URL. This URL is valid for one time use, so ensure that you generate a new URL per transaction. When the payment is successful, we will call your callback URL (as setup in your dashboard) and return the reference sent in the first step as a query parameter. function genReference($qtd){ //Under the string $Caracteres you write all the characters you want to be used to randomly generate the code. $Caracteres = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVXWYZ0123456789'; $QuantidadeCaracteres = strlen($Caracteres); $QuantidadeCaracteres--;
for($x=1;$x<=$qtd;$x++){ $Posicao = rand(0,$QuantidadeCaracteres); $Hash .= substr($Caracteres,$Posicao,1); }
return $Hash; }
$result = array();
//Set other parameters as keys in the $postdata array $postdata = array( 'email' => 'donchiwexco@gmail.com', 'amount' => $_POST['amount'], "reference" => genReference(10) );
$url = "https://api.paystack.co/transaction/initialize";
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($postdata)); //Post Fields curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$headers = [ 'Authorization: Bearer sk_test_*********************************', 'Content-Type: application/json',
]; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
$request = curl_exec($ch);
if ($request) {
$result = json_decode($request, true);
header('Location: ' . $result['data']['authorization_url']);
verify.php : Before giving value to your customer, you should verify the status of the transaction by passing the reference to the API. $result = array(); //The parameter after verify/ is the transaction reference to be verified $url = 'https://api.paystack.co/transaction/verify/'. $_GET['reference'];
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ 'Authorization: Bearer sk_test_*****************************'] ); $request = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);
if ($request) { $result = json_decode($request, true); }
if (array_key_exists('data', $result) && array_key_exists('status', $result['data']) && ($result['data']['status'] === 'success')) { echo "Transaction was successful"; //Perform necessary action }else{ echo "Transaction was unsuccessful"; }
Source: https://chiwex.com/integrate-paystack-payment-system/Reference: https://developers.paystack.co/page/integrating-paystack-php 17 Likes 1 Share |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 10:04pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
if you like this tutorial like it |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by bigtt76(f): 10:11pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
Nice one but you forgot to paste the pay.php rather you pasted index.php twice |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by 0luwatope(m): 10:37pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
You're wasting your time posting codes here... You might get banned |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by fideleict: 10:38pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
You tried, but you just jumped into the middle of everything, skipping very important information like creating an account and getting an actual secret key before integration. You also skipped important details, like company registration information required to go live when using paystack. For developers looking to integrate Paystack with their web applications, you can get full information on what to have ready, pricing, as well as libraries to aid you during the integration process. To go live with Paystack after demo testing, you'll need to have your business registration documents handy as it will be required of you. Here's the link to the official docs: https://developers.paystack.co/docs/, good luck while at it. If you hit any dead ends while integrating Paystack, you can send me a DM, or for even faster response, you can join the Paystack official slack channel (payslack.slack.com) to get support directly from the guys at Paystack. 2 Likes |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by 0luwatope(m): 10:43pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
fideleict: You tried, but you just jumped into the middle of everything, skipping very important information like creating an account and getting an actual secret key before integration. You also skipped important details, like company registration information required to go live when using paystack. Are you using paystack?? Do you have a corporate account? Wanna ask some things |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by fideleict: 10:49pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
Are you using paystack?? Do you have a corporate account? Wanna ask some things The company I work for uses it for various projects, and I use the company's corporate account and CAC documents when required of me (strictly company projects). |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 10:53pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
bigtt76: Nice one but you forgot to paste the pay.php rather you pasted index.php twice corrected |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 10:55pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
fideleict: You tried, but you just jumped into the middle of everything, skipping very important information like creating an account and getting an actual secret key before integration. You also skipped important details, like company registration information required to go live when using paystack.
For developers looking to integrate Paystack with their web applications, you can get full information on what to have ready, pricing, as well as libraries to aid you during the integration process. To go live with Paystack after demo testing, you'll need to have your business registration documents handy as it will be required of you.
Here's the link to the official docs: https://developers.paystack.co/docs/, good luck while at it. If you hit any dead ends while integrating Paystack, you can send me a DM, or for even faster response, you can join the Paystack official slack channel (payslack.slack.com) to get support directly from the guys at Paystack.
i did not post this for you but for novice new to paystack integration with PHP 3 Likes |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by fideleict: 10:58pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
what i posted is easy to understand for a novice
How about you try to follow the steps you outlined to integrate Paystack and see if you'll get anything done. Whoever follows those steps will end up more confused, and with more questions than they had at the beginning of the 'tutorial' |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 10:59pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
if you have questions, you are welcome
The next tutorial would be laravel 1 Like |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 11:01pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
How about you try to follow the steps you outlined to integrate Paystack and see if you'll get anything done.
Whoever follows those steps will end up more confused, and with more questions than they had at the beginning of the 'tutorial' if are confused, ask ur questions. Any programmer should understand this tut 2 Likes |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by 0luwatope(m): 11:06pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
The company I work for uses it for various projects, and I use the company's corporate account and CAC documents when required of me (strictly company projects). Ok thanks, I just want to know how long it takes to get a corporate account cuz I've submitted all necessary documents and I haven't heard from my bank, its been 5 days, I'll go there physically on monday sha |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by fideleict: 11:12pm On Feb 02, 2018 |
Ok thanks, I just want to know how long it takes to get a corporate account cuz I've submitted all necessary documents and I haven't heard from my bank, its been 5 days, I'll go there physically on monday sha OK, you are welcome, and good luck by Monday. |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by yomalex(m): 4:11am On Feb 04, 2018 |
Ok thanks, I just want to know how long it takes to get a corporate account cuz I've submitted all necessary documents and I haven't heard from my bank, its been 5 days, I'll go there physically on monday sha They'll just need to verify your CAC documents. |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by 0luwatope(m): 6:33pm On Feb 04, 2018 |
yomalex: They'll just need to verify your CAC documents. Verify as in... I haven't received my account number, which implies that I haven't paid any 5k.... Since last week monday, does it take that long? |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by talk2hb1(m): 9:54pm On Feb 04, 2018 |
You Try @chiwex |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by winanthony65: 5:58pm On Apr 18, 2018 |
chiwex: Integrating Paystack to your website is very easy, you can do it in just 2 steps.
Step 1: Initialize the payment Step 2: Verify the payment was successful
Step 1: Initialize the payment
First you’d have to decide if you want to use the inline method or standard method.
With Inline integration, you keep the payment experience on your website.
While with the Standard integration, your users will be redirected to Paystack’s website to pay and redirected back to your website after payment.
NB: The amount passed is in Kobo (A positive integer in the smallest currency unit), so you’d have to multiply the Naira amount by 100 to get the Kobo value. Eg NGN 100 should be passed as 10000
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Standard method
NB: Before you can receive payment with paystack, you need to have an account with paystack account.
For this tutorial, i have created three files index.php, pay.php and verify.php
index.php: contains lists of our product
index.php: contains lists of our product
<!doctype html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/3.2.1/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail" > <h4 class="text-center"><span class="label label-info">Samsung</span></h4> <img src="http://placehold.it/650x450&text=Galaxy S5" class="img-responsive"> <div class="caption"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6"> <h3>Galaxy S5</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6 price"> <h3> <label>₦649.99</label></h3> </div> </div> <p>32GB, 2GB Ram, 1080HD, 5.1 inches, Android</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-product"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Like</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <form action="pay.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="64999"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="BUY NOW" > </form> </div>
<p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail" > <h4 class="text-center"><span class="label label-info">Apple</span></h4> <img src="http://placehold.it/650x450&text=iPhone 6" class="img-responsive"> <div class="caption"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6"> <h3>iPhone 6</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6 price"> <h3> <label>₦749.99</label></h3> </div> </div> <p>32GB, 64Bit, 1080HD, 4.7 inches, iOS 8</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-product"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Like</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <form action="pay.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="74999"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="BUY NOW" > </form> </div> </div>
<p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail" > <h4 class="text-center"><span class="label label-info">Nokia</span></h4> <img src="http://placehold.it/650x450&text=Lumia 1520" class="img-responsive"> <div class="caption"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6"> <h3>Lumia 1520</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6 price"> <h3> <label>₦749.00</label></h3> </div> </div> <p>32GB, 4GB Ram, 1080HD, 6.3 inches, WP 8</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-product"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Like</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <form action="pay.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="74900"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="BUY NOW" > </form> </div> </div>
<p> </p> </div> </div> </div>
</div> </div> </body>
when the BUY NOW button is submitted from the index.php, you are redirected to the authorization URL. This URL is valid for one time use, so ensure that you generate a new URL per transaction.
When the payment is successful, we will call your callback URL (as setup in your dashboard) and return the reference sent in the first step as a query parameter.
function genReference($qtd){ //Under the string $Caracteres you write all the characters you want to be used to randomly generate the code. $Caracteres = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVXWYZ0123456789'; $QuantidadeCaracteres = strlen($Caracteres); $QuantidadeCaracteres--;
for($x=1;$x<=$qtd;$x++){ $Posicao = rand(0,$QuantidadeCaracteres); $Hash .= substr($Caracteres,$Posicao,1); }
return $Hash; }
$result = array();
//Set other parameters as keys in the $postdata array $postdata = array( 'email' => 'donchiwexco@gmail.com', 'amount' => $_POST['amount'], "reference" => genReference(10) );
$url = "https://api.paystack.co/transaction/initialize";
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($postdata)); //Post Fields curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$headers = [ 'Authorization: Bearer sk_test_*********************************', 'Content-Type: application/json',
]; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
$request = curl_exec($ch);
if ($request) {
$result = json_decode($request, true);
header('Location: ' . $result['data']['authorization_url']);
verify.php :
Before giving value to your customer, you should verify the status of the transaction by passing the reference to the API.
$result = array(); //The parameter after verify/ is the transaction reference to be verified $url = 'https://api.paystack.co/transaction/verify/'. $_GET['reference'];
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ 'Authorization: Bearer sk_test_*****************************'] ); $request = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);
if ($request) { $result = json_decode($request, true); }
if (array_key_exists('data', $result) && array_key_exists('status', $result['data']) && ($result['data']['status'] === 'success')) { echo "Transaction was successful"; //Perform necessary action }else{ echo "Transaction was unsuccessful"; }
Source: https://chiwex.com/integrate-paystack-payment-system/
Reference: https://developers.paystack.co/page/integrating-paystack-php
Thanks alot bro, u just saved me. I've been getting error since morning dt I've been doing ds. |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by kanuclinton(m): 5:27pm On Jun 04, 2018 |
I inserted the pay.php code withing the body tags of my PHP program. $headers = [ 'Authorization: Bearer sk_test_*********************************', 'Content-Type: application/json', ]; The above section of the code returns this error: ( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in C:\wamp\ www\cleanscript\payment-test\pay.php on line 45 How do I handle this? |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by nnamdiosu(m): 2:44pm On Jun 08, 2018 |
corrected hi chiwex. thanks for the tut. on my ide, an error is pointed out on pay.php, where u did.... $headers = [.... what could be the reason? cos it appears fine to me Thanks in advance |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by citycorecoop: 6:20pm On Jul 09, 2018 |
hello all,
Can someone please contact me? i need help with integrating Paystack to my website 09060000245 |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by nnamdiosu(m): 9:48pm On Jul 09, 2018 |
citycorecoop: hello all,
Can someone please contact me? i need help with integrating Paystack to my website 09060000245 Message me on on WhatsApp....08164220091 |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by eazycash: 9:54pm On Jul 09, 2018 |
citycorecoop: hello all,
Can someone please contact me? i need help with integrating Paystack to my website 09060000245 message me on whatsapp on 08064245602 |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by php88(m): 11:58pm On Dec 02, 2018 |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by TechCapon(m): 10:19am On Jan 30, 2019 |
if are confused, ask ur questions.
Any programmer should understand this tut what's paystack and what is the benefits. I use payoneer |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 11:45am On Jan 30, 2019 |
TechCapon: what's paystack and what is the benefits. I use payoneer use google to get detailed information of the benefit of paystack and payoneer. |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by ndukweoge(f): 4:04pm On Oct 11, 2019 |
i need integration for laravel especially transfer/withdrawal. can't find any full package online |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by nnamdiosu(m): 4:55pm On Oct 11, 2019 |
ndukweoge: i need integration for laravel especially transfer/withdrawal. can't find any full package online Pay stack has a documentation on that. Contact their customer care, and they will call you and walk you through |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by ensodev(m): 10:04am On Oct 12, 2019 |
I like this .. some of the things we expect to be seeing here...but writing code here might not be good idea as someone mentioned.
Africode r . com and few programming blogs are best for this. |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by oyolohi: 12:02pm On Oct 18, 2019 |
I keep getting a redirection error from browser. Any help? |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by chiwex(m): 8:28pm On Nov 05, 2019 |
oyolohi: I keep getting a redirection error from browser. Any help? what type of error and have you solve the problem |
Re: [Tutorial Post] How To Integrate Paystack Payment System With PHP by mariopepper(m): 7:57pm On Nov 06, 2019 |
Thanks for code. I will download visual studuo and check it then |