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How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose - Education - Nairaland

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How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by JARUSHUB: 6:54am On May 30, 2018
Uchechi Moses

With the increase in Nigerians desiring to study abroad at various institutions at either undergraduate or postgraduate programs. The vast majority of countries Nigerians desire to go are: the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Canada, South Africa, Netherlands, Norway, India, Russia, China, South Korea, Israel etc. Some of these scholarships involved in postgraduate studies include: PTDF scholarships, Shell Postgraduate Scholarships, NLNG postgraduate scholarships, AGIP postgraduate scholarships, Commonwealth scholarships, MEXT Japan, Chevening scholarships, Erasmus etc. There are numerous to mention. Certain requirements are expected of them, some of which are: travel documents, transcripts, standardised tests’ results (GRE, LSAT, SAT, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, EJU), certificates, letters of recommendation, etc. What is missing there? Personal statement.

A personal statement is not “usually” part of what constitutes an aspiring student’s materials when travelling to the university of his/her choice. However, it is an important aspect in universities’ admission. As the name connotes, it is personal. This implies that every personal statement is unique to an individual and no two or more personal statements are the same. It is about you. Unlike a CV which is majorly about your professional/career history; personal statements encompasses everything about one’s life: your activities, why you desire to study the course, why the university, personal goals, failures, achievements, ambitions etc. It is an opportunity for the institution to know more about you beyond your professional life. So, the question is: How does one write a personal statement?


Unsurprisingly, this is the hardest part when writing a statement. Most individuals tend to overdo this aspect thereby making admission officers to throw their application in the bin. There is really no point creating an over-kill statement thereby making your introduction verbose.

Additionally, no point using cliché words or quotes by prominent individuals. Admission officers want to see your thoughts not others. It is you not them that aspire to study the course and discipline. Your interest in the course and university should be of utmost importance. Commence with why you chose it; what excites you about the course and why you want to learn more about it. This is the opportunity to display your desire to studying the course and school.


You are expected to elucidate reasons for studying the course/discipline you chose. Admission officers want to read the desire and enthusiasm you have for the course. This is by narrating several events in a logical and sequential manner in a way to attract the mind of the officer(s). Your work experiences, volunteering activities, projects etc. You have to marry these together in a coherent manner.

It can be very tempting to overemphasise a point, but do note that, this is graduate school. Admissions officers expect you to sound like one – a graduate. Don’t risk trying to crack a joke, as the admissions officer may not share your sense of humour – different cultures and belief system. Avoid personal clichés and leave out the unnecessary celebrity quotes.

Additionally, relate your hobbies, skill-set, extra-curricular activities and interests to display suitability for the course program. Conclude this by elucidating why the university will be the best place to undergo your studies. This is by listing core resources, staff members, facilities, research output from the department etc. Think about the question: Why are you good for this course?

There are DO’s and Don’ts in writing a personal statement/statement of purpose/essay.


- Use everyday language: It’s unique to you and your person than to express yourself in grandiose vocabularies which will most of the time take you to the thesaurus/dictionary every few minutes. Your statement of purpose/essay or personal statement should reflect your personality – the real you.

- Have some rules when writing: An example is the “so what if”. This mostly comes up especially if you are not sure of the information.
Spell check you write-up: Are you applying to an institution using British English or American? S go through the article again, even if the next day.

- Read aloud: If necessary, print your document and read aloud your statement to locate possible errors that could not be spotted on the screen. You might also give to someone you know has a better grasp of the language than you.

- Brevity: Be concise and make your write-up lucid. Make it easier for the reader and anyone to be able to understand what you are saying from a first sight.

- Integrity: Be honest and reflective where appropriate. What is it about this course or university that you are applying for that will help you grow, and develop? This is the only chance, before an interview for an institution or potential employer to get some context about you – it’s important to not just show off (positively) but to show how they can help you.

- Specific: Be specific and use statistics that demonstrate your work/achievements to date. Generic statements, vague claims and bland examples will not make you stand out.

- Volunteering Activities: Mention all of your voluntary work. It shows your commitment, passion and the skills you have developed.


- Lie: Plagiarise, exaggerate or lie. Be truthful and say the things about you.

- Humdrum: Overuse buzzwords like ‘passion, dedicated, motivated, effective’ etc. or make sweeping statements like ‘I am a highly motivated …’; let the examples do the talking; remember your statement comes in partnership with your CV and ‘motivation’ is easy to demonstrate without explicitly stating it a 1000 time.

- Hackneyed: Use a hackneyed statement, such as ‘I am a people person’.

- Irrelevant: Include irrelevant personal facts like your date of birth (you can put these in your CV if you wish to include them). Of course, if you are specifically asked to provide these details, then do so.

- Celebrity Quotes: Include quotes from other people in place of your own thoughts (especially famous quotes), unless there is a very good reason. On the other hand, quotes from referees may be fine – just don’t bombard the reader with such.

- Enumerate: ‘List’ your interests. Instead, demonstrate them, such as ‘I volunteer for a domestic violence helpline’ rather than ‘I am interested in domestic violence issues’.

- Boredom: Bore the reader. If you get bored when you re-read your statement yourself, then you need to revise it and make it more interesting.

Finally, you need to own it and believe in it. So, having taken account of all the advice, write it the way that you want to – and in such a way that it sounds like and reads like the ‘real’ you. These should be properly fitted into your introduction, body and conclusion.


cc: Lalasticlala & Mynd44

44 Likes 6 Shares

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by Crixina(f): 6:06pm On May 30, 2018
So I did the deed on an informative educative thread.

This tells me a lot.

1 Like

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by brownsugar23: 6:06pm On May 30, 2018
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by karimcarim(m): 6:07pm On May 30, 2018
Thanks for the lecture

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by Alejoc(m): 6:07pm On May 30, 2018
Welldone Sir! wink

1 Like

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by oloyede252(m): 6:07pm On May 30, 2018
nice one jarus
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by Nobody: 6:08pm On May 30, 2018
contact me for some templates


Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by ekenetheorg(m): 6:09pm On May 30, 2018
A lot of people find it difficult to read, not to talk of writing.

1 Like

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by HeroicMeastro: 6:09pm On May 30, 2018
Uchechi Moses

With the increase in Nigerians desiring to study abroad at various institutions at either undergraduate or postgraduate programs. The vast majority of countries Nigerians desire to go are: the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Canada, South Africa, Netherlands, Norway, India, Russia, China, South Korea, Israel etc. Some of these scholarships involved in postgraduate studies include: PTDF scholarships, Shell Postgraduate Scholarships, NLNG postgraduate scholarships, AGIP postgraduate scholarships, Commonwealth scholarships, MEXT Japan, Chevening scholarships, Erasmus etc. There are numerous to mention. Certain requirements are expected of them, some of which are: travel documents, transcripts, standardised tests’ results (GRE, LSAT, SAT, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, EJU), certificates, letters of recommendation, etc. What is missing there? Personal statement.

A personal statement is not “usually” part of what constitutes an aspiring student’s materials when travelling to the university of his/her choice. However, it is an important aspect in universities’ admission. As the name connotes, it is personal. This implies that every personal statement is unique to an individual and no two or more personal statements are the same. It is about you. Unlike a CV which is majorly about your professional/career history; personal statements encompasses everything about one’s life: your activities, why you desire to study the course, why the university, personal goals, failures, achievements, ambitions etc. It is an opportunity for the institution to know more about you beyond your professional life. So, the question is: How does one write a personal statement?


Unsurprisingly, this is the hardest part when writing a statement. Most individuals tend to overdo this aspect thereby making admission officers to throw their application in the bin. There is really no point creating an over-kill statement thereby making your introduction verbose.

Additionally, no point using cliché words or quotes by prominent individuals. Admission officers want to see your thoughts not others. It is you not them that aspire to study the course and discipline. Your interest in the course and university should be of utmost importance. Commence with why you chose it; what excites you about the course and why you want to learn more about it. This is the opportunity to display your desire to studying the course and school.


You are expected to elucidate reasons for studying the course/discipline you chose. Admission officers want to read the desire and enthusiasm you have for the course. This is by narrating several events in a logical and sequential manner in a way to attract the mind of the officer(s). Your work experiences, volunteering activities, projects etc. You have to marry these together in a coherent manner.

It can be very tempting to overemphasise a point, but do note that, this is graduate school. Admissions officers expect you to sound like one – a graduate. Don’t risk trying to crack a joke, as the admissions officer may not share your sense of humour – different cultures and belief system. Avoid personal clichés and leave out the unnecessary celebrity quotes.

Additionally, relate your hobbies, skill-set, extra-curricular activities and interests to display suitability for the course program. Conclude this by elucidating why the university will be the best place to undergo your studies. This is by listing core resources, staff members, facilities, research output from the department etc. Think about the question: Why are you good for this course?

There are DO’s and Don’ts in writing a personal statement/statement of purpose/essay.


- Use everyday language: It’s unique to you and your person than to express yourself in grandiose vocabularies which will most of the time take you to the thesaurus/dictionary every few minutes. Your statement of purpose/essay or personal statement should reflect your personality – the real you.

- Have some rules when writing: An example is the “so what if”. This mostly comes up especially if you are not sure of the information.
Spell check you write-up: Are you applying to an institution using British English or American? S go through the article again, even if the next day.

- Read aloud: If necessary, print your document and read aloud your statement to locate possible errors that could not be spotted on the screen. You might also give to someone you know has a better grasp of the language than you.

- Brevity: Be concise and make your write-up lucid. Make it easier for the reader and anyone to be able to understand what you are saying from a first sight.

- Integrity: Be honest and reflective where appropriate. What is it about this course or university that you are applying for that will help you grow, and develop? This is the only chance, before an interview for an institution or potential employer to get some context about you – it’s important to not just show off (positively) but to show how they can help you.

- Specific: Be specific and use statistics that demonstrate your work/achievements to date. Generic statements, vague claims and bland examples will not make you stand out.

- Volunteering Activities: Mention all of your voluntary work. It shows your commitment, passion and the skills you have developed.


- Lie: Plagiarise, exaggerate or lie. Be truthful and say the things about you.

- Humdrum: Overuse buzzwords like ‘passion, dedicated, motivated, effective’ etc. or make sweeping statements like ‘I am a highly motivated …’; let the examples do the talking; remember your statement comes in partnership with your CV and ‘motivation’ is easy to demonstrate without explicitly stating it a 1000 time.

- Hackneyed: Use a hackneyed statement, such as ‘I am a people person’.

- Irrelevant: Include irrelevant personal facts like your date of birth (you can put these in your CV if you wish to include them). Of course, if you are specifically asked to provide these details, then do so.

- Celebrity Quotes: Include quotes from other people in place of your own thoughts (especially famous quotes), unless there is a very good reason. On the other hand, quotes from referees may be fine – just don’t bombard the reader with such.

- Enumerate: ‘List’ your interests. Instead, demonstrate them, such as ‘I volunteer for a domestic violence helpline’ rather than ‘I am interested in domestic violence issues’.

- Boredom: Bore the reader. If you get bored when you re-read your statement yourself, then you need to revise it and make it more interesting.

Finally, you need to own it and believe in it. So, having taken account of all the advice, write it the way that you want to – and in such a way that it sounds like and reads like the ‘real’ you. These should be properly fitted into your introduction, body and conclusion.


cc: Lalasticlala & Mynd44
Nic one!!
However a sample of a personal statement would have made your idea perfect.
thanks anyways......


Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by monaxcel: 6:23pm On May 30, 2018
Pls send me a personal statement template (omalleenemona@gmail.com) Thank you
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by rukidanty: 6:25pm On May 30, 2018
you are right about that... I wrote one recently and the person handling my application is telling that it's trash.. can I upload it here and see if you can make corrections and tell me if it's okay
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by obajoey(m): 6:40pm On May 30, 2018
Great one. Right on time.
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by rukidanty: 6:52pm On May 30, 2018
I was planning of studying water resources engineering in vrije universitiet Brussels and I wrote this.

Availability of potable water in Nigeria has been a lingering problem since her independence. Despite huge investments, access to clean and readily available water is still a mirage. Nigerians use water the gather themselves from wherever they can get (streams, ditches, lakes, wells, etc.) but, most of it is untreated. This leads to high cases of waterborne diseases, threatens farming and causes low level of school enrollment especially in the country’s rural north (USAID). The north falls within the Sahel savannah characterized by scanty rainfall, vegetation and extreme temperatures. This region is populated by farmers who depend on water for their livelihood. They need water for their crops and animals. Because of scanty rainfall, overgrazing has further depleted the soil cover exposing the soil to excessive evaporation and moisture deficit. These farmers often resort to digging shallow wells to augment surface water from few dams in the area. Lack of rainfall causes the water levels in these well to fall short. The induced drought poses a serious threat to human lives in this area.
In Nigeria’s Niger Delta region which is where most major rivers and their tributaries empty into the Atlantic Ocean, surface water supply is in abundance. Pollution, particularly from oil exploitation, frequently render these sources of water almost unfit for drinking and for other purposes. During peak periods of rainfall, nearby communities suffer excessive damage—loss of farmlands, houses and other key infrastructure—from flood. From the foregoing, Nigeria’s water resources sector is in a state-of-emergency, hence, my motivation to study water resources engineering.
Water resources engineering involves the design of new systems, equipment that help manage human water resources. Through the analysis of data gathered from relevant areas, the engineers can design equipment that can ensure the continuous supply of clean, uncontaminated water for drinking, recreational and other purposes, as well as handle extreme hydrological events. Remote sensing is the art and science of obtaining information about an object, area or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the object, area or phenomenon under investigation. I wish to take advantage of Nigeria’s space satellites to provide adequate water resources data for the planning and design of water projects in Nigeria. As a result of these, my thesis will be focused on the application of remote sensing in water resources management.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in electronics and computer technology. While offering the length and breadth of this course, I gained basic knowledge through my tutelage in courses like advanced mathematics, mechanics and property of matter wherein I studied fluid mechanics, engineering drawing, atmospheric physics, etc. In 2011, I also had some professional experience through internship with Ciscon Nigeria Limited which enhanced my understanding of liquid flow and mechanics. I am eager to adopt and learn new technologies that will lead to the availability of potable water throughout Nigeria, and the efficient management and conservation of Nigeria’s water resources. I hope to, at the end of my study, partner with the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Environment, National Space Research and Development Agency(NARSDA) and National Centre for Remote Sensing (NCRS) to develop a well-articulated and integrated water resources management through the hydrological mapping of water bodies, geological survey and aerial photographic interpretation-which is still underutilized in Nigeria. I also wish to assist the government in the training of personnel in the area of remote sensing.
My decision to obtain a Masters of Water Resources Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels was borne out of the fact that Belgium has a good reputation of high quality education standards. An extremely distinguished faculty members, research facilities and English classes are also factors which informed my decision to opt for the Vrije Universiteit Brussels.Moreover, I feel I am responsible for making such big move in this field and this admission will avail me a huge opportunity to be remembered for my impact in the water resources sub-sector of Nigeria.
Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Arubayi, Rukeme

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by rukidanty: 6:57pm On May 30, 2018
please u people should correct me if I am wrong cos I was planning of doing masters in water resources engineering there
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by James89: 7:01pm On May 30, 2018
Bros na your personal statement long like this,because na you be “baba Africa”..u never know anything!!
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by desertboom(m): 7:02pm On May 30, 2018
Good one
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by obidaddy: 7:06pm On May 30, 2018
Spot on sir. If you have any templates e please kindly avail via obidaddy72@gmail.com
Thank you.
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by jobaltol: 7:09pm On May 30, 2018
@rukidanty...can i know your initial course of study...voluntary experience leadership experience...work experience and what the course you want to do entails
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by Shadrackmadu(m): 7:10pm On May 30, 2018
Pls Forward These Write Up To My Mail... shadrackmadue@gmail
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by nabegibeg: 7:16pm On May 30, 2018
Uchechi Moses

With the increase in Nigerians desiring to study abroad at various institutions at either undergraduate or postgraduate programs. The vast majority of countries Nigerians desire to go are: the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Canada, South Africa, Netherlands, Norway, India, Russia, China, South Korea, Israel etc. Some of these scholarships involved in postgraduate studies include: PTDF scholarships, Shell Postgraduate Scholarships, NLNG postgraduate scholarships, AGIP postgraduate scholarships, Commonwealth scholarships, MEXT Japan, Chevening scholarships, Erasmus etc. There are numerous to mention. Certain requirements are expected of them, some of which are: travel documents, transcripts, standardised tests’ results (GRE, LSAT, SAT, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, EJU), certificates, letters of recommendation, etc. What is missing there? Personal statement.

A personal statement is not “usually” part of what constitutes an aspiring student’s materials when travelling to the university of his/her choice. However, it is an important aspect in universities’ admission. As the name connotes, it is personal. This implies that every personal statement is unique to an individual and no two or more personal statements are the same. It is about you. Unlike a CV which is majorly about your professional/career history; personal statements encompasses everything about one’s life: your activities, why you desire to study the course, why the university, personal goals, failures, achievements, ambitions etc. It is an opportunity for the institution to know more about you beyond your professional life. So, the question is: How does one write a personal statement?


Unsurprisingly, this is the hardest part when writing a statement. Most individuals tend to overdo this aspect thereby making admission officers to throw their application in the bin. There is really no point creating an over-kill statement thereby making your introduction verbose.

Additionally, no point using cliché words or quotes by prominent individuals. Admission officers want to see your thoughts not others. It is you not them that aspire to study the course and discipline. Your interest in the course and university should be of utmost importance. Commence with why you chose it; what excites you about the course and why you want to learn more about it. This is the opportunity to display your desire to studying the course and school.


You are expected to elucidate reasons for studying the course/discipline you chose. Admission officers want to read the desire and enthusiasm you have for the course. This is by narrating several events in a logical and sequential manner in a way to attract the mind of the officer(s). Your work experiences, volunteering activities, projects etc. You have to marry these together in a coherent manner.

It can be very tempting to overemphasise a point, but do note that, this is graduate school. Admissions officers expect you to sound like one – a graduate. Don’t risk trying to crack a joke, as the admissions officer may not share your sense of humour – different cultures and belief system. Avoid personal clichés and leave out the unnecessary celebrity quotes.

Additionally, relate your hobbies, skill-set, extra-curricular activities and interests to display suitability for the course program. Conclude this by elucidating why the university will be the best place to undergo your studies. This is by listing core resources, staff members, facilities, research output from the department etc. Think about the question: Why are you good for this course?

There are DO’s and Don’ts in writing a personal statement/statement of purpose/essay.


- Use everyday language: It’s unique to you and your person than to express yourself in grandiose vocabularies which will most of the time take you to the thesaurus/dictionary every few minutes. Your statement of purpose/essay or personal statement should reflect your personality – the real you.

- Have some rules when writing: An example is the “so what if”. This mostly comes up especially if you are not sure of the information.
Spell check you write-up: Are you applying to an institution using British English or American? S go through the article again, even if the next day.

- Read aloud: If necessary, print your document and read aloud your statement to locate possible errors that could not be spotted on the screen. You might also give to someone you know has a better grasp of the language than you.

- Brevity: Be concise and make your write-up lucid. Make it easier for the reader and anyone to be able to understand what you are saying from a first sight.

- Integrity: Be honest and reflective where appropriate. What is it about this course or university that you are applying for that will help you grow, and develop? This is the only chance, before an interview for an institution or potential employer to get some context about you – it’s important to not just show off (positively) but to show how they can help you.

- Specific: Be specific and use statistics that demonstrate your work/achievements to date. Generic statements, vague claims and bland examples will not make you stand out.

- Volunteering Activities: Mention all of your voluntary work. It shows your commitment, passion and the skills you have developed.


- Lie: Plagiarise, exaggerate or lie. Be truthful and say the things about you.

- Humdrum: Overuse buzzwords like ‘passion, dedicated, motivated, effective’ etc. or make sweeping statements like ‘I am a highly motivated …’; let the examples do the talking; remember your statement comes in partnership with your CV and ‘motivation’ is easy to demonstrate without explicitly stating it a 1000 time.

- Hackneyed: Use a hackneyed statement, such as ‘I am a people person’.

- Irrelevant: Include irrelevant personal facts like your date of birth (you can put these in your CV if you wish to include them). Of course, if you are specifically asked to provide these details, then do so.

- Celebrity Quotes: Include quotes from other people in place of your own thoughts (especially famous quotes), unless there is a very good reason. On the other hand, quotes from referees may be fine – just don’t bombard the reader with such.

- Enumerate: ‘List’ your interests. Instead, demonstrate them, such as ‘I volunteer for a domestic violence helpline’ rather than ‘I am interested in domestic violence issues’.

- Boredom: Bore the reader. If you get bored when you re-read your statement yourself, then you need to revise it and make it more interesting.

Finally, you need to own it and believe in it. So, having taken account of all the advice, write it the way that you want to – and in such a way that it sounds like and reads like the ‘real’ you. These should be properly fitted into your introduction, body and conclusion.


cc: Lalasticlala & Mynd44

1 Like

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by oluezekiel(m): 7:19pm On May 30, 2018
I was planning of studying water resources engineering in vrije universitiet Brussels and I wrote this.

Availability of potable water in Nigeria has been a lingering problem since her independence. Despite huge investments, access to clean and readily available water is still a mirage. Nigerians use water the gather themselves from wherever they can get (streams, ditches, lakes, wells, etc.) but, most of it is untreated. This leads to high cases of waterborne diseases, threatens farming and causes low level of school enrollment especially in the country’s rural north (USAID). The north falls within the Sahel savannah characterized by scanty rainfall, vegetation and extreme temperatures. This region is populated by farmers who depend on water for their livelihood. They need water for their crops and animals. Because of scanty rainfall, overgrazing has further depleted the soil cover exposing the soil to excessive evaporation and moisture deficit. These farmers often resort to digging shallow wells to augment surface water from few dams in the area. Lack of rainfall causes the water levels in these well to fall short. The induced drought poses a serious threat to human lives in this area.
In Nigeria’s Niger Delta region which is where most major rivers and their tributaries empty into the Atlantic Ocean, surface water supply is in abundance. Pollution, particularly from oil exploitation, frequently render these sources of water almost unfit for drinking and for other purposes. During peak periods of rainfall, nearby communities suffer excessive damage—loss of farmlands, houses and other key infrastructure—from flood. From the foregoing, Nigeria’s water resources sector is in a state-of-emergency, hence, my motivation to study water resources engineering.
Water resources engineering involves the design of new systems, equipment that help manage human water resources. Through the analysis of data gathered from relevant areas, the engineers can design equipment that can ensure the continuous supply of clean, uncontaminated water for drinking, recreational and other purposes, as well as handle extreme hydrological events. Remote sensing is the art and science of obtaining information about an object, area or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the object, area or phenomenon under investigation. I wish to take advantage of Nigeria’s space satellites to provide adequate water resources data for the planning and design of water projects in Nigeria. As a result of these, my thesis will be focused on the application of remote sensing in water resources management.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in electronics and computer technology. While offering the length and breadth of this course, I gained basic knowledge through my tutelage in courses like advanced mathematics, mechanics and property of matter wherein I studied fluid mechanics, engineering drawing, atmospheric physics, etc. In 2011, I also had some professional experience through internship with Ciscon Nigeria Limited which enhanced my understanding of liquid flow and mechanics. I am eager to adopt and learn new technologies that will lead to the availability of potable water throughout Nigeria, and the efficient management and conservation of Nigeria’s water resources. I hope to, at the end of my study, partner with the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Environment, National Space Research and Development Agency(NARSDA) and National Centre for Remote Sensing (NCRS) to develop a well-articulated and integrated water resources management through the hydrological mapping of water bodies, geological survey and aerial photographic interpretation-which is still underutilized in Nigeria. I also wish to assist the government in the training of personnel in the area of remote sensing.
My decision to obtain a Masters of Water Resources Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels was borne out of the fact that Belgium has a good reputation of high quality education standards. An extremely distinguished faculty members, research facilities and English classes are also factors which informed my decision to opt for the Vrije Universiteit Brussels.Moreover, I feel I am responsible for making such big move in this field and this admission will avail me a huge opportunity to be remembered for my impact in the water resources sub-sector of Nigeria.
Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Arubayi, Rukeme
This sounds more like an abstract to a paper. Personal statement should be in story-telling format, like sharing your passion with the admission officers and trying to convince them why you're fit for graduate school.


Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by qanda: 7:34pm On May 30, 2018
Here is a Personal Statement I once wrote to a leading UK University and I was offered admission. I hope someone reading will find it useful.

Power generation has been a great challenge to the Nigeria nation.
This can be traced to inadequate skilled manpower and lack of visionary
leadership by her leaders.

I have a great passion for renewable energy sources (wind,sun,tidal).
My interest was aroused by a course in my fourth year as an
undergraduate, the course title is, “Energy Conversion Systems-MEE 464”,
coupled with the dream to be one of those to lift Nigeria from her shackles
of epileptic power supply.

I believe the knowledge gained during my undergraduate years in
thermodynamics and fluid mechanics will be useful in my quest to obtain a
Masters degree in Energy Generation.

Have you heard of Q and A App yet? Download the App from Google Playstore for Professional Exams Study materials, Resources on how to prepare CV, Prepare for an interview, Prepare a Cover Letter etc

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by Demonicide(f): 7:39pm On May 30, 2018
Just few comments so far, if its some dirty threads, you will see hundreds of ppl fighting for first to comment.
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by Demonicide(f): 7:44pm On May 30, 2018
contact me for some templates
Hope its free?
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by jobaltol: 8:18pm On May 30, 2018
I was planning of studying water resources engineering in vrije universitiet Brussels and I wrote this.

Availability of potable water in Nigeria has been a lingering problem since her independence. Despite huge investments, access to clean and readily available water is still a mirage. Nigerians use water the gather themselves from wherever they can get (streams, ditches, lakes, wells, etc.) but, most of it is untreated. This leads to high cases of waterborne diseases, threatens farming and causes low level of school enrollment especially in the country’s rural north (USAID). The north falls within the Sahel savannah characterized by scanty rainfall, vegetation and extreme temperatures. This region is populated by farmers who depend on water for their livelihood. They need water for their crops and animals. Because of scanty rainfall, overgrazing has further depleted the soil cover exposing the soil to excessive evaporation and moisture deficit. These farmers often resort to digging shallow wells to augment surface water from few dams in the area. Lack of rainfall causes the water levels in these well to fall short. The induced drought poses a serious threat to human lives in this area.
In Nigeria’s Niger Delta region which is where most major rivers and their tributaries empty into the Atlantic Ocean, surface water supply is in abundance. Pollution, particularly from oil exploitation, frequently render these sources of water almost unfit for drinking and for other purposes. During peak periods of rainfall, nearby communities suffer excessive damage—loss of farmlands, houses and other key infrastructure—from flood. From the foregoing, Nigeria’s water resources sector is in a state-of-emergency, hence, my motivation to study water resources engineering.
Water resources engineering involves the design of new systems, equipment that help manage human water resources. Through the analysis of data gathered from relevant areas, the engineers can design equipment that can ensure the continuous supply of clean, uncontaminated water for drinking, recreational and other purposes, as well as handle extreme hydrological events. Remote sensing is the art and science of obtaining information about an object, area or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the object, area or phenomenon under investigation. I wish to take advantage of Nigeria’s space satellites to provide adequate water resources data for the planning and design of water projects in Nigeria. As a result of these, my thesis will be focused on the application of remote sensing in water resources management.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in electronics and computer technology. While offering the length and breadth of this course, I gained basic knowledge through my tutelage in courses like advanced mathematics, mechanics and property of matter wherein I studied fluid mechanics, engineering drawing, atmospheric physics, etc. In 2011, I also had some professional experience through internship with Ciscon Nigeria Limited which enhanced my understanding of liquid flow and mechanics. I am eager to adopt and learn new technologies that will lead to the availability of potable water throughout Nigeria, and the efficient management and conservation of Nigeria’s water resources. I hope to, at the end of my study, partner with the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Environment, National Space Research and Development Agency(NARSDA) and National Centre for Remote Sensing (NCRS) to develop a well-articulated and integrated water resources management through the hydrological mapping of water bodies, geological survey and aerial photographic interpretation-which is still underutilized in Nigeria. I also wish to assist the government in the training of personnel in the area of remote sensing.
My decision to obtain a Masters of Water Resources Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels was borne out of the fact that Belgium has a good reputation of high quality education standards. An extremely distinguished faculty members, research facilities and English classes are also factors which informed my decision to opt for the Vrije Universiteit Brussels.Moreover, I feel I am responsible for making such big move in this field and this admission will avail me a huge opportunity to be remembered for my impact in the water resources sub-sector of Nigeria.
Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Arubayi, Rukeme

Arubayi Rukeme's Personal Statement for MSc. Water Resources Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussels -September 2018.

I can recollect vividly an event that made an impression on my mind while I was younger. My father built a magnificient house in the reserved areas of Abeokuta, Ogun State. We were elated as a family when my daddy told us that we will soon move to our house. His reasons border on not spending a new year in a rented apartment and our rent in our old house would soon expire - it was not economical to be paying rents when we have our posh apartment. There was lot of positive feelings of the sense of ownership of our new house when we moved there. Unfortunately, despite the exclusiveness in terms of location of our residence, we did not have access to potable water. It was as if the government forgot to plan our area in her scheme of things. My daddy had to look for an alternative - a very common solution available to the Nigerian masses - which was to look for the manual labourers to dig up the earth in search of water. As Abeokuta is located on a rocky topography, these men dug up lots of wells in search of water; all to no avail.Lots of funds and manpower were wasted. It was this frustruation that made my father to look for a cheaper way of getting water, which was buying water from vendors.This experience etched in my memory that technology was the way forward in simplifying and finding solutions that will benefit my country and Africa as a whole.
This made me pursue an electrical and computer technology course in the University of (insert the name of your Uni. Here). While in the University, I applied myself in the acquisition of knowledge especially in the areas of fluid mechanics and property of matter. Despite the limitations involved in the acquisition of a proper education in Nigeria, I overcame this challenge and finished with a 2.1.
I am passionate about finding solutions to the local challenges in my society. In 2011, my passion made me seek an internship with Ciscon Nigeria Limited which enhanced my understanding of liquid flow and mechanics. I gained a lot of insight while working with esteemed mentors in the field of water resources.
Doing a masters of science in Water Resources Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussels will equip me in learning new technologies that will lead to the availability of potable water throughout Nigeria, and the efficient management and conservation of Nigeria’s water resources. Fortunately, my country Nigeria, has invested in the space satellite technology for environmental research. I hope to take advantage of this technology in formulating my thesis that will be applicable to improving water technology in Nigeria. Therefore, my thesis will be focused on the application of remote sensing in water resources management.
I am hopeful that the Vrije Universiteit Brussels will equip me with relevant knowledge that will aid my contribution in alleviating water challenges in Nigeria. Her highly recognised lecturers will serve as mentors that will help me to meet my career goals. In addition, Vrije Universiteit Brussels will give me an opportunity to have long term friends since it is a multicultural institution. I hope that I will serve a s a good ambassador of the university in my country at the end of the program. Being an alumni of this institution will be a fruitful endeavour.Thank you.

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Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by damoneymag(m): 8:37pm On May 30, 2018
I won't mind getting a template pls. damoneymagnet.kc@gmail.com
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by olatunyemi(m): 8:51pm On May 30, 2018
please can I also have a template... adeyenaim@gmail.com
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by iretex1(m): 8:59pm On May 30, 2018
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by danfidel01(m): 9:06pm On May 30, 2018

Arubayi Rukeme's Personal Statement for MSc. Water Resources Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussels -September 2018.

I can recollect vividly an event that made an impression on my mind while I was younger. My father built a magnificient house in the reserved areas of Abeokuta, Ogun State. We were elated as a family when my daddy told us that we will soon move to our house. His reasons border on not spending a new year in a rented apartment and our rent in our old house would soon expire - it was not economical to be paying rents when we have our posh apartment. There was lot of positive feelings of the sense of ownership of our new house when we moved there. Unfortunately, despite the exclusiveness in terms of location of our residence, we did not have access to potable water. It was as if the government forgot to plan our area in her scheme of things. My daddy had to look for an alternative - a very common solution available to the Nigerian masses - which was to look for the manual labourers to dig up the earth in search of water. As Abeokuta is located on a rocky topography, these men dug up lots of wells in search of water; all to no avail.Lots of funds and manpower were wasted. It was this frustruation that made my father to look for a cheaper way of getting water, which was buying water from vendors.This experience etched in my memory that technology was the way forward in simplifying and finding solutions that will benefit my country and Africa as a whole.
This made me pursue an electrical and computer technology course in the University of (insert the name of your Uni. Here). While in the University, I applied myself in the acquisition of knowledge especially in the areas of fluid mechanics and property of matter. Despite the limitations involved in the acquisition of a proper education in Nigeria, I overcame this challenge and finished with a 2.1.
I am passionate about finding solutions to the local challenges in my society. In 2011, my passion made me seek an internship with Ciscon Nigeria Limited which enhanced my understanding of liquid flow and mechanics. I gained a lot of insight while working with esteemed mentors in the field of water resources.
Doing a masters of science in Water Resources Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussels will equip me in learning new technologies that will lead to the availability of potable water throughout Nigeria, and the efficient management and conservation of Nigeria’s water resources. Fortunately, my country Nigeria, has invested in the space satellite technology for environmental research. I hope to take advantage of this technology in formulating my thesis that will be applicable to improving water technology in Nigeria. Therefore, my thesis will be focused on the application of remote sensing in water resources management.
I am hopeful that the Vrije Universiteit Brussels will equip me with relevant knowledge that will aid my contribution in alleviating water challenges in Nigeria. Her highly recognised lecturers will serve as mentors that will help me to meet my career goals. In addition, Vrije Universiteit Brussels will give me an opportunity to have long term friends since it is a multicultural institution. I hope that I will serve a s a good ambassador of the university in my country at the end of the program. Being an alumni of this institution will be a fruitful endeavour.Thank you.

Though I am not vast in writing personal statement, but this right Here is a very beautiful piece. I really doubt that one would see this and take his eyes away from it immediately.

Very good job boss, I would even love to learn this from you sir.

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Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by rukidanty: 9:19pm On May 30, 2018

Arubayi Rukeme's Personal Statement for MSc. Water Resources Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussels -September 2018.

I can recollect vividly an event that made an impression on my mind while I was younger. My father built a magnificient house in the reserved areas of Abeokuta, Ogun State. We were elated as a family when my daddy told us that we will soon move to our house. His reasons border on not spending a new year in a rented apartment and our rent in our old house would soon expire - it was not economical to be paying rents when we have our posh apartment. There was lot of positive feelings of the sense of ownership of our new house when we moved there. Unfortunately, despite the exclusiveness in terms of location of our residence, we did not have access to potable water. It was as if the government forgot to plan our area in her scheme of things. My daddy had to look for an alternative - a very common solution available to the Nigerian masses - which was to look for the manual labourers to dig up the earth in search of water. As Abeokuta is located on a rocky topography, these men dug up lots of wells in search of water; all to no avail.Lots of funds and manpower were wasted. It was this frustruation that made my father to look for a cheaper way of getting water, which was buying water from vendors.This experience etched in my memory that technology was the way forward in simplifying and finding solutions that will benefit my country and Africa as a whole.
This made me pursue an electrical and computer technology course in the University of (insert the name of your Uni. Here). While in the University, I applied myself in the acquisition of knowledge especially in the areas of fluid mechanics and property of matter. Despite the limitations involved in the acquisition of a proper education in Nigeria, I overcame this challenge and finished with a 2.1.
I am passionate about finding solutions to the local challenges in my society. In 2011, my passion made me seek an internship with Ciscon Nigeria Limited which enhanced my understanding of liquid flow and mechanics. I gained a lot of insight while working with esteemed mentors in the field of water resources.
Doing a masters of science in Water Resources Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussels will equip me in learning new technologies that will lead to the availability of potable water throughout Nigeria, and the efficient management and conservation of Nigeria’s water resources. Fortunately, my country Nigeria, has invested in the space satellite technology for environmental research. I hope to take advantage of this technology in formulating my thesis that will be applicable to improving water technology in Nigeria. Therefore, my thesis will be focused on the application of remote sensing in water resources management.
I am hopeful that the Vrije Universiteit Brussels will equip me with relevant knowledge that will aid my contribution in alleviating water challenges in Nigeria. Her highly recognised lecturers will serve as mentors that will help me to meet my career goals. In addition, Vrije Universiteit Brussels will give me an opportunity to have long term friends since it is a multicultural institution. I hope that I will serve a s a good ambassador of the university in my country at the end of the program. Being an alumni of this institution will be a fruitful endeavour.Thank you.
u finish work.. thanks so much

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Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by rukidanty: 9:33pm On May 30, 2018

Though I am not vast in writing personal statement, but this right Here is a very beautiful piece. I really doubt that one would see this and take his eyes away from it immediately.

Very good job boss, I would even love to learn this from you sir.
same here, I would love to learn from him too.. how can we get untouch with each other
Re: How To Write A Personal Statement Or Statement Of Purpose by Chigorkizz(m): 9:46pm On May 30, 2018

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