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Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy - Health - Nairaland

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Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 5:38pm On Jul 25, 2018
I have the impression that this will help someone.
Infertility is one major issue people suffer in marriage today and it can either be from the man or woman. But I want to write exclusively on men erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is health condition where a man cannot have complete erection, cannot keep erection or have lost sexual desire. Erection of the penis occurs when blood flows to the penis which is a tissue causing it to erect. When enough blood is not flowing to the tissue because of some physical and hormrnal factors, then there is erectile dysfunction. Most men that suffer erectile dysfunction also suffer infertility. many factors ranging from infections, medications, stress, hormone imbalance genetic or health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, Obesity, high blood pressure and Parkinson's disease.
The best way to prevent erectile dysfunction is to make healthy lifestyle choices and to manage any existing health conditions. For example:
Work with your doctor to manage diabetes, heart disease or other chronic health conditions.
See your doctor for regular checkups and medical screening tests.
Stop smoking, limit or avoid alcohol, and don't use illegal drugs.
Exercise regularly.
Take steps to reduce stress.
Get help for anxiety, depression or other mental health concerns.
Most men that suffer from this are always shy to talk or even meet doctors. If you are woman and you know your husband is suffering from erectile dysfunction, you can help him to overcome depression. encourage him to see doctor because most of them are under mental stress.
Natural supplement for Erectile Dysfunction.
These forever products have helped many get over erectile dysfunction. I will advice you get it, if you are a woman get it for loved ones.
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Combine any of these products and get a maximum result.
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Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 9:51am On Jul 26, 2018
fruits that boost your sex urge as a man
Nuts generally are good for the boosting your sex hormone, but you need to combine this 3 nuts
coconut + Dates + tiger Nuts
Grind it together and drink
share your testimony
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 2:39pm On Jul 29, 2018
Some Myths and Facts about Type 2 Diabetes[center][/center]

Myth 1: Kids don’t get type 2 diabetes

Facts: Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes. But you can get it at any age. Doctors are seeing more kids who have it.

Myth 2: You can prevent it

Facts: This disease doesn't start suddenly. Some people are first diagnosed with prediabetes (also called impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose). Lifestyle changes like weight loss, eating a healthier diet, and getting more exercise can often ward off full-blown diabetes. If you're at high risk, taking supplements is of wonderful help. But you have to be willing to make lifestyle changes, too.

Myth 3: Lifestyle changes can cut your diabetes risk

Facts: In a recent study, people at high risk for type 2 diabetes were put on a weight loss and physical activity plan for 3 years. Researchers found it lowered their chances of getting the disease by 58%. The news was even better for people age 60 or older their odds went down by 71%.

Myth 4: This drink this can make you less likely to get diabetes

Facts: People who often enjoy a cup of coffee may be less likely to get type 2 diabetes than those who don't. Experts say the benefit isn't related to caffeine, but to other things in coffee -- like antioxidants or magnesium and chromium. They all help your body use insulin. Still, no studies have proven that drinking it prevents the disease.

Myth 5: Some factors make you more likely to get type 2 diabetes

Facts: High-sugar or high-salt diets are only risk factors if they lead to obesity. Others include age, family history, inactivity, and ethnicity -- people of African, Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Latino heritage have a higher risk. But even having one or more of the risk factors doesn’t mean you’ll get the disease.

Myth 6: people with diabetes always have symptoms

Facts: Almost a third of people with diabetes (not just type 2 diabetes) don't know they have it.

Myth 7: Diabetes cause other health complications

Facts: Over time, high blood sugar can cause eye problems and blindness, heart disease, nerve and blood vessel damage, kidney disease, and other major health problems. There's no evidence that diabetes causes prostate cancer or arthritis. But depression is twice as common among people with diabetes as everyone else. But it's not clear which comes first, or that one causes the other. High blood pressure is often a complication of diabetes. People who have it are also more likely to get gum disease.

Myth 8: There is no symptom

Fact: People with high blood sugar are often extremely thirsty. Other symptoms include dry mouth, being hungry more (especially after you eat), peeing more, fatigue, blurred vision, and headaches. Type 2 diabetes can also cause itching, numbness, and tingling in your hands and feet. You may notice that wounds heal more slowly than they used to. You could gain weight without knowing why, get frequent yeast infections, and have sexual problems.

Myth 9: People who have it can’t eat sweets

Facts: Good news! Dessert is not off the menu. You do need to watch your weight and eat a healthy, balanced diet. But you can have sweets in moderation, and as part of a healthy meal plan.

Myth 10: Diabetes can kill

Facts: Type 2 diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. It accounts for 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of heart disease. If you have it, your overall death risk is about twice that of people your age who don’t.

Myth 11: The cause of diabetes is too much sugar

Facts: Insulin is a hormone that helps your body turn sugar into energy. When you have type 2 diabetes, your cells don't respond to it like they should. This is called insulin resistance. When it happens, sugar backs up in your blood. Your pancreas makes even more insulin to get rid of the sugar. So you wind up with too much of both.

Thank you for you time, have a lovely week.
Check my signature to know more about our Diabetes Reversal Pack

Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 12:44pm On Aug 27, 2018
I have asked my self this question time without number; WHY DID OUR FOREFATHER LIVE HEALTHIER THAN US?
Although they had no access to clean water and medical care yet they lived healthier and longer than us. They stress themselves trecking for mile and farming for hours and do other tidious work without taking any drug, yet they lived healthy. The only health issues they suffered from were ones that result from infections due to inadequate hygiene and other health issues born from ignorance and prevention such as Sicke cell anaemia and Polio.The bottom line is that they were strong and their immune system was hyperactive.The only reason is because of what they ate.
Our Generation Need Good Food.
What people refer to good and delicious food nowadays are actually junks. We go to expensive restaurant and spend money on food filled with Chemicals and preservatives. The Question you should ask yourself is when was the last time I go a whole day and all I ate was natural food without any additives. This also include what we drink, i guess that is the most dangerous one. Am not trying to scare anyone but as a chemist I have seen the chemical they use for some of our daily drinks and seasonings, they are not too good for our health. Some of them cannot be dissociated by the body enzymes and they end up bioaccumulating in the body tissues.
This issue is not only in Nigeria, it is affecting all develop countries because natural food are going into extinction and we are left with junk. This is my advise r
Whenever you want to eat ask yourself this question: How natural is this food? Does it contain preservatives? How much of natural fruit have i taken today?
So instead of taking fruit juice why not take natural fruit
Instead of tomato paste why not use fresh tomatoes
Instead of using seasoning, why not use natural local scent leaves, locust beans, ogiri and the rest.
Instead of buying food at restaurant, why not cook it yourself, it is healthier, without preservative and atimes cost effective. When you eat healthy; you will live healthy. Visit www.bestliving.com.ng for more Health tips, Natural Beauty and Health Products
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 8:37am On Sep 26, 2018
Could Weight Loss Cure Type 2 Diabetes?

I got this mail this morning and I think is worth sharing because I have seen similar experience too, take time and read.
While doctors have known for years that weight loss can not only prevent diabetes but sometimes reverse it, recently Taylor has found new clues as to why.
Type 2 diabetes, he says, "is simply due to too much fat inside the liver and pancreas of people who happen to be susceptible to the fat-induced damage.'' Losing a substantial amount of weight can kill off that fat, often allowing the organs to work again, including a return to normal insulin production by the pancreas.
As a result of his research and his success stories, Taylor encourages other doctors to stop turning to diabetes medicines right away and more strongly encourage weight loss as the first step for their patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. And the sooner, the better, he says. While Maher reversed his diabetes decades later, that's not typical, Taylor says. The ideal management, he says, is to start serious weight loss efforts right away.
"As you would expect, people have a different length of window when they remain reversible," Taylor says. "For some, even 3 years is too late."
Behind the Weight Loss Advice
In an earlier study, Taylor's team assigned 149 patients to the strict weight loss program and another 149 to usual care such as treatment with medications. Most were diagnosed within the previous 6 years before the start of the study.
After a year, only 4% of the usual care patients had remission of the diabetes, but 46% of those on the weight loss program did. The more they lost, the higher the chances of reversal. While 7% of patients who lost less than 11 pounds went into remission, 86% of those who lost 33 pounds or more did, Taylor found.
In general, “remission” in diabetes means a person’s blood sugar levels remain normal. While some refer to this as a “cure,” diabetes is not a “one and done,” disease. That is, it could always return if the patient regains the weight or returns to unhealthy habits. In 2009, a group of diabetes experts wrote that “remission” is a term used when a person has normal blood sugar levels for one year without therapy or surgery.
In the latest study, Taylor took a closer look at some of those patients who reverse, and ''we have a clear physiological handle on what is happening," he says.
When the weight loss lessens the liver and pancreas fat, the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas come to life again. "Almost everyone will return to normal if they lose a substantial amount of weight," Taylor says. "This is a simple disease." What's yet to be figured out, he says, is why the weight loss doesn't lead to a reversal in everyone.
Second Opinions
The new research ties in with recent thinking among experts about what happens when type 2 diabetes develops, says Domenico Accili, MD, chief of endocrinology at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. "We have been talking for some time, that in diabetes, primarily type 2, the insulin-producing [beta] cell is not dead but simply inactive," he says. "If you put patients with diabetes on a diet, you can do marvels with their beta cells."
Taylor's research, and that of others, suggest that lifestyle modification, such as weight loss and exercise, may have a larger impact on diabetes than experts had thought, Accili says.
Prompt weight loss as soon as possible after the diagnosis can definitely turn people around, agrees Matthew Freeby, MD, an endocrinologist and director of the Gonda Diabetes Centers at UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica and Westwood, CA. He agrees with Taylor's advice.
He emphasizes lifestyle changes and weight loss as a first step. "We give them a 3-month trial of diet and lifestyle [modification] before starting medications," he says. "A lot of times, for many patients newly diagnosed, we will see the sugars melt back into the normal range" after the weight loss and other changes. He has seen it happen after a weight loss of 7% to 10% of their starting weight.
While that's great news, Freeby warns that the effort is never done: "Once someone rises that high, they are always at risk for their sugars rising again." Weight maintenance becomes critically important, he says.
Maher says the effort to maintain the weight loss is constant and tremendous, but worth it. "I keep to a very, very low-carb diet," he says. "No pasta, bread, rice or potatoes.
Thank you for your time.
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 12:40pm On Oct 13, 2018
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Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 6:47am On Nov 03, 2018
What is pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the pancreas.
The pancreas is an abdominal gland situated behind the stomach in the upper abdomen.
The main function of the pancreas is to secrete hormones and enzymes that help with digestion and regulate blood sugar (glucose) metabolism.
The digestive enzymes are released via the pancreatic duct into the small intestine where they are activated to help break down fats and proteins.
The digestive hormones (insulin and glucagon) produced by the pancreas are released into the blood stream where they help regulate blood sugar levels.
Pancreatitis is categorized as being either acute or chronic.
Acute pancreatitis generally develops suddenly, and it is usually a short-term (a few days to weeks) illness that typically resolves with appropriate medical management.
Chronic pancreatitis, which typically develops after multiple episodes of acute pancreatitis, is a long-term condition that can last for months or even several years.
Pancreatitis is a condition that may be mild and self-limiting, though it can also lead to severe complications that can be life-threatening. The acute form of pancreatitis, in its most severe form, can have deleterious effects on many other body organs, including the lungs and kidneys.
What are the signs and symptoms of pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis causes upper abdominal pain which can range from mild to severe.
The pain may come on suddenly or it may develop gradually. Often, the pain will start or worsen after eating, which can also occur with gallbladder or ulcer pain. Abdominal pain tends to be the hallmark of acute pancreatitis. People with acute pancreatitis usually feel very ill.
Signs and symptoms of acute pancreatitis may include:
Abdominal pain that may radiate to the back
Nausea and vomiting
Worsening pain after eating
Tenderness to touch of the abdomen
Fever and chills
Weakness and lethargy
In chronic pancreatitis, abdominal pain also can be present, but it is often not as severe, and some people may not have any pain at all.
Signs and symptoms of chronic pancreatitis may include:
Abdominal pain
Unintentional weight loss
Foul smelling, oily stool
What are causes of pancreatitis?
Normally, digestive enzymes released by the pancreas are not activated to break down fats and proteins until they reach the small intestine. However, when these digestive enzymes are activated while still in the pancreas, inflammation and local damage to the pancreas occurs leading to pancreatitis.
The causes of pancreatitis include:
Alcohol consumption
High triglyceride levels
Abdominal injury or surgery
Certain medications
Exposure to certain chemicals
Family history of pancreatitis
Cystic fibrosis
Pancreatic cancer
Alcohol consumption and gallstones account for over 80% of all cases of pancreatitis
How is pancreatitis diagnosed?
There are a number of tests that alone, or in combination, will help establish the diagnosis of pancreatitis.
Blood tests
Amylase and/or lipase levels are typically elevated in cases of acute pancreatitis. These blood tests may not be elevated in cases of chronic pancreatitis. These are usually the first tests performed to establish the diagnosis of pancreatitis, as these results are generally readily and quickly available. Other blood tests may be ordered, for example:
Liver and kidney function tests
Tests for infection, and
Tests for Anemia.
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 2:08am On Nov 13, 2018

Gastritis is the swelling and irritation of the stomach membranes and colitis is the swelling of the colon membranes. An ulcer is the irritation of the stomach wall. A gastric ulcer is a wound in the stomach walls or in the small intestine.
– Excess alcohol and coffee
– Fried and spicy foods
– Excessive stress
– When gastritis persists, it causes gastric ulcers
– Dyspepsia (bad digestion)
– Vomiting
– Headaches
– Burning sensation and discomfort
– Severe ulcers may result in acidic vomiting or bleeding can occur. The excrement may be black in colour from blood in it.
If you had recently been diagnosed with one, or have been living with ulcers for many years, this information brings good news.
Recently, scientists have found that most ulcers are caused by an infection. With appropriate antibiotic treatment, your ulcer – and the pain it causes can be gone forever.
With the help of Forever Living Products, you can now live a life free from ulcer.

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Get the antioxidants you may be lacking. Fields of Greens combines young barley grass, wheat grass, alfalfa and added cayenne pepper (to help maintain healthy circulation and digestion). We have also added honey to promote energy.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Tablet
Amount Per Serving
Barley Grass, powdered (leaves) 120 mg*
Wheat Grass (Triticum aestivum),
powdered (leaves) 120 mg*
Alfalfa, powdered (leaves) 120 mg*
Cayenne, powdered (fruit) 1.7 mg*
* Daily Value not established.
Other Ingredients: Honey, sorbitol, magnesium stearate, stearic acid and silica.
Contains Wheat.
• Excellent “green food” source
• Antioxidant
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The dietary uses of garlic and thyme have been traced back thousands of years. An Egyptian papyrus dating from 1,500BC listed 22 healthy uses for garlic. Today, we are starting to understand how they work.
Garlic and thyme, the two powerful antioxidants found in Forever Garlic-Thyme®, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. When garlic is cut or crushed, enzymes react to produce a powerful immune-enhancing agent. Studies have shown that garlic’s other ingredients help the metabolism convert fats to energy and protect the body against free radicals.
Other healthy substances in this odorless softgel include ajoene and lecithin, which can help emulsify fats. Garlic’s sulfur compounds have also been shown to have beneficial properties. Garlic also contains germanium, a mineral trace element believed to help boost the body’s immune system and selenium, a trace mineral antioxidant.
Thyme contains Tannin, Phenol and Thymol (saponins) and other beneficial antioxidant substances.
Powerful antioxidant
Odorless, softgel capsule
Helps protect the body against free radicals
Helps support the conversion of fats to energy

Bee Propolis

Forever Bee Propolis® supports the body’s natural defenses. When we think of bees, honey and pollen are usually the first things that come to mind. However, there’s another powerful substance that bees play an integral role in propolis.
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 5:52am On Dec 25, 2018
visit www.bestliving.com and get 10% discount on all products
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 5:52am On Dec 25, 2018
visit www.bestliving.com.ng and get 10% discount on all products
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 5:04am On Dec 26, 2018
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 5:04am On Dec 26, 2018
Someone asked me for a supplement for quick ejaculation and he is just one of the many people that has asked for this. Although there are drugs and supplements that can help delay Ejaculation, some of them are also harmful to the health, you feel so weak after using them and with time you cannot even perform up to 2 minutes without using those Drugs.
Ejaculation is more of a function of the brain than physical strength and it is not a health issue like in the case if Erectile dysfunction. I have seen many men struggle with this for long and many marriages broken. I feel mostly for women who cannot get satisfaction with the men they married, as we know that orgasm has many health benefits which time will not permit me to write and orgasm can only come from a good lasting sex and romance.
So I want to challenge all men, why look for drugs to last long in bed when you can actually train your brain on how to last long. First you need to see sex as a way of satisfying your wife or partner rather than yourself. What causes quick ejaculation is that you feel arouse and want to feel orgasm and ejaculate and once you stroke 3 times you allow your brain to signal the sex hormone(testost
erone) and in few minutes you have ejaculated. But you can control your brain and self. When you want to have sex, have a mind set that I want to satisfy my partner, I want to make her scream, I want her to get orgasm before me. with this mindset, all your energy is focused on making your partner feel the heat and before you know it you know it time is far gone. Your will actually have greater satisfaction when your partner say THANKYOU, then you can now decide to satisfy yourself and ejaculate.
One method that will also help you is the withdrawal method. if you at any point feel the urge to ejaculate just withdraw, this is one of the hardest things to do but that is also how to control your brain, it means you are in control of the sex and not the other way round. With time you will get use to it. I want you to note this, some porn stars don't use drugs and they last long because they know is business and they have to satisfy their viewers and make their money, so they remove all self satisfaction and that is why they go for hours. So you too can decide when to ejaculate, be in charge today and save your marriage. It is all in your head.
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by Mjsod: 8:04am On Dec 26, 2018
Bro, i don't know what I'm dealing with. I experience split/multiple stream urination. And I also experience quick ejaculation. How do I help myself?
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 1:08pm On Jan 13, 2019
Bro, i don't know what I'm dealing with. I experience split/multiple stream urination. And I also experience quick ejaculation. How do I help myself?
I have written possible causes in my post but in your case, i will advice you to see your doctor to know the actual cause of it.
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 9:00am On Feb 21, 2019

Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 8:26am On Apr 10, 2019

Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 1:46am On Jun 07, 2019

Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by imhere: 9:19pm On Jun 08, 2019
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Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 12:02am On Jun 14, 2019

Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 6:20am On Jun 24, 2019

Bitter leaf (Vernonia Amydalia) belongs to the class of therapies, it’s a bitter leafy green or sometimes gray vegetable, it serves a great source of Minerals, Vitamin A, B1&B2, C and Vitamin E, Bitter leaf is very rich in proteins and also it has antifungal and antibiotic properties which treat skin ailments diseases. Bitter leaf has many species with different sizes for the leaves, but all of them are common in bitterness, it anti-bacterial and anti-parasites. Bitter leaf gives many health benefits such as repairing the pancreas and also helps reduce the risk of breast cancer of the Diabetics and the people who wish to Prevent Diabetes, Cancer and other Chronic Diseases by adding the bitter leaf to their diet, Healing the Most Common Important of Bitter Leaf.
If you are Diabetics or the type of person who wishes to prevent Diabetes now or in the future then this Diabetes Natural Treatment is very helpful for you all.

The Materials to Be Use
Small size of Mortal &
Little/Small Salt
Many Bitter Leaves (Vernonia Amydalia)
Much Basil/Scent Leaves (Ocimum Basilicum)

Put both much bitter and basil leaves together inside the clean mortal then, be pounding them with the pestle till you get real extracted water from these organic leaves, so after sometimes filter the materials, add the little salt with the liquid gotten and put the liquid inside an tight container (glass or Plastic container).
It’s advisable for diabetics to be drinking this natural liquid ( the extracted liquid from bitter leaves and basil leaves ) 3 glass cups, 3times a day (1 glass cup in the morning, 1 glass cup in the noon and another 1 glass cup in the evening/night). Do this for a few weeks and you will see the good result.
(NB) please Do not add additional/ extra water to it, but used only liquid gotten from this Organic Pounded Leaves.
The Effect of Bitter Leaves on the Body

Bitter leaf has countless health benefits for all people but it depends on the how much you know it so that’s why I just mention just a few of them:

Bitter leaf prevents and treats indigestion, scurvy, rheumatism and detoxifies,
The bitter leaf contains the abundance of antioxidants that helps to check oxidation thereby developing the body’s disease-fighting agents.
Bitter leaf can be used in pharmaceutic medicines for laxative, anti-helminths and as fertility inducers for the barren woman,
Bitter leaf treats and prevents Piles,
Bitter leaf reduces cholesterol in the body,
Bitter leaf makes women stay young and healthy for a longer period of time,
Bitter leaf aids digestion (improves appetite),
Bitter leaf treats and prevents Piles,
Bitter leaf reduces cholesterol in the body,
Bitter leaf aids digestion (improves appetite),
Bitter leaf prevents the risk of Heart Attack, Stroke, and Alzheimer and much more which can cause by much cholesterol in the body,
Bitter leaf helps to maintain both the kidney and liver,
Bitter leaf cleanses the whole body system,
Bitter leaf increases metabolism,
Bitter leaf prevents and cures a toothache,
Bitter leaf prevents and cures intestinal parasitic infections,
Bitter leaf helps to reduce much weight and helps us to maintain healthy weight
Bitter leaf helps protect and prevent pains and cardiovascular diseases,
Bitter leaf serves as a Fevers relieve,
Bitter leaf treats and prevents memory Loss problem,
Bitter leaf cures and prevents skin itching and rashes (eczema, ringworms, and any superficial skin problems),
Bitter leaf treats and prevents a cough,
Bitter leaf helps to treat skin infections,
Bitter leaf may be used for the contraction of the uterus during women labor,
Bitter leaf can be used to produce juice and drinks (treat for rashes that shows on the face and eczema),
The bitter leaf can serve as a tonic which you take a tablespoon or more daily most especially for the Diabetics.
Bitter leaf treats and prevents Insomnia
Bitter leaf is a very important ingredient that wars against malaria,
Bitter leaf can helps make delicious soup,
Bitter leaf cures and prevents indigestion and stomach ache,
Bitter leaf fights against liver problems and malaria,
Bitter leaf controls the synthesis of female gender hormones,
Bitter leaf helps the women in the milk production,
Bitter leaf gives instant relief from fatigue,
Bitter leaf regulates the blood sugar,
Bitter leaf serves as STD potent herb plus a lot of other benefits.
Re: Causes Of Erectile Dysfuction And Remedy by kingchris30(m): 5:45am On Aug 09, 2019

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