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FREE Affiliate Marketing Training Course For Complete Beginners [monday Sept 03] by kefman(m): 3:32pm On Sep 02, 2018 |
Fellow NairaLanders, something good is about to happen beginning from tomorrow September 03 in the Webmasters section of this our highly esteemable forum. A professional Affiliate Marketer, "AffiliateTutor", is putting together a FREE training on Affiliate Marketing for complete beginners who wants to learn how to make a full time income online. You can follow the link below to access the thread and join the course in the Webmasters section of the forum. Meanwhile, below is a complete copy-writing of the contents of that thread whose link is already given above. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECRET REVEALED IN A MUST-WATCH TRAINING VIDEO! HOW ANYONE CAN GO FROM ZERO TO $5,000+ / MONTH USING THE POWER OF DUPLICATION AS SHOWN AND GIVEN OUT IN A COMLETE DONE-FOR-YOU SYSTEM Hello Fellow & aspiring marketers! Welcome on board this 5-day free training course. Why do I decide to make it free? Well, because some of the best things in life are free. Think about the air we breathe, what about the waters in our streams and under the earth crust. What about even the Life that we live? Certainly, they are all free. But it takes a little effort for us to sometimes move to where we can have fresh air, or to drill a bore hole in order to get fresh water, not so? Thanks for your fine answer! Okay! In as much as this course intends to be free, it will take some serious efforts on you part to take practical steps to follow through and test out what you will be learning. Let's face it; to make any reasonable amount of money online you must be a successful marketer, and to be a successful marketer you must first of all have to invest your time, material and mental resources in internet marketing education. And once you've acquired the minimum understanding of how things work, you can then begin to lunch your first affiliate campaign to test out your capacity to make money online. Make no mistake about it, Affiliate Marketing provides the fastest means for anyone to practically make money online. You will get to learn in this course exactly how the gurus or experts do it. This course is developed essentially with the newbies or complete beginners in mind. If you already are a webmaster or have a good knowledge of marketing, you have an added advantage. Nevertheless, you must certainly learn something new whatever level you are. The entire scope of Affiliate Marketing is rather a very broad subject. But for the purpose of this course I have narrowed it down to the most basic form that would get you up and running as soon as you complete the course. In the final analysis, you'll be literally taken by the hand and showed [by means of a video presentation] exactly what to do in order for you to earn a life changing residual income on an ever increasing basis month after months on complete autopilot. Who am I and what capacity do I have to teach you? Well, call me your AffiliateTutor for now, you shall get to know me much better when you decide to join me on the inside, so permit me to enjoy a little bit of anonymity. More to that, I am a Nigerian born Affiliate Marketer who currently live the internet lifestyle and whose net monthly income far outweighs his expenses, that perhaps is the kind of life we all want. I tell you the truth! I have been in Affilate Marketing for over 8 years as a struggling beginner marketer. But one day by stroke of fate, I stumbled upon a SuperAffiate marketer and a 6-figure earner by name Daniel Rysdtyed from the USA in the year 2016. He subjected me to his tutelage and thereafter handed me the very system which I am going to share with you in this course. Ever since, I have use it to make regular residual income online from the comfort of my home. Proud to say that I now enjoy relative financial freedom! As a way of helping self determined persons especially here in this forum, I am giving out my entire mentorship FREE. Also to be given out are same Affiliate product, the entire marketing funnel, the same mindset and various traffic sources that I currently deploy. I'll share all of these with you in this course. This is part of my community service. Now let's take a look at the course contents we shall be considering for the next 5 days beginning from Monday, 3rd September, 2018 ***Monday, September 03, 2018 (6:00pm)*** MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO AFFILIATE MARKETING 1.1 What is Affiliate Marketing & How does it work? 1.2 What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing? 1.3 What Requirements are necessary to Get Started in Affiliate Marketing? 1.4 How much Money can you make as an Affiliate Marketer? 1.5 Affiliate Marketing Terminologies ***Tuesday, September 04, 2018 (6:00pm)*** MODULE 2: BASIC WEB SKILL SET FOR AFFILIATE MARKETER 2.1 Basic HTML [Hyper Text Mark Up Language] 2.2 Domain Name Registration 2.3 Website Hosting 2.4 WordPress Blog installation 2.5 Setting Up Your Affiliate payment Gateway ***Wednesday, September 05, 2018 (6:00pm)*** MODULE 3: BASIC TOOLS & SERVICES FOR AFFILIATE MARKERTER 3.1 Landing page / Squeeze page 3.2 Auto-Responder 3.3 Link Tracker 3.4 Hosting 3.5 Traffic (either paid or free or both) ***Thursday, September 06, 2018 (8:00pm)*** MODULE 4: SECRET REVEALED IN A CASE STUDY: HOW TO GO FROM ZERO TO MAKING $5,000+ / MONTH USING A COMPLETE DONE-FOR-YOU SYSTEM THAT DUPLICATES ON AUTOPILOT 4.1 Choosing the right product 4.1 Creating a Sales Funnel 4.2 How to promote Affiliate product as a pro & have success 4.3 [A MUST-WATCH FREE VIDEO] Reveals how to Build a Money Machine that pumps Residual Cash on Autopilot 4.4 Do [4.3] if for some reasons you have not ***Friday, September 07, 2018 (6:00pm)*** MODULE 5: CONCLUSION 5.1 Matters Arising from [VIDEO] - interactive discussion 5.2 Caught the vision? Then Join my Team & Get the secret traffic formula 5.3 Now that you have a business... 5.2 Determine when to Fire your Boss 5.3 Never Again Shall POVERTY and LACK preponderate - Enjoy a Life of Financial Freedom 5.4 End of Course NOTE: Beginning from Monday, 03 September, at 6:00pm Nigeria time, Module 1 shall be published. All questions arising from Module 1 lecture would be addressed from 7:00pm onward until Module 2 comes on stream the following day. Similar pattern shall be adhered to until the end of this training. Notice that on Thursday, the module for that day shall be published by 8:00 pm instead. Please all intending course participants as well as followers of this thread are advised to be properly guided. May God open your eyes to see and claim your realities by the end of this course. Thank you and remained blessed! AffiliateTutor Course Lecturer |
Re: FREE Affiliate Marketing Training Course For Complete Beginners [monday Sept 03] by servicecart: 9:58am On Sep 03, 2018 |
interested |
Re: FREE Affiliate Marketing Training Course For Complete Beginners [monday Sept 03] by shadycaesar(m): 11:14am On Sep 03, 2018 |
Am interested |
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