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3 Ways To Make Your Relaxed Hair Grow Longer And Fuller - Fashion - Nairaland

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3 Ways To Make Your Relaxed Hair Grow Longer And Fuller by Nobody: 8:05am On Sep 09, 2018
In case you didn’t know, your relaxed hair needs love and TLC. Not everyone wants to keep their natural hair and that is understandable.

According to hair myths, adding relaxer to your hair will make your hair automatically grow longer and fuller. On the contrary, relaxed hair still requires effort and attention to achieve growth and fluff.

Granted that shrinkage is one of the issues naturalistas deal with, relaxers, however, rid the hair of that problem. That said, relaxers can also cause shedding and breakage if not properly applied. Which is why we have curated a list of steps to take to make your hair grow longer and fuller.

1. Protective styling

Protective styles secure hair tips and prevent breakage and frizz. Similarly, braids, weaves and styling protect relaxed hair from external damage. Additionally, when relaxing, you should keep the relaxer away from the tips.


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