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Baby, You Turn Me On - Erotica - Literature - Nairaland

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Baby, You Turn Me On - Erotica by SynCityNg: 1:59pm On Sep 25, 2018
He arrived home a few minutes past seven. He had had a busy day as usual at the school where he was Vice Principal. Although regarded as a common job in the country, Nwanchukwu took on the noble profession of teaching because of his zeal and zest for everything academics. The passion he had for teaching students, seeing them grow, going out to participate in interstate competitions, the joy – the pure joy of watching a student flourish academically could be compared to no other feeling.

Except (and only) the love he had for his wife.

“Oh, welcome, I also came in not too long ago,” his wife, Aka greeted and dutifully helped him with his leather bag.

“How did your day go?” he asked.

“Fine,” her only answer as she turned on her way to the bedroom.


She knew her husband would tag behind her and she was almost certain that there were no excuses tonight. Nwanchukwu was going to want to make love to her and she could not deny him any more. Besides it had been a good four weeks since they last had sex.

It was not that her body did not yearn for his touch or her mouth did not quiver for his kisses, it was just that she wasn’t sure her heart fully belonged to him. And it was almost a year since they had gotten married.


Almost a year since they had both exchanged their marital vows at the altar of the Believers Foundation Church in Surulere and yet, he always felt like he was married to a stranger. Aka, she withdrew herself from his love. There was nothing he did so far that was enough.

Yet watching that slim figure, that beautiful brown skin in the tight-fitting high-waisted bum shorts that hugged her hips and highlighted her full buttocks as she bent to drop his suitcase on the floor by the bed, he swore to himself for the thousandth time that he would do anything it took to conquer her heart.

Right now, what he wanted to conquer was her body.

“Aka, I love you,” he whispered and gently slid his arms around her slim waist.

He noticed her reluctance but he would not stop. His hands found the curve of her breasts and squeezed ... http://syncityng.com/2018/09/25/turn-out-the-lights-and-love-me-tonight-fiction/

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