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Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 10:23pm On Jul 12, 2010

Christianity promotes the idea that the faith was spread by selfless, righteous ''apostles'' travelling far and wide to preach and convert the ''heathen''.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that Christianity was promoted through fear, torture, and death, in a series of continental inquisitions,

Millions of people were tortured by Christians during the Inquisitions, first the Papal Inquisitions, from as early as the 3rd century through the 12th, and the Spanish Inquisition lasting from the 14th century to the early 19th century.

Torture Methods Employed



Waterboarding! (George Bush favourite):blink:




In the Inquisition, girls as young as nine and boys as young as ten were tried for witchcraft. Children much younger were tortured to extract testimony against their parents.¹ Children were then flogged while they watched their parents burn.

A documented case in the Silesian town of Neisse reveals a huge oven was constructed, which over a ten year period, more than a thousand "condemned witches, some as young as two years old" were roasted alive.² Many victims were also extremely old, some in their 80's. This made no difference to the church.

The christian church murdered, tortured, mutilated and destroyed millions of lives both directly through the Inquisition and indirectly through all of the wars they incited.

The damage and destruction this religion has perpetrated against humanity is almost beyond comprehension. Most people aren't even aware of the facts.

During the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine (CE 306-337) the doctrines of the christian church were regarded as the foundation of law. Heretics (persons who opposed church teachings) were sought out, tortured and murdered. Heresy was an offense against the state as well as the church.

For hundreds of years, civil rulers tried to stamp out all heresy.

As early as CE 430, the church leaders declared heresy punishable by death. In CE 906, "The Canon Episcopi" was the first church body to expressly forbid the use of witchcraft. Before the Inquisition was fully underway, the church accepted heretics back into the fold, under terms it considered reasonable. The following is an example:

For three Sundays, the heretic was stripped to the waist and whipped from the entrance of the town/village all the way to the church door. He/she was to permanently deny him/herself meat, eggs and cheese except on Easter, pentecost and xmas, when he/she is to eat of them as a sign of his/her penance. For twenty days, twice a year he/she was to avoid fish and for 3 days in each week fish, wine and oil, fasting, if his/her health would permit.

He/she was to wear monastic vestments with a small cross sewn on each breast. He/she was to hear mass daily. Seven times a day, he/she was to recite the canonical hours and in addition, at Paternoster ten times each day and twenty times each night.
He/she was to observe total abstinence from sex. Every month he/she was to report to a priest who was to keep the heretic under close observation. He/she was to be segregated from the rest of the community.

There is no precise date for the beginning of the Inquisition, most sources agree it manifested during the first 6 years of the reign of the catholic pope, Gregory IX, between 1227 and 1233. Pope Gregory IX who ruled from 1227-1241 is often referred to as the "Father of the Inquisition."

The Inquisition was a campaign of torture, mutilation, mass murder and destruction of human life perpetrated by chistians. The church increased in power until it had total control over human life, both secular and religious.

The Vatican wasn't satisfied with the progress made by regional leaders in rooting out heresy. Pope Innocent III commissioned his own inquisitors who answered directly to him. Their authority was made official in the papal bull of March 25th, 1199.

Innocent declared "anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of god which conflicted with the church dogma must be burned without pity."

In 1254, to ease the job of the inquisitors, Pope Innocent IV decreed that accusers could remain anonymous, preventing the victims from confronting them and defending themselves. Many churches had a chest where informants could slip written accusations against their neighbors. Three years later, he authorized and officially condoned torture as a method of extracting confessions of heresy.

Inquisitors grew very rich, accepting bribes and fines from the wealthy who paid to avoid being prosecuted. The wealthy were prime targets for the church who confiscated their property, land and everything they had for generations. The Inquisition took over all of the victims' possessions upon accusation. There was very little if any chance of proving one's self innocent, so this is one way the catholic church grew very wealthy.

Pope Innocent stated that since "God" punished children for the sins of their parents, they had no right to be legal heirs to the property of their parents. Unless children came forth freely to denounce their parents, they were left penniless. Inquisitors even accused the dead of heresy, in some cases, as much as seventy years after their death. They exhumed and burned the accused's bones and confiscated all property from their heirs, leaving them with nothing.

The actions of the inquisitors had devestating effects on the economy that left entire communities totally impoverished while the church glutted with wealth. They also crippled the economy by holding certain professions suspect.

Inquisitors believed the printed word to be a threat to the church and interfered with the communication brought about by the invention of the printing press in the 15th century. Maps, cartographers, traveling merchants and traders were all placed under intense suspicion; a threat to the church.

Although the church had begun murdering people it deemed heretics in the 4th century and again in 1022 at Orléan, papal statutes of 1231 insisted heretics suffer death by fire. Burning people to death prevented spilling of blood. John 15:6 "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned."

The nazarene quote incited all of this.

The Spanish Inquisition happened several centuries later right up till the 1800s, and was distinguished by its gross brutality.

This device was mockingly called the "throne" (trono in Spanish), due to its resemblance to that item of furniture. The victim's ankles were placed in the stocks at the top, then he or she was left upside down until the increasing strain of that position forced a confession.

''The throne'' in use. The edge of the throne forces the victim's spine to bend backwards.

In this more refined form of torture, the hot coals are in a brazier under the victim's feet. Oil is then ladled over the feet so that they roast rather than burn. This was done to keep the nerve endings intact as long as possible.

Orgy of the cutting of limbs. Was this where the Sierra Leonan rebels learnt their trade?

Soon after landing on the island of Hispaniola, the Spanish began their relentless search for gold.

They told the New World natives that they had been living RENT FREE on the Pope's land for centuries and now it was time to collect the rent . . . with ARREARS!!

Every three months, the Indians were forced to surrender a hawk's bell filled with gold dust. In return they were given a copper token stamped with the date. Those who were found without a current token had their hands amputated as an example to others.

Others who resisted were fed to the savage Spanish dogs.The gold and silver was shipped back to the Vatican to fight the blessed Reformation of ''Saint'' Martin Luther.

Saint Indeed. :bored:

The Spanish told the New World natives that they had been living RENT FREE on the Pope's land for centuries and now they had to pay the arrears—with gold or silver!!

From 1500 to 1540 at least 100 MILLION New World natives were killed by the Spanish or wiped out by diseases brought over by the Conquistadors.

Other torture methods

The brodequin was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain.

Burning the feet. Oil, lard and grease were applied to the feet before roasting them over a fire. A screen was used to control or increase the pain as exposure to the fire was applied on and off for maximum suffering. Also, as a variation, some victims were forced to wear large leather or metal boots into which boiling water or molten lead was poured.

Thousands and thousands of "heretics" were burned at the stakes throughout the duration of the Spanish Inquisition (the exact numbers are unknown). There was no such thing as an "alleged" heretic under the Inquisitions reign of terror; there were only "repentant" and "unrepentant" heretics.

The Inquisitors came up with numerous gadgets to work within this restriction. They included:

The Judas Chair: This was a large pyramid-shaped "seat." Accused heretics were placed on top of it, with the point inserted into their anuses or Instruments, then very, very slowly lowered onto the point with ropes. The effect was to gradually stretch out the opening of choice in an extremely painful manner.

The Head Vice: Pretty straightforward concept. They put your head into a specially fitted vice, and tighten it until your teeth are crushed, your bones crack and eventually your eyes pop out of their sockets.

The Pear: A large bulbous gadget is inserted in the orifice of choice, whether mouth, anus or vagina. A lever on the device then causes it to slowly expand whilst inserted. Eventually points emerge from the tips. (Apparently, internal bleeding doesn't count as "breaking the skin."wink

The Wheel: Heretics are strapped to a big wheel, and their bones are clubbed into shards.

Methods of execution

Sawing: Heretics were hung upside-down and sawed apart down the middle, starting at the crotch. :shock: :shock:

Disembowelment: Not the nice kind of disembowelment, where a samurai slits you wide open like a fish and you die in moments. Here, a small hole is cut in the gut, then the intestines are drawn out slowly and carefully, keeping the victim alive for as much of the process as possible.

The Stake: Depending on how unrepentant a heretic might be, the process of burning at the stake could vary wildly. For instance, a fairly repentant heretic might be strangled, then burned.

An entirely unrepentant heretic could be burned over the course of hours, using green wood or simply by placing them on top of hot coals and leaving them there.

The last burning organized by the Inquisition was in 1834, when the Spanish Inquisition was officially abolished. But though Torquemada's legacy has been laid to rest, the Inquisition lives on.
Based in Vatican City, the Holy Office of the Inquisition is still one of the most powerful branches of the Church hierarchy. In 1965, Pope Paul VI renamed the Inquisition as the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, but it was still basically the Inquisition.

Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503), His orchestrations gave the New World to Spain. He was a MONSTER of INIQUITY even by the standards of his day.
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 4:43pm On Oct 30, 2010
an evil so grievous from ages past
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by adaybayor(m): 9:23am On Oct 31, 2010
@rossike nice piece of work you, where are these fu******king NL xtians, why are you not comment, this is the evil you perpetrate among men but your soul is so damn cruel that you are even unjust, where that stupid guy called almuhandis come and talk on this one or i call you a son of a bi******th,
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 11:54am On Nov 01, 2010
Today is November the 1st
but yesterday was October the 31st
certain people celebrate Halloween
but certain Christians Choose this day as the Reformation Day

A day to remember the works and sacrifices of heroes (especially that of MARTIN LUTHER, of blessed memory) past to purge the church and redeem the true worship of God
and save the name of God from ridicule and abuse

All(including Catholics who are Christians) should condemn and denounce this evil
that it did not come from God
and was not done of God
and it is against God
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 12:00pm On Nov 01, 2010
This does not go to say that Protestants are saints either
they too persecuted the Catholics in retaliation and self defense
though not in this magnitude!
But evil is evil
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Mudley313: 4:22pm On Nov 01, 2010

Today is November the 1st
but yesterday was October the 31st
certain people celebrate Halloween
but certain Christians Choose this day as the Reformation Day

A day to remember the works and sacrifices of heroes (especially that of MARTIN LUTHER, of blessed memory) past to purge the church and redeem the true worship of God
and save the name of God from ridicule and abuse

All(including Catholics who are Christians) should condemn and denounce this evil
that it did not come from God
and was not done of God
and it is against God

know your history mumu. martin luther went on the same murdering spree against catholics and jews. christianity was spread through fear, torture and the barrel of a gun
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 10:47am On Nov 02, 2010

know your history mumu. martin luther went on the same murdering spree against catholics and jews. christianity was spread through fear, torture and the barrel of a gun

u can as well educate me more on the murdering spree Martin embarked upon of this same magnitude
God bless you @Mudley313
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Kay17: 11:03am On Nov 02, 2010
Martin Luther the bloodsucker and avid Jew hater.
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by UyiIredia(m): 11:34am On Nov 02, 2010
@ topic >>> so, so sad. The Inquisition was a dark period in history_along with the World War_ but that shouldn't count to
dispose of Christianity as the sole source of humanity's ills; juxtaposing this to the Cold War, one need note that, the ills perpetrated by Communists, doesn't mean that Communist thinking doesn't offer apt points to solving economic problems.

Christianity is also a means of good. Atheism can be a means of evil

@ Kay 17 >>>  what's your beef with Luther ? The guy was good. We still have 'morality issues' to discuss. I think this thread makes out the right
atmosphere for it.

KAY, if the Inquisition in your opinion, constitutes a good enough rationale for one to consider God as evil, and Christianity as baseless. I see no reason why the same could not be said of the State (sorry to disappoint grin I ain't gonna play the science card, but it's in my stack). Note that, the Inquisition was carried out with the full power & backing of the State. It is because of disagreements & discrepancies in States (r government if you will) that we have 'natural' disasters like famine, wars inter alia

Pointers to ratify this line of thought should include

*1 >>> The French Revolution (caused by discontent against an inefficient & inept monarchy)

*2 >>> Hurricane Katrina (gross inefficiency in emergency response inflated the death toll)

*3 >>> The Khmer Rouge (another Holocaust_ this time in Cambodia_ i dub this one "Communism gone gaga"wink
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Kay17: 11:42am On Nov 02, 2010
Uyi Iredia:

@ topic >>> so, so sad. The Inquisition was a dark period in history_along with the World War_ but that shouldn't count to
dispose of Christianity as the sole source of humanity's ills; juxtaposing this to the Cold War the ills perpetrated by Communists doesn't mean that Communist thinking doesn't offer some real apt points to solving economic problems.Christianity is also a means of good.

@ Kay 17 >>> what's your beef with Luther ? The guy was good. We still have 'morality issues' to discuss
yeah, its history. But exposes the extreme intolerance, Christianity bears. Mass Murder, pitiful!
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by UyiIredia(m): 11:53am On Nov 02, 2010
@ Kay >>> i've modified my last post >>> i await your comment(s). Let's talk morality. cool
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Mudley313: 1:11pm On Nov 02, 2010

u can as well educate me more on the murdering spree Martin embarked upon of this same magnitude
God bless you @Mudley313

oh, you don't know luther, whom you seem to revere, was a virulent jew hater and a huge influence on hitler

Martin Luther's views on the Jews are described as racial or religious anti-Semitism, Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1987), 242. or as anti-Judaism. Uwe Siemon-Netto, "Luther and the Jews." Lutheran Witness 123 (2004) No. 4:19. In his pamphlet Von den Juden und ihren Lügen (On the Jews and their Lies), published in 1543, he wrote that Jews' synagogues should be set on fire, prayerbooks destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes "smashed and destroyed," property seized, money confiscated, and that these "poisonous envenomed worms" be drafted into forced labor or expelled "for all time."

Luther advocated an eight-point plan to get rid of the Jews either by religious conversion or by expulsion:

1. "First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. , "
2. "Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. , "
3. "Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them. , "
4. "Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb. , "
5. "Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. , "
6. "Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them. , Such money should now be used in , the following [way], Whenever a Jew is sincerely converted, he should be handed [a certain amount], "
7. "Seventh, I commend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow, For it is not fitting that they should let us accursed Goyim toil in the sweat of our faces while they, the holy people, idle away their time behind the stove, feasting and farting, and on top of all, boasting blasphemously of their lordship over the Christians by means of our sweat. No, one should toss out these lazy rogues by the seat of their pants."
8. "If we wish to wash our hands of the Jews' blasphemy and not share in their guilt, we have to part company with them. They must be driven from our country" and "we must drive them out like mad dogs." Luther, On the Jews, 47:268-288, 292.

Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 2:00pm On Nov 02, 2010
i did not say that i dont know what u mentioned above

what i want to hear of is where they were carried out

Hitler is no christian and chooses whom he wants to influence his life
it is not Martin"s fault
there are good thing in Martin why did he not pick those
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Mudley313: 3:04pm On Nov 02, 2010

i did not say that i dont know what u mentioned above

what i want to hear of is where they were carried out

you can do a google search on that or sumthin. atrocities carried out during the peasant rebellion were inspired by luthers virulent writings against the church and just about every anti-Jewish book printed in the third reich contained references to and quotations from Luther.

Hitler is no christian and chooses whom he wants to influence his life
it is not Martin"s fault

well, unfortunately he chose the poisonous writings of an influential christian german of the christian faith who you're here blindly defending because of religious affiliation, or do you support the anti-semitic writings of luther as well?

Below is a quote from the hitler you claim to not be a christian

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice, And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

there are good thing in Martin why did he not pick those

i bet there're also good things about osama bin laden so we can also ask the suicide bombers why they had to pick the relgious jihadist part
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 4:50pm On Nov 02, 2010
there are good thing in Martin why did he not pick those

There are millions of good history associated with the catholic church why did you not pick them.

The protestants are just as guilty as roman catholics when it came to religious persecution in the reneissance era.Hundreds of thousands of catholics were killed or persecuted in protestant dominated countries after the reformation.

Martin luther and John Calvin ,the principal charscters in the reformation also has their hands stained in blood. As already postedd by mudley ,martin luther openly canvassed genocide against the jews ,which greatly influenced hitler during the nazi genocide.

John Calvin was responsible for the killing of micheal Servetus because of his religious beliefs.
Calvin believed Servetus deserving of death on account of what he termed as his "execrable blasphemies".[22] Calvin expressed these sentiments in a letter to Farel, written about a week after Servetus’ arrest, in which he also mentioned an exchange with Servetus. Calvin wrote:

“ , after he [Servetus] had been recognized, I thought he should be detained. My friend Nicolas summoned him on a capital charge, offering himself as a security according to the lex talionis. On the following day he adduced against him forty written charges. He at first sought to evade them. Accordingly we were summoned. He impudently reviled me, just as if he regarded me as obnoxious to him. I answered him as he deserved, of the man’s effrontery I will say nothing; but such was his madness that he did not hesitate to say that devils possessed divinity; yea, that many gods were in individual devils, inasmuch as a deity had been substantially communicated to those equally with wood and stone. I hope that sentence of death will at least be passed on him; but I desired that the severity of the punishment be mitigated.[23

Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 5:04pm On Nov 02, 2010
Millions of people were tortured by Christians during the Inquisitions, first the Papal Inquisitions, from as early as the 3rd century

First there was nothing like papal inquisitio by the third centuiry as the church in the third century was under severe persecution by the roman empire.The inquisitions only commenced during the medieval era

Secondly the figure of millions killed during the inquisition is ridiculous,do you know when the world population just attained millions a few centuries ago.

Before the 12th century, the Roman Catholic Church already suppressed heresy, usually through a system of ecclesiastical proscription or imprisonment, but without using torture[2] and seldom resorting to executions. [3][4] Such punishments had a number of ecclesiastical opponents, although some countries[which?] punished heresy with the death penalty.[5][6]

Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 11:54am On Nov 03, 2010
Hitler in no way promoted the kingdom of God and so is no christian
any body can claim to be a frog but that those not make him a frog

Any good thing in the catholic church i follow
but the bad i speak against and forsake
just like i am speaking against the inquisition

I promote Luther's good works and not his bad
I in no way said that luther is perfect
The good work of his is what i mentioned
I dont follow his evil
Majority of luther lovers and followers dont
cos they know where he deviated

but whatever protestants may have done is nothing to be compared wit the catholic church which is far worse
The protestants acted more in self defense and retaliation
They are not instigators at most
And they all erred
martins doctrine is not perfect and i know
protestant worldwide are major supporters of Israel and her progress
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Mudley313: 1:06pm On Nov 03, 2010

but whatever protestants may have done is nothing to be compared wit the catholic church which is far worse
The protestants acted more in self defense and retaliation
They are not instigators at most
And they all erred
martins doctrine is not perfect and i know
protestant worldwide are major supporters of Israel and her progress

sharrap there. if you don't know anything just ask instead of spewing rubbish due to you guys usual hatred for others with differing beliefs from yours, even those of your own religion. na wah o

protestant didn't act in self-defense; they acted for the same reason the catholics and islamic terrorist act; that the others are heretics (in the case of jihadist, infidels)

calvin broke up with the catholic church, moved to switzerland and started mass persecution of catholics. or was martin luthers hatred for the jews self defense too? the anglican church of england persecuted everyone not anglican, from catholics to puritans to scots to irish. the pilgrims who ran to start america, ran to avoid persecution from the english PROTESTANT church. the despicable acts of slavery was carried out enmasse by these same oh so holy protestants of yours

stop supporting/defending atrocious acts and their perpetrators, whether catholic, protestant or muslim. the christian religion has caused more deaths historically than all the other religions combined. deal with it
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 3:02pm On Nov 03, 2010
i never said all protestant acts are of self defense
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by mummykia: 7:53pm On Nov 05, 2010
And they are all still doing it today. The religeous bodies set their rules/ doctrines above the word of God. Dare to stand that the right thing be done in the church, or refer your pastor or bishop to the scriptures to condem a church practice, and see their reaction. They may not kill you as in the past, but they will make life miserable for you in that church. eg They make people to belive that when the church does not conduct their burial, they may not go to heaven esp those old folks in the villages. You then see everybody struggling to be in their Church's good book( financially of course).

Intimidation is the word. It has always been there. And still is here. sad sad sad
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 6:06pm On Nov 06, 2010
Can someone tell me something good u know or that can be learnt from Osama bin laden?
Ask me and i will tell u good things to be learnt from Martin Luther


And they are all still doing it today. The religeous bodies set their rules/ doctrines above the word of God. Dare to stand that the right thing be done in the church, or refer your pastor or bishop to the scriptures to condem a church practice, and see their reaction. They may not kill you as in the past, but they will make life miserable for you in that church. eg They make people to belive that when the church does not conduct their burial, they may not go to heaven esp those old folks in the villages. You then see everybody struggling to be in their Church's good book( financially of course).

Intimidation is the word. It has always been there. And still is here. sad sad sad

@mummykia u have got a point here
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Horus(m): 7:41pm On Nov 07, 2010
The Inquisition is a proof that Religion is Evil.
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by gozzilla(m): 8:25am On Nov 10, 2010
No inquisition is simple proof of the wickedness of man. Religion is something used as an excuse. Why do some security agent personnel love torturing their victim. Human nature.
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 9:54am On Nov 10, 2010

No inquisition is simple proof of the wickedness of man. Religion is something used as an excuse. Why do some security agent personnel love torturing their victim. Human nature.

a nice point
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 10:21am On Nov 10, 2010
My goodness, such gross, appalling violations of humanity.

I wonder how many of these Nigerian christians who pompously sniff their noses at us (when not preaching) actually understand and appreciate the disgusting history of their belief system.

My guess is less than 1%.

That's why they look at you like something the cat dragged in.

Meanwhile it should be the other way round.  cool
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 3:08pm On Nov 10, 2010
Insert Quote
My goodness, such gross, appalling violations of humanity.

I wonder how many of these Nigerian christians who pompously sniff their noses at us (when not preaching) actually understand and appreciate the disgusting history of their belief system.

My guess is less than 1%.

That's why they look at you like something the cat dragged in.

Meanwhile it should be the other way round.

The inquisitions and similar evils are distasteful but the write up above is greatly exagerated and contains unntold fallacies .

Read up the inquisitions here

Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by chinedumo(m): 4:07pm On Nov 10, 2010
the report on that link is highly watered down

I know that Catholics will attempt to water it down
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 7:43pm On Nov 10, 2010
Thank you chinedumo.

That wiki link is just laughable.

A completely farcical whitewash of the evil of the inquisition.

Amazing, really.
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 4:07pm On Nov 11, 2010
the report on that link is highly watered down

I know that Catholics will attempt to water it down

wikipedia is a website open to protestants,catholics,muslims,hindus,atheists e.t.c to make inputs once they have the facts to back it up.It ids not like anyother website wheer a group of people just puts up anything they like without giving access to externakl inputs.

If you think you have the facts to countrearact the wikipedia article why don't you log on and edit the article.

First the article you posted claimed that the inquistions commenced in the the third century when the inquisitions actually commenced more than 1000 years later in the twelfth century.

Next you claimed more than hundred million people were killed in the inquistion,while the european population as at the time in question was less than 100 million.

from the foregoing it is obvious who is lying between your article and the wikipedia article.

You deliberately ommitted the horrors perpetrated by you fellow protestants. why did'nt you mention the klling of the anabaptists by their fellow protestants as well as the persecution of catholics in switzerkand,scotland,denmark e.t.c not the mention the lives that were lost in the thirty years war that involved both catholics and protestants
Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 4:49pm On Nov 11, 2010
From 1500 to 1540 at least 100 MILLION New World natives were killed by the Spanish or wiped out by diseases brought over by the Conquistadors

I wonder how this was achieved with a spanish population of aprox 9million in the sixteenth century .The originator of that article rossike stupidly copied has performed another miracle of the five loaves of bread and two fishes.



Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by Nobody: 7:24pm On Nov 11, 2010
chukwudi 44, what makes you think that a Spanish population of ''9 million'' was incapable of destroying 100 million people over a 40 year period in the New World through warfare and disease?

Of course it was more than possible, and it was what happened, IN FACT.

How many Europeans did it take to move 12 million Africans into slavery?

How many Americans did it take to massacre an estimated 2 million Iraqis through war and sanctions?

Also, you are wrong to state the inquisition started in the 12th century. The records show quite clearly that from the 3rd century onwards, thousands of people were tortured and massacred by christians for heresy and for being 'pagans'.

Re: Images From The Christian Inquisition by InesQor(m): 8:19pm On Nov 11, 2010
Let me begin by LOLing. I LOVE how chukwudi appears out of thin air whenever the Catholic Church is mentioned. Guy, abeg how do you do this? DO you have a special alert system or what? grin

Okay now that the LOLz are out of the way, the truth is simple:

[size=16pt]ALL forms of fanaticism are evil.[/size]


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