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SERIES: What Faith Is - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Why Faith Is Delusional / Relationship Series.(what Ladies Want From Men) / Faith Is A Race, Run Your Own (2) (3) (4)

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Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:53am On Dec 20, 2018

Behold the Lord

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2

Inside, you're perfect—born again in the image of Jesus Himself.

But outwardly do you find yourself falling frustratingly short of that perfection? Is there a solution? Yes! The secret lies in "the renewing of your mind."

Romans 12:2 tells us that, if you'll renew your mind, you can actually be "transformed."

That word transformed is translated from the Greek word from which we get the term metamorphosis. It's used in Scripture in two other places.

One of those places is when Jesus was transfigured on the Mount as He spoke with Moses and Elijah. The other is found in 2 Corinthians 3:18. It says, "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

Changed, transformed, transfigured! Those are powerful, exciting words, and they describe what will happen to you as you spend time beholding the Lord in the Word and in prayer.

As you spend time renewing your mind, your outer being will be transformed in much the same way as a caterpillar is changed into a butterfly.

Instead of conforming to the image of the world, you'll begin to conform to the image of the reborn spirit within you which is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Take time to get away from the world and study God's Word. Meditate on it and let it change you from the inside out.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and release the beautiful spiritual butterfly that's living in you!

Must Read 2 Corinthians 3:6-18

Please share ❤️

F A M.

GIG International Church, Worldwide.

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Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 9:07am On Dec 21, 2018

Stick to Your Calling

Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God.... who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
2 Timothy 1:6-9

Are you doing what God called you to do?

If you haven't ever thought about it before, that may sound like an odd question to you. You may be tempted to shrug it off and say, "Oh, I'm not really called to do anything.

I'm not a pastor or a teacher or a minister of any kind...I guess I'm just what you might call a little finger on the Body of Christ."

Let me tell you something: No matter who you are, God has put a holy calling in you. He's designed you and called you to meet a need in the Body of Christ that nobody else can meet quite like you can.

You may be called to be so successful in business you can finance the gospel worldwide. You may be called to a ministry of prayer and intercession.

You may be called to a ministry of healing right there in your own neighborhood. But no matter what that calling is, it's important and you need to follow it!

If you're like many believers I know, you may have let your life become so overgrown with other things that you just don't have time to pursue your calling. You may be so overwhelmed with the cares of life that you can't imagine how you can fit in anything else.

I've had to deal with that in my own life. I've had to quit doing things just because they need doing. I've had to discipline myself to sticking to what I'm called to do.

Make up your mind to prayerfully trim away the extra things you've added to your life. Stir up the gift God has placed inside you. Get back to what He has called you to do.

After all, that calling is vital. It's holy...and it's yours. Don't ever let it slip away from you.

Must Read Acts 9:1-20

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God (GIG) International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 7:36am On Dec 22, 2018

Don't Just Sit There...Arise!

Now four men who were lepers were at the entrance of the city's gate; and they said to one another, Why do we sit here until we die.... So they arose. 2 Kings 7:3-5, The Amplified Bible

No matter how bad the problem is you may be facing today, no matter how far under the circumstances you may be, in 24 hours you can be back on top!

"Oh, Brother, that would be impossible!"

That's what the Samaritans thought in 2 Kings 7. Their land was being ravaged by famine. Enemy troops had surrounded them and cut off all source of supply. Mothers were eating their own children just to survive.

But right in the middle of that, the Lord told the prophet Elisha that in 24 hours the whole situation would change. Flour and barley would sell for just a few pennies and there would be abundance for all.

What did God use to turn that situation around?

Four lepers! Four lepers who, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves and waiting to die, decided to arise and take their chances in the enemy camp.

When they got there, they found it abandoned. All the warriors had been frightened away by the angels of God, and they'd left enough food behind to feed all of Samaria!

Sometimes you and I are like the officials in that story. We get problem centered instead of Word-of-God centered.

We let ourselves be so surrounded with the loud voice of the world that the vision of our victory is pushed out of sight.

When that happens, faith and power begin to subside and life caves in on us from every side.

If that's happened to you, stop crying about it. Stop looking at your problem and feeling sorry for yourself. That won't change anything!

Just like He did for Elisha, God's given you a word. He's promised you victory. He's promised to make you an overcomer.

So don't just sit there till you die. Don't accept defeat. Rise up in faith. Stand up on God's Word and fight for your life. Get mad at Satan. Cast him out. Get mad at that sickness. Get angry with poverty and start giving.

Rise up and receive the deliverance of the Lord!

Read 2 Kings 6:24-33, 7:1-20

Call/text me with your questions today. The Word of God has all your answers.

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

God is Good (GIG) International Church, Worldwide.


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 7:47am On Dec 24, 2018

Good Success

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt...have good success. Joshua 1:8

Good success is a way of life that comes from being established in the Word of God.

It comes from spending so much of your time and your thought life on the Word that it becomes what you and I could call "second nature."

It comes from hearing and obeying the Word so consistently that it begins to guide your actions even when you're not consciously thinking about it.

When I used to play soccer, I learned to train myself by watching a lot of soccer matches, read a lot of soccer articles, training on the soccer pitch over and over again. In my mind's eye, I'd visualize everything that could occur on the pitch. I trained myself by meditating on what I needed to do.

And that's exactly what I started doing with the Word of God. I thought about it day and night. Before long, I started getting excited about what I was reading.

I'd sit at home and think about how I'd apply the Word in different situations. I'd see myself praying for the sick and having them recover. The Word became "second nature" to me.

Practice meditating on the Word that way. Let it become part of you. See yourself obeying it in every possible circumstance. It will guarantee you "good success."

Read Psalm 1

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 12:58pm On Dec 25, 2018

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:06am On Dec 27, 2018

Know Him as Daddy

For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father!
Romans 8:15, The Amplified Bible

The Aramaic word for father—Abba—is used several times in the New Testament.

The most accurate translation for that word in English is "Daddy." It's a word that signifies closeness. It speaks of a relationship that's been developed through time spent together.

"Father" is one thing. "Daddy" is another.

Growing up, my father was sometimes my "Father" and sometimes my "Daddy." When we were out on excursions, he was "Daddy." When he gave commands he meant to be obeyed instantly, he was "Father."

God is like that too. He's your Father and He's your Daddy.

There are times you'll be very serious and down to business with one another. Other times you'll be more lighthearted.

But either way, once you fellowship with Him enough to get to know Him, I guarantee, you'll want to be close to Him all the time.

Read Romans 8:14-18

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 7:55am On Dec 28, 2018

Don't Answer

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

Be not conformed to this world. If you live like the world, you'll be overcome by the world. It's as simple as that. So don't let the world squeeze you into its own mold.

Instead "...be transformed" by the entire renewal of your mind. Overcome the world by having your mind transformed to think like God thinks.

In other words, when you see something in the Word, say, "I agree with that. From now on I'm acting on that instead of what I used to think."

For example, when sin calls your name, don't answer. Agree with the Word instead and say, "I'm dead to that, Devil. You can't pull me into it anymore!"

As you do that, you'll find yourself changing. You will find yourself living like a world overcomer!

Read Romans 6:1-11

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:51am On Dec 29, 2018

Remember Noah

And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6:7-8

One of the dirtiest, most damaging lies that the devil ever told you was when he said, "You aren't important." Don't you ever believe that.

You are important! Every born-again member in the Church of Jesus Christ has a part to play in God's plan.

God has something for you to do that no one else can do just like you can. If you don't take your place and do your part, things won't be quite right.

I can just hear you thinking, Oh, Pastor, I'm just one person. What could I possibly do that could be so significant?

Look in Genesis 6, and you'll see the answer to that question. There you'll see that the people on the earth had gotten so wicked that God had regretted that He'd made them.

He was ready to wipe the whole population out—but He didn't. Why? Because of one man: Noah! One obedient man saved the human race.

Think about that. What if Noah had said, "Well, this is just too much pressure for me. I can't live upright before God in the middle of this ungodly generation. I mean, everyone around me is living the other way. Every man around me imagines only evil in his heart. I can't make any difference in this dark world anyway. I'm just one man."

Praise God, Noah didn't say that. He didn't picture himself as an insignificant man whose life didn't matter.

According to Hebrews, he saw himself as a man to whom God had spoken and by faith he obeyed God. And because of that he ended up being the only thing that stood between mankind and total destruction.

Next time you're tempted to shrug off the instructions of God and be disobedient, next time you catch yourself thinking, It doesn't matter what I do—remember Noah.

Consider the fact that, whether you understand it or not, God is counting on you to carry out your part of His plan. Live like you're someone important in the kingdom of God. And sooner or later you'll realize, you are.

Read Genesis 6

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:32am On Dec 31, 2018

Don't Speak—Shout Your Victory!

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3

Praise God. Praise Him in the morning. Praise Him at noon. Praise Him at night. If you've never praised God in your life, then get started right now. Praise Him for freedom. Praise Him for healing and Calvary. Praise Him for the Name of Jesus.

You ought to be shouting your way to work and shouting your way back home! If there's anything the devil can't stand, it's praise.

If you've taken territory from the devil and he's coming against you to get it back, this is not the time to sit down and whine about how things aren't working out. It's not time to decide that God has taken His hand off your life.

It is time to get into the Word and get yourself re-anchored in God's promises.

It is time to keep those promises constantly before your eyes and in your heart. It is time to pray the prayer of faith and take your stand on the basis of His provision. It is time to continue to do the things you know to do.

When Satan starts shaking your mountain, don't retreat and run for cover. Speak to the mountain with the authority you wield in the Name of Jesus Christ. Then, when you're done with that, start to praise and shout the victory.

You don't have to be afraid of Satan. He'll be afraid of you!

Read Psalm 50

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 7:55pm On Dec 31, 2018
Thank you for sticking with this glorious family of God all through the glorious year 2018. I celebrate you greatly!

Get ready for a more glorious ride in 2019! It is your year of dominion.

What to expect in 2019: Divine victory over sin/Satan, divine health, divine prosperity- all round blessings of Abraham!

When God promised to bless Abraham, the first thing he did for Abraham was to make him exceedingly rich. 2019 is your year of supernatural abundance!

You mean so much to me.


God is Good (GIG)Church Worldwide.

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 10:03am On Jan 01, 2019
Just one word from the Lord for you this year 2019

He said, “the blessings of Abraham are yours this year”.

Galatians 3:13-14/29

Please find time to do a Bible study about the blessings of Abraham. Gal 3:14-29/ Gen 12:2-3

What does this blessing hold?

1. Divine victory from sin and Satan: meaning living an overcomer’s life Rom 6:11

2. Divine health: meaning no more sickness for you! Matthew 8:17/1 Pet 2:24c

3. Divine prosperity: meaning no more lack or want for you! Philip 4:19/2Cor 8:9/2 Cor 9:8

These are what shall attend your ways this year 2019 in the name of our Lord Jesus! Amen

Happy happy new year!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:44am On Jan 02, 2019

Look Up!

Consider [Jesus] that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Hebrews 12:3

Look up...because in times like these, your very life may depend on it.

Some time ago, the Lord showed me that a spirit of weariness is trying to work its way into our lives these days through all the pressure and bad news that surround us.

It's working to get our eyes off the Word of God by bombarding us with negative forces. It's trying to get us to look down at defeat instead of up at Jesus.

If you let that happen, your spirit man will begin to lose his dominion. And the Word tells us what the results of that is. It says you will "be wearied and faint in your minds."

Jesus put it this way in Mark 4. He said that when the cares of this world enter into your heart and mind, they'll choke the Word and cause it to become unfruitful. And since your faith is the product of the Word, that means your faith will wither. Once that happens, you're headed for disaster.

What can you do to stop this chain reaction of weariness?

Look up! Get your eyes back on Jesus. I remember on the field of athletic competition that when an opponent allowed himself to drop his head, he was no longer dangerous. He could be very easily defeated.

So keep your head up. Keep considering Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Consider Him instead of the cares of this world. Consider what God says in His Word. Be moved by the thoughts of God. Let His thoughts become your thoughts.

Look up! Get your eyes off the circumstances around you and onto your heavenly source. Don't be afraid you're going to lose everything. God is your source, not the world. He can take care of you regardless of what happens around you.

If you've gotten weary lately, begin to lift your eyes. Raise your head up instead of looking down. God is up. Jesus is up. The devil is down—under your feet. Look up!

Read Isaiah 40:21-31

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 10:37am On Jan 04, 2019

You Are Righteous

...not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.
Philippians 3:9

I don't care how badly you may have messed things up yesterday or how many mistakes you have made, I want you to begin this day knowing you are righteous!

Not because of anything you've done but because you've received, by faith in Jesus, the very righteousness of God.

Just look at the kinds of benefits the Word of God says that righteousness will bring:

"The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree" (Psalm 92:12).

"When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth" (Proverbs 11:10).

"The seed of the righteous shall be delivered" (Proverbs 11:21).

"For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers" (1 Peter 3:12).

"For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield" (Psalms 5:12).

"The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles" (Psalms 34:17).

"I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread" (Psalms 37:25).

"The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever" (Psalms 37:29).

"The Lord loveth the righteous" (Psalms 146:cool.

Don't let the devil rob you of even one of these blessings by telling you you're unworthy of them. Run him off. Shout out loud, "I am the righteousness of God!" Then step out in faith and enjoy the privileges God has prepared for you!

Read Romans 3:21-28

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 9:06am On Jan 05, 2019


As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. — 1 PETER 2:2
When the sinner comes to Jesus, his sins are remitted — blotted out. But not only are his sins blotted out — all that he was, spiritually speaking, in the sight of God — is blotted out.

His sins cease to exist. He becomes a new man in Christ Jesus. God does not see anything in that person’s life before the moment he was born again!

In today’s text, Peter is writing to born-again Christians who have become new men in Christ.

The Bible, you see, teaches a similarity between physical growth and spiritual growth.

No one is born as a fullgrown human being; we are born as babies in the natural, and then we grow up. Likewise, no one is born as a full-grown Christian.

Christians are born as spiritual babies, and they grow up. Look at a newborn babe in the natural lying in its mother’s arms. Its outstanding characteristic is innocence.

People say to the baby, “You sweet little innocent thing.” No one thinks of that baby as having a past! So do you see what God is saying here through Peter?

God is saying to people who have been born again and are now babes in Christ, “As newborn babes . . .”

In other words, God is saying, “You have become a new creature — a newborn babe! Your past is gone! I’m not remembering anything against you!”
Declare this: I am a brand-new creature. I’m a brand-new man [or woman]. All that I was before I was born into the family of God is blotted out. I’m God’s child — His babe — His very own child.

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 9:00am On Jan 07, 2019


But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. — 1 CORINTHIANS 9:27

As a Christian, learn to let the new man on the inside dominate your outward man.

The outward man is not a new man. The body has not been born again. The body will keep on wanting to do the things it has always done — things that are wrong. Paul’s body did!

This great apostle wouldn’t have had to keep his body under if it were not wanting to do things that were wrong.

So don’t be surprised when your body wants to do wrong things. We have the flesh to contend with in this world. The devil works through the flesh.

Because we experience trials and temptations in the flesh, the devil tells Christians, “You must not even be saved! If you were saved, you wouldn’t want to do that!”

Satan will insinuate it’s “you” who wants to do wrong, when really “you” the man on the inside — the new man — doesn’t want to do wrong.

Do you need to break a habit? Conquer an old temptation? Walk in victory over the flesh? Do what Paul did. Say what Paul said.

Paul said, “I don’t let my body rule me.” Who is “I”? “I” is the man on the inside. Paul called his body “it,” and he called himself, the man on the inside, “I.”

Paul said, “I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection . . . .” Into subjection to what? To the inward man!
Declare this:
I keep my body under. I don’t let my body rule me. “I” bring my body into subjection to “me.”

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 9:20am On Jan 08, 2019


And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. . . . For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? — 1 CORINTHIANS 3:1,3
With most Christians, I’m sorry to say, the inward man does not rule the outward man.

Instead, the body rules the inward man — and that’s what makes carnal Christians. One translation of our text says “body-ruled” instead of “carnal.” And that’s what carnal Christians are — body-ruled.

“. . . Ye are yet carnal . . . and walk as men,” Paul told the Corinthians. In other words, they were living like people who had never been born again.

I like the Amplified Bible translation of verse 3: “. . . For as long as [there are] envying and jealousy and wrangling and factions among you, are you not unspiritual and of the flesh, behaving yourselves after a human standard and like mere (unchanged) men?”

Don’t do it! Refuse to live like mere men! Live like the new creature you are! Determine to let the new man in Christ dominate your being.
Declare this:

I refuse to walk as a mere man. I am changed. I am a new creature in Christ. I will grow up in Christ. I will grow up spiritually. “I” — the man on the inside — will dominate my being. I will walk as a spiritual man. I will behave myself after the standard of God’s Word. I will walk in love. I will walk in faith!

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:51am On Jan 09, 2019


I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. — ROMANS 12:1
“You” are to do something with your body. For if you don’t, nothing will ever be done with it. “You,” the inward man, have become a new man in Christ.

“You” have received eternal life. When eternal life — which is the life and nature of God — is imparted to your spirit, it changes “you.”

You won’t have any trouble with “you,” but you will have trouble with the flesh. People say, “You have to die out to the old self.”

No, you don’t. That old self is dead, and you have a new self in its place. But what you need to die out to is the flesh.

Isn’t the flesh the old self? No, it isn’t. Your flesh is the outward man, the body. And it’s the same old flesh it was before you were saved!

Your body is the house you live in, and “you” — not God — are the caretaker of that house. “You” do something with your body.

You are to present it to God as “. . . a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God . . . .” Another translation concludes this verse with the phrase “. . . which is your spiritual service.”
Declare this: I am a new creature in Christ. I hold fast to this confession. And the new man on the inside of me is being manifested on the outside and through the flesh. I dominate my body. I present it to God as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to Him, which is my spiritual service.

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 12:48pm On Jan 09, 2019
Good people of Nairaland,

It has come to my notice that many people want to be a part of the all round benefits of faith, but they don’t know how to access it.

There is only one way to access faith, and it is by hearing and understanding the word of God (continually). You cannot wish for faith, neither can you pray for it. Roms 10:17, tells us the only way faith can be gotten.

Romans 10:17

17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Now, the question is why is this faith business so important? Faith is important because with it all things are possible Mark 9:23; with it you can overcome the world and all that is in the world trying to challenge your dominion; 1 John 5:4; with it you can overcome ALL the fiery darts of the enemy (Satan), among many other benefits.

So many people have contacted me, and I have been able to teach them faith thereby making them overcomers in the challenges of life (health challenges, spiritual challenges, mental challenges, financial challenges, challenges with habits, etc)

However, because I know that more and more people are combating challenges they know not how to overcome, I have decided to start teaching faith right here on Nairaland like I do on all my other platforms.

Today I shall start “healing school” and “faith school”. Please take note that my thread which has been tagged “LIFE” is changing to “faith school”, while healing school is starting anew.

As you follow this teachings, be sure that your faith will be built up, and you shall be able to overcome ALL the challenges of life that may be facing you.

FAM (Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries).

Jesus is Lord!
Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 10:02pm On Jan 09, 2019
And for Nairaland too.

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:50am On Jan 10, 2019


. . . Christ in you, the hope of glory. — COLOSSIANS 1:27
By the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ is dwelling in you. Is He any less Christ in you than He was when He was on the earth?

No! He’s the same Christ. He has all of His power! He has all of His ability! He has all of His glory! He has all of His miracle-working power! He has all of His enablements!

And Christ is in you! You just have to know how to turn Him loose.

Someone once said to the great man of God, Smith Wigglesworth, “You must be someone big; someone great.”

“No,” Wigglesworth replied, “I just remember that the Scripture says, ‘Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.’ I just know the Greater One is in me, and the Greater One does the work.”

How do you turn Christ loose in you? How do you put the Greater One to work? You do it by faith.

Declaration: Christ in me is the hope of glory. Christ is dwelling in me — with all His power, His ability, and His glory. Christ has already defeated all the power of the enemy, and He lives in me. I turn Him loose. I act like He’s there. I allow Him to work by my faith.

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:27am On Jan 11, 2019


Fight the good fight of faith . . . . — 1 TIMOTHY 6:12
The only fight the Christian is called upon to fight is the fight of faith.
If you’re in any other kind of fight, you’re in the wrong fight!

There’s no need to fight the devil — Jesus has already defeated him. There’s no need fighting sin — Jesus is the cure for sin. But there is a fight (and therefore enemies, or hindrances) to faith.

The greatest enemy to faith is a lack of understanding God’s Word.

In fact, all hindrances to faith center around this lack of knowledge; because you cannot believe or have faith beyond your actual knowledge of the Word of God.

However, your faith will automatically grow as your understanding of God’s Word grows (Rom. 10:17).

If your faith is not growing, it’s because your knowledge of God’s Word is not growing. And you cannot grow or develop spiritually if you are not growing in faith.

The best resolution you can make today is that this year, your knowledge of God’s Word will grow. Then give yourself to the study of the Word!

It will automatically follow that your faith will grow. Hence, you will grow and develop spiritually.
Declaration: In the upcoming year, my faith will grow. I am determined that my knowledge of God’s Word will grow. My understanding of God’s Word will grow. Therefore, faith will come, and my faith will grow. I will grow and develop spiritually this year!

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 6:53am On Jan 12, 2019
Starting today: Prosperity School...

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 9:32am On Jan 12, 2019


Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. — 1 PETER 5:7
Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. — 1 PETER 5:7 (Amplified)
Some people seem to take comfort in thinking, God knows and He understands, while they continue to hold on to their cares. And they never get free from them.

It’s not enough to know that God understands and cares. If you want to be free from your cares, you must do what God said to do about them: You must cast all of your cares, all of your concerns, all of your anxieties, and all of your worries upon the Lord, because He cares for you.

This isn’t something you do every day. It’s a once-and-for-all proposition that enables you to get rid of your cares — it puts them over into God’s hands.

I’ve done that. God has my cares. He’s figured it all out, and He’s working it all out. And I’m shouting while He’s doing it! God is doing the work, and I’m shouting.
Declaration: I cast the whole of my care — all my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns, once and for all — on God.

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:38am On Jan 14, 2019

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 9:29am On Jan 14, 2019


For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. — 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4
Although we have been made new creatures — created by God in Christ Jesus; and although we are transferred out from under Satan’s authority, we still live in a world ruled by Satan.

The Bible calls Satan “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) and “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2). Christ also called him “the prince of this world” (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11).

According to the Word of God, the very air about us is filled with hostile forces attempting to destroy our fellowship with God the Father, and to deprive us of our usefulness in the Master’s service.

But our Father God, in His great provision and plan of redemption, has given us a weapon to use against Satan.

That weapon is given to us not only for ourselves, but also for the benefit of the Satan-ruled men and women around us. That weapon is the Name of Jesus!
Declaration: The weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Where Satan’s forces have built strongholds, I can pull them down with the mighty Name of Jesus. Satan is no match for that Name. And that Name is a mighty weapon given to me to use against the forces of the enemy.

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 9:03am On Jan 15, 2019


God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. — HEBREWS 1:1-4
We cannot measure the vastness of the power and authority in the Name of Jesus without realizing that He inherited that Name from God the Creator.

Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory.
Jesus is the express image of God’s Person — the very outshining of God the Father.

Jesus is the heir of all things. And Jesus inherited His Name. The greatness of His Name is inherited from His Father.

So the power of His Name can only be measured by the power of God.
And every believer has inherited the legal right to use the Name of Jesus!
Declaration: I know the Name of Jesus has within it the power and authority of the Creator! I know the power in the Name of Jesus can be measured only by the power of God. And I know I have a legal right to use that Name!

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 12:50pm On Jan 16, 2019


And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. — COLOSSIANS 2:15
This is a picture of Christ in combat with the hosts of darkness! A marginal note in my King James Version reads, “He put off from Himself the principalities and the powers.”

It is evident that when the demon hosts thought they had Jesus within their power, they intended to overwhelm Him
and hold Him in bondage.

But then the cry came forth from the throne of God that Jesus had met the demands of Justice— that the sin problem had been settled, and man’s redemption was a fact — and Jesus overthrew the hosts of demons and Satan himself.

I think Rotherham’s translation of Hebrews 2:14 makes it even clearer: “. . . in order that through death He might paralyse him that held the dominion of death, that is the Adversary.”

Jesus paralyzed Satan! Jesus put him to naught!

There is authority in the Name of Jesus, because Jesus achieved the authority in His Name by conquest!
Declaration: Jesus Christ spoiled principalities and powers. He made an open show of them, triumphing over them in it. Jesus paralyzed Satan and all his cohorts. Therefore, there is authority in the Name of Jesus. And I have a legal right to use that triumphant Name against the forces of the enemy!

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide, aka, Faith Champions.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 8:37am On Jan 17, 2019


Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. — PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11

This was done when Christ ascended on High, and God seated Christ at His own right hand — far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion.

Another translation of Philippians 2:10 reads, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of beings in heaven, and beings in earth, and beings under the earth.” (That refers to angels, men, and demons.)

Why was this Name conferred upon Jesus? Why was this Name invested with such authority and dominion? Was it done for Jesus’ benefit? No.

In the 2,000 years since Jesus’ resurrection, ascension, and seating at the Father’s right hand, Jesus Himself has not used that Name once.

In fact, the Scriptures give no inkling that Jesus has ever used that Name! Jesus does not need to; He rules creation by His Word.

But the Scriptures do reveal that the Name of Jesus has been given for the benefit of the Church, the Body of Christ!
Declaration: As a member of the Body of Christ, as a believer, I have a right to use the Name of Jesus — that Name that is above every name!

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide, aka, Faith Champions.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 4:02pm On Jan 18, 2019


And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. — EPHESIANS 1:19-23
In every place where the Bible mentions the Name of Jesus, it also refers to His Body, the Church, because the Name was given to Jesus so that the Church might use it.

The ones who need to use His Name are those who have become joint heirs with Jesus Christ; and those who are in contact with men and women in need of deliverance from Satan.

All that Jesus is by inheritance is in that Name! All Jesus has done through conquest is in that Name! And that Name belongs to the Body of Christ: It belongs to you and me!

God has made this investment for the Church. The Church has a right to draw upon this deposit for her every need! That Name has within it the fulness of the Godhead.
Declaration: I have a right to use the Name of Jesus against the enemy. I have a right to use that Name in prayer. I have a right to use that Name in praise and worship.

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide, aka, Faith Champions.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 10:17am On Jan 19, 2019


. . . For all things are yours. . . . And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s. — 1 CORINTHIANS 3:21,23
Most people wouldn’t think the Corinthians could get anything from God; they were so carnal. Paul began this chapter by telling them they were carnal, yet he added, “. . . all things are yours.”

When you were born into the family of God, the right and privilege to use the Name of Jesus became yours. Everything Jesus bought and paid for automatically became yours. But it’s up to you to use what belongs to you.

Consider the story of the prodigal son. If the prodigal is a type of the sinner or backslider, and the father is a type of God, then the elder brother is a type of the Christian who has not strayed.

When the elder brother came in from the field, he heard music and dancing. A servant told him, “Your brother came home, and your father has killed the fatted calf.”

The elder brother became angry, and wouldn’t go in and join the festivities. So his father went outside and entreated him.

“No, I’m not coming in,” the elder brother said, “I’ve served you faithfully all these years. I never went away. I didn’t go off and spend your money — and you never made a feast for me.”
“Son,” the father said, “. . . all that I have is thine” (Luke 15:31).

Does God have what you need? If He does, then it is already yours. But you’ll have to appropriate it.
Declaration: All things are mine. I am Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. The Name of Jesus belongs to me. I can use it. I will use it. All the Father has is mine!

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide, aka, Faith Champions.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 6:20pm On Jan 20, 2019

Re: SERIES: What Faith Is by PastorDavidAwuj(m): 11:58am On Jan 21, 2019


. . . The just shall live by faith. — ROMANS 1:17
The faith life is the most beautiful life in the world! It is the life God wants us to live, and the walk God wants us to walk (2 Cor. 5:7).

Let both your words and your actions agree. If you talk faith, you must walk faith — you must act faith. Your actions and your words must agree that you are a believer.

It won’t do any good to talk faith if you’re not going to act faith. And if it were somehow possible to act faith without talking faith, that wouldn’t do any good, either, because your words and your actions must agree.

Some people declare one minute, “I’m trusting God to meet my needs.” Then, with the next breath, they say, “Well, it looks like I’m going to lose my car. I can’t make the payments.”

One minute it sounds like they’re talking faith, but in a few moments their actions prove otherwise.

Some even quote God’s Word, saying, “I know the Lord said in Philippians 4:19, ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’ And I’m trusting Him to meet our needs — but it looks like we’ll have to have the phone taken out. We can’t pay the bill.”

They mentally agreed to the truth of this scripture, but they didn’t act as if it were so.
Start acting like God’s Word is true.
Declaration: I live by faith — faith in the Word of the Living God. I act like His Word is true.

Happy New Year!

Folajinmi Awujoola Ministries (FAM)

Good Is God International Church, Worldwide, aka, Faith Champions.

Contact Us Today For Word Counseling & Prayers


Jesus is Lord!

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