This programme is powered by the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, and coordinated by the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth and Students Affairs.
The scheme is designed as an incubation Programme whereby youth will be directly empowered with Seed Empowerment Tools (SET) with the aim of creating multiple layers of empowerment.
The scheme is to be administered under the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, and coordinated by the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth and Students Affairs.
Seed Empowerment Tools (SET)
Youth will undergo training and practical skills acquisition programmes in multiple vocations. The beneficiaries will be given Seed Empowerment Tools (SET), which they are expected to grow and further empower other members of their community.
P-YES Seed Incubation Programme
The P-YES Seed Incubation Programme (PSIP) is anchored on the principle of two for one. That is, each of the 774,000 beneficiaries is expected to reproduce at least one beneficiary over a period of 12 months after being empowered with a seed business tool.
Monitoring, Compliance and Evaluation
The executuon of the scheme will be monitored by an Impact Assessment, Compliance and Evaluation Monitoring Team. The team has a mandate to ensure that beneficiaries of the scheme operate within the guidelines of the scheme.
Beneficiary Management
The P-YES office has a beneficiary management team to undertake the following:
Monitor beneficiaries’ usage of empowerment tools. Monitor the growth pattern of the business the beneficiary undertakes. Ensure that the beneficiary understands and implements the scope of the scheme. Ensure that the beneficiary mentors and establishes another person in the business he or she engages in over a period of twelve months from the date of benefiting from the scheme. Expectations From Beneficiaries At the end of the training the beneficiaries will be expected to: Be productively skillful in chosen areas of vocation. Ensure the sustenance of benefits derived from P-YES. Mentor other members of their community. Ensure all empowerment tools in their care are properly maintained and utilised. Ensure knowledge transfer around their communities. Beneficiary is expected to display the ability to drive his or her business profitably with clear capacity for growth. Return on Investments (ROI) Model The P-YES initiative has developed an ROI model that will be given to every selected beneficiary. The purpose of the ROI model is to help the beneficiaries keep track of their business to ensure profitability.
The tracker also serves as a tool for efficient monitoring and assessment by the P-YES monitoring team.
Reward Scheme
The programme also has put in place reward schemes for participants who have profitably operated their business over a period of one year.
AREAS OF FOCUS Agriculture
The agricultural sector presents the Nigerian youth with a vast opportunity of being profitably engaged while contributing to the national GDP. This intervention has been designed to fill in the different levels of the agriculture value chain. Beneficiaries will be provided with Seed Empowerment Tools and are expected to manage this as a business with the aim of empowering another youth with the requisite skills and know how from the proceeds and profit of the business.
Sub categories in the Agriculture sector include;
Rice Processing
Beneficiaries will be empowered with Mini Rice Mills to serve as a Seed Business Tool especially in rural farming communities.
Successful beneficiaries will be equipped with P-YES fabricated Mobile and stationary Butchery machines and facilities.
Poultry Farming
Beneficiaries who are successful in this category will be empowered with Day old chicks, feed, medications and poultry cages that will accommodate a minimum of 150 chicks. Beneficiaries will also be provided with Mobile (Tricycle) wheelers for the sales and distribution of eggs.
Fish Farming
For this set of participants, Starter packs (fingerlings, tanks, Inflatable tubes, fish meal) will be provided to enable a smooth take off of their farm.
Back pack sprayers, bicycles and neccessary chemicals will be provided for beneficiaries in this category. This service is targeted at both rural and urban communities.
Irrigation/pumping machines will be provided to serve as a source of income and to also serve rural communities that engage in cash crop farming.
Fresh Egg Delivery
Wheelers will be provided for egg distribution . The eggs will be lifted from the poultry farms for distribution to consumers.
Fashion & Beauty
The fashion industry in Nigeria is growing at a fast pace and presents the youth with a huge opportunity for entrepreneurship. To this end, chosen individuals will be trained and equipped with the basic tools to engage in and run micro, small and medium scale businesses withing the fashion industry.
Sub categories in the Fashion & Beauty sector include;
Fabrics & Tailoring
Successful beneficiaries will be trained and given sewing and garment making/designing machines.
Make Up & Cosmetics
Successful trainees will be equipped with modern day cosmetic kits. They can choose to be mobile vendors or be stationed in tents that will be provided by P-YES.
Barbing & Hair Dressing
Trained and successful beneficiaries will be empowered with clippers, customised cabins, hair dressing kits and accessories.
Mobile photography kits will be provided for beneficiaries who have been trained in the provision of this service.
Food & Beverages
Beneficiaries who are passionate about being entrepreneurs in culinary, smoothie making, confectioneries, fruit and vegetable sales will be given adequate training and empowered with starter packs to run their businesses.
Sub categories in the Food & Beverages sector include;
Beneficiaries will be empowered to kick off their business with a Starter Pack comprising of Mobile Food (tricycle) wheeler, Gas cylinder, oven and other necessary materials.
Participants in this category will be equipped with tents (for stationary vendors), chairs, coolers, pots and other necessary equipments. Food (tricycle) wheelers will be provided for mobile food vendors. They will be able to produce and market such food, snacks and drinks as sugarcane juice, beverages, smoothies, noodles and so many others.
Efficient Health care delivery is critical to national development. Rural communities in Nigeria are in need of health care centres to cater to their health needs. In contributing to the achievement of the foregoing, this category will give entrepreneurship opportunities to young medical practitioners to own and run Rural Health Centres in rural communities while also providing community support services.
Medical Doctors
Pharmacists This field requires SPECIALIST INTERVENTION which means that this category will require participants who have received specified qualifications in the specified disciplines.
Technology Acquisition
Participants will be trained in the fabrication and assembly of Tractor and implements, welding, vulcanizing and automobile servicing. At the end of the training, beneficiaries will be equipped with tools with which to commercially engage in the vocations which they have been trained in.
Beneficiaries will be trained in metal fabrication and welding with the aim of establishing them in the business with tools like welding machines and other accessories.
Car Wash / Vulcanizing
Successful trainees will be equipped with the state of the art car wash equipment and trained in automobile servicing in order to complement the services they will be providing. Vulcanizing and tyre repairs are businesses that have outgrown manual labour. This is also a vocation that can rake in substantial income on a daily basis. To this end, beneficiaries will be empowered with requisite tools to carry out this service and grow their businesses. These tools include, pumping machines, tents, wheel balancing equipment, car service bays and a host of others.
Tractor Assembly
Beneficiaries will be trained to locally fabricate and assemble tractor parts. They will also be trained in the servicing of tractors and other farm implements.
Auto Mechanics
Participants will be trained in modern day car diagnostics and repairs using modern techniques and equipment that will be provided by P-YES. See application details and requirements here>>> |