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Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents - Career - Nairaland

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Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Geebanks(m): 2:19pm On Feb 21, 2019
Nigeria is finished

An outsourcing company in Lagos called @consolltd has refused to pay training allowance of 30,000 to it's new hires, because it insists that they must buy headsets at a rate of 27,000 to work.
More details below:


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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Geebanks(m): 2:29pm On Feb 21, 2019
Nigeria is finished

An outsourcing company in Lagos called @consolltd has refused to pay training allowance of 30,000 to it's new hires, because it insists that they must buy headsets at a rate of 27,000 to work.
More details below:


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Geebanks(m): 2:30pm On Feb 21, 2019
Nigeria is finished

An outsourcing company in Lagos called @consolltd has refused to pay training allowance of 30,000 to it's new hires, because it insists that they must buy headsets at a rate of 27,000 to work.
More details below:


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by myqel(m): 4:05pm On Feb 21, 2019
We say no go this tyrannical act...this is an act of evil & wickedness...Airtel, JiJi, Branch loan, Samsung, BEDC should see to the evil their Customer service outsourcing company (Consol Ltd) is doing

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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by bwingz1991(m): 5:27pm On Feb 21, 2019
This is wrong, we keep complaining that our youth is lazy I believe is morden days slavery


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Tychamps(m): 6:32pm On Feb 21, 2019
I am a victim of this issue.
imagine the MD even came into the call centre to threaten people and even tell them they must buy their headset.
This is modern day enslavement at it's peak.
Consol is a shitty place to work.

We asked then if they could subject their kids to this same treatment. They all went silent.


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Tychamps(m): 6:36pm On Feb 21, 2019
please you can verify this issue.

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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Offpoint: 7:05pm On Feb 21, 2019
This is appalling, this is not acceptable... the appropriate authority should do the needful.

@ Tychamps I'm not a moderator o.


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by myqel(m): 12:02am On Feb 23, 2019
lalasticlala pls help us to do something about this thread...this wickedness must not go like that


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by mysportdab: 8:37am On Feb 23, 2019
This is pure madness.
How can they even do that?
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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Satan66(m): 8:38am On Feb 23, 2019
Giant of Africa my ass.
How can you ask your employees to buy a headset that cost 92% of their original salary.
Isn't this madness?

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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Richdad50(m): 8:38am On Feb 23, 2019
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by olufalaye: 8:39am On Feb 23, 2019
Wait for atiku to enter and sell off the company. No time (NNPC) can relate


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by YoungLionken(m): 8:39am On Feb 23, 2019
Let's talk about election, every other things can wait.
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by calculator123(m): 8:40am On Feb 23, 2019
37,000 Naira is too low sef for a graduate considering all the stress that was involved in getting an education. The company should be sanctioned by the appropriate authority for this modern day slavery. It is so unfortunate that NLC don't know their duties again.


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Nobody: 8:40am On Feb 23, 2019

Just imagine poor souls will be left with 3000 naira what of transport fare people just wicked
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by givenbiznews: 8:41am On Feb 23, 2019
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by kennosklint(m): 8:41am On Feb 23, 2019
Consol limited should go out and vote

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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by enshi(m): 8:41am On Feb 23, 2019
At least they got the skills from the training...

Did you know that dollar became #185 on the eve to election..

Apparently someone milked this country for four years and decided to take it back to status-quo a day before leaving

So my brother if you need the JOB buy the required materials otherwise leave the company alone ..

This I just wrote is a more senile scam than that you claim

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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by iloputaife: 8:42am On Feb 23, 2019
Who is that bufoon shouting that Nigerians have been turned into slaves in their own country?

Is tha company not owned by a Nigerian?
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Kobicove(m): 8:42am On Feb 23, 2019
Don't be fooled when you see a Nigerian criticising corruption. undecided

If you put him in a position of authority he will look for every opportunity to steal so he can become wealthy within the shortest possible time.

Bloody bunch of hypocrites!!!


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by EmekaBlue(m): 8:42am On Feb 23, 2019
Coz nigeria is a mess...thats how my company refused to buy a scanner,i always use my phone with pdf scanner apps,sometimes i have to take aligned A4 pics up to 30pages...recently i complained my phone camera is bad...the useless chinese company told me to use my salary to get a new phone to do their scanning of documents.
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Stevengold(m): 8:42am On Feb 23, 2019
And what If I already have a headset more than 50k nko? undecided
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by faithfull18(f): 8:43am On Feb 23, 2019
There would have been nothing wrong if the salary was much since the headset will be used only by that agent and can be taken away when the agent leaves.
I don't think it's hygienic for agents to be sharing headsets.
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by SamuelAnyawu(m): 8:44am On Feb 23, 2019
[s]You see we humans don't like taking risks thats why we remain stagnant. We always blame buhari for everything but have you asked yourself why people still support him? He made some people rich and he made some people poor. The rich ones took risks while the poor ones relaxed and lamenting their woes. Do this people know what a call agent for airtel would do for their career? What is in 27k, when this 27k would help me in the future?[/s]

This is why i left my job in Abuja to move to Maaiduguri.

I'll rather take the bokoharam risk than working with most private firms owned by wicked and vicious CEOs.

Imagine forcing someone to buy an earpiece almost worth his first month salary to work for your firm.


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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Olalekank(m): 8:44am On Feb 23, 2019
37,000 Naira is too low sef for a graduate considering all the stress that was involved in getting an education. The company should be sanctioned by the appropriate authority for this modern day slavery. It is so unfortunate that NLC don't know their duties again.
Full time job or internship?
Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by jesmond3945: 8:45am On Feb 23, 2019
You see we humans don't like taking risks thats why we remain stagnant. We always blame buhari for everything but have you asked yourself why people still support him? He made some people rich and he made some people poor. The rich ones took risks while the poor ones relaxed and lamenting their woes. Do this people know what a call agent for airtel would do for their career? What is in 27k, when this 27k would help me in the future?

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Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by naijapips04: 8:45am On Feb 23, 2019
This is Nigeria.

And osibande would count them as one of the 4 Abi na 5 million employed.


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by IamAlexander: 8:46am On Feb 23, 2019
Is it not an Indian company terrible people to work for...


Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by Tospringe: 8:46am On Feb 23, 2019
Consol is a fraud!! I am a victim of one of their fraudulent practice. A friend of mine was also a victim of their airtel scandal.

Re: Consol Limited Demanding Workers to buy headset to work as customer care agents by bigwig10(m): 8:46am On Feb 23, 2019
Labour Unions in the country will not/never see this,buh let it be the fight for there pocket,u will see them,the union that wont even hav office for employed pples complains...... Ndi ara union


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