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Issue With Domain Name Transfer by ewds(m): 11:11am On Sep 28, 2010
Hello everybody, hope all is well.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought there was a way to transfer a domain name without actually renewing the hosting account associated with it? I'm aware that some registrars do charge a release fee but I'm having an issue with nairadomains. They are insisting that I MUST renew the hosting account.

They recently had an increase of about 200% and I find that ridiculous. Please I need help on how to go about this as I am not willing to continue my hosting relationship with them.

Thanks in advance,
Ese Omame.
Re: Issue With Domain Name Transfer by bug24(m): 11:50am On Sep 28, 2010
There's no need renewing the hosting associated with the domain. I think they are only tryina rip you off. U know hosting coys.,, they wont wanna let go without a fight.

Just tell em to release the domain and send you the EPP key. You only need to be sure the domain name in question is not expired.
Re: Issue With Domain Name Transfer by ewds(m): 12:31pm On Sep 28, 2010
Ok, problem is the domain name is expired.

But the issue is that they scrapped the plan I subscribed to and introduced another plan that's about times five the amount of the original plan. I can understand that they may want to charge me for late renewal and all but I'm being asked to pay 18,900 as opposed to the regular 4,725 I used to pay for the previous package. Please is there no other way to work around this?
Re: Issue With Domain Name Transfer by DualCore1: 2:07pm On Sep 28, 2010
You have no case if your contract with them has been terminated i.e subscription expired. if your domain will be released to you its out of courtesy not obligation. Check there Term of Service or Service Level Agreement for their terms if any, on account termination and domain transfer. Also note that a domain cannot be transferred to another registrar if its expiring in less than 14 days. If your sibsctiption has expired you cannot lay any Intellectual property claim on that domain. in the future do not waiy for your domain anywhere to expire before initiating a transfer.
Re: Issue With Domain Name Transfer by Nobody: 2:21pm On Sep 28, 2010
If you domain has expired you have no case and since you are having issue with them all you need to do is to wait so that domain can be deleted from their database so that you can registered
Re: Issue With Domain Name Transfer by ewds(m): 2:33pm On Sep 28, 2010
Ok, thanks. I guess it's a lesson I learned the hard way. Thanks for all your contributions.
Re: Issue With Domain Name Transfer by bug24(m): 3:14pm On Sep 28, 2010
Dont i love this webmasters section

Now, if i were the hosting coy, I'd use my money to renew the domain and keep it for myself to punish u. lol,
i'm just giving u an insight ni o.

and, do understand that you will have to wait 3months before the domain can be deleted and available again for re-registration. that is if ur lucky and this domain bot guyz dont get to it first.

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