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How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. - Politics - Nairaland

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How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by Billy0naire(m): 11:33am On May 31, 2019
How to Make A Country become World Power in 100 Years.

When I was born, the black and white TV was a luxury, and broadcasting was limited to evening, because TV was just a communication channel where news can be heard, following by some drama series. Then came the colored TV and the 247 broadcasts, makes us look older, but I still feel younger than most of you.

The telephone card was a luxury, you had to buy the card and dial your relative or friend that had a box phone, and having your own box phone, that you had to roll the numbers level as just a greater luxury for the higher class. Yet today, that fuccking telephone cannot be accepted by our kids as a gift, not for anything. Hahahahahaha. See how far we have come.

Internet showed up when mobile phones became popular, the birth of smart phone changed everything, now we have facebook, LinkedIn and eCommerce sites where people can sell just about anything without leaving their homes.....

Something came up, have to stop here.... But Educational System and Syllabus must be revamped, updated and sync'ed to the latest trenads connected in such a way that every human bing in the country and all the students move in the direction of the vision and export to the world massively.

That is why you are online. People made it happen, and they all took your money and become world power for it.

I have to stop here...too busy

What a wonderful world. We should be proud of ourselves for coming this far, but the question is, what is your contribution as a NATION to the advancement in Science and Technology?

How to Make a Country become World Power in 100 Yrs is not a book anyone can not write, but it is a thought for all Nigerians to be exposed to, cos we think we must always find money to buy 'Electronics' and other machinery. Now our country can not even have HUMANS that can build something as simple as a Car Engine from scratch.

To become a World Power, you must Spend ample time, and collect data on latest advancement in Sciences, in Technologies, in Information Technology, all levels of sciences, you want update collection of information and knowledge of All Sciences, and Technology. Because the Key to the Advancement, from Black and White TV, to Smartphones came from Countries who manufacture technologies and depend on Science for their SUCCESS. Natural Resources is not the richest wealth, nature would have been unfair to calibrate humans so unfavorably, so I am going to shock you by saying that the greatest Resource is the Human Brain.

When a country sets up Institute dedicated and commited to gathering Data of Latest Advancement in Sciences and Technologies, that is the first stage.

Second Stage, you must set up units to purchase, analyze, reverse engineer and innovate as well as optimize on existing products. Nations are not supposed to be run on natural resources and taxes, but if a Government's major focus is advancing Technologies by owning a major stake in Scienes/Technology sector, dedicating all resources and focus into human brains, then a Human Being has unlimited capacity to upgrade every status quo across Time and Space?

The Chinese knew this and the Communist Party, having gotten this secret knew the way to go, all the billionaires in China and I mean all, if not all, then few exceptions exist here, they are members of the Communist party, they plan decades ahead and agree, then each of these billions design tehir systems and processes to meet up the Political Goal which to be the best on Technology and scale it with a global market in mind. No democracy can do that, because politicians from Democracies are almost always stupid. With the emphasis on 'always' but not stupid.

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Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by MONIKERREVEALER: 4:35pm On May 31, 2019
I have been observing your posts

you will be employed in the research and production department of biafra

you have the stuff most needed

zoogeria is not interested in what you have to do and offer

that's if you are interested...

How to Make A Country become World Power in 100 Years.

When I was born, the black and white TV was a luxury, and broadcasting was limited to evening, because TV was just a communication channel where news can be heard, following by some drama series. Then came the colored TV and the 247 broadcasts, makes us look older, but I still feel younger than most of you.

The telephone card was a luxury, you had to buy the card and dial your relative or friend that had a box phone, and having your own box phone, that you had to roll the numbers level as just a greater luxury for the higher class. Yet today, that fuccking telephone cannot be accepted by our kids as a gift, not for anything. Hahahahahaha. See how far we have come.

Internet showed up when mobile phones became popular, the birth of smart phone changed everything, now we have facebook, LinkedIn and eCommerce sites where people can sell just about anything without leaving their homes.....

Something came up, have to stop here.... But Educational System and Syllabus must be revamped, updated and sync'ed to the latest trenads connected in such a way that every human bing in the country and all the students move in the direction of the vision and export to the world massively.

That is why you are online. People made it happen, and they all took your money and become world power for it.

I have to stop here...too busy

What a wonderful world. We should be proud of ourselves for coming this far, but the question is, what is your contribution as a NATION to the advancement in Science and Technology?

How to Make a Country become World Power in 100 Yrs is not a book anyone can not write, but it is a thought for all Nigerians to be exposed to, cos we think we must always find money to buy 'Electronics' and other machinery. Now our country can not even have HUMANS that can build something as simple as a Car Engine from scratch.

To become a World Power, you must Spend ample time, and collect data on latest advancement in Sciences, in Technologies, in Information Technology, all levels of sciences, you want update collection of information and knowledge of All Sciences, and Technology. Because the Key to the Advancement, from Black and White TV, to Smartphones came from Countries who manufacture technologies and depend on Science for their SUCCESS. Natural Resources is not the richest wealth, nature would have been unfair to calibrate humans so unfavorably, so I am going to shock you by saying that the greatest Resource is the Human Brain.

When a country sets up Institute dedicated and commited to gathering Data of Latest Advancement in Sciences and Technologies, that is the first stage.

Second Stage, you must set up units to purchase, analyze, reverse engineer and innovate as well as optimize on existing products. Nations are not supposed to be run on natural resources and taxes, but if a Government's major focus is advancing Technologies by owning a major stake in Scienes/Technology sector, dedicating all resources and focus into human brains, then a Human Being has unlimited capacity to upgrade every status quo across Time and Space?

The Chinese knew this and the Communist Party, having gotten this secret knew the way to go, all the billionaires in China and I mean all, if not all, then few exceptions exist here, they are members of the Communist party, they plan decades ahead and agree, then each of these billions design tehir systems and processes to meet up the Political Goal which to be the best on Technology and scale it with a global market in mind. No democracy can do that, because politicians from Democracies are almost always stupid. With the emphasis on 'always' but not stupid.


Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by Billy0naire(m): 4:57pm On May 31, 2019
Nothing is wrong with my Nigeria. But if something is wrong with your experience of Life in a corner of Nigeria, then do not generalize it.

Not everyone is suffering, so I have no idea why all these noise on the internet.


Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by xfactordv: 6:18pm On May 31, 2019
sir, you mean to become like the 1% is to invest in the human brain of the people in advanced tec development??
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by helinues: 6:22pm On May 31, 2019
Nigeria is planning to start by 2065
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by Billy0naire(m): 9:20pm On May 31, 2019
sir, you mean to become like the 1% is to invest in the human brain of the people in advanced tec development??

That is the only way that any known civilization got to the top. You must activate your amygdala, and sync your entire brain hemispheres to connect directly to Deep Cosmic mind and receive downloads of knowledge to advance your technologies. And one can not naturally get to that brain activation without studying nearly all the Sciene courses including programming. Seems every neuron in the brain fires when specific subjects are studied. When you have connected to almost all levels of understanding, the brain automatically sync and your body is restarted with total upgrades to receive direct information without even need to read much to understand.

Whoever controls technology control the world, otherwise, you are just some slave of other nations and they take your money and can destroy you using their techies.

There is no other way, not even all the oil can help you, cos you can't depend on another country for your military might.

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Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by Warship: 9:45pm On May 31, 2019
Nothing is wrong with my Nigeria. But if something is wrong with your experience of Life in a corner of Nigeria, then do not generalize it.

Not everyone is suffering, so I have no idea why all these noise on the internet.

If nothing is wrong with Nigeria, you won't be typing all the things you typed above.

MONIKERREVEALER, he might be smart but not smart enough to work in Biafra's R & D facilities.

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Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by Billy0naire(m): 10:05pm On May 31, 2019
Threads opened by me are for a specific audience. Not everyone is welcomed. My crew and I, are not interested in your insults. Whoever has doubts can always use google to fact-check information and make his own informed decision based on available scientific data on the sciences of consciousness and other related issues.

We are not Christians,not Muslims and not even religious, but searching for answers through Art, Science and Technology, so we can not assure you that your attacks will not be reciprocated like a Luciferian or Jehovah, or Allah, who all have their own evil sides as shown by writing of the holy books. We simply do not care who is good or bad. Truth does not take sides. Truth is neutral, and neutrality is the core attribute of Divinity.

Good and Bad are two sides of the same Coin. One Coin!

So we are one regardless but does not mean I won't punch you. If you mess around here grin

Just joking.... grin


Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by EngrKem: 10:05pm On May 31, 2019
Good one
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by xfactordv: 1:49am On Jun 01, 2019
how can someone who is still learning how to meditate(lowest level) get to that level of consciousness.just a newbie
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by xfactordv: 11:54am On Jun 01, 2019
[quote author=Billy0naire post=78905463]forgive me &my questions bt how do i get frm meditation level to that level.
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by Billy0naire(m): 12:33pm On Jun 01, 2019
how can someone who is still learning how to meditate(lowest level) get to that level of consciousness.just a newbie

You are not a newbie.

Meditation has been talked about all the time but most people do not even know the core objective of meditation, when you know what meditation is, you will design systems and processes to encourage meditation as the most important thing you can even build into your checklist of daily exercises. Do not beat yourself to it, anyone who has incorporated meditation to their daily activities will stand out among the crowd. That singular action shapes life and guides the other routine.

In meditation, we seek to deprive all sensory inputs from the five known sense organs. You want to make sure you do not see, you want to make sure you do not hear any sound, also not feel, smell or taste anything. Which means the location block out all forms of light, so that when you close your eyes you are in pitch darkness.

You want to ensure that your location is sound proof, and all little noises absent. You wanna make sure you are not tasting anything or chewing, not smelling anything and not feeling anything means you will advance from recycling seats or beds and close your organs and focus on your heart beat. Many people focus on breathing, but if you can achieve focusing on heart it, you will know when the hear slows down, when your breathing ceases, do not be shocked. it will restart.

You will want to 'watch your thoughts' pixels of thoughts floating around and use your mental power to wipe the out of the way to stay blank, more thoughts will come, keep deleting them with your mind. Ofcourse you know how to delete, you will know.

Then you will feel your body feel like sinking, one second feeling off sinking down, keep staying focus on it, and at a certain point sleep paralysis seems to approach, then bi-location, when your physical body is out of alignment with the real energy being that you are.

At that point, anything is possible and achievable if you know how to create and design concepts with your mind and submit to the quantum field. That is where you create all these technologies, that is where the inspiration begins to show up on how you can design wealth programs and succeed in life.

Use is wisely for healing your body and creating material wealth.

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Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by xfactordv: 2:13pm On Jun 01, 2019
[quote author=Billy0naire post=78920191]Thanks a lot sir,will put your words to practice

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Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by jumper524(m): 8:56pm On Jul 03, 2019

You are not a newbie.

Meditation has been talked about all the time but most people do not even know the core objective of meditation, when you know what meditation is, you will design systems and processes to encourage meditation as the most important thing you can even build into your checklist of daily exercises. Do not beat yourself to it, anyone who has incorporated meditation to their daily activities will stand out among the crowd. That singular action shapes life and guides the other routine.

In meditation, we seek to deprive all sensory inputs from the five known sense organs. You want to make sure you do not see, you want to make sure you do not hear any sound, also not feel, smell or taste anything. Which means the location block out all forms of light, so that when you close your eyes you are in pitch darkness.

You want to ensure that your location is sound proof, and all little noises absent. You wanna make sure you are not tasting anything or chewing, not smelling anything and not feeling anything means you will advance from recycling seats or beds and close your organs and focus on your heart beat. Many people focus on breathing, but if you can achieve focusing on heart it, you will know when the hear slows down, when your breathing ceases, do not be shocked. it will restart.

You will want to 'watch your thoughts' pixels of thoughts floating around and use your mental power to wipe the out of the way to stay blank, more thoughts will come, keep deleting them with your mind. Ofcourse you know how to delete, you will know.

Then you will feel your body feel like sinking, one second feeling off sinking down, keep staying focus on it, and at a certain point sleep paralysis seems to approach, then bi-location, when your physical body is out of alignment with the real energy being that you are.

At that point, anything is possible and achievable if you know how to create and design concepts with your mind and submit to the quantum field. That is where you create all these technologies, that is where the inspiration begins to show up on how you can design wealth programs and succeed in life.

Use is wisely for healing your body and creating material wealth.

sleeping paralysis is one thing I fear the most about maditating.
Bro it's always a very difficult circumstance to handle.
I could remember a post from billiyonaire talking about opening the third eye.
Bro there was a day I tried this and man it was really weird.
getting up from my sleep was very difficult as it seems I was trapped else where.
since then trying it was a no no to me.
dunno if there's a way to handle such situation incase it happens again..
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by chaw: 9:12pm On Jul 03, 2019

That is the only way that any known civilization got to the top. You must activate your amygdala, and sync your entire brain hemispheres to connect directly to Deep Cosmic mind and receive downloads of knowledge to advance your technologies. And one can not naturally get to that brain activation without studying nearly all the Sciene courses including programming. Seems every neuron in the brain fires when specific subjects are studied. When you have connected to almost all levels of understanding, the brain automatically sync and your body is restarted with total upgrades to receive direct information without even need to read much to understand.

Whoever controls technology control the world, otherwise, you are just some slave of other nations and they take your money and can destroy you using their techies.

There is no other way, not even all the oil can help you, cos you can't depend on another country for your military might.

Billy0naire you are truly bright and deep and not fit for this kind of country... Hope you do watch Ancient Aliens on history channel
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by lastmessenger: 9:32pm On Jul 03, 2019
Threads opened by me are for a specific audience. Not everyone is welcomed. My crew and I, are not interested in your insults. Whoever has doubts can always use google to fact-check information and make his own informed decision based on available scientific data on the sciences of consciousness and other related issues.

We are not Christians,not Muslims and not even religious, but searching for answers through Art, Science and Technology, so we can not assure you that your attacks will not be reciprocated like a Luciferian or Jehovah, or Allah, who all have their own evil sides as shown by writing of the holy books. We simply do not care who is good or bad. Truth does not take sides. Truth is neutral, and neutrality is the core attribute of Divinity.

Good and Bad are two sides of the same Coin. One Coin!

So we are one regardless but does not mean I won't punch you. If you mess around here grin

Just joking.... grin
you write very good stuff trying to motivate people to do stuff beyond their imagination.
I really want to know what you are into. What tech stuff are you working on ? I will really love to get to meet you one on one someday
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by Nobody: 4:59pm On Aug 04, 2019
you write very good stuff trying to motivate people to do stuff beyond their imagination.
I really want to know what you are into. What tech stuff are you working on ? I will really love to get to meet you one on one someday
check him ,under his new moniker "vrdroid".............
Re: How To Make A Country Become World Power In 100 Years. by tck2000(m): 11:28am On Dec 02, 2019

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