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Getting The Media's Attention Might Be The Only Book Marketing You Need! by sosa993: 1:01pm On Jun 06, 2019
What is Haro?

I asked people on Monday if they have ever heard of Haro. I decided to share something about it today. I love sharing my resource blog with everyone.

It would be great if the media was actually interested in your book or expertise? How would you feel if the media welcomed your email or phone call?

It can happen if you tap into this great service. It is called HARO, which stands for Help A Reporter Out and it’s FREE.

As a Zuma publishing's publicist, I started my research on effective ways to reach the media, and this is one of the best.

Here’s how it works. A reporter, freelance writer, or television producer is assigned a story or they have an idea for a story.

Unless they know someone who is an expert on that topic, they’ll need to find someone to interview. So the reporter will place a query on HARO an expert with certain qualifications and who could speak to a certain issue they are writing about. They’ll include a deadline, contact information, and their media outlet.

Do example, they might ask questions about novels and if you do things right, you can query them and get the media on yourself and book.

These queries are compiled by the services and are emailed out to thousands of publicists, experts, authors, and other subscribers multiple times a day. I, personally, read just about every set of queries, as they could contain a big media opportunity for my book. I have decided once my cover is out, I'll send out queries. Even Bustle books send out emails! Imagine getting bustle books to notice your book! Awesome right?

On any given day, there could be queries from the NY Times, Good Morning America, Women’s World Magazine, NPR, and just about anybody you could think of, including the local media outlets.

Authors are perfect for HARO because of their built-in credibility, because since they wrote about the subject matter covered in their book.

Here are key tips to remember when responding:

Observe the deadline. Get your response in well ahead of time.

Answer the question or query directly. Keep your email short and to the point.

Google the reporter or the publication if you are not aware of them. Get every edge you can, as you’ll be competing against numerous writers.

When replying to HARO ‘HARO Query’ in the subject line so it’ll stand out from the hundreds of emails they get every day.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up for HARO at https://www.helpareporter.com/

Oh, stay tuned for another day of 'resource blog'.

Also, don't forget to send out queries to literary magazines!


Fib and the Axe of fury cover will be revealed soon guys. Stick around.
Re: Getting The Media's Attention Might Be The Only Book Marketing You Need! by Divepen1(m): 1:57am On Jun 07, 2019
Haro makes sense. My issue is surfing through their list per day has made me send their messages to Spam corner. But seeing this now, I'll check them out again.

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Re: Getting The Media's Attention Might Be The Only Book Marketing You Need! by sosa993: 5:28pm On Jun 14, 2019
Haro makes sense. My issue is surfing through their list per day has made me send their messages to Spam corner. But seeing this now, I'll check them out again.

Haro is really nice. I don't care care about the amount of messages. It'll help as a writer.

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