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Yahjekwu Greg Ezeofor - The Path To Great Relationships by Gaklime(m): 11:57am On Jul 26, 2019
The world is in a chaos because we don’t know how to relate to each other. Everyone has an atom of
self-seeking when it comes to dealing with others because we all want what will always benefit us in all
aspects and if that particular or those benefit/s ceased to come again, , we will start having discomfort
in that relationship; even in our relationship with our creator. That’s why we have a high rate of divorce
in marriages and so many still remain in various unhappy marriage because they think they have no
option. And they are a lot of crimes and immorality because our children are not being brought up in a
travail environment ; even the religion that suppose to be a peaceful place are also in crisis, fighting
against each other.
Due to the crisis in various relationships nowadays, many are afraid to go into relationships; many have
turned their various relationships as a place to satisfy their needs and desires. Many are afraid to love
and be loyal because others have taken their loyalty and love for granted. So relationships are not a
place you would like to find yourself but we can’t avoid it because we are social animals. How then can
we overcome all the hurdles in relationships?
THE PATH TO GREAT RELATIONSHIPS is here to help you tackle those problems you are facing in your
various relationships and also help you to have a better understanding about relationships. This book in
your is here to enlighten you on the cause of the crisis we are having in our various relationships and
how to tackle the issues.

About the author

YahJekwu Greg Ezeofor is a great writer and speaker, who has authored three great books. He writes his book to reach out to general public, especially variety of people hungry for positive change and willing to take action to make it happen that is to say men and women who want better relationships, stronger confidence, positive habits, more mindfulness and improved emotional intelligence. He authors in-depth guides that teaches how to live a meaningful life in this world and also how to have a successful personal relationships.

What makes his books different is his ability to explain complex concepts (ideas) and perplexing questions in a simple, accessible way you can implement right away. Too many books give you great ideas but don’t show you how to apply them. So instead of reading over-hyped strategies that rarely work in the real life, you will get information that can be immediately implemented in his books.

Getting more from life doesn’t mean following the latest motivational programs or reading the latest books. True success happens when you take action on a daily basis. In other words, it’s your habits and beliefs that help you achieve your goals in life. Improving your life requires more than inspirational words and motivating concepts.

His passion is to help people in all aspects of life to reach their goals in this world and in the world to come. He wants to know more and that makes him to enjoys reading, excising, exploring life and different parts of the world and learning from different categories of people.

Get a copy of his book by either calling or whatsapping this number :+2348109875858
www.yahjekwu.com for information

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